Nyyark Posted February 27, 2003 Report Posted February 27, 2003 (edited) OOC First of all OOC stands for Out Of Character. This means anything written here doesn't actually happen in the story. It also means that what is being said is said by the author, not character. In an RP (role playing) thread (collection of posts) the Role Players (you) adopt a persona. Also when interacting you must make other characters act according to their persona. Many people doing this together to weave a story is the essence of an Online, forum based, RP. Crow's Investigation is different than other RP's here at The Pen so that it provides a better learning experience. I will act as a guide for the story line. Rather than play Crow, everyone will get to play her and another. She is everyone's character, so nobody will be offended if you have her do things. She should be good practice in keeping others persona's when writing for them. In about a month I will end the story by wrapping it all up. I will also add the necessary elements of plot to forward the story as we go along, but what everyone does is up to the players. For a brief description of Crow: Nyyark's constant companion, Crow is a giant female crow. She is very intelligent, but only speaks crowspeak, the language of the crows. She is kind hearted and dislikes conflict, however her sense of duty often leads her into trouble. She sighs a lot. As a final OOC note: OOC's usually go in the Green Room, a room in The Pen accessible to initiates and higher. This is to prevent cluttering. Please have long OOC discussions there. This one is here only because I know not everyone knew that. Good Luck and have Fun! PS: Here is a link to the OOC thread in the Green Room for Crow's Investigation: OOC: Crow's Investigation IC(In Character): Bearing in her beak a paper scroll, Crow climbs to the pavilion in the Cabaret Room. She sets the scroll down on the pavilion and clears her throat loudly. Coming to her assistance, a kindly servant of The Pen takes the scroll and reads it: Quote To all who seek adventure and wish to do Good, There is a great evil at The Pen. Of late many crows have gone missing. I had believed they were migrating unseasonably, however yesterday I found a collection of skulls that speaks otherwise. I have retired to the library in the ruins of the older keep in hopes to find an answer. I ask you this: Please aid Crow in her investigation of the Pen's Keep. She will need protection and many eyes to search the Keep. Be wary and leave no stone unturned! If my research permits, I will return within the month. Until then let this be my thanks -Nyyark The servant trails off the last syllable of the Crowboy's name as he puts the down the scroll. A hushed silence falls over the room, countered only by Crow's expectant eyes. Edited June 14, 2014 by Tanuchan broken links
Zariah Posted February 28, 2003 Report Posted February 28, 2003 (edited) Zariah enters as the announcement concludes. Sensing an urgency and importance to the matter, she approached Crow in hopes she can be of help. As Zariah approaches, Crow's eyes glimmer in recognition of an interested member. Zariah bows slightly and begins. " Good day. I was late to the announcement and I was wondering if you could inform me of what this is all about. Perhaps I can be of some assistance." "Kaw caww kaww caw." "Actually I can understand you. This Nyyark friend of yours does not need to come to help translate. I am Zariah. I come from Clan Kawn." " Clan Kaw! Kawww caw cah! Kaw caw kawww ka kaw caww?" "Well, when I was a wee babe, I was left alone in the woods. Mother found me there and raised me with all of her community. I am adopted. For a humanlike creature cannot be a crow, of course. I know the ways and understand the language. I have been of age for three years now, and sent to be out on my own. It is wonderful to see a crow here, so far off from my land. If you could tell me of the troubles here, I could be of some assistance." "Kaw. Caww kaw caww ka kaw. Kaa kaah cah. Kaaw cah caw-" "No! That's awful! What sort of evil would bear this misfortune? I will be the first to join on solving this treachery!" "Kaw cahh caw." "Bid me no thanks, dear Crow. I have a wonderful feeling that we shall make great friends. Perhaps we should wait for others to join in our mission?" "Kaw." Zariah sits next to Crow and makes small talk about the similarities of their people. Edited February 28, 2003 by crowgirl1126
