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Guest Mister Burrofoot

I did read it, and I kinda understand, but not fully. But thats okies, I am not well with Pressure and time limits. =)

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Beware... Beware...


All ye whom have competition in their veins... Beware all ye!


For I have found my muse. :)



~ Just a note Wyv, to let you know I hadn't forgotten about this contest, just couldn't figure out quite how to approach it. I have now though, and it's all a matter of time and work ethic. I'll make the deadline, and with any luck, make it very very well. ~


- Justin


Eh, I'd really love to enter, but I don't think I can write a piece on Poetic Justice, let alone one to compete with... but that's alright, I don't mind. I'll enjoy reading everyone else's entries, no doubt this should prove to be an interesting contest.


Good luck to everyone entering!


(I don't think I can write that well on poetic justice- it's a hard concept for me to understand, I think... something like that, anyways. :P )


I just want to say: I changed my entry, I hope somehow my old one isn't counted (against me?)


Anyway, good luck to everybody, and I feel kind of stupid because now I've killed the impetus for writing that I had - and a week earlier than was necessary.



"the dog barks and the wind carries" - Russian Proverb

(for some reason few non-Russian people understand its meaning)


As a reminder to those that are still thinking of competing but haven't posted an entry yet: the current date is February 1rst and the closing date for the contest is February 6th. This means everyone has approximately one more week to post their entries, so be sure to be thinking about doing so!


Many thanks to those that have posted their entries, I've greatly enjoyed what I've read thus far. :)

Posted (edited)
  'Im said:

"the dog barks and the wind carries" - Russian Proverb

(for some reason few non-Russian people understand its meaning)

I'm russian, and I had to ask my parents about it...

Although I had an inkling...

And they say, its âåðáëþä, not wind [you might need cyrrilic enabled]

(My mind went blank as to what it is in english)


*Slowly watches as his chances of winning dwindle*

Edited by Vlad

"the dog barks and the camel carries?"


that's a pretty weird proverb, man. what's that even supposed to mean???



"Without work, you can't even catch a fish in a pond" - another Russian proverb. This one is utterly untrue though.

Posted (edited)

No, look, maybe you're not the one who made it up, but I'm also not the one who made it up.


I caneven tell you what the (true) version of the proverb means:

It's a variation on

When somebody says something stupid loudly, it doesn't make it any smarter.


If you keep saying the same kind of thing over and over, nobody but the wind will pay attention.


Now what could your version of the proverb mean?

every animal/human should do what is expected of them?



there's so much beauty it could make you cry


Update: I looked in my "Russian Proverbs and Sayings" book that I somehow have I don't know why.


"The Dog Barks and the wind carries"

"The Dog Barks and the horse walks on (the boyars ride on)"

"The Dog barks even at its master"


So, apparently, it seems your proverb also exists. And also means the same thing! But probably in some camel-prone part of Russia??


P.P.S.: Sorry to glut up the poetic justice topic with this nonsense stuff, I'm not going to do it anymore. :wigglycabbage:

Edited by Impostor



Impostor-Now that you ended my streak of stupidity I ran into a GIANT wall of writer's block... :banghead:


*Runs off and tries to do something stupid*


*Runs back panting*


Nope didn't work...

Anybody want to be my muse?


Oh, btw very good entry...


Note: due to the eagerness of a number of applicants, the contest will extend through the day of the 6th, closing promptly at midnight. If you haven't posted an entry yet but wish to do so, make sure you do so today!


Wyvern out-


The contest is now officially CLOSED. My apologies to those of you who had wanted to post entries, but were unable to do so in the time allotted. This contest was extended far longer than my last one, as I realize that the subject matter to write on was somewhat more abstract than my last contest. Never the less, a closing date is a closing date... Thanks to all that have participated in the "Poetic Justice" contest:


Vincent Silver

Vlad the Imploder








Over the weekend, I'll come to some method of deciding which 3 out of these 8 brilliant participants will win "Poetic Justice" CDs. This is always a very difficult decision, and I just wanted you all to know that I greatly enjoyed reading over your entries and will be doing so again in the near future. If you feel that you should be in this list of people participating but are not listed, be sure to inform me about it.


If all goes smoothly, winners should be announced on Monday, after which point the CDs will be sent out. :)


In case anyone was wondering, my entry was based off the fact that grasshoppers turn into locusts in bad conditions. Just thought I'd clarify that.


I was going to announce the winners today, but unfortunatly I currently would only have the time to say who the winners are and not state my reasoning behind them or give proper praise to the runners-up. Thus, I'm postponning the announcement until tommorow, my apologies...





*ahem* Ladies and gents, it is now time that I announced the 3 winners of the "Poetic Justice" contest, but before I do so I first wanted to thank all of those who took the time and effort to post entries on the rather abstract subject matter of the contest. The entries were everything I had hoped for and expected from the Pen... incredibly creative and original, excellently written, and extraordinarily unique. ^_^


As always, choosing 3 entries out of the 8 brilliant ones present is never an easy task... I want everyone to know that I went through the entries several times and spent quite a while considering them before ultimately reaching a conclusion. There were no bad entries, each of them was uniquely creative in it's own manner. The diversity of settings and subjects people chose to write about amazed me... which is great, since my compilation CD also touches a large variety of diverse subjects.


