Salinye Posted April 11, 2003 Report Posted April 11, 2003 Hey, I thought it might be good if we all took the time to post a quick bio about our characters here in a separate thread. It would be easier than chopping up the storyline to do so. Also would be easier for us to write other char's actions. :0) I'll put mine up as soon as I pull it together. :0) Damon, please post yours here too. I haven't been around The Pen long enough to read all the stories, so I really know very little about your chars, and if my char is to be empathetic, then I should start studying your char bios!! Thanks a million, I love writing with you all!! ~Sali
Jechum Posted April 11, 2003 Report Posted April 11, 2003 Jechum floats in... I float therefore I am. My feet never touch the ground and my head is always in the clouds. I am but a figment of your imagination. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind. The answer my friend is forty-two but the question is flawed. Jechum floats out...
Vlad Posted April 11, 2003 Report Posted April 11, 2003 Actually, for everyone that is initiate or higher, there is a special place to put your bio. Just another perk you get for applying...
Elwen Posted April 12, 2003 Report Posted April 12, 2003 Uh...if I post a bio on Iriador, it'll give away entirely too much. *sweatdrops* All I'm going to say is that she's not what she seems...
Salinye Posted April 12, 2003 Author Report Posted April 12, 2003 I have applied, but am not accepted yet, so it would be nice to have something I can access. :0) Elwen, don't worry, more just looking for what we would observe so we can use it. :0) ~Sali
Vlad Posted April 12, 2003 Report Posted April 12, 2003 give it some time... Wyv may be slow but he's all we got.
Salinye Posted April 12, 2003 Author Report Posted April 12, 2003 I wasn't complaining. :0) I mean a lot is expected of the would be dragon. :0) ~Sali
Brute Posted April 12, 2003 Report Posted April 12, 2003 (edited) I think what Sali is looking for is simply a detailed description of your characters. Elwen, for Iriador, simply post just that- an outward physical description, mannerisms, and such...anything that can be observed by the characters. Anyone else can probably post a little more detail, such as brief history, attitudes toward other members, races, (if any) etc. Physical descriptions should be a must, along with mannerisms and personality quirks. Basically, give the other PCs a good starting point to reference with. A lot of the characters' personalities will develop or become apparent as the story progresses. Is that what you were looking for, Sali? Don't worry about placing the bios in another folder. For now, this should be fine. You have a need to access such info, along with everyone else in the story, so this is as convienent a place as any, I think. Have fun with yer story, folks! I'll enjoy reading! Edited April 12, 2003 by Brute
Salinye Posted April 12, 2003 Author Report Posted April 12, 2003 Brute, it's like you're in my mind!! We'll miss you, please do follow along, and perhaps Damon can assign you to temporary single incident char's or something. :0) mwahahaha maybe we could keel you. *grin* Thanks for the clarification! Have a lovely weekend and get better!! ~Sali
Peredhil Posted April 12, 2003 Report Posted April 12, 2003 If deemed necessary, after Lady Salinye's application is accepted, any Elder can merge this thread with the other Description thread. Or move it. Which maintains the freedom of letting your Avatars have a bit of fun Role Playing too. It is at this point that they realize Peredhil is dressed in swim wear and flippers, and carrying a spear-gun made of a stick and recycled rubber bands. His wetsuit is lime-green, covered in lil' pink porkchops. For instance... Peredhil: Lead Role. Swims with sharks in a Wyvern Productions remake of Jaws...
Jechum Posted April 12, 2003 Report Posted April 12, 2003 Jechum floats in... Above the water with a .45 There seems to be a flaw in your system. Pork is just not kosher. Jechum floats out...
