Gyrfalcon Posted December 31, 2002 Report Posted December 31, 2002 Gyrfalcon tapped Robby on the shoulder, then pointed him towards the still unnamed metallic dragon. “Be respectful and he’ll treat you alright.” Gyrfalcon advised Robby before taking a deep breath and starting towards the strange silver and black dragon. Steeping up her wing as lightly as possible, Gyrfalcon soon settled himself between her shoulder blades, aided by a few grumbled. “No, not like that you fool,” or “There, no, there... can’t you worms stop wiggling just once?” Once he and Robby were seated on the two dragons, the dragons moved out away from the trees, then crouched and launched themselves into the air, their riders holding on with all their strength to avoid falling off. The dragons soared up into the sky, and Gyrfalcon laughed, reveling in the feeling of flight, even if he didn’t control it. Kokuryuu just grumbled to herself about the strangeness of the earthbound creatures. Of course, it could be worse- she’d heard that a few of them just couldn’t stand flight and threw up all over their dragons. At least this one wasn’t doing that. Gyrfalcon leaned forward and raised his voice to be heard by Kokuryuu. “So, what type of dragon *are* you exactly? You look like a black dragon in the shadows, but a silver dragon in the sunlight.”
Guest Kokuryuu Flameshifter Posted January 1, 2003 Report Posted January 1, 2003 My ears prick back, he was talking. I turned my head slightly to get the wind from my ears. “So, what type of dragon *are* you exactly? You look like a black dragon in the shadows, but a silver dragon in the sunlight.” He asks me. I nice question I suppose... " I am what would be termed as a Neutral Dragon. My mother was a silver and my father a black. Khinstha Metaltalon and Cronoss Darkheart. Good and Evil.... Metallic and Chromatic..." I fell silent and turned my face to the wind, my mind churning.
Guest Kokuryuu Flameshifter Posted January 8, 2003 Report Posted January 8, 2003 I had a really nice piece to put in here but my gods forsaken computer had a melt down and lost it. I'd love to retye it but time doesn't allow. Please someone do something with this dying RPG!! : -->:"> Edited by: Kokuryuu Flameshifter at: 1/8/03 3:01:42 pm
Gyrfalcon Posted January 9, 2003 Report Posted January 9, 2003 I'll take the spot after you retype your piece. It's not dying- this is sometimes normal, especially with school starting again at some colleges, which mean people getting back to school and getting their computers/connections up and running.
The Big Pointy One Posted January 26, 2003 Report Posted January 26, 2003 Deleo was a bit more unaccustomed to having someone ride him. In fact, he had never had anyone do so before, so it took him a few moments to get used to the added weight (although it was nothing to his large form). Of course, it seemed as if Robby had never ridden a Dragon before either, as far as Deleo could tell. Eventually, Deleo made it into the air with Robby secure on his back and caught up, leaving some good distance between he and Kokuryuu. Not being as arrogant towards lesser beings as most dragons, Deleo saw it fit to try and make some discussion with his passenger. "So, you said you're looking for knowledge or something like that? Are some sorta writer? Do you have a master? Is he writing a book? What's your story?" OOC: Hey, I'm trying... kinda ^.^
Gyrfalcon Posted January 26, 2003 Report Posted January 26, 2003 Quote Originally Posted by Kokuryuu: I close my eyes in the ecstacy of flight. My sides and scales are shrouded in a soft but biting wind. I sail on the currents as if swimming in a warm pool. My scales shine blindingly in the light and Is oon forget about whats been going on this day and the gold-bronze following me. I turn to the east, eyes still closed for the sun is in them. Something sounds out... I open my eyes to see something marring the radiance of the sun. It calls again. It is like a loud clarion trumpet calling....calling... then it dawns on me what it is. A green dragon. I stop, hovering in the air waiting for it to approach. I look to the left and right of me, hoping to dive behind the mountain cliffs. I can't... Cursed heritage. The green pulls up infront of me. He looks behind me coldly at Deleo who started to ask why I stopped but was cut off at the sight of the huge green. "A silver AND a gold... What a find I have! What brings you here, metallics?" The green sneered, lashing his long, weapon-ended tail. His bulk was larger than mine but we were about the same size. I recognize this dragon. "Has your poison breath gone to your brain, Bix? Has it rotted your memory that you would forget your good friend?" I pulled up in the air in a noble, defiant and important air... Well as noble, defiant and important as one can look, hovering in the air vertically. My rider slides back quickly but I make no grab for him as he seems to have caught himself on a spike. The green squints at me." Who are you...?" asked Bixelinthrix. I let a few black flames flicker in my jaws and die out while playfully growling. His eyes flash open and his head recoils slighlty. "Kokuryuu? Is that you...." He sneers. "You are so......Metallic." He snorts. "And what is that thing on your back? Is that a mortal?" His eyes widen and narrow, glaring at Gyrfalcon. Then his gaze shifts to Deleo. " What is going on here...?" He snaps at me. "Trespassers. Going to Omegus." I leave out the fact that other chromatics are attacking the metallics. He is my closest friend but... Who knows where his loyalties lie? "You may come if you want, if you are not on other business..." I add, quirking a brow. He looks behind me, far behind me in the distance then searches the ground. I can tell he is debating within his head. " I will come with you, Ryuu. I have... nothing else to do. Why are you taking the long way?" I am confused by his indecision. " I was not aware there was antoher way to the dragon caves of old... You know another?" "Yes, friend. Follow me." He shot an unsure glance at the two mortals and Deleo. Then he smiled at me, slightly. He shot forward. I followed and Deleo followed me. How strange he is acting...
