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Well, any friend of Peredhil is a friend of mine. :0)


Welcome, enjoy the writings, and we'd be delighted if you shared some of your own. :0)


(P.S. Lock up any valuables before entering any area occupied by Wyvern. Just a friendly warning to help you along.)


~Salinye :butterfly:

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Wyvern swiftly rushes into the Cabaret Room upon hearing of Madoka's arrival, happily saluting the famous bard of Terra while dragging several jumbled pieces of cardboard and wood into the chamber. Rapidly clawing through the various materials he has with him, the greedy Almost Dragon sets up a large marketing stand in a matter of minutes and paints a sign next to it that reads:






Wyvern immediatly goes about placing several eccentric accesories for samurai sheep upon his stand, making sure the extra large price tags attached to each item are clearly visible. Among the accesories on the overgrown lizard's marketing table can be found newly polished, stainless steel hooves, shuriken cow bells, bullet proof wool vests, and steroid enhanced sheep grass (complete with free samples). Grinning to himself sinisterly and rubbing his scaly palms together in anticipation, the reptilian Elder immediatly puts on Ja Wool's "Greatest Herding Baaahs" CD for background music and patiently awaits his first customers...




OOC: Konnichiwa, Madoka, and welcome to the Pen! :) I'm very happy you found us here, and definitely look forward to reading more from you! Madoka no "writing" wa totemo ii-desu nee!

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Hi there



Edited by Aardvark
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Peredhil strolls in and adjusts the lace foaming from the sleeves of his jacket.


After an inquisitive flicker of an eyebrow is answered, he Politely hugs her welcome to the newest Pen site.


Ladies, Gentlemen, and any other genders here...


Lady Madoka is a Bard of Terra Lost, and thus was granted automatic Bard rank here at the Pen when we split from the online game of Archmage to devote ourselves to writing.


Sadly, her repetoire at the Legion of the White Rose site seems lost in THEIR upgrade, or I'd direct you to some delightful reading.


Even Orlan, our Elder of Bards, the zealous guardian of the cherished Bardic rank, approves of Lady Madoka - as he should, seeing that he was involved in her initiation...


Peredhil considers offering details, but doesn't want this to be a Scarlett Pen post...


I'll let you all judge her on her own merits, for water past the mill grinds not today's grain, but I will offer my opinion in this way.


The Legion of the White Rose uses Lord and Lady as an honorific, a title extended to all its members. Perhaps as a standard to which to strive.


In my experience, no matter what she says or does, Madoka-sama is a true descendent of samurai, a Lady of firey spirit and pride, where ever she goes or to what organizations she graces with her presence...


With a bow, Peredhil waves his Ring and unveils all hidden areas of the Pen except the Tower to Lady Madoka, inviting her to explore as she wishes.

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Konnichiwa! Hola! Bon Jour! Hello! I am me, and no one else, here me talk when you ignore me, I stop at the time in which you pay such attention. My rants are with true meaning, and few there are who notice, if you can catch hold of one rant, bravo, and in the end, all is Hello.


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Thank you all for your welcome. :) It has truly been a long time since I was back. :D


Peredhil-san's words do me too much justice; my stories are not very good, and is definitely not better than any of the other Bards listed here. Why sexy sexy mage Orlan-chan saw fit to make me a Bard (largely due, I suspect, to the fact that he loved it when I kept on calling him sexy sexy mage) I do not know, but it was indeed an honor.


Val, it is indeed great to see you! Has it been that long since we last saw each other? And my goodness, Aardvark, you Aussie -- how have you been? It must have been more than a year since we last chatted! Gyr, I knew I would find you here! :)


As for my old stories, I'm afraid I have lost them. They are, as you say, gone with the wind, sadly enough. On the other hand, it is perhaps for the best, for I fear the quality of my stories is simply lacking when compared to some of the stories posted here.


In any case, it is good to be here. :)


And Wyvern -- thanks for keeping my old samurai sheep accessories. Why you try to sell me my own property is beyond me, though. :D I may have been gone for a long time, but I am certainly not old, and my memory has not become as dotty as yours seem. :D


Hee! :D



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"Actually, Madoka, I backed up the Archmage Conservatory up to December 2001, which means I have the stories you placed within in. :)


If you want, I can send you those stories or post them in the Library here. Or, of course, leave them where they rest." the half-elf stated.


With that, Gyrfalcon smiled and eagerly went to read 'The Return'.

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Gyr, if you could send them to me, that would be great. I was wanting to re-read my old stories to see what I was writing. :)


Thank you very much!


And remember, Blondemoon-san -- whatever reputation you heard of me in AM is FALSE! except the samurai shepherdess thing. :D


And umm... I hate to bring it up, but someone was kind enough to give me a title of 'samurai shepherdess'. Thank you very much!! :) Unfortunately, there is a slight typo in samurai. :)

Sorry, was in haste, no disrespect meant. It's fixed now. - Peredhil

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OoO sexy sexy mage Orlan-chan!! :D


Nice to see you! I'm not a teacher anymore, actually. I now fly between Tokyo, LA, and Vancouver (though lately it has been between Tokyo and LA) and live on Japan Air Lines working for the Japanese MFA as a interpreter and courier.


I'm in Vancouver for the next 10 days as I'm under SARs quarantine, hence my frequent visits to the old forums. :)


How have you been doing lately?



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