Vlad Posted February 28, 2003 Report Posted February 28, 2003 OOC: I hope you don't mind me advancing the storyline a few hours. If you do, just get one of the Elders to relocate this thread after a few other people have posted. IC: With the falling of dusk, activity becomes more hushed within the Cabaret Room. Fires begin to dwindle, and scholars' arguments about long forgotten lore quiets down to mere whispers. Many plan to retire to their rooms, so that they are ready for the morrow, but some choose to live life at its fullest under the cover of night. A lean figure approaches the Cabaret Room, bathed in the velvet light of the full moon. His cape gets a surreal look under the calming rays, but his dagger glistens, as if to scream its thirst for fresh blood. The man moves quickly and with purpose, hoping to find a well known and loved member of the Pen's community. A small, oddly-shaped item rests under his arm, wrapped in light brown paper. The paper was held together by a deadly thin piece of what appeared to be twine. Upon closer inspection, one would discover it to be hair. A silky piece of majestic blonde beauty, finer than a spider web, and more fragile than life itself. As the door to the Cabaret Room swings open, the faint outline of a vampiric shadow is cast upon the floor. A few look up, but within a few minutes, all is as it had been. Vlad scans the room for one he held in hig esteem, Nyyark. The package hidden under the many folds of the undead's cloak would have surely interested the Crowboy, had he known what it was. Searching the room one last time, the vampire's eyes focus in on a remote corner. As he looks at the occupants of a pair of stools, he spots an overly large crow. Perhaps that fowl [OOC:] creature knows where Nyyark is hiding.... Vlad approaches the crow and her companion with caution, he knows all to well what birds are capable of doing. Zariah continues making small talk, not noticing the stranger, but Crow immediatly recognizes the newcomer. "Kaw. Caa kah." "I'm sorry, but I do not speak crow-tongue. Perhaps you could point me in the direction of Nyyark?" Cocking her head in the direction of the center of the Keep, crow replies with a single "Caw." Seeing the bewildered look on the vampire's face, Zariah decides to intervene. "Nyyark has gone off to do research on the disappearance of crows from around the Pen. I believe he doesn't want to be disturbed, so if you-" "I have pressing matters to attend to, so I shall make this fast. I have found something which may be of interest to him, and possibly to you as well. There are many scattered around the grounds of the Keep, not hard to find... If you know where to look, that is." Having said these words, Vlad places his small package on the table before the two ladies, human and crow. With a deliberate slowness, he unravles the hair holding it together. As the paper falls away, a small bird-shaped skull is revealed. It is snowy white with a grey crack that slivers down the left side and an unnatural looking orifice just below the crack. Both spectators are awestruck in bewilderment and stare at the spectacle for at least half of a full minute. By the time that Crow and Zariah manage to draw their gaze away from the skull, Vlad is nowhere to be seen.
reverie Posted March 1, 2003 Report Posted March 1, 2003 (edited) OOC. revery is currently suffering for a bout of writer’s block at the moment... so he sent his apprentice fountain instead... That and castle's just too big to be practical... I.C. Fountain stared fretfully at the various pieces of parchment scattered about his master's chambers. Page after page of vigorously scrawled words had been scratched through and then left strewn about. "Not a good sigh," Fountain thought, " No, not at all...Master Revery must be in quite a state to have left such a mess..." Bally the green glowing ball in Fountain's head agreed. "Fountain, perhaps it's best if you leave quietly for a while, while the dreamlost recovers himself." So with that the young boy not quite a man set out to wander the halls of the pen. As was his custom he soon lapsed into a walking daydream, which was only natural since he was apprenticed to Revery the dreamlost. However, custom or not, this habit of his had a tendency to get him quite lost at times... Bally supposed revery could have instilled more of a sense of direction in the lad, had he seen it as a fault... But Revery thought it was more or less harmless, and he never listened to Bally anyway. So as dusk fell over the pen, Fountain finally awoke from his dream world, finding himself quite lost. "I suppose I should make my way back now," he said aloud to the corridor. The corridor didn't seem to notice Fountain's declaration, and went on about its usual business of just being a corridor. Reaching into his pocket, Fountain, pulled out his trusty ' for when you get lost again charm' revery had given him. Beginning the incantation while giving the charm a good shake he spoke the words of power: "oh magic eight-ball which way should I go to get home." Staring down at the 'magic' window of the spherical charm, the 'magic' words appeared before his eyes: Concentrate and ask again "oh not quite focused enough for you, Mister 8-ball... all right, I shall try again then." So fountain tried: "oh magic Eight ball, which way should I go to get home." And was