Kokuryuu Flameshifter Posted January 29, 2003 Report Posted January 29, 2003 OOC: Dude, this board is great! OK Anyhow, I am sorry I haven't been around. I couldn't get to this board for a while Too bad they don't have a black dragon. Um... Thank you Gyrfalcon for putting in that piece of mine. It JUST let me post it on the other board when i find out that there is a new board! GAH!
Gyrfalcon Posted February 5, 2003 Report Posted February 5, 2003 Gyrfalcon hung from one of Kokuryuu’s back spikes, trying to stay out of the green’s sight as much as possible. Despite his efforts, the half-elf was easily seen against Kokuryuu’s currently gleaming scales, and the green narrowed his eyes and snorted, tiny fumes of the poisonous gas his kind breathed escaping. Knowing that there could be no way to evade the green dragon’s deadly breath, the half-elf considered letting go and falling into the trees below, though he knew that was likely as quick a death as the green’s breath promised to be. Luckily, neither fate became his own. Kokuryuu and the dragon roared an exchange in Draconic, which despite the half-elf’s ability to understand, he did not. He understood the words well enough, but the import of the conversation escaped him, though he caught that the green dragon was offering some unknown route to their destination that would be quicker then the normal route. Ryuu leveled out into flight, and the half-elf laboriously dragged himself forward once more, this time making sure to hold on tight to the two closest spikes in case she decided to hover once more. “So, any idea of where we’re going?” the half-elf called out to Ryuu.
Kokuryuu Flameshifter Posted February 6, 2003 Report Posted February 6, 2003 :dragon4: OOC: I just found this.. *glee* :woot: These are fun... "Not a clue. Bix was my friend... But these days.." I shrug, jarring the half-elf from his position again. "Can't you find a better positon" I snap. Bixelinthrix pulls far ahead of us. He stays quiet and ominous. So far we've stayed on the course I was already headed in but now he duck to the left, tucking his wings in close and pulling his legs tight against his body. He plummets down some what and swoops low over a ridge. I watch skeptically and Deleo rears up next to me. I give him a glance of confusion. Maybe he's been this weay before. He shrugs. "Get in close, Gyrfalcon." I tuck in my wings, making my body very stream line. The half-elf ducks down behind a spike and I begin to drop like and arrow. The wind whistles through my ears and I pull up just before hitting the ridge. My wings billow out and I lower a foreleg just incase i have to push off the stop the momentum. Bix is way up ahead, an emerald on the horizon. He passes through a hold in the ridges. This is going to be interesting. I'm up to high to get through without scraping my horns so I flip over. Almost too late I realize the half-elf is still on my back. I make a wild grab at him and place him on my softer underbelly and fly though just missing hitting the craggy rock. He looks bewildered. That was close... I offer him a grin and ask,"What, did you think I'd drop you?" I laugh but a bit too shrilly. I almost DID drop him... Deleo pulls through with more grace than I did, his body is smaller than mine. I snort a billow of smoke out. Bixelinthrix stops ahead of us. i wander how his bulk got through that hole. "Are we almost there?" I ask becoming level with him. "I have no memory of this place." "Yes....Almost. Where have you been? With the metallics no doubt. I thought you lean towards your father's side..." The green spat. I growl. "I do what I please. Where I am lately is nothing of your concern. We may have been brood mates but it matters not. I have both bloods churning in my viens and I feel compelled to help now and then..." I turn my head and add; "No matter how much it sickens me..." We both fall silent. I drop back to Deleo and Robby. "We are almost there. Any problems?"
The Big Pointy One Posted February 6, 2003 Report Posted February 6, 2003 "We're almost there, any problems?" The question seemed liked Kokuryuu expected only one answer. No. Deleo just shook his head. There wasn't much problem with their flight, Deleo had kept his passenger intact the whole time, without the slightest peep from the mysterious knowledge-seeker. Still, the Metallic had his doubts, especially after his encounter with that white earlier that day. Still, he said nothing, but his shifting glance around the horizon spoke volumes. Deleo suspected an ambush at every turn, crook and cliff face, and wouldn't rest his suspicion until he was safe back in his own cave. He had a feeling it'd be a long time before he made it there.
