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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Wyvern swiftly strides into the Cabaret Room, carrying the Decanter of Endless Booze in one hand and a fancy sealed scroll in the other. Turning towards the bustling crowds of Pen members that had packed the hall for the occasion, the overgrown lizard clears his throat of a few ashes and opens the scroll's seal with one of his beer-stained claws, reading:


"Hear yee, hear yee honorable members of the Pen... it is time to make an important announcement that many of you have been patiently waiting for. So, without further ado, here are some updates on the Pen's Independence Day celebration arrangements:


#1) No barbequed chicken will be served on the 4h of July... we greatly apologize for the inconvenience. The blame is largely mine for going for broke in that "poultry conspiracy" incident...


#2) Since the option of cannabilizing Melba was turned down by the rest of the Eldership, we're eating barbequed carrots instead, courteousy of the honorable Mr. Bunny.


#3) Since most of our fireworks were used in that "Zool-o-Rama" thread, we're using carrot fireworks instead, once again courteousy of Mr. Bunny.


#4) Ofr course, there will be plenty of free Bruteweiser booze...


Wyvern stops reading for a moment and glances at the confused expressions on the faces of the Pen members in the crowd, suddenly realizing that this wasn't the announcement they had been waiting for. Blushing furiously and letting out a bit of embarassed laughter while rubbing his scaly head, the overgrown lizard belches a few flames before tossing the fancy scroll he was holding behind him and pulling out another even fancier scroll. Clearing his throat once again, the overgrown lizard exclaims:


"Hear yee, hear yee honorable members of the Pen... it is time for the bi-monthly ritual that many of you have been patiently waiting for. So, without further ado, here are the new Pen promotions!


The following members are officially promoted:


Promoted to Page:



Illiana Wolfsong

Jareena Faye

Nobody of Consequence






Promoted to Quill Bearer:




Damon Inferel


Vincent Silver



Promoted to a status above Quill Bearer of their choice:

Justin Silverblade

Valdar & Astralis


*Cue cheering from the audience, followed by a hearty sing-along to Greased's "ACID RAIN SEX ENGINE"


Wyvern grins at his podium and gives his best to all of the Pen membership when he suddenly notices that people are still looking at him attentively and waiting for another announcement. Shuffling though numerous papers, the overgrown lizard finds another one labeled "July 3rd" and exclaims:


"Ah yes... here's an announcement on the subject of Quill Quests. After the lack of success we had with the last quests, the Eldership has decided to impliment a new system for them. The choice of the Quest will be left entirely to the Quill Bearer, who will need to come up with a community project that sparks the interest of the membership. The only requirements are that the project has some effort put into it, and that the Elders are consulted about it. If the community project is executed successfully, the Quill Bearer will be promoted at the next promotion.


Valdar and Astralis is the first official example of somone promoted through this new Quill Quest system. His "Writing Exchange Program" is a community project that had effort put into it and that was executed successfully, thus it fufills his Quill Quest and allows him to move up in rank. Congratulations Valdar. :)


(Note: titles of newly promoted members may not be editted immediatly, since it might take a bit of time to get to all of them. Please be patient for your new titles to appear. )


The next promotions will occur 2 months from now, on September 3rd. Thus, if you feel that you should have been promoted but weren't, simply continue to constructively contribute to the guild and we'll be certain to get to you next time.


Having said this, Wyvern takes a swig of booze and grumbles something about vegetarian Independence Days as he exits the Cabaret Room...


Noting that he's been promoted again, Damon steps up to the podium, moderately disappointed that not all of his dear friends were not promoted. He grimaces slightly at Wyvern, but pauses for a second, smiling, his small fangs shining slightly.


"No hard feelings Mr. Wyvern, sir. Just a little grumpy. I miss all my friends, and I was hoping to see one more here. Meow. My head is a little swimmy." He pauses for a second, looking out to the audience and freezing. "Um... what the hell am I doing up here? I just remembered i have stage fright..." >'^_^<


"Well, um... I don't even know i these semi-speech things are supposed to be done, but I'd like o thank Mr. Wyvern, the rest of the Elders, and all of you other people. Um... since we all write around here, I'd like to thank my three muses most of all though. Merry, Pip, and my dear Ashke, thanks for all the inspiration."


