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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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ooc:This RP takes place when Vincent was young and decribes the events that lead to what he is today. Feel free to take the story anywhere you want,but try to stick to the basic outline I put forth. You can insert new characters or just control Vincent and the previously introduced characters. Hope you have fun and this turns out alright. I'm going to write another version of this in Asembly.




The sun began to peak over the hirison near the small villiage of Dun-Tilzain. The ray of light began to fill the town with life as the inhabitaints awoke and began there daily buiness. It was a normal sence as in any village except this village was all Sreraphs,a race of Angelic. Even stranger was the young Seraph youth that awoke that morning. He was like all Seraph's in apperance, White wings,fair skin,strong fit body. But his hair was strage, it was completly metalic silver,most said this was just a fluke,but others saw it as a proviciy or a curse. The young boy awoke in his soft bed, his sliver hair laying in tangles over his eyes. The soft light of the sun through the window causeing the hair to shimmer and shine. He foght with the mess of hair for a few minutes and began to dress. He quickly sliped on a pair of loose pants and a plain white shirt. He walked out of the house into the now livily village. He screched and yawned, wondering what today had in store for him. He figured it was best to let his mother sleep and head out into the village to start his day...

  • 2 weeks later...

"Can't the sun warm the earth and make crops grow without all this cursed light? Or could we just travel at night?" Veln asked rhetorrically as he raised a hand to shield his eyes. A strip dark of cloth was tied around the drow's eyes, which left him with vaguely blurry vision and just enough light coming through to make him uncomfortable. The rest of his clothing was similarly themed in protecting him from the sun. Very little skin was exposed to its punishing rays. He'd learned the hard way that although he never felt it at the time, he was far more vulnerable to the phenomenon known as a "sunburn" than members of races who lived above the surface.


"You could have stayed underground, its not like there isn't anyone to trade with down there," Alkleo countered. The human woman was clearly enjoying the sunshine far more than the drow. Both were traveling with a merchants caravan headed for a Seraph village, while most were somewhat confused by Veln's choice of profession, Alkleo seemed more amused.


"What merchants do," Veln began with a sigh, "Is buy things where they are relatively common, and therefore cheap, take them to a place where those things are rare and therefore expensive, and then sell those things. I had thought you were familiar with this concept."


Veln missed Alkleo's grin due to the strain on his eyes, "I think you're going to be very rich one day," She chuckled.

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