Gyrfalcon Posted February 8, 2003 Report Posted February 8, 2003 “I’ve never ridden a dragon, Kokuryuu, so no, I can’t find a better position.” the half-elf snapped in reply, his mood not improving with repeated brushes with a near-certain death. Luckily for the half-elf’s continued health and continued ride, Kokuryuu either didn’t hear him or ignored his words. Grumbling to himself, he dragged himself forward and found a slightly better perch. Kokuryuu slowed, and the half-elf leaned forward and peered around her neck, trying to see what the hold up was. “Get in close, Gyrfalcon.” the dragoness rumbled, and the half-elf clutched the spike he was huddled behind tightly as Kokuryuu canted forward and plummeted. The half-elf couldn’t see much through the ride, so he committed himself to hold on. Against a straight plummet with gravity aiding him in staying on the dragon’s back, it worked well enough. Then Kokuryuu flipped over, and the half-elf’s hands slipped down her smooth spike. The half-elf shouted in surprised horror as he fell away from the dragon and towards the unyielding rock of the earth below him... Kokuryuu half-twisted in mid plummet and lashed out, her hand securely grasping the half-elf as he fell free. Twisting again, she placed the half-elf on her stomach and concentrated on the extremely difficult task of flying upside down, though in this case, she was allowing speed to bleed off and was instead intent on gliding. Intent on flying upside down, Gyrfalcon suspected Kokuryuu never suspected how close she came to breaking a wing on the rocks around the pair, and leaving a half-elf shaped smear in the crater their crash would create. Then they were through the entrance, and Kokuryuu arched her neck to grin at Gyrfalcon. What, did you think I'd drop you?" she said rapidly before laughing shrilly. Gyrfalcon refrained from pointing out that she almost *did*. Suddenly, he was clutched in a hand as Kokuryuu righted herself and replaced the half-elf on her back again, with an order to hold on tighter next time. Gyrfalcon grabbed a pair of spikes in a death grip and silently noted that there was *no* problem. He became aware of Kokuryuu hovering next to the green dragon, Bix-something or the other. As the two dragons talked, Gyrfalcon looked into the green dragon’s eyes and saw in them loathing and hatred for him. But not for him specifically, but for all his kind, weak and puny next to the might of a single dragon, but together enough to force the dragons away from lands that had always been theirs, to stand up and refuse the demands on their so-called superiors. Gyrfalcon looked into eyes filled with a timeless hate for him and the rest of humanity and elven-kind. Kokuryuu dropped back to talk with Deleo and his passenger, and Gyrfalcon relaxed a little as the dragonfear receded. "We are almost there. Any problems?" Kokuryuu asked. “Beyond the fact that your green friend over there looks like he wants to eat me slowly and I’ve nearly fallen off about ten times? Not much.” Gyrfalcon said, but his heart wasn’t in his sarcastic comment.
Kokuryuu Flameshifter Posted February 8, 2003 Report Posted February 8, 2003 (edited) “Beyond the fact that your green friend over there looks like he wants to eat me slowly and I’ve nearly fallen off about ten times? Not much.” Gyrfalcon retorts. I snort at the half-elf. My delicate nostrils quiver as a scent fills them. The scent of...Death. They tingle as the horrific yet tantalizing odor. My head swims slightly. The scent is very strong and ominous. What could he be leading me to? I can't trust him. Flying close to Deleo he smells it too. His head rears back as the scent of living is replaced by nothing but death and decay. He rears his head back in disgust and a low growl emitted deep in his throat. Gyrfalcon shifts uncomfortably. I stop and land on a ledge and shy back from the overwhelming scent. It is my curse to not condone it because of my silver blood. Bix looks back, a myschievious glint in his eyes. I don't like this. Not one bit. "Get off." I tell Gyrfalcon gruffly and shake him off. "BIXELINTHRIX!" I call out and growl. I leap over to where he is landing leaving the half-elf anf gold behind. He eyes me critically as if trying to size me up. "What is going on here? I don't think this is the way..." I look around cautiously, a shiver slightly and send my scales and spikes bristling. My tail twitches restlessly behind me. "I don't like the feel of this place--" "Don't like the feel?" He inturupts. Then laughs loudly, boomingly. "I would have thought the ground of your father wouldn't bother you! But I suppose that mother of yours--" "Shut up, Bix. Stop talking now." I snarl. "I don't want to have to scratch that grin from your bloated face!" I lower my head in a silent threat but he seems to just get delight from the moment. I growl loudly, lip curling back from my sharp row of silver fangs. He grins more and steps forward. "We used to be friends, Kokuryuu. Allies. But it seems to me that you've gone soft. You have lost all shreds of black blood in your viens, haven't you? You've become just like them! Just like those soft-hearted, mortal-loving METALLICS!" He