Anyhow, I'm certain some of you are very eager to know who won, so I'll get to the point now and relieve you of the tension... First, some praise for the runners-up of the contest:


- Vincent Silver

"Mind's Eye" is a very nice poem. Clearly depicts justice through the "Mind's Eye" of the individual, or the persons conscious. I particularly liked the lines "You kill one person or any/ It's tourture you with the force of many." Thanks also for being the first person brave enough to post an entry in the thread... I was somewhat nervous when I saw few people participating in the beginning and your entry greatly assuaged said nervousness.


- Archaneus

Interesting and entertaining mini-story about an evil dictators failed plot for world domination... I suppose his sidekick has a far better shot at it now, eh? ;) I particularly liked the reactions of Imarius after his enormous ego had been shattered upon the realization of his friend's betrayal. Nicely done.


- Reverie

"Casey" was a very good poem. The entire allusion to "Casey at the Bat" is exactly what I mean when I speak of diverse subject matter in entries... it was something I hadn't expected, yet which makes perfect sense when put in the context of poetic justice. I also really liked how you chose to rhyme the last lines of the stanzas, and thought the way you ended it was haunting and excellent. Well done.


- Vlad the Imploder

Excellent poem, Vlad... it's possibly one of my favorites from you thus far. The medieval tone and the uses of rhythm and rhyme really added to the narrated tale of a man who loses his wife to the very person he tries to steal from (which he does in order to have his wifes hand in marriage.) It had a very ironic and appropriate ending, which vividly displays the theme of poetic justice. Keep up the good work!


- Nyyark

A great story, particularly after you gave an explanation of how grasshoppers turn into locusts in the OOC "Poetic Justice" thread. I had no idea of that, and it was brilliantly incorporated into this piece. Once again, the diversity of entries can be seen here... I hadn't expected anyone to write a tale about the harvests and conflicts between insects, let alone such an original one! A very creative, entertaining, and thought provoking piece... Good stuff.


And now, to announce the three winners of the "Poetic Justice" contest:


- Peredhil

"So if you'll donate most generously you'll have our gratitude. At least lend your applause to be Polite and not rude." Upon hearing these last two lines, Wyvern gives a standing ovation, and even tosses some (wooden) geld pieces! To quote Zool: "that ROCKS!" ;p Quite frankly, I think I'm gonna have to get you to expand this piece even further some day, because it's simply brilliant. The stage direction is extremely vivid and visualistic, the characters are well conceived in both personality and appearence, the neo-classical dialogue is absolutely stunning. That's not even mentioning the very original concept of setting up a play of several scenes and sets for an entry, or the excellent portrayal of poetic justice in the success of Aristophanes. Definitely worthy of a CD... be certain to share with Nyyark!


- Imposter

Something about this guy and contest entries... ;p Imposter pulls through with yet another incredible entry! To be honest, when I first started reading part 1 of this story, I got kind of confused in the midst of the incredibly intricate setting and didn't think it would pull through in the end... Boy, was I ever wrong! The story got better and more involving as it went along, and then I reached the ending and had to stop and consider it's brilliance for a good 20 minutes. :P What I love about this story is that it shows poetic justice perhaps better than any other entry... it has poetic justice on multiple levels. Not only was the wife's locking Alvaro out at the end a completely unexpected plot twist that perfectly displayed poetic justice... justice was also displayed through the amount of time Alvaro took walking back to his house and taking the wrong route. Had he not been considering his previous actions and the outcome of the trial, he might have arrived at his door earlier and been able to do something about it. Also, bonus points for determination in writing up two other entries that you later rejected.


- Gyrfalcon

A very original and entertaining vampire story that had me hooked from the beginning to the end. I still can't get over the brilliant concept... a plastic surgery vampire! And what a fitting ending for someone who chooses to try to tamper with elements of the supernatural as he did... Overall, a really excellent and well thought-out piece... certainly worthy of a "Poetic Justice" CD. Congratulations to winner #3!


If the three winners could e-mail me their mailing addresses, I'll send out the CDs ASAP, and should have them sent out by the end of this week. Even if you guys have already mailed or given me your address, please send it to me again just in case. Thanks once again to everyone for participating!


The shadows slide sideways into quiet sound, a rushing hiss that brings to mind wind whipping through small tunnels. It is the sound of ephemeral voices of the Shade raised in praise, and although innocuous, the eerie quality of the ruckus raises the hairs on the back of a number of Pennite necks (or hackles). Out from the din of phantasmic cheers, a single voice raises in praise.


Congratulations to all who entered, and those few who won. You've all done great work.


And then, in a heartbeat, the realm of lightlessness falls silent once more, leaving most staring in perplexion into the darkened corners.


I thought Tzim's entry intresting also, in a compllicated, Tzimish sort of way :P


They were all fun to read. Thank you Wyvern for hosting a contest that produces such interesting entries. :yuismile:

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