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Posts: 85

(10/24/01 9:51:25 pm)

Reply Remind me never to travel the Lost Paths...


First, I have to say that I enjoy the story that Valdar and Zadown are weaving together. As a note however, Gyrfalcon would be torn to little bitty bits by the creatures you two are fighting....


Go Zadown, beat that arrogant Archangel into the next millenium!


Valdar, try to survive. =)


More planeswalkery goodness! =)


*Gyr wonders if we'll end up with two insane scarred planeswalkers around here*


Valdar and Astralis


Posts: 11

(11/5/01 6:12:05 am)

Reply Re: Remind me never to travel the Lost Paths...


And what's wrong with having two scarred, crazy planewalkers around here?


On a more serious note, thank you for your kind words, Gyrfalcon. . .and sorry for the late reply-this thread slipped my mind until i was nearly done with the latest part.


If I may, i have a humble request of anyone who read/is reading The First Scars. . . is it me? or is the quality going down?


It's hard for me to decide, since being brought up in a conservative society, I have a tendancy to put my own acompalishments aside. . .and yet. . .?


That I am aware of this makes things worse, since then I shrug off the modesty, and decide i rock. Then the modesty re-asserts itself, and-(well, you get the picture)


The line between over-modesty and i_am_t3h_m0st_l337_writer_in_th3_world is something im trying to toe, the line called truth.


Can someone help me find the line?

I'm especially distressed with the latest installation (though it seems that way everytime) but this time especially so. Help!



Elder of Lists and Manners

Posts: 359

(11/5/01 7:03:39 am)

Reply Feedback by request...


Peredhil shrugs


I'm sorry I've tapered off on the little feedback I'm want to do - I've been busy.


In reading the thread, I'm continually struck by the way you manage to transmit the imagery through words. I'm a very 'visual' reader, and I'm liking what I read.


I'm not sure how valid this is to your writing, but sometimes there is a Writer's tempation to tell the story just to push it along, rather than show the events, say the words, and let the Gentle Reader view the story through the action and character interaction.


Telling the story makes the reader a passive observer, showing the story involves them as a participant.


Peredhil rereads that last bit with a frown and hopes it makes sense.


I'm enjoying the story quite a bit - and like Gyrfalcon, I'm waiting the next installment eagerly.






Posts: 140

(11/8/01 3:04:41 pm)


Re: Feedback by request...


Well, I can only speak of Valdar's half of the story and I like it a lot. Feels like there is really this big multiversum with lots of things, history and whatnot when reading it, instead of the oh-lets-have-some-artificial-history-too.


I wouldn't do my interludes if I didn't like the story so much..


Valdar and Astralis


Posts: 28

(4/4/02 2:47:53 am)

Reply Re: Feedback by request...


Yes, it's stuck again-I thought I had it figured out. . .but then-reality crack.


Ah well, I'll fix it in the next patch, whenever that is.




Posts: 33

(4/12/02 12:47:07 pm)

Reply Re: Feedback by request...


*Bel reads this post and heads off in search of the thread where the story is located......*




Posts: 35

(4/15/02 3:07:08 pm)

Reply Re: Feedback by request...


Silly Bel can't find this thread....... "help"!


Yui Temae


Posts: 206

(4/16/02 6:31:15 am)

Reply Re: Feedback by request...


Yui gently takes Beli by the arm and steers him into the Assembly Room, where books of all sizes and shapes are scattered about on the many tables interspersed with the well-cushioned lounging chairs. She heads straight for one of the more dusty volumes in the corner and picks it up, blowing across the cover to clear it.


With a grin, she hands it to Beli and mutters, "There you are. Enjoy your reading, my friend." As he takes the book, he notices the title, The First Scars.


Blinking, he looks back up at the young woman. "Um... but they said something about 'Lost Paths'."


In response, she smirks and shrugs. "I know. Confusing, isn't it? Oh, and when you're done with that, you'll want to continue with this one." She sets another dusty volume in his hands, this one entitled Dreamer Interlude.


Then, with a pat to his shoulder, she turns and wanders off, leaving Belizean to the mercy of the stories.




Posts: 37

(4/17/02 7:10:06 pm)

Reply Re: Feedback by request...


*As Bel sits down to read the books he flashes Yui a crooked Grin and thanks her. He decides the lush rug looks like a comforting place to rest and sprawls out in the middle of the room and begins reading......*

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