released a small spurt of green poison into the air to embellish the last sentance. That was it. I didn't stand for this any longer. I lashed out with my foreclaws, catching the side of his face adn sending small emerald scales flying. He turned his face back and growled, arching his neck and releasing the blast of poison in full. I small bit of surprise crosses my face as I go to step out of the way and find myself on the very edge. The poison is ever approaching and I have no time to react. Launching myself shakily into the air is the only way to escape it but I realize a bit too late where the blast was actually headed. Deleo, Robby and Gyrfalcon... I watch in slight horror thinking what might happen to the mortals; they'd surely die. But Deleo is quick-witted and its a good thing for them. He thrusts out a wing, blocking them from the fumes and then flaps them wildly to knocks the poison away. He goes to attack as well. "No, stay and protect them. Leave if you have to, this is my fight!" He nods and stays back. I dive at Bixelinthrix and makes a snap for his neck. He counters with an upper cut into my jaw, I bite down hard, cutting my tongue. The warm and salty taste of blood flows through my mouth. I spit and growl, sending flames of black straight into his face. He rears back, momentarily blinded as the charred scales rain down. I take the chance to claw at his neck and chest. I go for the softer underbelly plates and I find a hold around his neck. I sink in my teeth but he doesn't need his eyes to find me. He hits me hard in the ribs with his tail weapon; a fanned out arrow-shaped spike. I roar in pain, realeasing him and I am sent into a sharp outcropping of rocks. My sides burn with pain. I fall in a heap, watching him approach menacingly... OOC: Gyrfalcon, here is your chance to attack with your katana! -Ryuu :dragon4: Edited February 8, 2003 by Kokuryuu Flameshifter
Tamaranis Posted February 9, 2003 Report Posted February 9, 2003 "Well, one way or another, at least I'll die having fought a dragon..." Robby muttered, clenching his fists. "Don't bother trying to protect me from the poison," He told Deleo, "I can deal with it." The Green's claws and sheer bulk would be an entirely different matter. Robby ran, seperating himself from Deleo, trying to find a position he could attack the green from. The dragon saw him, certainly, but judging from what he'd seen so far, its pride would lead it to ignore him and focus on Deleo. Robby wasn't entirely sure if that would be a mistake or not, he didn't know exactly how much he'd be able to hurt a dragon, if at all. OOC: hey, at least it's a post!
Gyrfalcon Posted February 11, 2003 Report Posted February 11, 2003 Gyrfalcon grimaced as the great green dragon reared over Kokuryuu to bring his fore claws crashing down. Kokuryuu managed to scramble mostly out of the way, though Bixelinthrix managed to give her a few shallow cuts. He snarled and his wings flared, and Gyrfalcon expected what was coming- the dragon was going to use his breath weapon. While Kokuryuu might normally be immune to its effects, Gyrfalcon suspected that her wounds would leave her vulnerable to the green’s deadly breath. Almost mechanically, the half-elf drew his katana. Robby watched in amazement as the half-elf took a deep breath and closed his eyes, then opened them with a growl. “What are you planning to do?” Robby asked. “Watch me.” Gyrfalcon said, sprinting from cover. Focused on the fight that he had been forbidden to take part in, Deleo didn’t see the half-elf until he was several feet away. A last-minute swipe to drag the half-elf back failed, and Deleo could only watch in a sort of fascinated horror as Gyrfalcon leapt onto Bixelinthrix’s back and charged upward, managed to make progress even as the green dragon drew himself upright and sucked in a deep breath, the air in his lungs ready to spew out in a wave of poisonous gas at the vulnerable Kokuryuu. Gyrfalcon reached the center of the dragon’s back and without hesitation, he hacked at the great flight muscles to his side, his finely-edged and magically enhanced katana parting the thin scales along that portion of the dragon’s body, diving deeper through flesh and muscles to grate against bone. Twisting the katana to widen the wound, Gyrfalcon turned and struck at the other muscle. Bixelinthrix’s breath departed not as poisonous gas, but as a scream of outrage and pain. Collapsing to all fours, the dragon bucked, and Gyrfalcon, off-balance from his hasty attempt at a second attack, went flying, his sword nicking through scales but not doing much else. The green dragon lost his head and ignored Kokuryuu for the moment, intent on killing this... pest.... that dared to wound his better! Again, he prepared to breathe deadly poison, when Deleo intervened to fulfill his charge to protect the mortals, his own breath a wave of fire that washed over Bixelinthrix’s side and wings, withering the wounded one and eating voraciously at the green’s scales and flesh. The green dragon roared at the greater pain, and felt a touch of fear as Kokuryuu struggled to her feet, her draconic face showing her pain- but even more so, her anger.