answered: Concentrate and ask again A little disheartened this time, the lad made another attempt. "oh magic eight ball, I’m really really concentrating this time, which way should I go to get home." Better not tell you now "what?" the apprentice exclaimed exasperated. "What do you mean you'd better not tell me right now! I was concentrating really hard that time and everything." Just then Bally having quite enough interrupted, "oh fountain, put that thing away, you're standing right outside the cabaret room...just go inside ask one patrons to help you find your way back... Looking a little glum, Fountain compiled with the green one and entered the cabaret room. Fountain noticed it seemed more quiet then usual there, but then again he remember all the long meetings his master had attended to cause just that... In wake of the stillness he now wondered if it really had been needed. As he walked his way towards the center of the room he notices a young girl sitting with a crow, and in a wonder they seemed to be talking to each other... Bally perk up at that moment, " oh that's nyyrak's crow, ask them where he his... He should be able to guild you back..." So Fountain walked up to their table. "hi, my names fountain... and I’m quite lost... OOC. I rarely do this sort of thing... So tell me how I did ppl... oh... if you like to learn more about fountain go here: http://pub79.ezboard.com/fthemightypenfrm1....topic#Fountain or here (but towards the middle) http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?act=...t=ST&f=7&t=7369 Edited March 1, 2003 by reverie
Zariah Posted March 2, 2003 Report Posted March 2, 2003 Zariah rose and looked carefully at the new face. She noticed he was perhaps several years her junior, but found a slight attraction to him. He was almost cute, and perhaps could be of help for solving the mystery. "Hello...um... Fountian? My name is Zariah. I'm rather new here at the Pen. I've been here for several months now, but not social. Nevermind the small talk for now. We need help. Nyyark sent an announcement to members seeking their help in finding a murderer. There have been crows missing, and Nyyark has found several skulls. In fact, Vlad sent a package containing one not long go.... see, it's on the table" Zariah moves to the side and Fountain looks curiously at the skull. Crow begins to speak "Kaww caw kah kaw cahh." Zariah translates, " We are in quite a predicament. We have been waiting in hopes of some asistance. Do you think you could aid us?" Crow and Zariah look longingly at Fountain in awaiting his response.
whynotsin Posted March 4, 2003 Report Posted March 4, 2003 OCC: Why here adding a bit to the story. IC: Whynasin had awakened in a strange place. The evening rays where leaving for another place. Around him lay bones piled to on his chest and on his legs. Not to far away he could here the painful squawks of dieing Crows. He couldn’t remember what brought him here. Whynasin looked up and in the distance he could see an old keep. With a great effort he got up and trudged his way to it. His dark cloak was caked in blood and his sword and staff stained with battle but he could not recall anything only his name. His past was a blur up to the point he awoke. As he continued on his way towards the old keep he saw people sitting near a window talking. A rather large majestic looking crow sat among them as if in deep conversation. Whynasin made it to the ancient doorway that led into a darkly illuminated corridor. On the way in a darkly cloaked figure brushed by him in a hurry to escape. For a moment Whynasin was worried but was to confused to take much notice. A little further down Whynasin saw a young boy who must have been an apprentice wandering in a dreamy walk. He decided to fallow the youth to see if he could lead him to answers as to who he was. As he fallowed he made sure to keep in the shadows so that no one could see him. The only thing he could recall being able to do was stay hidden from view, he attributed this to him being an Elf. Whynasin decided he would remain in the shadows to see what was happing in this place and if anyone had information he could use. The Boy approached a door and seemed to wake as he did he began to ask questions to a small black ball. In frustration he shoved the ball back into his pocket and consulted a glowing companion. The Boy and his orb slipped into the room ahead. Like a flash of lighting Whynasin recalled an incantation that could make him invisible to both beast and man mortal and immortal alike. He quickly recited the words before the door closed and slipped in behind the Boy.
Elwen Posted March 8, 2003 Report Posted March 8, 2003 Elwen enters the room on silent feet. The elf maiden listens to the conversations, and decides to offer her help. "I would like to offer whatever aid I can give." she says quietly, approaching Zariah. "Though I am new and am unable to do much."