Elwen Posted April 12, 2003 Report Posted April 12, 2003 (edited) *nods* Got it. *snickers* Has anyone (besides Brute) figured out the irony involved with Iriador? Description: The sorceress/wandering harper known as Iriador Wintermist-or Lirya Moonflower- is an enigma. Very young for an Elf-barely 110 years old-she has been in more scrapes and foiled more evil people's plots in a few short years then most people can conceive. A price is on her head, for most of those evil people want her quite dead. Tall-about six feet, EXTREMELY unusual for an Elf (I created this character before I knew we were going by D&D standards. *sweatdrops* I've described her in other stories as six feet tall, so I can't change it now.)-and slender, with gray eyes that hold the light of stars in them, she wears her long black hair tied up in an intricate bun. Dressed in a simple dark gray, she does her best to downplay her looks-but cannot hide the fact that she is one of the more beautiful women alive, a source of constant irritation to her. Iriador's pale face is typically emotionless, and she speaks in a sweet but calm soprano, perfect for her spells-for though she has the innate magic of a sorcerer, she must sing her spells like a bard. (spellsinger...that's how I adapted her concept.) However, sometimes her voice changes, to an eerily calm, otherworldly alto, and at that point, her personality undergoes changes as well. To those gifted in magic/empathy: Iriador is VERY unusual. She seems to have two separate entities within belonging to this world, and one not. In addition, she is MUCH more powerful then she lets on/demonstrates... Does this help anyone? Oops, I forgot to mention. Iriador (and Elwen, by extension) is chaotic good: she does good and helps others, with absolutely NO regard for law. (obviously, a certain kitsune has had a change of heart in recent years: my stories about Elwen tell why.) Edited April 17, 2003 by Peredhil
Salinye Posted April 12, 2003 Author Report Posted April 12, 2003 LOL Ofcourse we have Elwen. :0) It was apparant in your thoughts. ~Salinye
Salinye Posted April 12, 2003 Author Report Posted April 12, 2003 Senora is more of a wood elf type. (I'm getting together with my old DM this weekend to figure out the exact AD&D specifics on her and will edit this when I have that information.) She has wild red hair that cascades wonderfully unless she ties it back. She's on the petite side and her eyes are pure green and full of love and life. Her appearance would give anyone the first impression that she's a Saucy wild woman, however, she is quite the opposite. Humble, VERy Beautiful (although downplayed by choice) and has little to no ego. She could care less if she's a leader, and rarely cares what anyone's opinion of her is. She has the gift of empathy. (Although you won't know this yet). She can not read minds, however, she can at times feel what other people are feeling. It usually comes to her in waves. She cannot summon the ability. It's stronger with some more than others, or at certain times more than others. It sometimes confuses her and takes her a while to accurately assess the why's and hows. She is also very private about her findings unless she feels she has to reveal. She sort of feels intrusive tromping through people's minds and souls the way she does at times. Because of this gift, that sometimes feels more like a curse, Senora has had to feel the emotions of the most pure as well as the darkest evil, and empathize. Therefore, she is slow to judge anyone. Sort of an "I've walked a mile in your shoes, and part of me understands" type of thing. It tends to keep her on the neutral end of good. This gift/curse is what drove her to become a priestess. Preserving life is her greatest desire. She craves the company of people who are at peace within themselves because then she gets to share in that. However, she's found that people who are at peace within themselves are non existent. The best she finds are moments when people feel peaceful. (I'll expand on her diety and form of worship after I meet with my old dm. :0))
The Big Pointy One Posted April 12, 2003 Report Posted April 12, 2003 Allain Siaciomore Quote From the doorway steps a man not so tall, or muscular. Wearing a long blue and gold-embroidered jacket atop of a puffed white shirt, with a few laces undone at the top, the bottom laces hanging ever-so-loosely over top of a pair of silky black pants. A flute hangs to one side of the man's belt, balanced on the other by a thin rapier. Blond hair tied into a tail at the man's neck blows in the wind for a split second as his pale blue eyes scan the room. The torchlight of the tavern reflects of a thin golden circlet on his forehead. That would be his basic physical description. He basically dresses like your standard nobleman. His rapier, his only enchanted to the point where it's magical; nothing really special. Your standard sword +1 deal. The flute carries no enchantment in itself. His circlet also has a minor enchantment on it, which increases his dexterity ever-so-slightly. He doesn't wear any other jewelry, but carries