Kokuryuu Flameshifter Posted February 12, 2003 Report Posted February 12, 2003 (edited) Rage. Fear and rage trace through my mind, numbing out pain, blinding me to others aropund me but the green. He has to die, no way around it. I twisted my body straight and launches myself, claws brandished, with my powerful hind legs. I caught him off guard, just as flames licked his face. My front claws found a grip around his upper neck and I knock him down with my momentum and hind claws. He fell back, unguarded but met my attack with a thrusting motion of his back legs into my gut. I barely noticed. Fear and anger drove me. The half-elf jumping to safety anf the gold-bronze dragon backing off were oblivious to me. I had only one purpose, to destroy this former friend. I find purchase as my fangs dig deeply into the softer scales of his throat. He screams in torment and pain and I find myself being clawed at, my silvery black scales raining off my sides. I rake down on his sides, sending emerald scales mingling with the black. "I will kill you!" I scream with an oath and bite down on his muzzle. His blood stream out along with mine, making the rocky out cropping very slick. I dig my back claws into the stone to keep from sliding. We grapple with eachother, both on our hind legs, clawing at eachother like cats. Our claws were locked in the next instant and I arches my neck back, dodging a bite from his massive jaw. I snake my face down and open my maw, releasing black flames with an acidic quality. His face contorts and scales melt and sizzle, blinding him. I unlatch myself and charge agina on all fours, using my wings to propel me forward. I've lost a lot of blood and it soaks the ground, but so has he. With a last swipe of my claws, I rake down hard on his underbelly. The supple and softer scales break away and the force of my charge makes him slip back and start to fall. He's reached the edge... Well a terrible cry of outrage and pain, he falls back off the cliff face. He tries to flap his wings but they flutter uselessly and the softer membrane holds no wings, for the tears I made in them. He falls with no way to catch himself, his back slams on rocks but I avert y gaze.... I don't want to know how it ends... I tell myself. I crawl back form the edge. I raise my head in a victorious roar. Then my strength gives out and I flop on my side, blood spraying and puddling around me. My form shimmers into the ahlf-elf, bloodied and broken. I lie there, passed out. OOC: I want to appologize for the many many MANY mistakes in this post. i have not the time to correst them.....Bear with me please! -Ryuu :dragon4: Edited February 17, 2003 by Kokuryuu Flameshifter
Gyrfalcon Posted February 22, 2003 Report Posted February 22, 2003 Gyrfalcon shook his head and glanced at his companions, both of them staring in shock at the sudden end to the battle. “Deleo.” The half-elf shouted, looking around for a patch of greenery in the blasted grotto. He almost despaired of finding any, when a patch of green on the far wall caught his attention. Deleo finally shook himself free of his stupor and looked down at Gyrfalcon. “What?” he asked. Gyrfalcon gestured impatiently. “Grab all of us and fly us over there.” Gyrfalcon said, pointing at the small patch of green in the distance. Deleo eyed him, wondering if the battle had unhinged the half-elf. “What good would that do? More then that, moving Kokuryuu might injure her more-“Deleo tried to explain. The half-elf walked up to him and looked upward. “I’m a ranger, capable of healing spells... but only around nature!” the half-elf gestured at the barren rocks surrounding the small band. “I can’t cast any spells worth the name right here, but I can manage it over there... if you’d stop debating me and get us there!” Gyrfalcon finished in a shout. Deleo shook his head. “Don’t get so worked up.” the metallic dragon grumbled, scooping Gyrfalcon and Robby onto his back and approaching Kokuryuu, carefully collecting her in his clawed forepaws. Flaring his wings, Deleo leapt off the edge, grumbling as he quickly crossed the distance. “Everyone feels like they have to shout at me, even the mortals... It’s annoying is what it is.” The dragon flared his wings and landed next to the small grove, almost gently laying Kokuryuu next to a tree. “Now what?” Robby said, speaking for the first time in a long while. “Now I see if my meager talents can keep her alive.” Gyrfalcon said, kneeling next to Kokuryuu, his hands held out above her still form, breath barely stirring in her lungs. Gyrfalcon began to whisper, the volume slowly growing into a soft melody, reminiscent of the wind through the tree branches. As he chanted, or sang, a green glow surrounded his hands, the green of new growth in the spring. Lowering his hands, Gyrfalcon touched Kokuryuu’s temples, and Robby raised an eyebrow as some of her more grevious wounds rapidly healed, thick scabs forming over them. Again, Gyrfalcon repeated the soft chant and transferred more energy to Kokuryuu, and again. He repeated the process several times, fatigue growing on his face as he gave some of his own energy to the healing process. Finally, he transferred a last faint flicker of health to Kokuryuu, groaned softly, and fell over. Kokuryuu slept now, her breath deeper and more regular. The evidence of the terrible damage she had taken was still evident, but it was obvious that she would pull through- though how long it would take for her to fully heal was open to question.
