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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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OOC: This is a story I started on AM back in October, but I thought it may fit better here... regardless, it'll probably be updated in both places for all to view ^.^ Participation is welcomed, if you think you can make a place for yourself in the story Also, I'll probably post it in large chunks, as there is a lot to post... One more note, there are quotes from the other two posters in this story, Gyrfalcon, whom you all know and love ^.^ and my good buddy Tamaranis, who I'm sure at least some of you know If it doesn't say who I'm quoting, I'm sure it can be assumed it's me ^.^



The water beat down mercilessly on the old man's round straw hat. He frowned at the weather, it was always a bad omen. He wrapped his cloak around himself a bit tighter as he and his companion trod on towards the large collections of buildings in the distance. A lightning bolt flashed, and so did his memory.


The land was nice, peaceful, beautiful. The companions that made up the band of heroes known as the Seven; Sliver, Rocoss, Roxxia, Toilet Duck, Popku, Mr.Bunny and BigPointyStick were enjoying a well-deserved break after many battles and weary adventures. It was their time to rest, but unfortunately, it wasn't to be. As everyone was laid out on a rather large picnic blanket, after a similarly large meal, a panicked man ran up the hill to their resting place.


"Please, you must help us! ...she is trying to fight it off, but it is no good, he is too strong!!!"


Sliver jumped to his feet.


"Slow down! Who's she, and what's she fighting?"


Everyone got up, knowing a fight was over the horizon.


"Her... she's fighting... I don't know, it's horrible! Come quick!"




It was night, but it was not dark. Fire was smoldering everywhere, and a battle was still raging. The Seven rushed to an alleyway to watch what was happenning before jumping in. To large beings were fighting. One seemed grotesque, and made of shadows, while the other was a serene woman, bathed in greens and light. Both had looks on their faces of grim determination.


"Stick, do you recognize that woman?!"


"...could it be? The great goddess herself, Attuana?"




The shadowbeast disappeared for a moment and was replaced by a slightly larger dragon-human with dark purple scales, a very muscular build, black leathery wings and a stream of yellow hair falling down it's back. It spewed out a breath of fire then followed up with another breath of acid. The woman screamed in pain as the fire singed away patches of skin and the acid sunk in and ate away at her insides. She took in a deep breath and made a fist with her right hand, pointed it at the beast and launched a 3-foot thick beam of solid light, blinding the watchers momentarily and sending the beast flying into some small buildings. The buildings were destroyed, but the beast was fine. It took flight, and the woman followed suit.




The Seven weren't sure how long it took for the blindness to wear off, but by the time it did, there was a large explosion sound, and the combatants returned to the ground. The beast was still unharmed, and the woman was badly burned. She was still fighting. She gave a shrill scream and rushed in at the beast, fists flying. Blades appeared on her hands, and vines came out from the ground and latched onto the beast. She raked furiously at the thing, trying to draw blood, ripping scales loose and scratching holes in the leathery wings. The beast grew a tail that whipped around and latched onto the woman's waist. She opened one palm and some thicker vines with sharp thorns ripped the tail in half, sending acidic blood spewing everywhere. Pavement and cobble burned around the combatants, and rubble was torn up by sprouting trees and vines. The beast managed to grab hold of the woman's shoulders and rip her arms clean off. A tendril came out from his forehead and reached across into the woman's forehead. All resistance faded out, and the beast stood victorious as the woman shriveled and died.


The Seven rushed out and attacked the lizard-beast. Sliver was first with his all-mighty holy sword flashing in valiantly. It was knocked away with a tail rather easily. The beast grabbed Sliver with a mighty claw. Toilet Duck and Popku buzzed it from above but were spat down with acid and fire. Roxxia launched a stream of arrows, but they could not pierce the thing's hide. Stick ran in, but armed with only a regular spear. He mad a few hits, but no scratches, and was grabbed as well. The beast knocked the two warriors together, sending them unconscious and dropping them to the ground. Rocoss hurled his magickal throwing hammers at the beast. They made dents in the things chest. Rocoss drew his twin longswords and rushed in, his twin covering him vainly with more arrows. He dodged tail claw, breath and maw, but was not able to score a hit on his nigh-invincible opponent. The beast spun around, connecting finally with it's tail and sending Rocoss flying into a stone well, snapping his spine. Mr.Bunny hopped into the open from around a corner, surrounded by carrot elementals and golems, launching spell after spell which had little effect on the beast. The elementals and golems surrounded it, but were quickly burnt and melted away. It took to the air. It dived, grabbed Roxxia, took flight again. Roxxia couldn't manage to cut away it's legs and fell to her doom on the ground below. The beast grabbed Mr.Bunny next and the tendril from his forehead reappared, stealing away the essence of Mr.Bunny and destroying him. Sliver and Stick crawled to their feet, their weapons lost, blood pouring freely from their wounds. The beast grinned a lizardly grin, and opened his palm. The ground beneath the heroes ripped open and swallowed them whole, then closed up again.


Then everything went black.




The rain was pouring as hard as ever, and the old man, along with his heavily cloaked companion were at their destination. They knocked on the heavy doors marked Conservatory.




Originally posted by Tamaranis:



In paradise, a mortal and a god... argued.


"Send me now damnit, before that thing gets even meaner and uglier!"


"No!" echoed into Oblinich's head with more force than his own thoughts. Irritably, he shoved it away


"Don't pull that 'I'm I god and you'll do as I say' crap with me! Manifest me now!"


