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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Bitter blade bit pale skin

To bring the pain out from within

A desperate cry that none may hear

Cuts through the air to disappear

A plea for help that none may see

Now stains the skin in front of me

Thoughts are blades through troubled minds

Tearing skin to feel alive

A violent kiss for one alone

How my life has changed its tone

Frustration and a helpless tension

Slung me to a new dimension

Weary eyes watched desperate hands

Wage a war on foreign lands.

Posted (edited)

Cut myself today

I’m alive because it hurt

I’m slowly losing all my senses

I had to feel alert


I just had to feel alive

I had to feel the pain

But the thing that hurts the most is

I know I’ll bleed again


I’ll never tell my friends

Because then they’ll know too much

There’s no one I’m that close to

No one I can trust


I have no solution

I know no cure

As blood distracts my helpless mind

I know I’ve been here before


It helps for a while

It helps for a day

Pain replaces all my feelings

Lets them fade away


Tomorrow brings the scars

Tomorrow brings the healing

The emptiness creeps in again

Until that’s all I’m feeling

Edited by Solivagus

Truth and lies together

Forming endless passageways

Paradigms dimly light

Life’s impossible tangled maze

To and fro I wander lost

And yet I ponder thus

What shall we do when all men fall

To the poisons of their lusts

When shifting sands of our desires

Dim the lights of grace

Will we then see the damages

That time cannot erase

When neither winds or rains

Nor blazing flames

Are wont to purge

The filthy stains

Of hopelessness and misery

That we ourselves have wrought

The failures and the pains

That upon our children

we have brought.


In honour of my parents...


I Hate


I hate the way you look at me

And the way you act as if you care

I hate the concerned look you have in your eyes

And I hate the kindness you try to share

I wish I could pound you into the ground

Get rid of you for good

I never want to see your face again

If I could make you disappear I would.

I hate how you try to open me up

Like there’s something inside I should tell

I hate how you try to get to know me

As far as I’m concerned, go to hell

I hate how you know every secret

You can tell every time I lie

I hate you for sensing what I hold inside

I hate you for stopping me from suicide.

I hate you for catching me when I fell

I’m pushing you away, there’s too much to hide

But before I go back to hating you

Please hold me one last time.


Lost and Found



Searching for answers in a world without questions;

Lost in myself. Lost with myself.

Hunting for help where help is not offered;

Looking for hope in all that is lost.

Seeking belonging in a world with no one, nobody, nothing.


My existence, life, and one true passion

Lost when the one thing that held it was stripped,

Taken, stolen, lost.

I’ve lost everything, and left with nothing.

But sometimes my nothing is better than everything.


Caught up in life, heading nowhere.

Lost in the rush, the nervousness of being.

Why and I here? Where do I belong?

Not here. Not now. But there. Then.

Then, when all lost is hope, and nothing is everything.

No longer lost, looking for an answer to fill that void.

But found, done looking, done searching and hunting for ‘it’.

Done wasting my life on beautiful nothings.



Death is Near


Im in a world of shadows

Demons are my only friends

I tremble in fear, knowing they are near

Yet I long for their touch, their deadly embrace


I cannot move, I cannot escape

They are behind me, in front of me, everywhere

I cannot see them, but I know they are there

Waiting, silent, patient


I hear them inch closer, step by step

Their sharp talons tapping the floor

I feel their breath on my body

A hot breeze that makes my blood go cold


I want to run, I want to hide

I can only stand there, my arms open wide

"Come to me my friends" I hear myself say

While inside I scream, stop, stay away


I do not fear death, I welcome its embrace

As I cry in fear and pain, my voice forever silent

My demon friends take me into a world unknown

Claws ripping, teeth biting, death is finally here.




Bleeding I die for no one, not even myself.

I waited for the sun to come, it took too long.

Bleeding I die alone, alone I lived, alone I died.

All alone I couldn't stay strong, all along I cried.

Pull my posters off the wall, all alone, I'm not going to need them anymore.

Touching my treasured ring, the memories, alone.

My life what a waste, a hole, someone else other than me deserved this soul.

All alone fighting to find one reason to stay here.

Fighting this oncoming fear of going insane.

Feeling the acid rain burning my skin.

All alone my will to live growing dim, tears fill to the brim.

All alone I bleed, and I bleed for no one.