"In light of all of this stuff, I have improved my mood a little, and it's nice to see all of you people, sitting there, listening to me ramble about absolutely nothing. I'll try to make sure I've earned this promotion by keeping with my writing, and whatever this quest thingy is... I'll try to come up with some useful project thingy. Um... that's all."


He steps down from the podium, placing a cricket on the microphone as the silence is interrupted by the cricket. "what the hell was I doing up there...?"


Pip grins broadly and congratulates all her friends, especially sam [troubled_sleep] and passes on a message from her to everyone who reviewed her funny how to take over the world story. "Thanks for reviewing it guys!!" With said message said, she ducks out, before someone shoots her or something. O_o;


Ayshela wanders into the hall eagerly awaiting the chance to congratulate her new friends on the acknowledgement of their accomplishments. Upon hearing her own name called she turns a startled face toward the podium. Realizing that she has been promoted to Quill-Bearer, she is overcome with shock and faints where she stands. Fortunately no one else was in her corner of the room, so no harm was done.


Umm, *gasp* umm, *blush* thank you!


Congratulations, you all. i don't believe i saw a name on the list that surprised me in the least. You're a most deserving bunch and i'm thrilled for you all!


Falcon - getting bard title used to be so much easier in the old days. ;)



... go ahead and discard all the others in favor of one limited label for me - call me a jester if you will.

Wonder if anybody still remembers from where that one is...


*stumbles in looking like she's had little to no sleep*


"What's all the excitement about? Have I forgotten something again?" Salinye (Still wearing the same plaid pajama pants and 8 year old t shirt from the night before) looks around curiously. Noticing that the attention seems to be centered around Wyvern, she thought perhaps he was simply pushing one of his scams again. However, it was when a red faced damon stumbled through the crowd and bumped into her that she had her questions answered.


Gently she took his arm whispering, "Damon, what's going on?" He just looked at her and whispered back. "Promotions. You got one too," before he moved on, seeming eager to be out of the lime light.


The wizardess crinkled her brow in confusion. However, before she could further ponder the situation Alaeha attacked her with a warm hug. "Congratulations! Quill Bearer! Isn't it great?!"


Salinye stumbled returning the hug. "Quill Bearer! Oh Alaeha, that's so great! You really deserve it! Congratulations!! I knew you'de get promoted!" Alaeha looked at her for a moment taking in her attire.


"Salinye, did you just get here?" The wizardess nodded her response. Alaeha then erupted into a fit of laughter.


"Silly Wizardess, you are a Quill Bearer as well!"








"WHAT? There must be some mistake, I've been so self absorbed lately, I've hardly had time to even make a presence around the castle, I mean I haven't even been attending your wonderful poetry classes!"


"There is no mistake, Sal, so you better get used to it."


Alaeha was then swept away by more friends wishing to congratulate her leaving a very stunned wizardess.


OOC: Thanks, I truly am shocked, I really HAVE been distracted by RL situations that must come first. I'm honored and will do my best to return to the full force I used to be here with. (That's a warning for those of you who have liked the nice quiet absence of the blonde wizardess!! lol


In the back of the room stands a quiet, black-haired woman softly playing a harp, oblivious to everything that is going on...except the fact her beloved got the promotion he deserved.


:Congratulations, ashke...: she whispers in Damon's mind.


"You're not getting away that easy!" Elwen is pounced on by a familiar figure.


"What are you doing, Merry?" Elwen chokes out.


"You aren't going to hide back here, /page/!" Merry drags her startled friend up to the stage." The elf/kitsune is too startled to think of any suitable threats...


"I am going to get you!" Elwen finally chokes out.


"Later." Merry says, shoving her into the crowd and smirking.


Momentarily stunned by her promotion to Quill-Bearer, Alaeha first sought out Salinye. After breaking the wonderful news to the sleepy wizardess, she then proceeded to hunt down Ayshela.


"You see? I keep telling you that you're better than you think you are..." She murmured to her friend amidst a congratulatory hug.