A feeling of insufficiency intruded into his mind, a godess would handle this.


"Then send me now, so we can gang up on him,"


The feeling of insufficeincy was thrown at him again.


"Hey, remember that monstrous anti-pheonix I killed? The one nuclear fusion rolled off of? I bloody well know how to kill monsters better than a peacefull godess does!"


Oblinich and the god continued to argue, for a great length of time, both becoming more insistent. Then Attuana died. The wave of sorrow and anger from the god was so strong Oblinich couldn't seperate it from his own thoughts even with all his experience communing with gods.


"You bastard..." He struggled to speak through tears, "You should have sent me, I'm your weapon, why didn't you make use of me?" But already gods swirled about Oblinich, driven to action by the death of Attuana. He felt himself hurled across the cosmos at a speed he couldn't even concieve of, then he struck something solid. He hated this part.


Battle wouldn't end at that unfortunate village it seemed. Yet another appeared to challenge the beast arriving in a spectacular display of light, fire and destruction. The force with which Oblinich came into physical being stunned the beast just long enough for him to attune himself to Terra.


He spread his awareness into the world with such practiced ease that it no longer resmebled 'standard' magic to him as the process once had. It felt as if Terra itself, for miles in every direction had become his body, and the humanoid shape standing before the monster was just a vunerable spot.


"I don't get always get along with the gods I supposedly worship, but I AM their messenger, and I DO have to tell you..." Oblinich held his hand towards the monster, and opened it, dozens of tiny motes of light raced from his hand to the beast.


Some struck the beast itself, to various effect, mostly explosive. Others landed at its feet, and from the point of contact massive stone spears lunged towards the beast, shattering as they struck. Still others spiraled around it, summoning up wind that attempted to wrench the beasts wings from its back, or they rocketed skyward, calling down lightning. In short, the unleashed at localized catalclysm.


Oblinich, having extended his awareness, was immediatly aware of his attack's failure, and was able to partially shield himself fromt the retaliatory flame and acid. The gods yelled in his head that he was failing, he had to fight harder.


"Oh make like mortals, and have a little faith!" Oblinich reached out farther, existing in every corner of the universe to some extent. He began to restore the energy depleted by his initial assult, and to attempt repairs on his body. His burns were horrible, but pain receptors were optional when then gods custom built your form.


The beast moved amazingly fast for its size, and was upon Oblinich even as his brief exchange with his gods ended. Its attempts to crush him were thwarted, however, when he disappeared below the surface of the earth as easily as if it were water.


The earth flowed much like water, as Oblinich made use of the precision he possesed to rapidly move rock and escape. At the same time that he made his temporary retreat, he manipulated the metals near him, forming blades.


Oblinich sprung from the ground at a presumably safe distance, held out the two blades he'd forged to utter perfection, 'gripped' them with the air, and then stabbed forward with all his strength. He was utterly shocked when the rebounded from the monsters scaly chest at the presumed location of its heart.


As the beast came forward again he made a different kind of weapon, and scolded the gods for moaning about how doomed he was. Ice starting nearly at Oblinich's elbow grew, moving down his arm, and extended three feet beyond, ending in a sharp tip. As the beast reached him, he charged the spears with the essence of death itself, and moved quickly striking several times before the beast managed to kick him across what had once been a village. This attack too had disappointing results.


Oblinch got to his feet, muttering, "If you guys don't stop complaining, I think I might just let this thing kill whatever it damned well pleases!"


He paused, "Hey! I don't tell you how to do your job"


Another pause,


"Yeah, but I'm right about all that."


This time, the beast didn't rush it, but stood where it was, snarling. Suddenly, the air about Oblinich fled, leaving him standing a vacuum. Lunging for the edge, he found it moved to stay around him. Though he was beyond a physical need for oxygen, and his body was sturdy enough to survive the vaccum, he was cut off this way, being severed from the rest of the universe. If he wasn't breathing something he didn't interact with the energies of the unverse, he was tenfold as vunerable like this.


Oblinich tried to pull air into the vacuum, tried to generate air within it, but the beast was just stronger than him. The first wave of acid and fire mostly rolled off. The second hit, and his strength wavered, then failed, allowing the attack to wash over him, destroying most of his skin.


The third blast seemed to come in slow motion, with nothing left to defend himself with, and his body already badly damaged, Oblinich knew he was dead.


He experienced the hurtling sensation again, and found himself back in paradise. Physically there, still burned. For all the complaining he did about the gods, they'd made a good call in bringing him back.


Because he hadn't been destroyed, Oblinich could manifest again in the near future, within days, perhaps.


He'd go, of course, and he'd fight the monster again, this time till the death, simply because it was his role, it was what he did.


He'd go, he knew that, he just didn't know why he was going to bother leaving paradise to no good end.



A metal slot opened on the door and a tired voice called out:

"Who goes there?"


"An old man and his soaked companion, open up."


"It's late, find an inn."


"No, that won't do, I must speak with the one known as Gyrfalcon."


"Gyrfalcon? What does an old wretch like you have to do with Gyrfalcon?"


"None of your damn business. Let me in. It's urgent."


"It can wait until morning, go home old man."


"No. Let me in here, or my companion will."


There was the sound of metal sliding against metal, and a glint in the moonlight as his cloaked companion revealed a bit of blade on a well made katana. The doorkeep laughed.


"Hah, but you can try... all that will happen though, is you'll get yourself banned from this here place, and perhaps anger some mages. Goodnight!"


