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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Watching you from the other side of the room, a twinge runs through my heart.

You turn your head gracfully as I quickely hide my own.

I know my chances with you are almost completely shot.

I have no knowledge of you besides your general asspects.

I see your glimmering ebony-black eyes catching the light with a magnificant brilliance.

Your hair becomes a bit tousled yet stays in its dark brown-black place.

So I write this hopeless love poem about you, the boy I will never know better.

My heart sinks with depression,

when I know I could never muster enough of my pathetic courage to say the simple form of greeting- 'hi.'

I keep only to myself about the longing to know the inner you and not just your exterior.

Secretly I obsess, too shy and timid to even let you know I glance over at you every now and again.

I doubt myself to the point of desperate emotion.

I think now, how can I say this without being corny and terribly trite?

But my mind churns to no avail.

I am left, alone, lost in this peacful daydream of a joy that will never come.



-Ryuu :dragon4:


hmm... if i remember right achanous... suggested you try to get all you lines similar length and I said... that wasn't necessary... Well after seeing some more your work... i think you should experiment with breaking the poem apart some... no strick form of stanza or line length is needed... but play around with a little till you find something you like...


i offer these as examples:








the dreamlost

"oi vie"(sp)

the dream continues...

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