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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Love, if it were pure divine,

A bright and brilliant light,

A higher truth than you could find,

Would then, when vile Temptation

Enters in its fearful state,

The Word would true remain

In loves own mark,

Tempted not, but rather

Stay in Lover’s arms and heart.

Yet still when ill Temptation

Offers a fettered lust,

The Word burns and turns.

Heart forgotten with sickly ease,

For Temptation is this love’s disease.

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Guest Fire Walker

I prefer to think of them as the "Ten Suggestions".


Who did I quote that from? I have no clue?

If anyone wants to claim that I will give him/her ample praise.


-- Fire Walker --


One of the few...

The proud...

The pyromaniacs...


"What luck for rulers that men do not think." ~Adolf Hitler

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Guest Xradion

        Unfortunately, there is no such thing as true love. There is no such thing as good and evil. These are man-made creations. Creations of fools who will burn in the incandescent flames of their own ignorance. Mwahahahaha!!!!!! (Sorry. Normally, I would never respond like this, but since I'm listening to this really weird Squarepusher and Apex Twin track right now, I'm feeling extremely evil. Don't worry. It will pass as soon as the song ends. Nice poem. Keep it up!)







The Horny Druid,

Scholar of the Ancient Arts,

Holder of the Eye of Odin.


"The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream."

-Wallace Stevens


"When at home, do as the Homans do." –Xradion

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Guest Xradion

        Actually, so do I. I am (at least in part) a hopeless romantic, but I am constantly disappointed by the gradual degredation of our society. I want to have faith in human kindness, but it is difficult for me when I look at all the tyranny and opression that has taken place throughout the ages. Occasionally, these sentiments will manifest themselves in a temporary destructive attitude I adopt but never act upon (thankfully). Ultimately, I believe that things have improved over time, but it has been one hell of a slow process getting here, and things are certainly far from perfect...






The Horny Druid,

Scholar of the Ancient Arts,

Holder of the Eye of Odin.


"The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream."

-Wallace Stevens


"When at home, do as the Homans do." –Xradion

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I think people confuse lust with love and when the looks fade, hence does the love. Anyone else have a better idea of why the divorce rate is 1 in 2? I think true love is attainable in the sense that you love someone enough to make sacrifices, to fix problems, and know no one is perfect. So although it is there, too many people have the wrong idea of it I think.

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Love in any form is but an impure form of true love. What I mean here is that most people's love (especially first love) is merely an attachment to a fantasy of caring from another. When this attachment is threatened, great hurt and anger usually results, thus the current divorce rate.


How would one know true love?


When with your true love you can both be yourselves, and both accept the other unreservedly...


When your true love tells you he/she is leaving - you let them go, and you truly wish them the best...


When your true love hurts you - you do not respond by hurting them...


When bad things happen to you - you react without malice and step back to choose a new course based on carring for yourself, acting out of SELF love...


True love is a universal creative/accepting impulse. True love in a person is the wisdom to balance care, acceptance and support for another with care, acceptance and support for yourself. It is the field from which creation and growth springs. That is why one cannot love another unless one loves oneself.


love cannot be held to a single form, but must be as spontaneous as the people nurturing it, or it dies, and something ugly will take it's place. By 'single form' I do not mean monogamous relationship, I mean attachment to an emotional state (expectation).


Not very poetic, but as accurate as I can do right now.



Ancient, The Pen is Mightier than the Sword.

Bard of Terra, Patron Saint of Aspiring Bards.


Master of Magic and Mayhem, The Moonlit Realm


Elder than dirt, more foolish than a jester, able to trip over the smallest logic in a single step. It's... Oh, you know.

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Guest DarkSpiderman

I believe true love does exist but as you said most things lie in attraction rather then feelings. I on the other hand can seem to keep mine under control. At the age of 16 have been in love with over 4 girls of my age or close to it and believe me I know you don't agree and say he cant but indeed all things happen for reasons. I learned love at an early age. You may not accept this but it has happened and lust is what most of my friends go through and its simple to tell. I would explain better but love is what it is to the person who believes in it and yet I wonder does love change, or only appearance and feelings?


Spiderman He who seeks knowledge

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I think that the reason so many do not belive in true love is that love isn't 'true love' if you do it in hopes of a return. I would never speak of love as an investment.


Like Zool said, if you truly love someone when they want to go, you have to let them. I requires a real sense of self, because otherwise you are confusing your boundaries with the other person.


The best question I can come up with to help determine what you think of love is this:


If you love someone and your love is rivaled by another do you:


A) Do what you can to make you love choose you, because you love the person and want to be with them.




B) Try and help the person you love make the best possible decision for them, because you love the other person, and want what is best for them.


The problem is selfishness will ruin both of these options. If your selfish and choose A, then you'll fight for what's best for you, and treat the person as an object.


With B you would try and make the other person ditch you so you could feel sorry for yourself. If you really wanted what is best, you would do all in your power not to make the other person feel guilty, and realize that this wasn't your time.


Anyway, I go through spells in which I don't belive in love, however I try hard to. I think its important to belive in things which the rational mind cannot understand.

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Central to your point ( which I otherwise agree with) is how you define what is 'right'.


Through the perspective of love being the impetus of creation and acceptance, then right becomes an organic definition equating to the highest good, manifested through seeking the largest expression of the self. For instance, A seed knows innately what is best for it. It will wait till the right temperature before sprouting. When it breaks through the ground it will seek the sun, just as the roots will seek moisture. It's ultimate expression is a plant - a healthy plant. Plants are an essential part of the ecosystem - life on this planet would stop without them. Therefore, what the plant does for itself benefits all.


Just what it is for a person, beyond physical health, is in part individual but at the same time must involve some universal values, like compassion, acceptance, etc.. Through the expanded (divine) consciousness accessed by seeing the divine in others, one does what is best for others by doing what is best for oneself! So, the ignorant person does what he thinks is best for himself at the expense of others and ultimately cheats himself. The enlightened does what is best for himself and knows it is for the best.


Anyway it is fine for one to express their opinion on how wonderful it would be to be together. Just respect the decisions the other makes for her/his self.

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