The slot slammed closed, and the old man nodded to his companion. The cloaked figure unsheathed his katana, along with another one strapped to his back. He sprung at the door, quickly slashing along the edges all along the large frame. A few minute seconds later, the door fell in upon itself with a large bang. The doorkeep looked up to see the cloaked figure and the old man standing on top of the door. The old man tossed the doorkeep a heavy clinking bag.


"Gold. For the door, and for some new undergarments. Now, if you'd kindly direct us to where we could find Gyrfalcon, it'd be appreciated."


The doorkeep pointed down a hallway, paying attention more or less to the heavy door lying on the floor, a confused and slightly fearful look playing on his face.


"Oh yes, and be sure to get a stablehand to come around and get my horse, that'd also be appreciated." He tossed the doorkeep another bag. "A think a few silver pieces should be sufficient."


"Uhh... huh.. yeah, um, do you have a name? We have a registry here, and it's important-"


"A name? Hmm... haven't had a name for a long time... just call me Rondo, that should do."


The doorkeep scribbled down a semblance of the old man's used name then went off to find a stable boy for the old man's horse. The old man himself, along with his companion went off in search of Gyrfalcon.




Originally posted by Gyrfalcon:



The doorman heard the alarms begin to sound inside the Conservatory and chuckled to himself- the Conservatory was better defended then these two believed… He quickly disappeared away into the night to find that stable boy- if the intruders were killed, the horse would be of use to someone in the Conservatory…

The two intruders- for intruders they now were, for they had entered without permission, had just reached the first great hall when the timed wards began sounding, wards broken when the old man's companion had sliced the hinges, locks and bars from the metal door that controlled entrance to the Conservatory and dropped it inward. The wards also triggered the first line of guardians of the Conservatory.


As they stepped through the doorway to the massive hallway, one of the arteries of the Conservatory, A pair of massive Stone Golems lumbered out of the walls behind them and strode towards them slowly, each step shaking the floor. The two of them exchanged glances and ran down the great hallway, the thudding sounds of the golems seeming to multiply behind them. They were carefully herded, smaller, Haste-imbued Clay golems cutting off the smaller hallways. The two companions knew this, but had no choice but to continue onward. Suddenly, a single doorway appeared ahead of them, and the golems stopped behind, forming a massive barrier of sentient clay and stone. They could only go forward against such odds. The two figures exchanged glances, and the katana wielding one drew those blades and entered first, the old man behind them.


Inside the large, well-lit, but empty room, several figures stood, mages in robes holding wands or with energy crackling from their fingertips, fighters wielding weapons of might and antiquity, archers, a few clerics, and a half-elf with a shining silvery katana in his hands, mithril chainmail glinting in the light.


The old man slowly scanned the room, the figures tensed, ready to attack at the slightest move, except for the one half-elf.


"I'm looking for Gyrfalcon. Where can I find him?" Is all the old man says.


The half-elf smiled slightly


"Most visitors come during the day, it seems only the thieves who wish to get at some of our rarer or more forbidden books come at night… well, except for vampires, and they all know where their entrance is." The half-elf grimaces slightly at the thought of the vampires, and a cleric muttered something brief that his goddess would no doubt frown upon for purity reasons.


"What we have to say concerns Gyrfalcon alone. Are you he?" The old man demanded.


Gyrfalcon smiles again "Yes, I am. Now, why should I meet you alone? There are still some rather sizable bounties on my head…"


The old man made a brief gesture, and his companion hesitated. The gesture was repeated, and reluctantly, the twin katanas are sheathed.


"We promise on our honor that we shall in no way attempt to harm you." The old man said quietly, but firmly. Gyrfalcon studied him for a long, long moment, then asked "Will you swear to the deity you hold dear to keep this promise?"


The old man stopped, closed his eyes, almost as if he were in pain, then quietly, almost inaudible, swore his oath, a mumble from his companion repeating his words. Gyrfalcon sheathed his blade and nodded to the others, who likewise released their spells to the winds and sheathed their weapons. The men, combat and magic instructors, guard commanders and retired or vacationing adventurers who worked had found jobs here as bowyers and fletchers, smiths, farmers, gardeners and librarians, bowed to Gyrfalcon and filed from the room as the scraping outside signaled the return to their posts of the guardian Golems.


"Very well, then, let us go to somewhere with more comforts before we discuss whatever you have come for, then." Gyrfalcon led the way out the door and they quickly arrived at a sitting room with thick carpeting, large chairs, and a tray of wine, water and food laid out.


"If you traveled into the night to reach here, you must be hungry. Please, sit and make yourself comfortable." Gyrfalcon said and waited patiently until they were ready to talk of their business…



Rondo took a seat, and his companion stood silently behind him.


"Just some bread should tide me over, and my friend here is fine." the still-cloaked figure nodded. "I'll get straight to the point. Your life is in danger- more so than from these bounties. There is a being out there, who thrives on power. This being destroys whatever holds great power and absorbs it, a lot of the time leaving it's victims to wretched shells of their former selves. I must say I am also one of those victims."


"So why am I in danger? I am simply but a ranger now, nothing more."


"Well, it isn't always power that one holds, but the power that one could hold. Something I have learned from my travels is that everyone on this planet, no matter age, class, strength or station, has some amount of untapped power within themselves. Granted, some have more or less than others, but everyone has some. The trick, of course, is finding the catalyst to unlocking it. But excuse me, I ramble... the point I am trying to make is, your life is in danger. I know you are demi-god, and whether or not you still have your available to you, there is still a store of power that the beast can access."


