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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Last attempt


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Letter from a Queen to her husband, who has been bed ridden in depression due to his deteriorating kingdom. He has refused to see her, or accept her messages. She has written this following as a last attempt to guide him to his duty, as a husband and a King. She has indicated that if he refuses this last letter, she is leaving him forever and appointing her son, Horan, (not the King's own, but hers from a previous marriage-but the only male heir) as the new King. She knows that Horan is not the best for any position of authority, but this coupled with her threat of leaving is the Queen's final attempt at pulling the King from his self pity.


How I have missed thee, O Love-

So many times I have yearned to feel your touch-

To melt in your arms-

And whisper divine thoughts in your ear-

But mostly to gaze deep within your eyes-

Encapturing your soul so full of sorrow.


I, too, want to wallow,

Oh sweet prince of lonliness-

How I desire your tempting sadness-

I am driven to fix your pain and discomfort-

And gladly take these in exchange for you awakening-

Driven into hunger, I bow before you, in desperation.


I beg, like a groveling servant-

Redeem yourself and cast this selfishness aside.

Envision the larger mass and take your throne.

See the future you can create as King.

Time is on your side, one again.

So shall you die with my thoughts in your heart,


If you cannot understand my wishes,

When the sun has risen over the bare kingdom,

Then you shall begin to see my reasons.

In the thirst of temptation, you will gain strength,

If evil taketh from the servants as myself,

My effort is rewarded by you or by death


See me as your love, and not ill mannered.

Come now! I mean to do you well,

For the sake of those here and to come.

I cast a plague upon your arrogance.

If you refue to take my hand,

You will lose me, and all your people.

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That is a very interesting poem, I like the explanation that leads into the poem. Helps a reader see, and imagine as if he/she was there, standing along side the poem, hearing these words as he might have.. Very well done. Bravo! Bravo!




The Kender :ph34r:

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Rune appears to have found a small broom from a closet and is riding it around the pen keep as though it were a mighty steed. She has her fingers in her mouth as she trots from one place to another. She skids to a hault outside the area where Crowgirl is presenting her work. Propping the stick pony against a corner she listens intently to the opening scene and then the letter itself as it is read from the stage area. She gapes at the professionalism of the writing and general feel of the piece. Her mind creates a grand tapesty of feudal politics and the need for a queen to sacrifice everything to save her kingdom.. Even if it means realizing that her own well being is not enough to pull the one she loves from the depression that holds him prisioner. Rune stands to applaud with the rest of the audience and smiles intently at crowgirl before hopping on her stick pony and taking off in a full gallop.
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