Archive Posted January 15, 2003 Report Posted January 15, 2003 peredhil31 An Ancient Polite Bard Posts: 932 (2/19/02 1:57:17 pm) Reply ezSupporter Think -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assembly Room - Lady Celes Crusader I really like this. MacBowel??? Great parody! Snickers Looking forward to the next two installments! -P
Archive Posted January 15, 2003 Author Report Posted January 15, 2003 Gyrfalcon25 Bard Posts: 264 (2/19/02 10:28:57 pm) Reply Re: Think -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, I eat at McDonalds, so don't take the food comparisons *too* far, okay? *grin* Other then that, this is interesting, I'm looking forward to the other two. =)
Archive Posted January 15, 2003 Author Report Posted January 15, 2003 Nyyark Page Posts: 18 (2/21/02 1:45:14 pm) Reply Wow -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just read all three, and I'll have to commend you. This is really interesting and creative, definiatly out of the box. With the first post I was a liitle worried that this would just complain about the hype, but you proved an even deeper thought proccess. I'm impressed. Have you ever wondered why such capitalism is a bad thing though. I find it as bad as pretty much everything else, only disgused worse. Its an interesting dilemma you propose, what can one do. Re-check my opions is my only answer. Nyyark, Keeper of Crows, Page of the Pen.
Archive Posted January 15, 2003 Author Report Posted January 15, 2003 Lady Celes Crusader Quill-Bearer Posts: 154 (2/21/02 9:33:02 pm) Reply Re: Wow -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My... First, it was a great frustration pourer. I've worked in a small advertising agency. The method wasn't exactly the same, but the goal was identical: Sell an idea, objet, habit to a consumer. Of course, I've also read a lot of marketing publishing magazines and I've noticed all these statistic they are showing, they decorticated adds, telling why it worked or not. I've could have been more vicious by, among other thing, mentionning about the surveys made over and over again. Notice that they DO ask you if you or anyone of your family works in a marketing related profession. But as I've mentioned through our friend Greg, that was the tip of the iceberg. I've used Greg as a voice of some frustration about this over-consuming oriented society and the abuse its leading. In order to lighten the mood, I've introduced 2 games. The first game are in the titles of each installement and the other, the one Peredhil noticed, is the company name. I've replaced the usual f-word by freakin because you would have seen toons of #$@&... Thanks for the comments and other comments are of course still welcome.
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