"An interesting story old man, but it seems a bit redundant for you to warn me of this... surely you have some other means or measure, no?"


"Yes, you are right. I have a lot of personal dealings with this beast... I have lost a lot to it, and I want it back... what I can get, at least. But before that, there is something else I need to find, and you're one of the best people I know to help me find it."


"And that is...?"


"A god-given artefact, with many hidden abilities... unfortunately I only recently discovered it had such abilities. I believe you know it as the BigPointyStick." the old man shook his head, as in disappointment. "The young man who lost that didn't know what he was losing... now, for his sake, I must find it again."


"The... oh, did you know Stick? He left here some time ago, and hasn't returned, or sent word."


"Yes, yes, the one you knew as Stick... unfortunately, he met with ill-fate at the hands of the Beast... sorry, but the Stick you once knew is no more."


"And his companions?"




"A shame... how did it happen?"


Rondo related the flashback he had on the tail-end of his journey to the conservatory, then stood up.


"You'll have to excuse me, I grow weary... is there a room I could be so humble to use? I will have more to relate to you in the morning, but I must retire for the night."


Gyrfalcon nodded and soon set the old man and his mysterious companion up with a room in a small tower of the Conservatory. He had a bad feeling about the things to come




Originally posted by Gyrfalcon:



Gyrfalcon stood atop a tower and stared up at the bright moon overhead, the stars glittering like shards of glass on an obsidian expanse. He remained oblivious to the biting cold that nipped at his ears and nose, and that started forming small patterns of frost on stone crenellations, causing his breath to appear in great plumes that drifted away, spreading out and dissipating.

So, a creature had come to this world that fed on the magical abilites, latent or used, of creatures. Magical abilities that included his own powers, granted to him by his heritage. Gyrfalcon sighed softly. The old man's words rang with honest truth. He believed with all his heart the words he spoke. Of course, he could be wrong- truth is a matter of perspective, after all…


But no, Gyrfalcon sensed that there was indeed such a creature out there. And eventually, it would work its way to him, and most likely his friends, unless it was destroyed or stopped in some manner.


With a sigh, Gyrfalcon descended the tower steps and made for his bedroom. There would be a lot to do in the morning…


The next morning, Gyrfalcon had already been up for several hours before the two visitors made their appearance at breakfast. As they sat down and began to eat, the katana-wielder still in that cloak that showed nothing of himself, and Gyrfalcon wondered who he was to hide himself like that. With a mental shrug, Gyrfalcon addressed them both.


"Last night, I thought about what you had to say and considered your story. I almost wish that you *were* lying… but no, you believe it, and your descriptions are too detailed for you to not to have witnessed this battle… and any creature who could defeat that group so easily…" Gyrfalcon sighed and stared at his meal, then finally looked up.


"I have a few more things I need to deal with before I can leave, but once those are dealt with, I'll be ready to go, which leads to my question… where?" Gyrfalcon sat back, meal forgotten, and looked to the two visitors.



"Good... although it doesn't matter whether you believed me or not, because it'd be bound to happen anyways. But excuse me, yes, we must get out of here... one thing I haven't mentioned yet is that one of the beast's greatest strengths is it's psychic ability. Obviously then, we need to go somewhere that is shielded from telepaths, and preferably other magick attacks."

"Indeed. Do you know of such a place?"


"Yes. Stick once related a tale of a hidden temple beneath some great sands... unfortunately, I do not know how to get there. Perhaps if you could find someone who has been to the great sands that I speak of... if you know which ones I am talking about."


"I think I may... I am guessing you are referring to the giant desert where everyone first met Stick?"


"Yes, that is the one. That should probably be our first task, after you take care of the things you need to. Until then, I will be waiting just outside the gates."




Originally posted by Tamaranis:



Watching events from the heavens wasn't quite like staring into a scrying mirror. You looked through the eyes of mortals, saw what they saw, and shared the emotions those sights stirred up. In short, it was more... real. As such, Oblinich had essentially seen first hand the beast's work for the last three days. His attitude towards it had changed.

Oblinich shuddered, thinking how shattered he could have been if the beast had been in a hungry mood, rather than a just smash insects mood when he'd first encountered it. Normally 'death' wasn't threatening... it just meant the end of a rather temporary body. But this thing could strike beyond physical form, destroy one's essence, rob them of their power... This thing was for real.


The fear was strange, it had been so long since Oblinich was really afraid of anything. Relearning was proving somewhat painful.


Still, Oblinich had done risky things back before he encountered religion, he could do it again. He was given powers to defend people from things like this, and he'd risk those powers to continue in that task, if somewhat reluctantly, if only he could actually make a battle with that thing a risk rather than suicide.


Oblinich had learned the hard way that a big fireworks show in a city didn't help anyone, and that was all he would be able to accomplish the way things looked right now.


Not quite, he could try and keep food away from the beast.


"Look I'm telling you the thing is at least twice as powerful as Attuana was, I don't care how much manna you've got stored away, its going to annihilate you!"


"Whatever has trespassed on my lands, and killed my people, will be made to pay for its crimes." Oblinich sighed, it turned out most archmages were almost as sure of themselves as he was, "You're obviously in awe of this monster's power, but you can't possibly understand what I'm capable of"


"I am in awe of this monster, and If I had the leisure I'd attempt to make it clear to you what it takes to put me in awe, but I don't, so I'll simply repeat that the monster you intend to fight, has the strength of a thousand archmages, and after you fight it, it will have the strength of a thousand and one." The mage seemed to become angry this time. It made sense, as Oblinich had said much the same thing something in the order of nine times.


