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I need some major help naming a charcter. It is for a fiction/fantasy novel I'm writing.


The Character: A 6'3" Caucasian boy with dark hair, square jaw, high cheekbones, tattooed arms, is a high school senior--fairly well-liked, active in theater, not the sharpest tool in the shed, crushing on a popular girl. He could be your best friend. But by night, he's completely different: a prowler of the streets, a predator, an arsonist. Yes, a VAMPIRE. Since its fantasy, I have taken the liberty of adding magic to the mix. Necromancy, and this character is of the element of fire. His coming heralds a new age of darkness: think fall of the gods, mankind sinking into oblivion, world ruled by blood and iron. Ironically enough, he is the hero, but his character is not dominant, often succumbing to the superior knowledge and experience of his best friend. The protagonist is a little shy, narrow-minded, kind of slow (mentally), naive in the beginning, but slowly matures to a suspicious, competent, keen-minded, and resigned character as he realizes that the Fates are playing against him. Also, as the story goes on, he learns to kill effectively--though he never learns to like it. His character hardens.


The Setting: New York City and the Greek Underworld a few years in the future (2012)


So I need a name. If someone could post their favorite guys' name, I'd very much appreciate it. I'd even offer a reward for the name that wins...not really. Unless you really want my signature to read "I worship (insert your name here)"


Names I've already tried:

Normal names: Brian, Mike, Steve, Dan

Foreign names: Raja, Alessio, Kenshin, Pierre, Juan, Dakota


Names from literature: Marius or Enjolras (Les Miserables), Dorian or Basil (Picture of Dorian Gray), Louis, Lestat, Armand (Vampire Chronicles), Holden (Catcher in the Rye), Byron or Lucas (Light in August , Rayford or Nicolae (Left Behind), Ashe, Gwydion, Tristan, Shrike (Symphony of the Ages), Raoul or Eric (Phantom of the Opera), Sirius or Draco (Harry Potter), even Ishmael, Ahab, or Starbuck (Moby Dick)


I've even tried trees. Yes, TREES: Ash, Rowan, Sycamore, Laurel


Some things to keep in mind when posting a name:

-the meaning behind it (like Brian means "strong")

-the language of origin

-number of syllables (preferably short)



Thank y'all in advance.

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Ya know, I think Ash is kinda cool - Yggdrasil, the World Tree in Norse mythologoy, is an Ash tree, plus there's the connotation of fire there, plus resurrection (ashes to ashes, pheonix rising from the ashes), which has a link to the necromantic theme.


Hmm, anyway ... when you say Greek Underworld, do you mean the Greek Mafia, or the Greek Pantheon? No, seriously :P

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How about

Ash Moirai


NoC has given the references for Ash (although I'll point out it


This was happens when your boss calls you into their office when you're in the middle of posting...


To continue -


...point out it is part of the root form for the word Asmodeus (Ash Modei).


The Moirai part is from the Greek for the Fates.


-A chagrined Peredhil

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Moirai are the Greek Fates - one weaves the thread of life, one holds it, and the third cuts it. The three sisters who hold each man's life in their hands.

Klothos, Lachies, Atrophos. (I bet I spelled them wrong)


As for names? I have no clue. =)

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Name Recommended: Tony Cajun


have you ever read any of the good stuff? all that matters is the last name.... it's like... Bond, James Bond.

No one reads behind the meaning of the name, it's the name you give a face and a meaning to. So You get a catchy last name and then an ordinary first name... the last name is the mystical idenity while the ordinary first name means that it could be some joe off the streets hense serving the link from reality to fantasy.


Ofcourse there's more... I'd imagine this is in the present setting, now imagine if you are in school one day and then the class is introduced to a new school and his name is vampryo.. you'll be like..."is that kid a vampire or what?"

Anne Rice gets away with stuff because her vampires are name according to the ordinary names in their time.... i'm sure in ancient rome there's a million ppl name Marius and Pardona... later rome in North Eastern Europe there's a few kids in every village named Armando (Armand), in pre-industriazed France there's gotta be a few Lestat, notice in "Interview with the Vampire" the protangist's name is Louis... I'm sure if you name your kid Frodo, he'll be the laffing stock in his school and commit sucide before 4th grade.


P.S. I don't think you should use Ash... it so reminds me of Pokemon =)


P.P.S. Pay attention to the names in Dragonlance: Raistlin (Raisins), Caramon (Caramilk), Tanis (Tennis), Sturm (stern), Flint (the flint to light fire).

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The reason I was hesitating with Ash is because it reminded me of pokemon too. I don't read the Dragonlance series, but I'm definitely open for suggestions.


But I like your rec for simple first name and mystic last name.


What about a name change from when he is changed from human to vampire? I'm thinking of an Initiation type thing. I took it from another book where during the Initation, they hold a vigil without food (or blood in this case) and they have visions in which the discover their truename. The name links them to their bonded Element--in this case, Fire. It's an alias that is only known to the supernatural world, but only a shortened form of the truenmae is used cuz if everyone knew the truename, it would lose its power and a powerful spell could give one control over him. Voodoo type thing.


So anyways....

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