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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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1. The final syllable of her name rhymes with "sincere," "dear," and "fear..." the first two terms being words she's often associated with while the last one might occasionally be evoked depending on ones fear of cabbages and how recently her orangutan companions have been fed.


2. If the rights for cabbages to wiggle were to be considered by the close-minded government as a possibility for supermarket vegetables, he would have certainly won a Nobel Prize for actively leading a movement towards the cause.


3. The Elder Dwarf that takes after her personality is named "Silly," and is actually the wisest of the 8 Elder Dwarves being a particularly cunning orangutan. Anybody who spawns an Elder Dwarf that has an unlimited supply of blank signs and reads books on the philosophy of "sign language" is definitely cool in my book...


4. According to accurate resources (*cough*Orlan*cough*), he once danced the Charleston on top of a flagpole while waving around glowsticks. This incident could very well classify him as a master of dance, though Peredhil's Perfectly Pragmatic Power of Pokey has been known to make people nimble on their feet...


5. She played a large role in the Pen film epic "A Wiggly Christmas," as did her many wiggly cabbages... In fact, without her cabbages, the title of the movie would have probably been changed to "An Immobile Christmas," or (even worse) "A Clueless Christmas." Anybody who's seen the film "Clueless" will know that a change of this nature would have been hazardous to ticket sales...


6. He never bullies Wyvern over IRC, which either signifies that he's incredibly nice or completely insane. Considering that he's been in contact with both the Polite Magi and Angels of Apocalypse, it could be both... either way, he rules.


7. She sparked the first Wyvmettic and Dope IRC freestyle by offering the perfectly eccentric subject of "moles" to rhyme about, and was supportive of the duo when they finished even though Wyvmettic forgot to bring up the underground hip hop producer crew known as "the Molemen" in his verses. Later, freestyle rapping as well as other elements of hip hop culture were fully integrated into the Pen boards. Don't tell anybody yet, though... they ain't ready. ;p


8. He's been with the Pen since day one, and is still constantly looking out for the well being of the guild. Amongst other things, he's volunteered to serve as one of the guides in the Pen's "Help Wanted?" program, has always made sure that issues are clearly dealt with, and is participating in the Writing Exchange program. He was also one of the first Pen members who was promoted to the status of Eldership. Props!


9. Her playing as a character of a different gender not only allowed me to alternate between "his" and "her" throughout this post (it wasn't just another of my gender confusion errors this time!), but also spawned the most constructively confusing thread ever to be witnessed by the RPing-illiterate...


10. His wiggly cabbage companions come in such a broad range of colours that they could easily open a successful cabbage art exhibit or amusement park. Just imagine... "Still Leaf" paintings and Boiler Room houses of horror! Heck, they could even advertise for the cabbage patch kids!


11. She basically owns "Q" on the IRC Pen chatroom, meaning that she can make him do whatever she wants. This includes neat little tricks like making him wave around his tail, making him stand on his head, and making him steal geld for Wyvern before humbly kissing the lizard's feet and jumping off the nearest cliff (a trick I haven't seen him perform yet... but hey, one can always hope... ;p)


12. He's written loads of honest and excellent poetry, ranging from humorous haikus to highly personal and sensitive pieces. "To a Beauty" is one that sticks out in my mind due to the wonderfully morbid twist ending it had, which I still remember despite the work being around 2 years old. It can still be found in the Banquet Hall for those who haven't read it and are interested...


13. She's always very open and acceptant of honest, constructive criticism on her works, and has never failed to kindly thank those who offer it to her. She was actually the first to mention to the Eldership that perhaps a bit of criticism would be good for the Pen, as many members had grown tired of the same old "good stuff"-type responses. She still cares about providing the kind of feedback Pen members want, as she recently made a thread in The Writer's Workshop on that very subject.


14. His orangutan buddies are excellent assets to any lively party. Give them 2 kegs of booze, 3 bananas, a microphone and a text by Shakespeare, and watch them burst into sonnet-form karaoke. It's more fun than a Barrel Full of Monkeys... it's 2 Barrels Full of Orangutans!


15. There was a time when she fooled me into thinking that her real name was actually Racheglio, and that she was a guy. While it might not seem like a significant accomplishment due to my status as the Pen's official Applicant Gender-Confuser, it's important to note that she pulled this trick on several members, proving that she can be very cunning when she wants to.


16. Though I promised myself not to bring the character of Myth into this post (this is a Gwaihir appreciation thread, after all) one might note that he has a variety of characters, and is actually developing an entire world for one character in particular. This particular character, who shall go unnamed throughout the remainder of this post, has also been an avid participant in the RPing epic "Gaze of Eternity."


17. Her wiggly cabbages are actually quite intelligent, and from what I've gathered they've evolved quite a bit. At the current rate of evolution, it's only a matter of time before dancing rainbow cabbages emerge and become a dominant species. Either that or shiny shimmying cabbages might come about, at which point they'd risk becoming an endangered species due to Rydia and Valdar...


18. He's writing up a New Encyclopaedia to provide more information about wiggly cabbages, and has already revealed that they're friendly, telekinetic beings that will help others whenever they can. We can only hope that Slessar rests peacefully in the knowledge that his accidental creation brought about some good to the world...


19. Lumpenproletariat once mentioned in a "thank you" thread that he thought she was "possibly the most wonderful person here, everyday you are like the cool older sister I never had." I'm sure that she'd be a cool person to hang out with in RL... a notion that I'm certain Ozymandias will be able to attest to.


20. He's a Pen member... and Pen members, by definition, rule.



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