Kokuryuu Flameshifter Posted February 23, 2003 Report Posted February 23, 2003 I opened my eyes, well as well as I could. My right eye was puffy and almost swollen shut and my lids were heavy. My head was swimming, and my limbs ached numbly. I lifted my head for a better view. It was night time, the sky was dark and Deleo was curled around a fire, where Robbie seemed to be sleeping and Gyrfalcon lay. I propped myself up, only remembering the Green's horrifying death. A shudder ran through my body. I shifted my form again, back into the black panther who has scabbed wounds all over its lank body. I slinked over to the Half-elf. I sniffed at him and memory hit me. In my unconcious state I dreamt of him leaning over me, singing or something. Then I looked at my wounded body. He must have healed me, I realize. Hn, I owe him now Don't I? I asked myself. I yawned and stretched and sank back to the ground, next to the half-elf. I owe him my life, I reminded myself. Now that I've slowed our progress to see the Great one, I'll have to make it up to them. I seem to be wasting their time. Why was i even bothering anymore. Apparently my silver side was shinning through... I yawned again but I couldn't fall back asleep. My tail twitched restlessly behind me and I released and retracted my claws. I grumbled and growled, turning over and over. the numb pain in my sides was lessening, but I couldn't heal myself. That was the only draw back of that spell. I rolled on my back and stared at the stars. I licked my fangs and searched the sky for the three prime constellations of Krynn. There-- Paladine, the Platnium dragon. In the middle was a book, representing Gilean. Then, on the other side of the spectrum--Takhisis, the five-headed chromatic dragon. I'd never felt any of their divine influence on me, being that I don't belong to either side of the spectrum. I never really bothered to wonder what god did wacth me, but now that I did, I felt an emptiness inside of me, a void that had to be filled. My wandering thoughts were disturbed when a rustling next to me caused my ears to swivel. I looked over to find Gyrfalcon stirring... -Ryuu :dragon4:
The Big Pointy One Posted February 23, 2003 Report Posted February 23, 2003 Deleo's eyes glinted in the fire. His mind wandered as Kokuryuu made her way over to where Gyrfalcon had was lying down. He made a note to himself that the mighty Ryuu was falling into a trap that none of their race should, but said nothing. She'd have to figure it out herself. It was indeed a shame though, that he couldn't heal her himself. He really wished he could, because at least they'd be on even ground again. But alas, healing was never Deleo's strong point. Again his eyes shifted to the fire. His scales shimmered as the flame curled and licked the air. As sparks and cinders popped out of the flame, so did thoughts of the recent events float through Deleo's mind. As a metallic dragon, he had little to no problems as far as fighting chromatics were concerned. The only problem was, well, after one fight a piece, both of the dragons were injured rather easily. If a war was to break out, with Deleo and Kokuryuu as the front line... He couldn't bear the thoughts of the possibility. His lips curled in disgust as he stood up and opened his wings. He walked over to ledge of the cave, about to take flight. Kokuryuu looked at him blankly and Deleo just said "I'll be back." in draconic. Deleo let himself plummet for a few moments then caught the night air before he smashed into the craggy bottom of the canyons below. He flapped lazily letting the wind blow against his face, cooling his tempestuous mind. He closed his eyes as he floated along, the moon shining in his wings, the stars reflecting in his scales. It was moments like these when he felt liberated, and at peace. There were times when Deleo wished there could be nothing in the world aside from himself, but the moon, the stars and a nice breeze...
Kokuryuu Flameshifter Posted February 24, 2003 Report Posted February 24, 2003 I padded over to the ledge were Deleo dropped from. What was his deal? I didn't understand it. He seemed like he was asleep a minute ago... I sat on ym haunches and peered over the edge to see the gold-bronze dragon finally catch air in his massive wings so he wouldn't simply splatter on the rocks below. I purred softly watching him. He belonged to one alignment, why couldn't I? The rumbling in my chest stopped and I looked up at the moon, the beautiful moon. I lay down, head on my paws, amber eyes reflecting the moon. I watched the stars peacefully, hoping to fall back asleep, but the unsettling mood of the male dragon made me restless. I hung my head over the edge and sighed. I yawned, silver-white fangs beared. My tongue rolled and I strecthed still watching what I coudl see of the flying Deleo. I relased and retracted my claws again, kneeding the ground near me and looked back to see if Gyrfalcon was up. My nose twitched and I paced back over. -Ryuu :dragon4:
Tamaranis Posted February 24, 2003 Report Posted February 24, 2003 (edited) Robby was lying on the ground, flat out on his back, without the slightest consideration taken for comfort or warmth. He didn't actually need to fall asleep, and the night wasn't cold enough to bother him. As he stared at the stars, he didn't recognize a single constellation. The entire Leptomisan pantheon was missing. This island must have been very far from where he started out, probably on the other side of the world. Deleo went for a fly, and Kokuryuu paced about. Gyrfalcon seemed to be the only one doing any sleeping, and Robby had his doubts. There was a sense about Gyrfalcon that implied he was completely aware of his surroundings, and thus probably Kokuryuu's pacing, however quiet it might be. It didn't bother Robby to wait for living things to sleep, it was an unavoidable necessity. If they didn't sleep they became lethargic, and less capable in almost every aspect. However, it seemed foolish that they were wasting the time they should be spending sleeping. This island wasn't a friendly place, and if violence with other dragons errupted again he didn't want the dragons on his side sleepy. "Can't sleep, Kokuryuu?" Robby asked. "I'm thinking" The dragoness responded. Robby was somewhat surprised that her voice didn't contain the derision he'd started to think was characteristic. "Fair enough," The thoughts of living things often prevented them from sleeping, Robby had learned, sometimes to an unhealthy extent. There was little help for it, unless their minds could somehow be put at ease, and Robby didn't exactly feel comfortable trying to put a dragon's mind at ease just yet. Saying the wrong thing was a big enough risk with humans. Perhaps dragons could go for extended periods without sleep anyway... Edited February 24, 2003 by Tamaranis