I know no one will come, I die alone, alone forever more.

I try to die, but I don't have anyone to die for.


Death to us all


Death to us all, laughing while the angels fall,

I see their wings consumed by flames, fore evil has a name,

I wade through the ashes of love, all the while raining tears of blood,

Washed in sin, let darkness begin,


Can you hear the rattling of bones, I enjoy being alone,

Hate flows through my veins, my soul has been stained,

The smile on my face is from this horrid place,

Another life has failed, the air here is stale,


In the eyes of the beholder, I am death's soldier,

My soul already gone, and you dare ask me what's wrong,

Well look into your heart, has it been torn apart,

Fore mine has been taken, now I'm left forsaken,


Acid tears burn my face, scars of pain left to replace,

Look into my eyes, watch as my soul dies,

I'm beyond the point of no return, smiling as the world burns,

The gift of death I look to achieve, but the prize always eludes me,


I feast on the souls of the damned, grant me the power to destroy this land,

The center of darkness, a human shell that's heartless,

Bodies at rest, accepting her cold caress,

I'm bringing Armageddon to the door steps of heaven.


Lucidity only lasts

just a few short days.

Reality sets in his soul

passion splits in many ways.

Brevity lost out with

last century's parlor call.

Stability of spirit

gone with the leaves of fall.

Piety not a quality

that attraction exists.

Rarity of attendance

laspses in a tryst.

Caution rises quickly

a red flag in the heart.

Exhaustion waves it's banner

excitement's brand new start.

Auction off your soul

takers all beware.

Motion in delay

let the day please be fair.

Emotion ruins lives

matters pushed aside.

Friction for the few

destiny abides.


Darkness descends upon a weakened mind,

Horror filled thoughts race to and fro,

Saliva drools in rivers of slime down the chin,

Coating the floor in a slick slippery sickness,


Moving around in muddled daze,

Haunted memories confused and endless,

Relationships have come and gone,

I had friends once but now nothing,

Only emptiness so hollow and stark,

Gaunt sallow skin hangs in folds,

Where I was once a proud man,

I am now broken and diseased,


Where once love ruled my very actions,

Only aggressive hate thrives there now,

Now I only talk to my own shadows,

And listen to evil whispers where there are none,

I am so covered in self-inflicted scars,

Where I have tried to carve away the infectious thoughts,

Yet they are still there and nothing seems to help,


I still feel it slithering around within,

Clawing about under my skin,

I feel my inner self-trying to escape,

Trying to rip free of this putrid existence,

Where life is my enemy and death is my only friend,

Gasping for air my mind is falling apart,

Nothing but a lecherous void left,

Sucking down all sanity down into a cavernous pit,


Screaming brings no relief,

Clawing at my face trying to peel away my fear,

Great red rivers gush and spray,

As I rip away at a once beautiful face,

Walls are coated in my vile fluids,

My world is crumbling around me,

As darkness descends leaving behind all I held dear,

Sucking upon my wounded soul,

Drinking me dry and leaving a withered husk,

Until even that is just ashes and dust,

Where I was once here I am now just a distant memory.



Middle of a lake...

Half frozen from winter...

I'm swimming into nothingness..

I'm cold, so cold..

I think I'm going to drown..

Send me a lifeline...

Save me, save me...

I'm going down...

Water fills me...

Choking my every breath...

Leaving my lungs in total distress..

30 seconds till I die..

What have I accomplished?

What have I done?

God, I'm gonna cry..

Don't make me suffer

The tears I cry just disappear

And mingle with the murky water

Turning to icicles when they touch

My face turns to stone...

I am all alone in death

As I was in life


Not a breath of life in me

There's no point anymore

You can't save me...

Too late...

I've drowned


Cor, wonder how many pages I can make this last for...




Don't waste your time on wishing upon those lifeless stars.

There's no one there to hear you ,

Or help to heal the scars.

There won't be any message in a dream to ease your pain,

Don't waste your time on wishing,

There's nothing you will gain.


Don't waste your time on wishing upon the wishing well.

There's no one deep inside it ,

To free you from your cell.

It won't supply the answers to a life lived in despair.

Don't waste your time on wishes,

They disappear into thin air


Don't waste your time believing it will all turn out all right,

There won't be any miracles to lighten up your night ,

Don't waste time wishing foolishly for what can never be....