"I won't run from the darkness, I'm sworn to fight it, and that's exactly what I'm going to do" The ascendant mage's voice took on an edge.


The last line stung Oblinich, he was sworn to fight darkness just as much, and not only was he running, he was telling others to do the same.


"When it kills the hundred dominions you've surrounded yourself with, and you feel it tug at your soul, destroy this," Oblinich handed the mage a crystaline sphere, "It can't harm the monster, but it will put you beyond his reach... hopefully."


With that, Oblinich walked away, running from the darkness, hoping the next mage down the line could be convinced to do the same.


OOC: Incase anyone was wondering, the crystaline sphere is basically a more compact, economical, powder-keg.



Originally posted by Gyrfalcon:



Gyrfalcon wrapped up his last instructions to the men who led the library when he was away, as was all-too-frequent in their opinions.


Gyrfalcon returned to his room and carefully but quickly packed, taking everything he would need for a long, long trip… For in his experience, that was almost the only type he ever embarked on. Gyrfalcon looked around his rooms and then invoked a permanent spell woven into them, locking them in stasis until the next time he returned… if he returned…


Outside, Gyrfalcon met up with the old man and his strange companion, and nodded as the old man's horse and his own were led to them.


"I'm ready to go, but before we travel…" Gyrfalcon turned to face the cloaked and hooded figure "What may I call you?"



The old man frowned as Gyrfalcon asked his question. It seemed it'd only be the three of them. Well, at least one person would get away safe. One important person. He shook his head and spoke up,


"What can you call me? Well, I got the guard to call me Rondo, so you may as well. My companion's name is Usagi."


Gyrfalcon thought for a second... Usagi... didn't that mean something? He hadn't studied other languages for a while, so he wasn't quite sure. It'd come to him if it was important.


"Ah. Well, I guess you should take the lead. Where to?"


"Actually, if you could take us to Joat's tower, it'd be greatly appreciated."


"Joat's tower? Why do you need to go there?"


"Well, that's where Stick first disappeared from when he went to the great sands, so perhaps we might find a clue there. Lead on."


And so started a great journey in the lives of the three now travellers, and perhaps more to come...




Rondo, Gyrfalcon and Usagi soon made their way across the lands surrounding the conservatory and made their way in the general direction of Joat's tower. On about the third night, they were setting up camp Under some trees in the foothills of the Gaia's Spine mountains.

"We should be leaving the general safety of Terra Centrus as soon as we get into the mountains." said Gyrfalcon.


"Indeed... but we best get some rest. Usagi-san, you take first watch." Rondo's cloaked companion nodded.


Rondo was soon asleep, but Gyrfalcon could not fall asleep himself. There was something bothering him about the old man's companion, and he didn't know what. He finally decided to confront the cloaked figure and find out. He stood up and walked over to Usagi, who was leaning against a tree.


"Hm? It's not your turn to watch, go back to sleep." came the first quiet words of the cloaked figure.


"I know, but there's something about you that I can't quite put my finger on. I'm not sure, but I think it involves you removing that cloak of yours."


"I'm not sure you want me to do that... some people have found it to be unpleasant."


"I've seen some unpleasant things, I'm sure I'll manage."


Usagi shrugged. He removed his cloak and tossed it aside. Gyrfalcon was mildly shocked to see in the bright moonlight that although still human in form, it was a rabbit that stood in front of him. Underneath the now-discarded cloak he was wearing a red scale mail chest piece, some loose black leggings and a familiar looking eye-patch. He also had some long black hair tied behind his head into a tail. Those katanas of his were strapped to his belt and hanging at his sides.


"A were-rabbit!?" Gyrfalcon reached for the hilt of his katana.


"I wouldn't recommend that. I hear you're good, but I doubt you're better than me." Gyrfalcon scoffed. "And I'm not a were-rabbit. I'm a real rabbit, it just so happens I got morphed into this more human form, to simplify the story. You may know my father, Mr.Bunny."


Gyrfalcon was a little confused as how to react. He gave it a split second of thought then gripped his katana firmly, pulled it from its sheath and stabbed straight above Usagi's shoulder. The rabbit-man ducked as a heavy green form that was now bleeding intensely landed on top of Usagi. He quickly slid out from underneath, drew his twin katanas and lobbed the creatures head off.


"Well, it seems as if we've been followed. Think they have us surrounded half-elf?"


The ranger used what he had of his elven infravision to peer into the darkness around him. "I know they do, half-rabbit. You needn't worry, I'll make short work of them."


Usagi laughed. "Maybe if I let you... hyaa!" He rushed in at the now-closing orcs, katanas trailing behind him. As he got closer to them, he bounded into the air and jumped behind a pair of the slimy man-beasts and quickly slashed through their spinal cords. He hopped to the side and just as easily stabbed another one through each lung. He moved around, slaying orc after orc, secretly sure that Gyrfalcon was doing much the same thing...




Originally posted by Gyrfalcon:



The old man rolled over and snored quietly, oblivious to the passing slash from a single, razor-sharp katana that left it disemboweled just a few feet from the sleeper. Gyrfalcon whirled onward, katana splitting skulls, slashing throats, piercing hearts and lungs, bringing death to every orc he could bring into reach. A spinning blur went past him, chasing down and chopping apart a triad of orcs, ending with a 'Hyaa!' as Usagi took another head from orcan shoulders. Gyrfalcon grinned tightly and shrugged off the mental insinuations of an orc shaman, then sent a flurry of stabbing magical darts back at the foul creature, sending it to meet its dark god, Gruumsh One-Eye.