reverie Posted March 8, 2003 Report Posted March 8, 2003 (edited) Ooc... rev's note... Um, oh just to clue you on fountain's friend bally... he's just a voice in fountain's head, so no one else can 'normally' perceive him... but then again I guess anyone with psychic or and advance sense of awareness would prolly know he's there or something... I.C. Some time had passed in the Cabaret Room since last we left fountain. The candles of the evening had burned low to their wicks, and most to Pen now slept soundly. Yet Zariah and crow still held their vigil, in hope of that more would soon join their quest. Fortunately, their wait had not been in vain. It seems that during fountain's long lapse into silence, a mysterious new comer had appeared. Good fortune for all that the Elf Maiden, Elwen had offered her aid to them. However, all this was lost on Fountain. For the moment Zariah had spoken, fountain became enthralled by her hopeful gaze. So there we find young Fountain still staring transfixed by the longing gaze of Zariah and Crow. Still waiting for an answer Crow turned to Zariah, "kaaaaaw, Hah"? Zariah pointedly played one of her sharpened nails down the length of her face thoughtfully and replied, " No I do not think he's asleep, but his eyes do seem to be gazed over. Hearing this exchange, Bally flickered reproachfully, then decided to take matters into his own hands? "Ah, Fountain," bally probed. No. That's not right all. Ballys don’t have hands. Scratch that. Bally decided to do something about it. Ah that's better. Fountain??? No that's just sounds too plain. How 'bout. Bally blazed fierce green in rage at Fountain’s rude behavior, and then railed against the silly boy's complete lack of ability to hold up his end of a conversation. Fountain! Fountain!! Wake Up, You have to wake up! You've been staring at the poor girl for hours now. They’re waiting for your answer. Quit turning everything into a internal monologue and wake up. Snapping out of it with a jolt, Fountain finally came to his senses. Giving himself a shake he turned his attention back to Zariah and her companion Crow. "Oh I'm sorry, Zariah. I tend to be easily distracted." Zariah smiled at the younger boy, "Um, that's okay Fountain, but does this happen a lot." Fountain quickly piped back, "Oh you must forgive me, Master Revery has been teaching me the art of lucid day dreaming. Unfortunately, he hasn't figure out how to teach me to...well to use his words 'turn it figgin off' yet." " Ca, Kaaaw hah eh? " "fountain, Crow wants to know if you've decided to help us," Zariah translated. Fountain shifted back and forth from one foot to another nervously, then thought toward the great green ball of wisdom that dominated one corner of his mind,"Can I bally, do you think Revery would let me?" "hmmm," bally mused. Then decided, "Oh I don't see why not. Revery's been so entrench fighting that writer's block. I do not think he even realizes you are gone." Growing eager now, Fountain brightened, "Ooh, I've love to help, Zariah, where do we start? What do we do? Should I bring my quarterstaff and full fighting regalia... Oh it's been so long since I’ve been on an adventure... Well find out where all the crows have gone yet. yeah, you bet." After recovering a little from his gush of exuberance, Fountain realized their numbers had grown. "ah, I’ve see we have a fine member of the noble elf kin among us... Hello, Elf Mistress, I am Fountain of the dreamlost. Apprentice to Poet Mage, Revery the dreamlost? Who might I ask are you again? I'm sorry, but I tend to get distracted and often miss..." Ooc. Whew, that was fun... revery the dreamlost "oye!" the dream continues... Edited March 8, 2003 by reverie
whynotsin Posted March 9, 2003 Report Posted March 9, 2003 Whynasin had fallen asleep in the corner of the room while Fountain stood staring at Zariah. Indeed she was beautiful Bu he did not understand why the boy stared for so long. After what appeared to be hours an elf maiden showed up. She offered her help to the group. The huge Crow that sat next to Zariah looked around the room as if it saw something. It left Whynasin a little nervous but he was confident that none of these half children of light could actually see him. Just for fun Whynasin tripped the dreamy youth as he paced back and forth. He landed on top of Zariah. He looked up at her his face turning red with embracement. Whynasin chuckled inside of his mind at his bit of mischief.
Elwen Posted March 9, 2003 Report Posted March 9, 2003 Elwen smiles at Fountain, a mysterious, half-smile, and adjusts the harp she wears on her back, being careful to not let a single dissonant chord play. "I am Elwen-"star-maiden"-, harper by trade." The light of stars is in her gray gaze, and well has she earned her name, for she followed the starlight more closely then even most of her kin. Her eyes flicker back and forth-was someone else here? "Come out and show yourself."