around a few extra knives which are hidden about his person. (Gah, I know I use that too often, but what can I say, I love throwing knives!) Of course, unlike my other characters, he has less than half a dozen. Heh. Quote So, as a character, Allan is new, so I'll still be working out his quirks. Chances are, he'll be another reflection of my personality, so he'll have his strong and weakpoints, obviously ;P Right now, I think he can basically be considered as your standard charming rogue-type character, like Edgar from FF6. Persistent with the ladies, not knowing when to give up, yet still honorable. Your basic hopeless romantic. Persistence will be his strongest point, I think. Once set on a task, he won't give up until it's over, or until he's dead. Generally, he's a kind-hearted person, and would be somewhere between good and neutral in AD&D terms, for those who know them better than I. As for physical attributes, Allan is a lithe man, agile as his form suggests. He moves with grace and dignity as often as situation allow. So that's the good side of his personality. As a downfall, he can be a bit distracted by the opposite sex some times, being the charmer that he tries to be. He can have the tendency to see beyond a female character's alignment, and do what he can to be with them. Even if it means sacrificing his own codes to do so. That is of course, if the drawing points of said female are strong enough. Other than that, he can be a bit over-confident a fair amount of the time. Being of noble blood, he tends not to pay much heed to those he considers beneath him, although he's working on correcting this flaw in his personality. He *does* realise that being a snob isn't the best way to go through life. I think that's all I can really think of for his character. If anything else comes up, I'll add it!
Brute Posted April 12, 2003 Report Posted April 12, 2003 All of these characters so far have great potential, it seems, especially when placed together in a group. It will be very interesting to see how they develop over time and interaction with each other. I can see already how personal conflict (nothing too serious) may arise. How I wished I could keep pace with the posts and join in...... Nonetheless, reading will be rewarding enough, I think.
Kasmandre Posted April 13, 2003 Report Posted April 13, 2003 Harmon's a semi-new character for me. He was a minor character in one of my first stories (which I'm trying to rewrite in spurts), and didn't have any backstory to speak of. His appearance here would come many years before that, and I'm more or less assembling his past as I go. Quote From behind the women, a booming voice asked, "A quest? And you're sending two women? Spellcasters, no less?" Iriador and Senora turn to see the voice's owner. It turns out to be a huge man, over six and a half feet tall with muscles bulging beneath his armour. Strapped to his back is a massive sword almost as long as he is tall. He extends a hand toward the employer. "I go by the name Harmon Eldarod, and you need my services if you expect these two little ladies to get within three towns of this Mirror thingy. Mind you, I don't work cheap." He then sat down beside the two women, threw an arm around Iriador and signals a waitress to bring him a drink. That's pretty much Harmon in a nutshell. He's a big guy (6'7" 275lbs) with short black hair and hazel eyes. He isn't terribly good looking, but he wouldn't believe anyone who tells him that, so it really doesn't matter . He's more than a little boorish and he has an ever-so-slightly sexist attitude toward women . He will constantly try to flirt with them and he'll rarely succeed, but he blames that on other factors (money, the woman, etc.). He believes that every woman is a frail creature in need of his personal protection and is usually unwilling to accept their help in "man's work." However, he's more than willing to have their help in cooking, cleaning, etc. The only group he's more prejudiced against is spellcasters of any kind. To him, spellcasting in any form is a less formidable means of combat and any spellcaster is, by definition, a sissy. Harmon's not above traveling with spellcasters, but he won't let them forget that they're a sissy and in need of his protection. Other than these quirks, Harmon is a fairly good individual (Neutral Good, I believe), if a little self interested. He's willing to go out of his way for those he likes and/or respects, even if he wouldn't allow himself to admit that he feels that way about them. He tends to operate on his own rules of conduct, most of which revolve around making himself look strong or important. As for gear, Harmon never carries too much stuff. He's got his mother-of-a-big-two-handed sword(+1/+1), and his armour. Other than that, he's got his money pouch that tends toward emptiness, as he spends his money fairly quickly on alcohol and women. He's not above mooching off others for money when he's low (and even when he's not), and he's quick to spot someone willing to pay. That's pretty much all I can think of at this point, if I think of anything else, I'll add it.