Meanwhile, Usagi was looking around for another enemy, his instincts telling him that they were out there… he rounded a tree and slammed into another one, that shouldn't have been there… a tree trunk bristling with coarse hair. He looked up and swallowed slightly as the hill giant chuckled evilly "Never 'ad rabbit befor'- youse too small, most times." It lifted a massive ironbound tree trunk and readied itself to smash Usagi flat.


Usagi didn't plan to die, however, and darted between the massive creature's legs, katanas held on either side of him, drawing bloody streaks through the flesh on the creature's calves. It roared with anger and began trying to stamp on Usagi, forcing the half-rabbit to dodge and dive to avoid being smashed flat. He was up as quick as a flash and continued to whittle away at the mighty creature's legs, blood falling like a heavy rain.


Usagi couldn't maintain his luck forever, however, and a backswing from that massive club smashed into the half-rabbit, knocking his sprawling and breathless. He forced himself to flip over and watched the giant raise its club, face a mask of pure rage. Usagi knew he was going to die.


A scream like a stooping falcon was the giant's only warning as Gyrfalcon dropped from above it and landed on its upper chest, gripping it's crude shirt with one hand as he used his other to wield his katana, slashing the giant's face and neck again and again. The hill giant roared and dropped the club, then reached up to grab Gyrfalcon and hurl him into the forest. The giant fell to its knees, hands grasping at its face and throat- the wounds were not mortal, but could prove deadly. It had forgotten Usagi in its pain, though.


Gyrfalcon had given Usagi the time he needed to regain his feet, and now he leapt forward with a shout of 'Hyaa!' to stab upward with both katanas as high as he could. The giant stiffened in shock, then succumbed to its wounds, including the two blade-thrusts through its heart. Usagi wiped off his two swords and sheathed them, then climbed over the giant and went looking for Gyrfalcon. He found him quickly by following the path of broken branches and fallen leaves that Gyrfalcon's passage through the trees had left, finally finding him lying dazed at the base of a large oak tree. Scrapped and bruised, he looked up to the half-rabbit and muttered something that sounded like "If you expect me to go through that again, you're crazy…"



Usagi looked at the slightly injured Gyrfalcon, a smirk playing on his face. Of course, inwardly, he was quite impressed with the half-elf, but he'd never let that show. He offerred a hand to Gyrfalcon.

"I wish I could promise otherwise, but from what Rondo says, this is going to be a long trip, and I can guess there'll be a lot more baddies like that, and probably ones that'll be even tougher. Hah, if I were one to gamble, and I am occassionally, I'd say that was just a test. From what Rondo and I have experienced, The Beast works alone." Usagi looked to the sky then. "There's someone else out there who doesn't want us to defeat that monster."


"Great, just what we need... more resistance. Hm, is it my watch now, or yours?"


"You rest, you took the worst of that battle."


"I've taken a lot worse, and you seemed to have taken a fair beating yourself. I'll take watch now."


"Hmm... fine. I doubt there'll be another attack tonight... but I sleep light, so don't worry, I'll wake quickly enough to hold your hand if need be."


"Oh great, you have a sense of humor too? This'll be such a great trip, I can tell."

Anyone within visible range could taste that sarcasm. "Anyways, good night. I'll wake you when it's your watch again."


"Alright... be wary."


Gyrfalcon nodded as Usagi climbed under his travel blanket and dozed off. He tilted his head, wincing in some moderate pain, and looked to the moon.


How do I get myself into these things? Must there always be something threatening the lives of the countless? Hmph, just when I thought I could relax...


Those were the last thoughts on Gyrfalcon's mind as he stared at the moon which soon disappeared into the early dawn light. Usagi soon woke and looked disappointed that he hadn't been awakened earlier for his turn at watching, but didn't say anything about it.


About half an hour of silence later, Rondo woke up. He looked around to see blood, guts and generic carnage lying all around him. He looked to Gyrfalcon and Usagi, and saw that they were injured as well. He stood up, stretched, and scratched himself.


"So, what's for breakfast?" he asked.


After the warriors' eyes returned to their sockets, everyone sat down for a quick breakfast that consisted mostly of foraged foods- wild vegetables, berries and what not. The party then packed up and ventured forth into the mountain passes, and deeper into their dangerous adventure.






OOC: That's not all, but it's all for the time being... I'll add more tomorrow ^.^


~Elsewhere, the recent past~


Shadows pour like light through columns of an ancient palace. There is no source nor is there a cause of the shadows. At least through visible means. This is a place of darkness, where only the darkest may go, and where only the darkest may thrive. To some, this is home. This is the home of dark beings mortal and immortal, strong and weak. Much to their dismay, it is also a home under invasion.


A beast made out of the darkest shadows on top of a steed just as dark rides through pillars of darkness. It is not part of the ever-present shadows of this place and does not wish to be. It also wishes to destroy this place, not because it is an agent of light, but simply because it can. Legions of the walking dead move to greet this shadow-rider but fall to its blade. Beings not perceptible in natural light attack but are defeated. Thin tendrils shoot out from the beast's forehead, draining life power and ability from fallen enemies. But it does not stop moving.