Zariah Posted March 9, 2003 Report Posted March 9, 2003 (edited) Zariah pushes the boy off of her forcefully. She appears to be frustrated and very offended, yet inside she is feeling something different. Scoffing him off, she addresses Elwen in concern over Fountain. " I am Zariah, Lady of the Crows. I am new here too. I have found much useful information about the pen from my friend here, Crow.-" Crow cuts in - "Caw, kaw kaw cah kah caw." Zariah addresses Crow , "Yes, I am getting around to that. It IS important, I know." She then bows to Elwen, and Fountain, saying, " There has been a mystery brewing that must be solved. A murderer has been killing the crows and is lurking here at the pen!We must find this being and destroy it before all the crows are murdered! Will you all help us?" Zariah turns to Crow and says, 'We can begin our journey where should we go first?" Edited March 10, 2003 by Zariah
Vlad Posted March 9, 2003 Report Posted March 9, 2003 "Come out and show yourself." Silence. A candle flickers; a playful shadow cast upon the wall. A quiet rustle, and those who worry cease. Those who fear, smile. Those who are oppressed..., remain oppressed. I can't do everything you know. From the hidden depths of the room, a figure emerges. Elwen is prepared to try and lull it with her music, but there is no need. The shape has no features, no face, but when Zariah brings a candle around the person is immediately recognizable as Vlad. The vampire smiles a smug grin as he reaches out to bring Fountain's attention back to an awake state. He has a soothing voice, which can relax your mind, but also drain your soul. Many years of survival in the underground societies has taught Vlad to live carefully but openly. Many who wish to do you ill, simply will not be able to. "Star-maiden, there is no need to be so apprehensive. There is a quiet beauty in the mysteries of life, as there is in your eyes. Do not try to learn all that there is to know, for every answer only creates more questions. No harm will befall you or Zariah or anybody else who chooses to accompany you on your journey. I will see to that. I will be there when you need me, but not sooner. The path you choose is yours alone, let no-one determine it for you." Having said these words Vlad looks directly at where Whynasin is, and reiterates, this time more forcefully, "No harm will befall you." The vampire lifts his cloak and is gone in a wisp. Whynasin wonders if this individual can see him, but his question is almost insantly answered when he feels a hand on his shoulder. A voice accompanies the hand, but this voice is raspy, old, and stale. One could hardly belive that it is the same vampire. "I can't see you... but there are other ways of knowing where one is... Are you afraid...? Play nice, and so will I... Your tavern tricks do not impress me... You have much to learn about getting ahead... I will be here, dare not forget..." As the last syllable escapes his lips, Vlad once more, is gone. OOC: Nothing personal against you, Whynotsin, but I though this would be a fun post to make.
whynotsin Posted March 9, 2003 Report Posted March 9, 2003 IC It took a moment for Whynasin to realize that they where addressing him, How could these children of diluted light see him. Or even sense him. Whynasin went over to the Elwen the elf maiden with the harp and began to play a ghostly melody; He looked over at Zariah as she pushed of Fountain from off of her. His face was red as a fresh cherry. It amused him that they got so nervous. Elwen twirled around and produced a small dagger. The blade nicked Whynasin as he jumped back. An eerie glow came from his small wound. The Crow came flying over pecking at the air. Trying to get what ever was hiding The words of Vlad echoed in his mind. Was he a child of starlight? Whynasin healed his wound and stepped back into a shadow. The air in the room was very tense for a moment and then relaxed. Only that now all where on guard. More memory came flooding in and Whynasin became further aware of who he was. There was a grand battle with a Seraph OOC: refer to third annual archmage royal rumble, Whynasin battle with Vincent Silver, and A Histroy for more info on Whynasin.
Nyyark Posted March 9, 2003 Author Report Posted March 9, 2003 "Kakaww caw ahcaw" Crow sighs into Zariah's ear, who understands this to mean: "Well this is about as many as we are going to get for now, lets get moving before they wonder off".
smallscale_mind_games Posted March 10, 2003 Report Posted March 10, 2003 -Two identical pairs of brown eyes stared from the shadows behind an unnaturally large lilly. One pair was muted, and more than a little morose, the eyes of a poet. The other pair blazed fiercely- ((OOC: Is it tooooooo late to join? if it is, I'll go away and RP somewhere else))
whynotsin Posted March 13, 2003 Report Posted March 13, 2003 Ic: Whynasin phases through the wall into the hallway outside. He wants to join these people. Perhaps even play a trick or two on them. Will in the hall he changes into his favorite form and reappears in the hallway. Whynasin now appears to be a small 5 yr old elf-child. With long black hair that covers his eyes and ears. He has a staff in one hand and a Rapier on his back. He wears a child size travel cloak and knee high leather boots. In all accounts he looks very odd indeed. Whynasin elf-child knocks on the door with his staff and doesn’t have to wait long. Elwin the elf-maiden opens the door. Whynasin looks up at her with his big gray eyes and says “ Can I join your weust purdy please”. A smile breaks out on Elwin’s face and he lets Whynasin in. The other in the room look at him as he walks in with his sword that is to big for him bouncing on his back. Zariah get up and walks over to him and Elwin. Elwin and Zariah knell down next to Whynasin to be at his height. Zariah starts first” What’s your name? Are you alone”. Whynasin answers I a small voice, “ My name is Aft, and I’ve been traveling through the woods for as long as I can remembers. This is my daddies sword and this is my mother’s staff. They where killed a while back as we where going through the woods. And I was to young to remember where I came from so I’ve been wandering ever since.” Zariah and Elwin both go “Aww come here” and they hug Aft/Whynasin. Near the window Fountain eyes Aft/Whynasin with a little bit of jealously.
