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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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Go ahead and leave me alone

I had no choice in this

I wouldn't have come to you tonight

If I knew this would be my final kiss


Push me away and shut the door,

Leave me sinking to the floor

In pain

Bring me to the brink of death

With your fatal words


The love we had would never end

If you hadn't run away

The life I had wouldn't round this bend

If I hadn't decided to pay

This price of death


I see the blood running down my hands

I watch my pale face in the mirror

The tears I cry now will never be seen

Except by my ever-faithful Queen,




meh....I tried

Edited by Elvida
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i tried?

sounds like you were aiming at something and fell short, but i don't see anything here that isn't respectable. :)


one question and a minor thing, if i may, since i'm far too brain-fried tonight for anything deep or insightful.


The first verse has four lines, the others all have five. Was that deliberate or significant in any way?


And the nagging correction -

I wouldnt have come to you tonight


The life I had wouldnt round this bend

wouldn't, being a contraction, has an apostrophe.


Okay, i fibbed.. one more thing.

The love we had would never end

If you hadn't run away

"would never" is a future projection, while "hadn't" is past. Has the love completely died? Yours only? His/hers? There's a subtle ambiguity here. Was that what you intended?


All in all though, very evocative. i do like it.

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Like Ayshela, I affirm that this is GOOD and well worth posting, before moving on to the "how can we make it better next time?" phase.

Heh, we're here to grow, but I remember the first time I received criticism on something I wrote.


"Don't they realize how hard that was just to post? What do they expect? Sheesh. (wail) I'll never post agaiiiiiin....."

I guess I felt like I'd hesitantly held my baby up to be admired, and they said, "that's great, but" and then proceeded to take turns doing circumsion, nose-jobs, and other surguries!



My only thing would be this...


I've been trying to go through a lot of posts lately, catching up and such.


When they're untitled, and don't even have a meaningful description line, I have problems finding them again!


I think it might be because I'm in a hurry so often. I hope it that....

The alternative could be I'm getting senile. ;)


But if, as a favor to me?, people could just take their best stab at titling, it would be SUCH a big help to me!




-creaky Ancient Peredhil, he of no vote (and I guess little memory)

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Ayshela: the four-five line thing wasnt deliberate( i think...cause in Science i wasnt really thinking)and yeah...it seems that his/OUR love has no chance of ever coming back


Peredhil: I often feel that way actually...its quite creepy...my self confidence in my works isnt that great...lol

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You tried and it came out beautiful Elvida. The things with poems is that they can be any style, can say anything, but if you tried, if you portrayed what you wanted, then you did a good jon. I like this poem a lot. It speaks loudly due to the understanding of loosing someones love and not gaining it back.. But as my mom said to me & I will repeat onto you:


There are many many more fish in the sea



So cheer up girl, all will be well, I promise.. Chat with you sometime?

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