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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Creative Writing Exercise # 2


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Dear Diary~


Today is officially the day of POOP! Yes, you read it right. Let me explain. Within the first hour of waking up the puppy (What made me think I need a puppy when I have four young children again? OH yes, temporary insanity, that's right.) pooped in the house TWICE! So, I cleaned that up only to see that one of my twins has diarrhea running out of her diaper and down her leg.


So, cleaned that child up, tossed her in the tub, etc. Figured I might as well throw the other twin in too. Good thing, because his diaper was full of diarrhea too. Oye. So, get that all straightened up and decided to let the kids run through the sprinkler, after all it is like 85 degrees outside and they've been sick for weeks with no fun.


SO got them all in shorts, sunscreen covered etc. Got the sprinkler going and decided to do a few things on my computer. All of a sudden I hear my son (4 years old) run into the house screaming and running upstairs. In the meantime, my other son (1 1/2 years) starts screaming outside. So I think the dog must be on him again or what not and so I run outside.


My daughter informs me he's just mad because he got sprayed in the face. So I come back in the house thinking, okay, then what was Carter screaming about. Then, right on cue carter runs back down the stairs still screaming. Only this time I can understand him.




I look down and sure enough there is a lovely trail down teh hallway up the stairs, back down the stairs and down the hallway again.




What did I do? You ask?




I hugged him, cleaned him and it up. (more baths) Then I thought to myself, "It's good to be king."


Maybe my next entry will be less dirty....Here's hoping...



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