Rune Posted March 14, 2003 Report Posted March 14, 2003 Rune yawns and stretches slightly. She groans in a rather high pitched mousy voice while performing the wake up ritual. “Wake up, wake up, time to get out of bed. Wake up, wake up, your a sleepy head.” She sings to herself as she pulls on her pants and then bends down to roll up the extra material that drags the ground. Making two complete folds she counts her toes to make sure they are all present. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5! She beams at herself, proud of the accomplishment of keeping up with all her toes even when she was asleep. She heads over towards the washroom and doesn’t make it 20 paces before the folds she had just expertly made unravel causing her to trip slightly. She splashes her face with cool clean water and then washing her hands and feet she dries them on an old dirty towel and picks up a hairbrush that has only around half of its bristles. She brushes her hair straight and then makes two tiny nubbins behind each of her horns. She turns around so that the back of her head faces the only mirror in her room. “How sit look?” She asks and then waits patiently for a response. “Does it look bad?” She questions again when no one answers. “Great!” she finally says, drawing the simple conclusion that someone would have said something if it looked bad. She didn’t consider the fact that no one was actually in the room but that was beside the point. --------------------------------------------------------------- "Mmmm grumbubumble.” “Meep!” Rune exclaims, before patting her tummy. “Goodness..I must be pretty hungry to be making that much noise. I wonder if I can find some candy!” She scampers out of the room and towards the kitchen but in passing notices that there is some activity in the Cabaret Room. Being the nosey little demon that she is, she pokes her head into the room from behind the door and watches with some interest before slipping in rather unnoticed due to her height. Walking up behind Zariah she pulls on her clothing to get her attention. “Cuse me, Miss?” Zariah looks toward her, a bit confused. “Um, Is that your bird? Cause if it is.. I just wanted to say it’s really nice. And if it isn’t.. then I just wanted to ask if you realized what a nice bird that was.” She points towards the creature which looks at her with interest. Her tiny finger barely making a point, due to its size..and well.. length. Her attention then turns to the others in the room. She blinks at all the new faces. “Goodness, did I sleep that long?” she asks, perplexed. Zariah explains once more the cause of alarm and Rune listens with fevered interest. “I want to help!” She exclaims. “I am really good at detective stuff like this! I promise!” She looks around hoping for approval from the others. While waiting she bites her lip in anticipation and stands with her left foot on her right. Her pants hang on her hips and occasionally she bends down to pull them back up.
Rahsash Geldich Posted March 15, 2003 Report Posted March 15, 2003 Rahsash gave a sudden jolt that tumbled her out of her bed and onto the floor, where she landed in an unhappy heap, hair askew and rather messy after several late nights hacking at her writer's block. A ray of sunlight had somehow managed to find its way in through her multi-layerd drapes, and was shining painfully into her eyes. "Rumshtlft!" Her hands flew to her face and she irritably threw a blanket over her head untill she adjusted. It was a while, as sensitivity to light was something she considered one of her less desireable characteristics. Half-squinting, she gathered her dark aburn locks about her and tied them up into her messy morning bun and not particularly caring it looked as if a fuzzy cat had attacked her head. "Algldadleump." Still not bothering with actual speech, she stumbled over to the music system and slipped in a morning selection that was soon blaring in her room, carefully soundproofed by some nifty spells. She did an elaborate stretching dance that took the entirety of a song and dumped the bedclothes unceremoniously back onto the bed, where yet another nifty spell neatened the entire thing and cranked it back up into its place in the cieling of her main chamber. "Breakfast is good." Humming, she pulled on a rather grungy and well-worn pair of paint-splattered jeans and a lace-up corset-style top. Morning was not a time to argue with her over fashion sense. Rahsash had the same attitude about matching clothing as most artists or poets. If it was comfortable and wasn't a hideous clash of shade and tone, who cares. "Good morning Sleeping Beauty." Katiya's sarcastic voice drifted in over the music. The writer had a smudge of ink on her cheek that Rahsash decided to diplomatically not mention. "Any particualr reason you feel the need to wake the rest of us at this hour?" A black tabby meowed reproachfully and dissappeared back into Kat's lodgings. "I'm going to get some coffee, you want any?" "I'm going back to bed, I think you've sniffed too many paint fumes." "I'll tell them to get some bacon sent up in about another two hours." "Hetsuphdnft." A guesture that mostly resembled a convulsion accompanied this and a door slam was the last Rahsash saw. She turned the music off and brushed her hair, putting it up into a neater greecian-roman ribbon-wrapped thing that looked as if it was going to fall down but somehow didn't. A bit of black around her green eyes and she walked out onto her balcony to shut the large doors that she liked to keep open while she slept. Something gleamed on her porch. She walked over, muttering. "Stupid people who throw things off the upper balconies, they don't........." To say she was not a morning person was to put it politely, and polite she was only at the best of times, or when it ws dark out. It was a skull. Skulls are a nasty way to be awakened. Barefooted, she stalked out of her room in search of some answers, and where was her coffee?