Gyrfalcon Posted February 25, 2003 Report Posted February 25, 2003 Gyrfalcon refused to open his eyes. If he didn’t, maybe the pain would go away. He doubted his own logic, but it was worth the attempt. Finally deciding that the pain wasn’t going to go away, the half-elf opened his eyes and groaned, his head splitting. He intellectually knew about the results of overextending one’s magical abilities, but this is the first time in a long, long time he had had to do it, and he had forgotten how much it hurt. Sitting up slowly, Gyrfalcon held his head in his hands until he sensed someone padding nearby. A low rumble greeted him as he looked up at Kokuryuu, who looked back with amber eyes and sniffed at him a few times to make sure he was alright before settling down next to the fire, her current form’s morphic influences directing her towards the comforting warmth. Gyrfalcon chuckled softly to himself, then slowly stood and staggered over to the fire, plopping down next to where Robby was sleeping. “Are you feeling better?” Robby asked softly, causing the half-elf to start. He glanced at Robby and nodded. “Yeah, I’ll be alright with a good night’s sleep.” he said. He made to continue, then paused. “Ah... Robby?” “Yes?” “Isn’t that large stone rather uncomfortable?” Gyrfalcon asked carefully. Robby seemed to consider this. “Yes.” he said before moving over so he wasn’t resting on it. Gyrfalcon just shook his head- he supposed that the day’s events had been exhausting enough for his companion not to notice a small rock... but he didn’t think anyone even half-dead from exhaustion could have rested on that rock without knowing it was there and making an attempt to move. He shook his head again, then clutched it as the world spun a series of short arcs in protest. “Not a good idea...” he murmured to the world in general. The half-elf felt his eyes drag downward, and he curled up in his cloak beside the fire and fell asleep almost immediately, recuperating from his use of magic only hours before.
Kokuryuu Flameshifter Posted February 27, 2003 Report Posted February 27, 2003 Sigh. Time to leave finally. The day had broken over the horizon but Deleo was not to be found. I sauntered over to the two men and nudged them awake. A soft growl indicated it was time to rise. But no, Gyrfalcon lay sleeping still. My nose twitched in irritation so I walked over to Robbie and butted his shoudler with my muzzle. He got up and began to do whatever it is human things do in the morning. I didn't really notice because I turned to the next thing at hand. Rousing the slumbering Half-Elf. I padded back over and began to butt him as well. He didn't get up. Stupid magically-induced exhaustion! I grumbled and released a silver-white claw. I dug it gently into his arm and rumbled in a purr. I ran the claw slowly over his skin, not drawing blood but pressuring it just enough so that it would hurt. he winced in his sleep but didn't wake. Hnnn. "Well then," I said. "You mortals really do sleep too much. You remind me of my red cousins!" I nudged him so that he was almost flipped over. I felt him move. good. "About time..." I grumbled and hovered in his face, amber-gold eyes staring at him, waiting for him to truly wake. -Ryuu :dragon4:
The Big Pointy One Posted March 2, 2003 Report Posted March 2, 2003 Deleo blinked in shock as he saw the sun coming up. He had spent the whole night flying around the mountains aimlessly as his mind wandered away. As he snapped back into he reality, he decided to go back to the cave where Kokuryuu and the others were. As he turned and flapped upwards, he noticed a shadow approaching out of the corner of his eye. At first he dismissed it as an eagle, or some sort of bird of prey that resided in this region, but the sound of its wings told him otherwise. Flapping furiously now, Deleo made his way to the tendril-like morning clouds above him in the odd-chance that he could spy whatever was approaching. It turned out luck was with him, as the dragon in the distance flew beneath him, completely unaware. It was Cariose Cirruscloud, the dragon who had attacked him earlier. It seemed as if he was flying towards somewhere with an objective. Deleo's mind raced. He must know where Kokuryuu is.... but how? Augh, it doesn't matter. I've got to do something now, or Cariose will slay them all in their sleep! Deleo muttered a curse, readied a few handy spells and tucked his wings in for a diving attack. Angling himself so he'd land directly on the white's back, he did his best not to make a sound as he quickly plummeted towards Cariose. He was surprised when his foreclaws made sweet fleshy impact on his opponent's back, ripping bloody gashes along where the white's wings attached to his back. Both the dragons fell towards the craggy ground at an increasing speed, so Deleo released his paws, but not before releasing a firey breath on Cariose's spindly neck, who screamed in pain as he turned himself in mid-air, and opened his mighty wings to the morning sun. "Fool! You think to engage me again!? This time I will not hold back!" With that, he sent a cone of frost-breath at Deleo's grinning maw. Like before, dragon's breath met dragon's breath in a cloud of steam. Deleo was