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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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I wasn't quite sure where to put these, but if I didn't put them somewhere, Ken would have killed me, so I did ;) Soo... here you go Ken. Hope I made you happy ;)






Emotions run wild

Not knowing where to turn

No one understands

Hope flees your thoughts

Leaving you confused

Utterly alone

Harsh reality hits you

Forcing you into the unknown

Unaware of your feelings

Not caring at all

Dizzying energy plows into your mind

Feeding on you

Consuming your thoughts

Leaving you to die


My Shadows

Shadows of doubt

Crawl only at night

Seeking the day

Praying to no one

What is real only crumbles to sand

Death is so near

But not soon enough

Darkness leaves

But the shadows stay

Behind every corner stands your soul

Crying to return


Only Me

Whisper into my ear

Hoping my soul will hear

Your soft voice your smooth letters

Let the words hypnotize

Slowly my daydream turns deadly

I see you with me, no one else

You promised to be with me and only me


Stay with me through the night

I can not live without you

Never leave me

Edited by ImmortalGrace

Ooh! I like these...especially Fear. It reminds me of things I've experienced before. And it reminds me of textbook definitions of bipolar disorder, in a way.


Hope flees your thoughts

Leaving you confused

Utterly alone

That part reminds me of the depressive aspect of it, and the dizzying energy of the manic aspect.


I'll have to come back and read them again when I have more time to think about the other two poems (as well as the dizzying amount in the Banquet Hall itself!).


(Good work Tara, and Happy Birthday! -- Heather)


Umm.. its not my birthday for another.. 7 months. lol. where did happy birthday come in there?


i wrote fear two years ago, but i wrote the other two a few nights ago. they arent my best, but i like them. i still dont think they deserve to be on here.


"Only Me" got the biggest response from me, if such things help. And that might be ironic, too. Sigh.


Anyway, I did find that the titles of "Fear" and "Shadows" actually diluted the impact of the first line in each poem, and I personally feel they might be better off with more esoteric titles. The language you use in each is quite evocative, yet the titles are very straight forward.


Anyway, not intended as niggling, even though it may be. Eeep!


Nice job(s), regardless. :)


both of the titles were thought of in about 2 seconds... so i very much agree that they need to be changed. just in the process of re-doing it. but thank you for reminding me that i needed to.






You definitely "deserve" to be here. reassuring hug


I hope not only to see more of your works, but see a post in the recruitment hall... wink


*smiles* thank you Peredhil. i'll get some more on here as soon as i can. probably more tonight, when i get on my home computer. recruitment hall? what am i being recruited for?


Eep! Ok, I'll blame the birthday thing on Ken, cause he said it first. Made me think it was your birthday. :D:rolleyes:


*lightly nudges you in the direction of the recruitment hall with a giggle*

  ImmortalGrace said:

What is real only crumbles to sand

Death is so near

But not soon enough

Darkness leaves

But the shadows stay

I liked these, my favorite was the Shadows one... the title escapes me at the moment. <_<


"What is real only crumbles to sand" - this is something I've thought about a lot myself... I guess it's just the Matrix talking... I've seen that movie too goddammed many times...


The rest is just really cool!


Welcome to The Pen!


I hope to see more of your work!


Oh, and as Peredhil is now famous for saying, "WHAT? A writer here who thinks everyone else is better? You're in good company here!!"


~Salinye :butterfly:

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