Watching this carnage sits a man curled up in the tail of his shadow dragon. He has never in his time come across such a beast that is destroying his minions, and he is not pleased. He makes a fist and decides it is now time to end this. He climbs up his mount's scaley back and motions for it to engage the invader. Within moments he closes in on his most unnatural of enemies and beckons for battle. The shadow beast does not respond but his steed changes into and identical version of the man's own dragon. They take flight and quickly engage in aerial battle. Passes are made, but both riders can not manage to make any solid hits on each other. Vexed, the shadow beast holds out his palm, and both riders stop. The beast's dragon is quickly absorbed back into the shadows from which it was spawned; it returns to the shadows of the beast. It then sprouts a pair of wings of its own, and motions for the man to return to battle. The man of course, holds out his hand in response and dismisses his own ride, easily flying in the air. He closes his eyes, and all the shadow and darkness in the area is absorbed into the man, forming battle armour and a large axe. The area has now turned into a mass of grey, leaving only the man and the invader as shadows, absorbing the lack of light around themselves. The man speaks.


Who are you that invades my realm? Do you not know who I am?


He does not hear a response, audible nor psychic, but can feel one. The invader knows that this man is really a God of the dark, and wields much power. The beast however, is not afraid, and is quite willing to risk its mighty life against his.


Very well. You seal your own fate, now prepare to be absorbed by my darkness!!!


The Dark God rushes in at the invader, shadowaxe gripped tightly in his hands. The beast does nothing as the god sinks his blade into its shadow. The god looks confused but the beast quickly absorbs the axe, along with a significant amount of the gods power.


Insolent being! You shall pay for that!


The Dark God flies backwards as the beast remains unmoving, no visible expression on its entire body. The god then releases a tremendous wave of darkness that hits the beast then dissappears. He launches wave after wave, but they all seem to have no effect. This time the beast smirks- it is visible by a small stream of light in the general vicinity that its head should be. The god understands too late that the beast had absorbed more and more of his power, leaving the God with nothing more than that of a powerful archmage at best. A terrible feeling of dread quickly passed over him. It was followed up by a giant ball of light that appeared where the shadowbeast was standing. It shot at the dark god with incredible speed, and he was unable to avoid it. He pumped his remaining power into it, trying to overtake the light with dark, but could not. The darkness fought it off for a moment, but was quickly enveloped by light. The light then crashed into the former god sent him hurtling to the ground. Soon thereafter he landed straight on a pillar, breaking his spine. He lied motionless.


If one were to have watched the source of the giant ball of light, they would have seen the beast transform into a replica of one of the god's fallen warriors, wearing a suit of glorious golden armour adourned with jewelry and silken red cape. It floated gently to the pillar that the god had crashed on, and stalked over to his corpse. It knelt down, and an opening appeared in it's fleshless skull. The dreadful tendril slithered out and shot into the skin of the fallen god, draining it's remaining power.


For the first time, the beast spoke. It's voice was a gruesome combination of various sounds. It sounded like metal and glass scraping against each other; it sounded like stone grinding against itself; it sounded like the crackling at fire; it sounded like all these things at once.


Before you completely die, know this. Know that I have come to wipe out all that is, all that has been, and all that is yet to come. Good or evil, dark or light, natural or not, all are meaningless before my touch. Forces physical or surreal can not harm me, and god and man alike are but fodder before me. Let all fear my hand.


The dark god passed out soon, but a message was left for his fellow deities. They would find this beast and hopefully destory it, if there were some way to stop something that now had the power of at least two gods.



~On another plane, shortly thereafter~


A meeting was being held in a grand room. Thick red carpet with golden tassles covered the center of the floor, which itself was a rich blue, well-shined marble. There was a series of lighter coloured pillars that circled the round room, 24 to be exact. There were half as many tapestries hanging along the wall. A strange feature about this room, though, was that there were no doors or windows, not to mention any sort of light source. Around a golden table sat twelve figures of different representations. This was the high council of the Elder Gods. For the first time in eons they were worried.


Zaxus, God of Thunder spoke first, "We must act quickly, before this beast claims another of our number!"


Eldria, Goddess of the Winds replied, "Indeed, but we must not be rash in our actions- we need a plan."


Fackos, Lord of Fires and Metals, "I say we take it on ourselves, just us 12. No force can stand up to us combined


Willestias, God of Wisdom and Intelligence, "No. That would be too hasty, I say we each send our strongest representative first, along with The Agent. We will have to give them all a mighty boost in power first, but I think that should definitely have a great effect without risking our existence personally."


Mencheru, God of War, "Agreed. It would be foolish now to risk our lives without knowing this beast's full power. We'll use that as the surprise attack."


Relstan, Goddess of Magick, "I also agree. I shall work together with Fackos to produce better armaments for our warriors. What say you, Delstar"


Delstar, Deity of Night, Stars and the Moons, "I concur. However, something must be done about The Agent. I have been doubting the efficiency of Oblinich as of late."


Ronstan, Sun-God and Lord of Day, "Hmm, Indeed... but I believe we shouldn't be too hasty, I propose we give our agent, another chance, accompanied by perhaps some... competition, as boosted encouragement."


This was met with nods.


Willestias spoke again, "Who are these newcomers? I do not believe I know of them"


"Ah yes, these are the new replacements for our fallen comrades, may they not fall to the same fate. I introduce you to Ailron, High Lord of Nature, Light and Life; and Villia, Goddess of Darkness and Death."


They simply bowed and remained silent.