a bit prepared though, and magically placed a large ball of light directly on Cariose's face. It was instantly countered by a sphere of darkness though, then followed up by a flapping strike towards Deleo's currently exposed underbelly. Deleo flapped as quickly as he could, barely avoiding dangerous foreclaw and a snapping jaw. Using a slightly advanced spell this time, a ring of Deleos seemed to surround Cariose. The real Deleo flew straight up, and his mirror images did the same. He flew towards the one across from him and spun around in the air, effectively shuffling the illusions. Cariose sent out a ring of dispelling magic which harmlessly passed through all the images. "What trickery is this? My magic does not work!" Deleo did not speak, as he did not want to ruin his plan. He did, however, grin malliciously and dived in again, forepaws outstretched. Seeing no alternative, Cariose did his best to spraw his deadly frost-breath out in arc in front of him, in the off-chance that one of the images was the real Deleo. Unfortunately for him though, Deleo was directly where he wanted to be- right behind Cariose. Letting out a battle screech, Deleo once again landed a succsessful hit on his wiry adversary. He raked furiously at where had previously made contact, deepening the wounds around the white's wings. Cariose did his best to turn around and swat Deleo away, but as week as he was, he couldn't keep up with Deleo, who just moved with him. As he clawed away at Cariose's back, Deleo spit acid, the breath of his bronze heritage along Cariose's spine. The white again screamed in pain, but this time it was closer to a death cry. "Go down, foul chromatic! I've had enough of you!" And he did. Deleo finally managed to disable Cariose's wings, so the white plummeted straight-arrow to the ground. The metallic screeched again, this time in victory and shot a ball of flame straight after Cariose, to ensure that his opponent stayed down. Not bothering to check if he had actually managed to kill the white though, Deleo flew back to the cave to tell Kokuryuu of how he had managed to actually defeat the mightily swift Cariose... ~~~ Cariose heaved a sigh as he hurtled towards the spindly ground beneath him. He knew surely he was about to die. It irked him to no end that the same metallic that he had trounced the day before had defeated him so easily this morning. All his thoughts abrubtly ended as he smashed into the ground with a sickening snap. He felt many bones break, and groaned as blood leaked out all over his now-mangled body. He wished the fall had killed him. The pain was unbarable, almost as much as the embarassment. His wish was granted, however, as a ball of flame rained down from above, incinerating him, leaving him as nothing more than a scorched mess. Lightning crackled from a blue maw. Cariose and Deleo's battle had not gone completely unnoticed. Belshayou Keldanstorn had been assigned to keep an eye over Cariose, who had been acting a little too odd for his position. Belshayou was a female blue dragon, of age with Cariose, although with not quite the same ability. She yearned for position among the chromatic ranks, but was far from the top. At least with Cariose gone, she could rise in power at least somewhat. None of that mattered however, because she still had another task. Dealing with Kokuryuu. She flapped her wings hurredly, hoping to catch up to Deleo before he could reach the cave...
Gyrfalcon Posted March 8, 2003 Report Posted March 8, 2003 Gyrfalcon woke slowly, groaning softly. Although he felt much better now then he had last night, he still wasn’t particularly happy to be awake just yet. He opened his eyes, and blinked slowly at Kokuryuu’s panther form standing over him, her face hovering near his. “Hello.” the half-elf said calmly. The panther backed up slightly, and he sensed some minor disappointment, probably because he didn’t start, scream, yelp, or otherwise act like a standard person confronted with a panther staring him in his face. Sitting up, Gyrfalcon shook his head slowly before standing and yawning. Stretching, Gyrfalcon felt his spine pop a few times and sighed before shaking his head. Looking around, the half-elf counted his companions. “Where’s Deleo?” he asked Kokuryuu, who shrugged. Looking to Robby, he saw the small man shrug as well. “I hate it when companions just up and disappear.” Gyrfalcon muttered as he wandered down behind a tree to deal with the daily needs of his body. Gyrfalcon was just returning when Deleo winged his way onto the ledge, a few new damaged scales showing along his flanks and neck. “What happened to you?” Gyrfalcon asked, but Deleo shook his head, not wanting to discuss the matter with a non-dragon. Focused on Deleo, no one noticed the blue dragon who silently slipped into the grotto and prepared to ambush the party.
Kokuryuu Flameshifter Posted March 8, 2003 Report Posted March 8, 2003 I padded over to Deleo and looked up at him. "What's wrong?" I asked, actually soudning sympathetic. I wasn't exactly interesting in his feelings--just that the claw marks on his sides intrested me. "Carriose is dead." He stated, holding down the excitement and anxiety in his voice. "I went out on a short fly around the canyon and I came across the White." I got up and paced nervously. "Carriose Ciruscloud..Dead? This is not good, not good at all. You've removed one evil to have it replaced with another. The Whites will now have to find a new leader of their clan. Not to mention Siralatus, the Lead Blue on the move. I heard from one of your kind that he was causing trouble in the north and his mate, Fareezia was helping to terrorize the east. This is not good at all. Blues are......." I turned my ears up. I shifted in a black flame burst into a hyena. I turned my nose to the air and snuffed, dragging in tingling smells. "What is it?" Deleo was alert now. My ears flattened and I bared bone-crushing teeth. My wiry mane stood on end. "Something is there...."
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