Sorry to see this late, but I've had difficulties with my computer that have only recently been fixed. Congratulations to all!


Congratulations to all!

A well deserved bunch of promotions if ever I've read them! :D


I, too, will be back soon - in all my glory... er, what I mean to say is, in all my enthusiasm! ;)


Been flat out with RL - but I'll be back...




And one of these days/months/years I too will step up a grade :D LOL

(Might help if I participated a little more, eh?) :P


Congrats again to all. :D


Oh my, blink and I get bumped \*o_o*/ (Blushing ears)


I didn't even check this thread for a few days, not thinking I'd be involved (exept to congratulate everyone who did)


Congratulations all ye promotees!


A quick note to Justin and Valdar- the ranks you can move to at this point beyond Quillbearer are Troubadour, Poet and Herald. The rank of Bard must be granted by the Elders, so it gives you something more to work towards. :)


From the Membership list:


Heralds Role-Players and Commentators

Poets Writers of Rhyme and Verse

Troubadour Writers of Prose


Congratulations to you both, and to everyone else promoted!


Sorciere runs into the room after hearing rumours of a gathering, only to find the place deserted and debris of streamers and confetti all over the floor. She heads towards the notice board and realises what all the fuss was about and just as she turns away, heading off to write her letter of Congratulations to all the promotees, she glances her name.



Meeeeeee? They promoted Me!!??


Sorciere runs around picking up confetti and throwing it over her head, before falling down on her behind. Still with a stupid grin on her face, she composes her note on the back of a flyer.



Thank you all for the promotion, it was unexpected and I'm extremely pleased. Congratulations to all the other promotees, who are all so deserving of them. Hugs to you all!


Thanks and congratulations everyone! The Pen's always had such great people, and it's a spleandor to see their continued success and effort poured into this "Church of the Pen" as Peredhil put it somewhere else, I believe. :)


I think, Gyr, that I'll have to go with Poet, for now, but I do look forward to pursuing a Bardic career here at the Pen.


That is... if I can ever get off my butt and contribute more. :lol:


Thanks all once again, and Congratulations to the newly promoted! Keep on writing eveyrone!


Valdar has chosen to take the rank of Herald and has so been instated. :)


Justin, you now have the title to match your skills. Enjoy your rank, Poet. :)


And now you two can set your sights on a new goal- Bard. :)


Oh you two are so great! I'm so pleased at your choices! Congratulations! You're great examples for us aspiring writers!!


~Salinye :butterfly:


Annael hops out of her tree and makes her way towards the Keep, wanting to see what all the cheering was about. Colourful butterflies hovering overhead, Annael slowly walks into the room to see Wyvern make the end of his speech. Realising that it is once again the time for promotions, Annael makes her way towards Wyvern in hopes of getting the list of names of the lucky ones who were promoted so she could congratulate them. With a little smirk, Wyvern hands the list to Annael.


"Wyv, there's a mistake. I think that this is my name under those being promoted to Quill Bearer."


"Yup," Pointing to the name on the list, Wyvern smiles. "A-N-N-A-E-L. That's you. Spelt it right, didn't we?"


"Umm..yeah, it's spelt correctly...but...but..." Annael hands the list back to Wyvern. "Ahhh...I get it. You guys got tired of hearing me bitch about never being promoted. I need to make a mental note to myself, bitching works."


With a giggle, Annael turns and quietly makes her way out of the Keep and retreats to the saftey of her tree. The only sign that she had been there was a lonely butterfly fluttering lost amongst the merrymakers.




The large seraph walks into the large gathering of Pen Members quite confused. He drops the bags that he was carring from his recent vacation and seeks out to find out whats going on. He suddenly relises that promotions have been handed out


....Woah,this is quite a welcome home gift o_o


Congrats to everyone who got promoted and good luck to those who didn't


Paces back and forth trying to think of Quill Quest :raven:


*wakes up*

*walks in*



I'm a week late for my own promotion, one which I didn't even expect to get because of my recent absence, and ...

Well, it's a time I'm truly lost for words.


(Oh yeah, this means I'm officially back)

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