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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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[[another disclaimer. ugh...ok...lesse...my best friend {merry} nearly got mowed down today by some jack [-censored-] in their car today...it scared the heck out of me, since i was standing right in front of her. ;) ]]


It was a Tuesday

Just like all the others

we were walking home

Talking about nothing imortant

what our friend said about that

and what we would do if this happened


Out of nowhere he came

0 to 60

5 seconds

we never saw it


A scream

Squealing tires

Time stopping for a moment

her body falling to the ground

Everything suddenly turning upside down

In 5 seconds


No response, just the freaked out voice of the stoner

He paces, someone nearby calls an amulance

I start screaming, my fists clenched

Everything a blur

A sympathetic, It'll be ok, dear comes from the right

Sirens wailing to my left

But it won't, it never will be

in 5 seconds she was taken away

in 5 seconds everything ended

in 5 seconds I died with her

In 5 seconds


Very creepy, and very sad as well. The end part started to bring tears to my eyes. And the sympathetic "It'll be ok" that comes in every situation like that nearly kills...because with something like that, you know that it won't be ok, ever again.


*quietly applauds*


(Glad you and your friend are ok....there are lots of crazy drivers out there)


That random friend who was nearly mowed down was me. It was some person in a volvo or a volkswagon. Weird that I should remember, since I hardly even saw the car, considering IT ZOOMED BY ABOUT TWO INCHES FROM MY LEFT HEEL! *pant pant* that was F-ing scary.

Anyway, really neat poem.


All good poems have the ability to make a person feel. If it does nothing, then what is good about it? I really like this, it made me feel. Thankfully I have no bad memories of anyone dying in a car wreck to bring forth.


Great job! Thank you for sharing.


Firstly - I liked this. I emoted in response, and IMO, that's what a good poem makes ya do, makes ya feel.


Secondly - a minor niggle (sorry!)

"A scream

Squealing tires

Time stopping for a moment

her body falling to the ground

Everything suddenly turning upside down

In 5 seconds"


I'm not sure if using 'time stopping for a moment' in a paragraph with so many verbs really works for me. It is a minor thing, but maybe 'time slowing/screeching to a halt' or something else along those lines might be a bit more effective? Maybe, maybe not. Don't pay me any attention.




Death is so comforting... eep! I shouldn't have said that... um... really good image poem though.


Note: Even when I shouldn't say something, I think it's best to express your thoughts... unless they'll gwt you killed. So, I say what's on my mind unless i'm actually talking to someone...


Again, pip, very good, stupendous, miraculous, great, terrific, pleasant, applaudable, sensational, riveting, grand, extraordianry, ginormous... poem.

Posted (edited)

Death is so comforting...

....I'm not sure how or what I should say to that... :unsure:



really good image poem though.


Again, pip, very good, stupendous, miraculous, great, terrific, pleasant, applaudable, sensational, riveting, grand, extraordianry, ginormous... poem.

^_^ Thankees much!! You've just made my self esteem go up a few points. ^.^

Edited by autumn_sun
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