reverie Posted March 17, 2003 Report Posted March 17, 2003 (edited) Fountain contemplates the wall before him. Lost in the the grain, his eyes fix unfocused willing the swirls to move, lights starts to dim in and out... as pupils dilate in the exercise of point fixation turned mediation. Feeling as a wallflower, eyes glued to the walls, Fountain wonders what must have tripped him up earlier on. The crow-girl was a little peeved, wasn't she,"bally piped in? Fountain blushed a bit then winced from more than just the memory, "yeah, i'd say so, bally... her claws came out after the fall... I'll have scars for weeks..." Fountain then turned his gaze the gathering crowd around crow. Apparently while fountain had been recovering himself, another elf had wondered in. A small elven child it seems. Zariah and Elwen had rushed over to greet the young elven one adoringly. Bally surfaced in fountains thoughts once more, "Now, now Fountain, jealously really doesn't suit you, now does it? Especially for one such as that." Irritated at the voice, "What do you mean such as that?" the boy shot back. Bally mused, "i'm not sure, but i smell power, be careful with that one." Choosing to ignore the warning for now, Fountain pushed bally to the back of his mind, then surveyed the rest of the crowd. "another child," he thought? "Oh wait that must be Rune, the cute little demon child that had finally joined the pen. Revery said she was silly, cute, and oh so nice..." Foutain walked over to the new face, "hello mistress Rune, I'm fountain, revery's new apprentice." Rune kinda tilted her head a little quizically, " oh hello you, you Rev's new 'prentice..., that must be fun. Oh, hey Mister Fountain, what's a 'prentice?" Bending down, fountain smiled, "it's like a student, only more binding..." Rune mulled this over a bit, clasping and unclasping her hands about her head as she twirled " oh, um, fountain, What's a student...?" Frowning a bit foutain searched for a moment, "uh, Master Revery teaches me things." Smiling wide rune came back, "Like what?" The boy replied, "Oh all manner of things, like how to dream..." Rune gasped, "You don't know how to dream! ...that's terrible" Hesitating some Foutain offered, "oh no, of course i know how to dream, he just makes it so... so... um, Rune, I'll have to get back to you on this..." Fountain leaves the young demon child and starts to wonder about the carberett room... Just what the heck, does the old master teach me anyway? "Oh, all manner of things" bally chided him in a perfect imitaition of fountain... ... o.o.c. hmm, am not the best with interactions... but am learning some... this fun... rev... Edited March 17, 2003 by reverie
Elwen Posted March 18, 2003 Report Posted March 18, 2003 Elwen stands, her gray eyes faraway for a moment as she considers the case. How /dare/ anyone kill crows. the harper thought darkly. Elwen herself owed her life to one of the noble birds-the harp she wore was a reminder of that, that perilous quest. "Where do we begin?" the soft-spoken Elf says quietly, her voice not raised in anger, though an edge may be detected.
whynotsin Posted March 19, 2003 Report Posted March 19, 2003 IC: Whynasin eyed the people in the room with interest he was enjoying himself. He went over o Rune and asked if she wanted to play with his Ball. At that moment he produced from a deep fold in his cloak a ball. Taking of his heavy cloak and weapons Whynasin put them in the corner of the room. Rune looked a the ball with Glee and shouted out “ throw it throw it!” Whynasin threw it to her and for a while they played until he overheard Zariah talking to Elwen and fountain about the case. He turned from Rune and left her alone with the ball as he wandered over to the others. “Yes they have been finding disturbing signs that something is wrong.” Zariah told the others. The crow cawed in agreement. Elwen asks the rest where do we start, and the Whynasin answers they all turn to the odd Elvin child. “ As I got closer to the keep I saw a Crow like her being killed by a shadowy figure, who ever it was seemed to be able to move through shadows, like a vampire or something. I hurried and when I saw the keep I ran. I was so scared.” Rune had let the ball go and it rolled across the room hitting Zariah’s foot.
