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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Shall we try something?

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A challenge have I, from myself to you,

Valiant skalds and bards so true!

So hear me now, and listen well,

lest you mistake the rules I tell.


This simple trial, this basic test,

is not to see which is the best,

but rather find if tales be right

that o'er the sword, the pen has might!


Your wit, your valour, your very will,

you shall need all, to complete the drill.

Your strength of character will decide,

if ye are worthy of the prize.


Now danger lurks upon this road,

ye weak of mind will surely fold!

So gather all ye need for this task so grim,

and prepare to play with the ball named NIM!!!


Enter here, all ye of little sanity!

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uh, hmm, might try it... I have long four day weekend ahead of me, and i'm in a brand new shiny location because of my GREAT, LOVELY, FANATASTIC (insert light hearted with just a touch a deep seeded resentful sarcarism here) JOB... Translation: i haven't built up much of a social life here yet... but then again, who needs sunlight anyway... it's over rated...






the dreamlost


"i'm only slightly out of focus"


the dreamcontinues...

Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?

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  • 2 weeks later...

One brave soul from the Pen emerged,

To sing the dying Nimball's dirge.

His voice held high above the din,

Only Nyyark played with Nim!


What sorrow has befallen all,

the bards and skalds neglect the call.

Only one came forth to try,

only one with head held high.


Shall we try this yet again?

Calling now to all the Pen?

Who will help young Nyyark to save,

The Honour of the Pen today?

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Guest Minta Rose

No chocolate, no continuation of your story, AND no underwear. . .I'm not used to working for free, Norrath-side boss. And I asked nicely on most counts, too (sniff). Totally ruining my reputation.




--Tzimfemme, the naked

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