Lady Celes Crusader Posted December 16, 2002 Report Posted December 16, 2002 Je pense beaucoup à toi, ces derniers temps. Depuis près de vingt ans, tu as fêté Noël avec nous, pour une dernière fois. Une dernière fois, avant de rejoindre un monde qui m'est toujours inconnu. Je ne t'ai connu que pendant si peu d'années, mais ton souvenir a empreint mon cœur profondément de la marque indélibile de ton amour de grand-papa. Tu n'avais pas besoin de me donner beaucoup de choses pour me gâter. Une "paparmanne" suffisait amplement pour me combler. Dis-moi grand-papa, est-ce que tu joues aux billards avec des vieux copains que t'as retrouvé? Est-ce que tu te traites de tous les noms de la planète quand tu rate ton coup aux poches? Pour ma part, j'ai toujours à cœur ce que tu m'as enseigné et j'ai toujours en moi les cadeau les plus précieux que tu m'ai légués: l'amour et la passion des chats. Tous les chats que je vois me rappelle des leçons sur eux, à propos de comment les aimer, comment en prendre soin, comment les respecter. À la prochaine, grand-papa et saches que je ne t'oublierai jamais. Edité(e)(s) par: Lady Celes Crusader à: 12/16/02 9:54:10 am Quote
Lady Celes Crusader Posted December 16, 2002 Author Report Posted December 16, 2002 I've thought of you a lot, these days. Its been that way since twenty years, when you celebrate Christmas with us for one last time. One last time, before joining a world still unkown to me. I've known you for so few years, but your memory imprinted my heart deeply with the unerasable mark of your grand-fatherly love. You didn't need to give me a lot to spoli me. One peppermint candy was enough to overwhelm me. Tell me grandpa, do you play at pool tables with old buddies that you found? Do you call yourself all the names in the world when you miss a shot at that pocket game? As for me, I still care for what you thaught me and I still have the most precious gifts you gave me: love and my passion for cats. Every cats I see remind me all the teaching about them, about how to love them, how to take care of them, about how to respect them. See you next time, grandpa and know that I'll never forget you. Your magical style is Dark. . Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox Quote
Cyril Darkcloud Posted January 20, 2003 Report Posted January 20, 2003 Charmant et bien escrit! Un oevre de un coeur plein d’affection et souvenirs d’enfance, non? [ Malheureusement, me français est limité! ] Quote
jonathan_wolfe Posted January 20, 2003 Report Posted January 20, 2003 Bien, tres bien. Merci beaucoup par le translation anglais. Mon francais est encore plus mauvais que Cyril J'admets, j'ai utilisé un traducteur pour une partie de ce poteau, mais les tranlators anglais-français se sont améliorés. Presque. Quote
Rune Posted January 20, 2003 Report Posted January 20, 2003 I cant speak french. ;__; And thats kind of sad considering I took it for 4 years. But none the less the english translation was beautiful. Thanks for posting both versions, I would have been very sad to miss out on something so well written. Quote
Lady Celes Crusader Posted January 21, 2003 Author Report Posted January 21, 2003 Merci I always put up translations with my works, although that the translation of my snowball story had yet to be completed. In this particular work, it was so difficult because of the emotionnally charged tone it bears. Quote
jonathan_wolfe Posted January 21, 2003 Report Posted January 21, 2003 I've never understood, for example, the narcisscism (Or is it just a portrayed narcisscism?) of francophones over anglophones. The reason being when I come across warm spirited people like Lady Celes here. Viva la... ou... quelque chose Quote
Rune Posted January 21, 2003 Report Posted January 21, 2003 Rune stares blankly at Master Wolfe as he uses such large words as francophones and anglophones. She then turns, still wide eyed, to Lady Celes Crusader who appears to laugh quietly at the conversation. The child shrugs and grins. Sounds good to me! She says before skipping towards the door. She stops at the last minute to turn and face Lady Celes Crusader. When ya gonna post more miss? I like to try and read them outloud in french, even though I cannot understand them and I am sure that Im killing the pronounc'e'ation, but the language is so beautiful and it just seems right. I look forward to reading more. With a quick wave and a dash for the garden, Rune disappears around the corner. Quote
Lady Celes Crusader Posted January 22, 2003 Author Report Posted January 22, 2003 Narcism? Depends upon which part of the francophones you're talking about. The "Vive la France" type since to tend to be well, narcissist, especailly the intellectuals. Some even talked down about the Québec accents. As for the North-American francophones, its the pride of being able to protect the tongue use and the cultural preservation within a vastly anglophone and hispanophone community. But that can lead in some kind of narcism. Soyez patients mes chers, je ne suis pas la plus prolifique du Pen mais je vais en pondre d'autres œuvres. (I want you to try to translate that one for your and my fun ) Quote
Cyril Darkcloud Posted January 22, 2003 Report Posted January 22, 2003 Quote Soyez patients mes chers, je ne suis pas la plus prolifique du Pen mais je vais en pondre d'autres œuvres. (I want you to try to translate that one for your and my fun ) Be patient, my dears, I am not the most prolific of the Pen, but I am going to produce other works. Alors, Celes, je les attendrai avec patience. Quote
Lady Celes Crusader Posted January 23, 2003 Author Report Posted January 23, 2003 Excellent translation, mon cher Quote
Griever Posted February 11, 2003 Report Posted February 11, 2003 Vive dame Celes Croisé!, mais patience n'est pas ma meilleure qualité. Quote
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