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Ozymandias the Elder

The Founder

Posts: 628

(4/30/02 5:17:58 pm)

Reply Auction of the Soul


Your rhythm and word choice flow very much like Shel Silverstein's. A fact that enhances the poem quite well with just the right feel of whimsical otherworldliness that is all the more familiar and serious because of it.


You paint a very important, stark message that reads like one out of some of the better novels I've read. Kudos, Xr.



Honored Guest

Posts: 13

(5/1/02 9:59:11 pm)

Reply Re: Auction of the Soul


Thanks a lot! I actually wasn't sure if I should post it or not, because it was one of the earlier poems I wrote (I became more interested in poetry this year when I traveled to Chile and studies several Latin American poets, so this is really the first year I attempt to right poetry seriously), but your comments have re-affirmed this post.




Xradion, The Horny Druid, Scholar of the Ancient Arts, Holder of the Eye of Odin. "The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream." -Wallace Stevens "When at home, do as the Homans do." –Xradion


Ozymandias the Elder

The Founder

Posts: 641

(5/2/02 4:59:24 pm)

Reply Re: Auction of the Soul


I'm glad to help. :>)

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