Archaneus Posted April 13, 2003 Report Posted April 13, 2003 Race: Elf Name: Archaneus (last name unknown) Age: Appears about 28 Hair: Dark brown/black Eyes: Change with light and surroundings Class: Ranger Archaneus is a very clever individual who has succeeded in almost completely destroying any sense of emotion. His alignment is Chaotic-good. Unlike most chaotic good he does not do the right thing because it is "right", as he believes that there is no right and wrong, but rather because he is a gentleman. He will do anything to stop harm to nature even going as far as slaughtering a helpless villgae, so in this way he is ruthless. He has a natural friendly attitude but underneath that he is actually quite cold and calculating. I think that gives you a basic idea of who he is.
Damon Inferel Posted April 14, 2003 Report Posted April 14, 2003 Well, I suppose the employer should give a little bit of information about himself. Forgive me if the lettering is a little choppy, as this keyboard sucks, but I'll do what I can. Well, as the name of Damon Inferel implies (Demon Infernal is the base words), he is of course a demon. Since he can take the form of a fair human, he is a succubi, but a lot less sexual than all others... in faact, almost not at all. Through millenia of experience, such an act has never gotten him anywhere, but he is far from a virgin... (mind you, that was some six or seven thousand years ago, while he was under the rule of Graz'zt. When Graz'zt was captured by the mad archmage, I forget his name, I set myself free.) I am certain you have all seen my avater, the precious little picture of chibi vincent from FF VII, and that is the exact description. Standing about six feet tall, with a good deal of ebon hair almost to his waist, and a... blood red, I think, trench coat. His eyes show no doubt that he is evil, lawful evil, as they are frequently narrowed and hold the same color as a smoldering coal. (I'm not looking at my avatar right now for physical description, but you can always look at that for reference. I don't have the wings though unless I am in demon form, whch even then I look the same... with wings. Damon has no qualms about spending money on mercenaries, but he himself is exceptionally powerful. In fact, he could almost match the power of the kitsune Elwen, but ould lose overall. I mean, he is only a lowly demon... (Note, my level is 12. Aristocrat 5/ Shadowdancer 5/ Assassin 2) I'll give you all a complete character info sheet (as best as I can format it) later. He generally prefers to not use this power though, but rather see the potential in others to employ, and he has a taste for powerful magic items. The mirror of Darkness interests me, but I live long enough to get what I want anyway... I am immortal by age standards since I am a demon, and most of my money is gained through soul trading in the Abyss. As far as personality goes... he's very quiet when not discussing something he wants, which is not often he wants something. He's a nice guy when he wants to be, but would not hesitate to kill anyone who is a threat to him. When he does talk, it is not anything extremely elegant unless it needs to be, but sophistication is certainly within his limits. He speaks all languages except for Druidic, and he speaks them fluently so those he has employed cannot plot against him. He' not heartless however, and will do what he can to make certain those he does grant a bit of trust stay alive. If he hates any one thing, it wuld be two things. He despises paladins with every inch of his eternally evil soul, and will slay them outright should they appear. The good thing is, he has a permanent undetectable alignment spell imbued upon him, so paladins don't know what's coming when they try to detect evil. The second thing he hates is random destruction. Though formerly one who did destroy towns for the sheer enjoyment of it, it always got to the point where the priests were hunting him down. So, anyone who wors for him who commits wonton destruction dies with extreme prejudice before they can crack under torture. Um... that's pretty much it. If you want a history, wait until the keyboard doesn't hurt my hands so much. And welcome to Archaneus!