Rune Posted March 19, 2003 Report Posted March 19, 2003 "meep, Sorries" the little demon replied as she realized that her own interest in the situation had caused the ball to go cascading into Zariah’s foot. She looked up sheepishly. "No one ever really said anything before, so no news is good news and ill assume that you all want my help" Rune exclaimed, using the same logic she had used when doing her hair earlier, assuming that since no one said anything negative that it would be alright. She piped up with the final word in the proclamation. “It looks like things are dying” she said rather sadly. The others glanced towards her waiting for a response. She poked at the ground with her big toe for several moments. The others seemed eager. “well?” someone remarked. Rune shrugged. ‘I dunno, Im just pointing out what I know..which doesn’t appear to be very much.” She moved towards the group of people who now stared at her as though she were alittle crazy. “Well we already knew that Rune.” Someone else responded. “We need to find out what is killing them, and where, so we can stop it!” The room erupted into a flurry of hushed whispers and conversation all centered on the missing crows. “Well” she said, but no one heard her over their own conversations. “I have an idea” she semi shouted, but once again was ignored. Huffing to herself she moved towards the window and looked out. It was nearing night at the pen keep and the moon was shinning brightly overhead. She propped her chin up on her hands and looked out into the open air dreamily. Several birds flew by, carefree in flight and seemingly unaware of the danger that had befallen their distant cousins. Lighting streaked across the sky in the distance as a low rumble of thunder could be heard. Rune sighed. “I wonder whats going on” she remarked to herself. “Its sad when things die before they are supposed to. I hope we can stop it soon.” She drew a tiny picture of a crow in the air using her pinky finger. The smoky remnants of where her finger had traced remained suspended in mid air for a few moments before animating and taking flight around her head and then into her ear before disappearing. She giggled at her own magic and then was lost in a semi day dream while the others conversed. Outside the rain began to fall. The soft patter of raindrops on the metal and wooden surfaces of the pen keep created a symphony unmatched by even the most skilled musicians in existence. Its simplicity created an illogical complex of notes and chords as the forest creatures joined in on the performance. Several raindrops fell on her nose from overhead, snapping her back to reality and the urgency of the situation at hand. “Hey!” she shouted. This time gaining attention from the party. “How do we know the skulls are really the crows?” she asked. The others looked at her and appeared confused. “Well because we have seen them, and they are skulls Rune.” Someone remarked. “But how do we know they are REAL skulls?” she asked. “Don’t you think someone would have noticed some blood or some feathers or heard something if someone was killing crows?” Her simple logic stunned the crowd. “I mean, this is the pen. This place is magic, there are people and eyes almost everywhere here. Maybe these skulls arnt real, maybe they are something else. She walked over to the skull that was now sitting on the table. Drawing a circle around it with her finger she then began to scribe something into the air in an older arcane language. Suddenly the tiny skull turned bright pink and little balloons and sparks began to go off in the room. “Oops!” she giggled. I think I spelled it wrong, she quickly corrected the mistake with a wave of her hand the festivities disappeared. “I meant to spell reveal but I forgot the a” She shrugged. Suddenly the skull began to shake violently before turning black. The crowd gathered around to investigate.
whynotsin Posted March 22, 2003 Report Posted March 22, 2003 "How'd you do that Rune?." Whynasin blinked and contemplated the sigh. Those around him shifted uneasily and he felt something tug at his existence. He looked into Rune's eyes as he awaited a reply.
Rune Posted March 22, 2003 Report Posted March 22, 2003 "Do what?" Rune boggled peering into the eyes of the other child. "Hey! Your my height, sorta" she commented, completely losing all train of thought. The boy looked back at her and appeared confused. "How'd you do that?" he repeated. Since the attention of the moment was on the skull, Rune considered the options and figured he was asking about her magic. Afterall when considering options its important to take the most obvious one. "Oh, Thats my magic. Its no big deal really. You see I can write stuff and then things happen. But I mispell alot of things so it usually turns out wrong." She giggled nervously. "Im not really sure what all I can do, so I just try somethin and sometimes it works and sometimes nothing happens. I can make ice cream tho, want some??" She pranced around in place at the rememberance of such an important ability and then beamed proudly as she waited for a response. The group continued to peer at the skull, waiting for someone to make a move. Had the skull simply changed color because of the magic but remained a crow's skull? or did something different happen. Would this be a key to unlocking the mystery? Even the children seemed to sense the concentration of the others on the object and forgot about ice cream and magic for a moment. Everyone was focused on what was going to happen next.
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