Don't waste your time on wishing,

'Cause it never worked for me.


There is a solitude

that only few can find

it is a place

they live in

inside their mind


The loss of life

the will to live

gives them a place to hide

it is a burning up

of everything inside


Images of self worth

run like water

down the drain

It is taken there

by despair and pain


No human voice

no special friend

this passage can stop

hope just ends


There are few answers

but one is true

the most cruel person

is you to you


Cor, wonder how many pages I can make this last for...

Many more I expect.


Your ability to write such good poetry never fails to amaze me. As a result I may be forced to hug you! *pounces on Solivagus and hugs him to death* :woot:

Posted (edited)

I climb out of the bed, ready for another day in hell,

Immediately a headache consumes my head,

Pushing on my brain, making me go insane.

Slowly walking towards the bathroom,

Searching for a hidden devil,

In every corner of the room, waiting, waiting,

For something to jump out and take me down.

As I reach the bathroom door, and slowly push it open,

I see around the corner, what I believe to be Satan.

Now my minds going wild, and I can’t get anything straight,

And as the cat leaps up at me, I feel as though I’m about to die.

For a second everything settles, and I reach down to stroke the cat,

Then I glance up, and see my reflection in the mirror.

Suddenly everything goes blurry and my mind starts to tumble,

Trying to find a way out of this mess, I push open the cupboard door.

I reach in and grab the first bottle I touch, and then hold it to my face,

Letters fly through the air, but I can see clearly enough to read the word Aropax.

I pull off the lid and empty the contents into my hands,

Then shove them down my throat and try to swallow them whole.

Slowly my world returns to normal and out of the corner of my eye I see a bottle,

So I take a hold and read the words, and suddenly I know how to end my suffering.

I can see my cat looking at me, trying to make me feel guilty,

Guilty for abandoning him.

I take him in my arms and pet his soft fur,

Then I walk downstairs and give him his last feed from me.

Taking the pills one more time, not leaving one to spare,

A dry throat, suddenly thirsty, I take a shot of vodka,

Hoping for it to wash down the pills.

My whole world turns blurry and I can’t see anymore,

So down I fall, down to the floor.

I lie there for a while and start to cry,

Can’t believe what I just done, can’t believe I could take my life.

Darkness slowly envelops me and I find it hard to see,

No words can come from my mouth, I realize as I silently scream.

I hear a door open, but its too late now,

I hear someone scream but the end has come to me now.

I can feel a soft touch upon my arm,

I’m sorry I try to say, sorry for giving in.

Please forgive me for making your life hell,

I didn’t mean to turn into what you had always resented.

I’m sorry for not being here for you when you needed me the most,

I just can’t go on anymore, please understand.

Edited by Solivagus

Try to kill myself? Now why would I want to do that Halo? :rolleyes:


Failed attempt


Desperation and fear guide me

Darkness and death call me

I search for a way to end it all

A gun, no, too messy

A knife, no, too painful

Pills, worth a try


Frustration mounts as I cant find any

Look in the kitchen

Search the bathroom

Even look under the bed

At last I find what I need

But will it be enough


Carefully I count the pills

Knowing in this I will fail

Its only Tylenol after all

Have to know how many I took

So I can know how many to try

When I wake up from this nightmare


Its too long swallowing one by one

Just throw them all in my mouth

Nothing better to chase it down

Than a bottle of vodka

The burning doesn’t last

My throat goes numb


It doesn’t take long

For my stomach to resist

I cant keep them down

The pain is almost too much

The way my stomach feels

I might as well have swallowed gasoline


I knew death wouldn’t come easily

I wonder how many tries it will take

How many pills will I have to swallow

Or should I just take the easy way

The one way I know to end it all

With the gun barrel in my mouth?


Never to be found


Hidden in a forest so far away,

Where the air is dense and darkness holds sway,

Where I walk slowly lost and unsure,

Following a path with a hidden lure,

Of a lost love and a chance to be free,

A chance to get rid of the evil within me,


Between ancient trees so tall and very old,

Where the ground is covered in a carpet of mold,

Walking upon a packed and stony trail,

With each step gases are released smelling so stale,

Of old sweat and dried blood and forgotten tears,

I wonder if I am going the right way or am just I inducing more fears,


I am tall of body and slim of frame,

Dark eyed with a mind only just sane,

I have a black aura surrounding me,

Something that wriggles and writhes struggling to be free,

I know it to be evil twisted corrupted and impure,

I am fighting it with my all but my struggles are getting fewer and fewer,


In the distance a break in the trees where there is a light,

Finally is this where I can put an end to this fight?