Elwen Posted April 14, 2003 Report Posted April 14, 2003 *smiles at her beloved* This helps me as well, ashke. Now all I have to do is figure out /how/ exactly Damon's personality changes from this RP to the man he is in "Shadows of Memory" and my other stories...he's not so "mean" in them. Thank you for the help.
Damon Inferel Posted April 15, 2003 Report Posted April 15, 2003 No problem... I just have a habit of acting evil, but I'll do all I can to make certain my character is a lot more... compassionate by the end of the campaign. As a note to all of you other people... and you... Even if this campaign does conclude quickly, a band of mercenaries is not easily gotten rid of. I have plenty of ideas, so don't wory about this being a one-time deal, if you're interested of course...
Justin Silverblade Posted April 17, 2003 Report Posted April 17, 2003 (edited) Well then, I guess it's time to add my name to the pot. Looks like we have a very good group here. Brute's quite right, there's lots to grow with. My character is, as I have described to Damon in a PM - very mortal. I like to play mortal characters, simply because, believe it or not, they can really have some of the hugest influence on campains/stories, despite their non-fanciness. Be prepared though, I don't like to give tiny character descriptions. Salinye, I think I may have added/changed a few minor details since last we talked about his thoughts, so if you want to continue with this empathy thing (which I hope you do ), then I'd suggest you at least read his Mental Description. Thanks! ~Enos~ He's probably got a last name, but it's been so long since he cared that it's been forgotten. He's not above making one up if it seems nessesary. Rarely is it an issue though. Physical description: Human. Older - I would imagine 40 to 50, (unless I said differently in the RP). It doesn't sound old, but in mediveal times, when normal peseants don't live too long, late 40's is pretty old. He is not frail, but not strong either. He's not built, and not one who you'd ask to "help you load up the supply cart" or that sort of thing. But despite the appearance of weakness, he walks with confidence, and definate statue. A natural born survivalist, his actions are often discreet (though that does not nessesarily mean hidden) and subtle. With the form of a peseant, must come the dress of one. Enos has an olde tunic about him, worn, ripped, and stained. His only armour is some pieces of leather - which he prefers not to wear unless he know's he's forced to combat. His only weapon is a dagger. He keeps it sheathed and hidden amongst his rags when he wishes, since it clashes with his "poor" look. It is ornate, and of excellent work, and is obviously not the average weapon of a tavern drunk. Hazel/brown eyes, they are the windows to his thoughts. In all his travels though, he has managed to hide what he thinks from his face (but hiding what he thinks doesn't mean he can hide the fact that he is always thinking). His hair is a dark and greasy brown, and he has a small beard as well - both mostly because he hasn't the care to groom as often as he should. But, once again, he's not above "looking good" if it suits purposes, but if someone likes him, it's probably not because of his body. Lastly what he desperately lacks for strength, he makes up for dexterity (though obviously he can not compare with the legendary dex of the elves). While we haven't seen it yet, Enos is very adept in his trade: Theivery. Mental Description: (My favorate part) I think that the best alignment that would suit him is Neutral Evil. But if you asked him, his defination of Evil, he would assume, is so different from your own that he would deny the title. Without physical charisma he makes up for it in intellegence and mental charisma - passion. He enjoys a dry sense of humour, and often reveals the most about himself in hidden ironies, and double meanings. As an older person, I can guarantee I will play his weakness as best I can. What I ask in exchange is that the advantage he has taken away from his life is acting. The whole world's a play. A stage, an act and a game - I don't mean metaphorically, but Enos takes this idea almost to a litteral point. He lives it, and feels that knowing this gives him an advantage over all mortal (and common) people. That's why, Salinye, that I said an empathy you may recieve from him most of all is a feeling of cold. Because, he can get worked up about things, he can be passionate, devious, caring, dark, sarcastic, loving, and even at times the most rare of times, pure. But, underneath these emotions, whether they are real or not, he has convinced himself (permanently) that they are merely lines on a page, and not who he really is. Underneath it all he is dead inside, and in the end it comes down to the sole fact that there is no "real meaning to life" - and so there can only