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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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*is stunned* Thank you...I didn't expect anyone (besides the people I told) to know it was my birthday. I guess people /do/ read those little notice things at the bottom...*bows in gratitude to Peredhil, Salinye, and smallscale_mind_games, and whoever else may decide to say something*

  Elwen said:

*is stunned* Thank you...I didn't expect anyone (besides the people I told) to know it was my birthday. I guess people /do/ read those little notice things at the bottom...*bows in gratitude to Peredhil, Salinye, and smallscale_mind_games, and whoever else may decide to say something*

The pen knows everything...even where you live...j/k, not unless you tell them. Heh...heh...*hyperventilates* *passes out cold on the floor*
  • 4 weeks later...

I'm such an idiot... I knew it had been your birthday, but yet I had not the sense to come here and acknlowledge it that month ago... I'm sorry ashke. Happy, very belated, birthday.


...*hugs* is that okay for me to do?


=stumbles in looking rather...bad= Er...Pip ish slow...w007....ya know...you've been 17 for a month and =counts= 5 days? Yeah.... [=chorus of "no shytoki mushrooms, kid!" resound in her head=]

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