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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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You're STILL in school? Hurry up and graduate already, so you can pay your taxes and become a real world citizen. :D And Zadown-san, my friend, I'm sorry I must have missed your post! How have you been? We lost touch after AM went down. :(

Edited by Madoka
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Konnitiwa, Madoka-sama. Yui-chan steps quietly from the shadows and bows deeply to the respected nihonzin, her smile warm. I'm sorry to be so late to welcome you. Still, I hope you don't mind if I add my voice to those already here and say that I am glad to see you again after so long. It is good of you to come, and I look forward to enjoying your writing once more. Edited by Yui-chan
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Welcome Madoka. I apologizes for my late greeting because, knowing how disastrous each other's introduction had been during the TFM vs LotWR war, I wanted to find words in order to make up for it. ;)


I hope you'll have fun among us and that's what it really matters. :)

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Me? I'm kinda drifting .. and perfecting my zero-income lifestyle (8 months and counting!). I guess things could be worse, but they could be better too. -_-


*goes back to sieving plankton from the air with his teeth for food*

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Yui-chan, Celes,


Don't worry about what happened in AM. It was a long time ago, and besides, I forgotten it all anyway. We had some good times back then, and that's what we should remember, ne? :D


Zadown-san, nice to hear from you. You know now that I will keep on bugging you, ne? :D



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Sadly, her repetoire at the Legion of the White Rose site seems lost in THEIR upgrade, or I'd direct you to some delightful reading.

Perry, if you use the new Legion boards, yeah, you won't be able to find stuff, but if you switch back to the old you can search the forums for all the old junk - it's still there, trust me, once in a blue moon I go back and get nostalgic in there ;).


(Oh yeah, heya Madoka-san - already said hi on Legion boards, but two heyas are better than one!)


Got Link?


Errr, not really...Like Kendricke said, there's a LOT of old junk to wade through if you wish to find some of Madoka's old stuff. But there is the "Search" function on the old style, which I think would help. Then again, thoughts and logic don't always go hand in hand in my head :P

Edited by HappyBuddha
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Lord Happybudda,


I believe what is being referred to are the stories Lady Madoka used to write utilizing characters from the Legion in fictional settings. We all remember the story of the evil cloned Spartacus, yes?


I'll try to search through my own considerable archives this weekend to see what I can find. I have managed to discover that we do have some of the old (1998-2000) archives copied and stored within some old warehouses in our Halls of Dicussion. I'll do what I can to sift through them. Please be patient and realize that we're talking about roughtly 20,000 posts.


Also, I still have access to our old mailing lists for the Legion (over 11,000 emails spread out over 5 different mailing lists). I should be able to search some of those also to see if references to Lady Madoka's stories still exist.

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Ah, stories lost and stories gained, it is the neverending cycle of our collective unconscious. But one way or the other, we have the architect of these tales.

So it's party time! Brute?


The looming figure ever lurking on the fringes of iminent keg parties deftly tosses Ozymandias a rapidly spinning, glinting shape. Ozymandias throws out a hand and casually snatches his old whiskey flask from midair. Brute, ever the only trustworthy supplier of alcohol, rolls in a keg of...sake. Ozymandias eyes it critically, then shrugs.


Close enough to appropriate, right? A toast to Madoka! May her sword never dull, and her pen never run dry!


(OOC: Madoka, I cannot remember if you have any idea who I am from our AM days, but I well remember you. Thrilled to see you- *especially* here! :>) )

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Hi Ozy!


Of course I remember you! :) After all, it was you and sexy sexy mage Orlan-chan who always had too much fun teasing me on the AM boards... :9


It's nice to see you again! How have you been?



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