be one goal - living as he wants (within his mortal bounds). Whether it be at the expense or benifit of his aquantances. ~Hope I didn't lose you, Enos still confuses me sometimes~ Fears, Biases, and Passions: Enos is a very sour person. You'll find his list of likes very short, so I'll start with them. He loves to lead from behind the lines. He loves to tug the strings and let things unfold, and know that he was responsible for the reaction (especially if no one else knows he was). He is interested in the movements of others and studying their actions and reactions. Also, as a mortal man, he is subject to the usual biases to beauty. A nobleman is going to attract more of his attention than a peseant. A woman is going to attract more attention than a man, and a beautiful woman is going to get more attention then an ugly one. Of course, similar and other biases apply. He is however, not swayed by the "rightful place of a woman". If she's smart enough to get what she wants, regardless of what a man thinks, then she gets even more points in Enos' book. He strongly dislikes mages. Not because they're "sissy's" but because they're smarter than the average fighter, and contain crafts that Enos can not so easily manipulate. I think his schemes have been ruined by wizards before. Despite this dislike, they are also his favorite enemies. What fun is being a villian of a play if the hero is too stupid to catch on?. He loves them, and he hates them. Anyone of religion he is very wary about. He scoffs at the thought of the Gods and Goddesses of the world (though never aloud). They have not stopped him before - but at the same time he has seen the power of a good ceric, and paladin, and it is to be concerned about. A quote from a friend of mine: I'm not a God honoring man, but I am a God fearing one. That pretty much describes Enos' thoughts. He's not afriad to play with fire, but he is afraid of being burned. Of course this is a strange irony when he becomes fascinated with the person behind the religion due to other factors. (ex - Salinye your character, as you described, is a beautiful woman. This, and her actions and words have led Enos to already become interested in her, despite his inward warnings not to deal with her because of her unknown diety). And lastly - in a realm where mortals are only some of the citizens, Enos can be very sour to the more immortal of species, if they flaunt that fact. I believe that's about it. I'll add more if I think of it. Told ya you were in for a lot. Edited April 17, 2003 by Justin Silverblade
Damon Inferel Posted May 5, 2003 Report Posted May 5, 2003 (edited) Well, as i find myself with two characters now, since i too would like to be part of the gore fest (gore: the act of ramming a spike or horn through a living thing), I suppose I should renew this little thread of ours (thanks Salinye) with a piece of Shianna Yvette. (I had to get around to this someday...) Shianna yvette is a Vasharan, which would explain her complete and utter hatred for gods, goddesses, clerics, priests, religious monks... and all of that stuff. In order to make sense of this, I'll give you the rundown on the Vashar. The Vashar are essentially the God's failed attempt at humanity. They are the human prototype. They look, sound, talk, taste, and all of that other stuff, like a human... except they all have black hair. As the first 'human' turned out to be savage, stupid, and violent, the god's dismissed it... or killed it. In the last moments of the Vasharan's life, a demon brought itself forward from the Abyss and decided to use this breed for it's own twisted purposes. The Gods and such went about and created humans and elves and all of the other stuff, wile the Demons bred the Vashar. They were raised, knowing everything about their history of creation, and have only one ultimate goal. Deicide, or the destruction of the Gods. While they are not religious, they serve Demons from time to time as a means of getting power. Mortal weapons cannot harm a God, so they offer their souls or service for power to the demons. They have no concept of right or wrong, and have no qualms about incest, necrophelia, or anything else that would make a normal human run away in terror if he witnessed it. As the book I have says, or not, if eating the maggot-ridden flesh of a decaying corpse would help a Vasharan, they would do it. They also have no concept of right or wrong, but know enough to not become prisoners of the law. That's the Vashar in a nutshell, now for Shianna. Shianna Yvette is a Vasharan, as I have already said, and she has spent a lot of her life studying magic, hoping to be the first of her race to destroy the Gods, and she is only twenty. Vasharans have about the same life span as a human, as nobody can tell the difference unless they are told so. She usually doesn't pick fights with others out of her own safety, but