But no just another turn a different path,

Within me my inner demons cackle and laugh,

Stepping out and beyond blinking my eyes so they can adjust,

I see a deep dark sinister cave covered in brown like rust,

Moans in agony scream forth from its gaping maw,

Slime drips from monstrous stalagmites into pools of gore,


Knowing that I must step forth into this frightening place,

With hesitant steps I move forward as my heart starts to race,

My ears are hammered with unearthly sounds,

Coming from past souls trying to drag free of sucking mounds,

Knowing this might be the end where the living has no right,

I fight to keep from gagging as my eyes take in the putrid sight,


How can a sickly place like this exist?

Full of disease spewing forth from an evil mist,

As I start to sink deeper into this muck,

And my mind starts to fall apart I find I am now stuck,

With no way forward and no way back,

My mind starts to lose its grip and my will goes slack,

Now I know this is where I will be forever bound,

Then so do I die never to be free never to be found.


Pains of the Past


The pains of the past

How they loom in my soul

They have different names

Each story untold

They drift and they drag

Filling their bags

Each happy feeling marked with a tag

They stuff them all in

Squeeze if they must

All my good feelings

Disappearing at once

And then deep inside they pull and they pry

Then release their hatred all through my inside

It floats through my veins

Out my mouth it seeps

Words of bitterness is all that I speak

I have no strength left to endure

My heart has grown so very sore


The Vampire Within


Eyes bitter twisted and

Pure evil reign

Slowly feeding of your skin

As each drop of blood is drained.

Fallen blood touches your skin

Turns your eyes a shade of green,

Twisted hatred in your skin as it rips

Through your heart,

Like needles through your energy

As it rips you apart.

Slowly fading away into the dark,

No receding light,

Just memories of your past

As you seep into the night

as the sun falls down

It burns your pure sin

As the vampire inside of you

Gets inside your skin.


The stars glare unblinking

Cold as the ice

The moon is of no help

The jester of blight

They fall through the cell

And bring with them fatigue

They entice their victims

And make them believe


With night come the horrors

And the dreams sank in,


Prolonged are life’s tortures

As the time draws on the



Judged by the world, who knows of him—none

Expelled by his peers, for he is but one

Unknowing of crime, and oblivious to his infraction

The purest of souls takes the greatest of actions


With day ensues anguish

Inseparable, uncouth

The scorn of the brazen eyes

Those fearers of truth


Resigned to his sentence, the convict walks on

His trial unjust, his torture too long

Accused of a crime

He’s never commit

His fate was decided

By a battle of wits.


Unending the hardships

Interminable pain

How is one to survive

And keep his soul,



This isn't to be taken personally


I hate you all,

I hate this day,

hours where,

I waste away,

listening to you,

you savage beasts,

as you greedily talk,

over a feast,

priding each other,

on all your success,

looking down on me,

as if I’m so much less,

glaring at me,

as if I were dirt,

you might think I’m nothing,

but I’m not hurt,

think what you want,

I do not care,

tempt me, try me,

ridicule me, glare,

no wonder you hate me,

you know I’ll be the one to make it,

with you judging the world,

your always going to have to fake it,

so climb back up on your throne,

made of lies and low self esteem,

and I’ll keep on building mine,

from real success, real dreams.

Posted (edited)

You'd think I'd be tired of writing about suicide by now wouldn't you? :hmm:


Each night I drift to fitful sleep

My dreams are strained my frown is deep

Every morning I wake early

Cold, sweating, alive but barely

With tangled sheets enclosing me

Each day I fight to struggle free

I feel trapped, surrounded, broken

All my friends just watch me choking

I hate them, I hate myself

I just can’t cope, this life is hell

The more they know, the less I share

For all the signs that others bare,

I myself have clearly shown

And now I feel more alone

Everything I see turns grey

Everyone just turns away

Outside I’m silent and appear calm

Inside I hear a deafening alarm

It echoes all round my brain

And my ears go numb from the pain

So here’s the end to my façade

As my world falls apart

Finally, i know it will end

And I hold up a gun to my head

Edited by Solivagus

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