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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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In these hallowed halls of education, we waited in silence, members of an endless queue to a destination unknown. Ever full of hope for a better future, we waited, me and my crippled companion, waited for some sign that we could possibly escape. But the road to freedom was long and filled with other applicants, all hoping for a spot in one of the prestigious classes offered at this institution. In my compatriot's hand, his ticket in. A simple form.


He stared long and hard at the form, looking away once to notice a fresh batch of space which had the misfortune of forming in front of him. On a broken foot, he moved unsteadily forward, conquoring this new space before any had a chance to snatch it from him. I, ever in pursuit, quickly followed, occupying the space abandoned by my friend


A look of frustration crossed my companion's face. A blank space on the form! It's very existence mocking his attempt at securing himself a place under the tutelage of the campus' renowned teachers. In a flurry. he began patting pockets, searching his memory and looking around. Finally, he gave up and turned to me


"My friend, I appear to be in a bind. You must aid me, else I will return home a broken and bitter man. I charge you with this quest, dear friend, to locate and retrieve for me a writing implement of some description. A pen, if you will. Go, my friend, find for me this object and return victorious. Failure to do so will unbalance the harmony of nature and could possibly lead to the destruction of the universe as we know it. Also, I won't be able to enroll today."


The stakes were high, I tell you. Existence and enrollment were on the line, here. My dear friend's future was in peril and it was up to me to rescue him from this fate worse than death. But the quest was to prove more difficult than one would normally anticipate, as such an item was not among those in my inventory at that time. I would have to journey day and night to locate another penbearer and hope he would part with the holy icon of literature before my companion reached the head of the queue, where he would face shame and humiliation upon presenting his incomplete enrollment form.


I pivoted on the spot, then stopped. The man directly behind us. Could he hold the key to our dilemma? Could my quest be over this soon? I was prepared to risk all to find out, and thus I spoke.


"Excuse me. Could I borrow a pen, at all?"


"Sure, here you go." With that, he offered me his pen. I graciously took the object, turned to face my friend and passed it on to him. He accepted the tool and proceeded to enscribe the rune M in the box marked with the holy sigils, "Sex? M/F" He then returned to me the pen, which I proceeded to return to the bearer. I thanked the man and wished him the greatest of fortune in the future.


Throughout the whole ordeal, the line had remained frozen in place. 48 seconds, by my telling. 48 seconds, not a soul breathed as my actions ensured the stability of reality



I pivoted on the spot, then stopped. The man directly behind us. Could he hold the key to our dilemma? Could my quest be over this soon? I was prepared to risk all to find out, and thus I spoke.



That is too hilarious! I love that part. :lol: Just a pivot! Ha Ha. i will never look at those pivots the same now.. :P


Awesome Writing!

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