rather chooses to manipulate her adversaries and allies through a number of divination spells, getting whjatever information she needs out of them. she is cold-hearted at most times, but still has some of the cheer that comes with being a young adult, though she tries to hide it, and does a very good job. Um... her personality is very commanding, but it is also very submissive, as she has subjected herself to horrific rites involving intimate relationships with Demons, the undead, and she has even slept with the dead in a good deal of comfort. She finds herself to be at home with the dead, and adores anything that is on the edge of it's life. It is pleasing to her to know that the older of the elven race still hold a young appearance, and she kills them to get pleasure out of it. This would explain why she is so infatuated with Iriador and Archaneus (though she hasn't expressed him yet.) (Also, even though Iriador is a lady, being Vasharan, she doesn't care... Don't worry though, she won't get the chance, and anything like that will be described as her leaving for the night, which might get a little suspicious.) Effectively, her personality is driven by a cold heart and lust. She prefers to be involved in rites that involve the death of a 'pure/virginal' sacrifice, and she steals many people for such purposes. (She had to leave her former home because the constables were investigating the disappearances caused by her) Um... how she looks? Well, she has a +2 cloak of resistance, and that is the only garment she wears to conceal herself. She found that it helped to attract a good deal of male sacrifices while not wearing anything, and she uses it to her advantage. She also has a custom made belt, a belt of pure marrow, which is a slotted strap of leather that holds the center finger bone of all of her good-aligned victims. These are used to cast her vile lance spell, which is her only weapon. This belt is extremely thin however, so as not to distract her sacrifices away from her, since she has no access to Enchantment spells. She also wears an additional two rings, an amulet, and a ( I hate using this word...) nipple clamp of exquisite pain, which turns all pain she endures into a pleasurable sensation. He rings are a ring of warmth so she does not become cold while wearing one garment and a +2 ring of protection to grant her frail little wizard body some extra protection. The amulet she has donned about her neck is a +1 amulet of natural armor, making her skin a little tougher, but no thicker. She also bears a symbol, a vile thing to see, that was clawed into her arm with what appears to be anger from the Abyss itself. Should the rune be struck, it bleeds ebony blood. Shianna finds this effect entertaining, and she frequently drinks the substance. As for what she is not wearing, she is what most would call both hauntingly skeletal, but hauntingly beautiful as well. It's her frail appearance that attracts many of her sacrifices, who do not find out until too late that she could effectively blink and destroy them. she loves to feed off of others lust and enjoys seeing them revel in fear as she has several of her undead servants torture them until they submit themselves to be willingly sacrificed to end the pain. Oh, right, her appearance... Um... she has black eyes, signifying that she is somewhat undead, but not too much of a clue to that. she is still completely mortal after all, but has been imbued with some of the talents of the undead. she has straight black hair that reaches a little past her waist. Um... I suppose that's it. I hiope nobody hates me for this, as I... ended up upsetting someone with one of my freakish ideas for a character. Edited May 6, 2003 by Damon Inferel
The Big Pointy One Posted May 11, 2003 Report Posted May 11, 2003 ~Sigh~ It seems, I must apologize, to Damon, and to everyone else involved up to this point; I think with things the way they are for me, and a few other things, I basically won't be able to keep up with the story. In other words, I'm dropping out. I am really sorry to do this, it seemed like such an interesting story, with such an interesting group, but alas, that's the way she goes, I guess ;p I'll be keeping an eye on this one (as well as well, everything, but that's a different matter...) and keep up the good work! Everyone's doing great ^.^ With... luv?
Archaneus Posted May 11, 2003 Report Posted May 11, 2003 well, it seems we are going to be having two members laeving very shortly then. I hve been hoping that I would be able to participate so I have been putting this off, but it appears as if I will never have the ability to continue so I regretfully withdraw as well. I will post within the next couple days of how my character leaves, until then he is still a member so continue to treat him as if he is. Thank you. -Arch
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