Gon, God of Earth and Rocks; "So we have our plans, we should depart as to prepare for the upcoming war. Good luck friends."


Axstiel, Lady of Beasts; "So be it. Let us meet again a fortnight from now, and for victory, the time is soon to come."




~Back with the party~


Rondo, Usagi-San and Gyrfalcon had been travelling for many days and nights in search of the portal that would hopefully lead them to the great desert from so long ago. Finally, at sunbreak one day, they saw the tower that held said portal. The first leg of their journey was over.

"Ah, good... we can rest when we get to the castle, then start searching for the portal, and how to activate it." said Rondo.


"Good... what about when we DO find the portal?" asked Gyrfalcon.


"Well, that's the next hard part. We get to look for an old old friend of mine. I know he's somewhere beneath the sands... the tricky part is finding out exactly where. Perhaps we have to get eaten by a sandworm..." Rondo went on like that for a while.


"I think your friend is losing his mind..."


"Rondo? Hmm.. maybe, he seems alright to me though." he paused to scratch his head a moment, look around, then unsheath his katanas. "Everyone draw, we're surrounded."


Gyrfalcon looked around. He couldn't see anyone, but he did notice it was too quiet. He quickly unsheathed his katana as well. "Have a clue what it could be?"


"My guess is a couple of displacer beasts, probably some more orcs, chances are with bows... they'd be in the trees; a few hobgoblins, and something that can fly, perhaps some sort of lesser imp."


"Great, more fun."


Usagi took a stride forward his katanas trailing behind him. He snapped them forward and suddenly two displacer beasts fell to the ground, blood spurting from their necks.


"Oh yea, something adding to the displacer beast's natural abilities too."


"How the hell does he do that?" Gyrfalcon muttered to himself as he and Rondo made their way in the opposite direction of Usagi-San.


Usagi re-sheathed his katanas and launched a multitude of kunai as a handful of arrows headed his way. He took his katanas out once again as the kunai made short work of the shoddy orcish arrows. He hopped into the air and landed in the woods. He quickly slashed his way through the orcish archers and met a mighty hobgoblin katanas to battleaxe. He kicked forward, sending the goblinoid flying backwards. He tossed his sword after it, which landed in the creature's chest, pinning it to a tree. Usagi put both hands on his swords and jumped straight up, his blade flying upwards in his hands as well, to remove the wings of one imp. He spun around, still in the air, decapitating another one. He looked around, his group of enemies destroyed. Usagi nodded, retrieved his katana, and went to check how Gyrfalcon was doing.



Originally Posted by Gyrfalcon:



Gyrfalcon smiled grimly as he loped ahead of Rondo, who was limping along, and had waved Gyrfalcon away

"I can take care of myself, you 'whippersnapper'!" he had said with a sly chuckle, and Gyrfalcon decided that any adventurer that had lived as long as Rondo was most likely correct.


The smile came not from Rondo and his actions, but from the realization of what he felt inside when he thought of Usagi… a sense of competition. A rivalry, of all things. Gyrfalcon laughed sardonically as he unsheathed his katana and brought death to a trio of unwary hobgoblins. Behind him, he heard a growling, then the sounds of a large cat-creature being soundly beaten with a staff. Ahead, a pair of displaced beasts appeared out of the underbrush… or more exactly, the brush rippled as they shouldered their way through, their shoulder tentacles slashing through bushes. Displacer beasts were creatures of the Underdark, and knew nothing of fighting in forests.


Gyrfalcon was a ranger, and knew quite a few tricks however. Some of them were druidic in nature. He feel into a chant as they crept closer, tamping down their middle and back set of legs as they prepared to leap… only to be caught fast as the underbrush around them wound around their limbs. The displacer beasts fought furiously to untangle themselves, but to no avail. The last thing each of them saw was the katana flashing through the air…


Gyrfalcon stepped back from the two dead displacer beasts, the thumping behind him stopped, and Rondo now chasing a terrified hobgoblin around. Rondo was more adapt at running through the forest, the only reason why the hobgoblin hadn't escaped.


Gyrfalcon idly wiped his katana on the fur of one of the dead displacer beasts, and frowned. Displacer beasts. Imps. Hobgoblins and goblins. Displacer beasts were creatures of the Underdark, and some species managed to domesticate a few… as far as they domesticated, at least. Illithid and the drow came to mind immediately. However, Illithid didn't work with imps, but drow mages summoned them often… Or in this case, most likely an archmage, to have so many displacer beasts loyally serving him. And drow were notorious for working with demons, often summoned by their…

Gyrfalcon dived forward, the only thing that saved him as the Chasme buzzed by overhead, shrieking in an insectile voice as it missed its target. Gyrfalcon cursed and hoped the drow didn't have too many other demons working for it. All that was needed to make the day really fun and complete was a couple Baatzu to wander by and start a nice little Blood War skirmish right here…


He climbed to his feet and drew on his mana as the Chasme banked around a tree and came back at him. He waited for the proper moment, then launched a blizzard of fiery darts at the creature. Wonder of wonders, the demon couldn't resist them, and burning fiercely, it smashed into a small band of wretched, oozing monstrosities. They exploded in clouds of noxious gases, and Gyrfalcon wondered if the drow archmage or the Chasme had summoned them in… whatever the reason, he realized that he had to link up with Usagi and Rondo.


With a last glance around, Gyrfalcon ran silently through the forest towards the sound of a hobgoblin getting beaten with a staff, leaving no trail behind him.

Originally posted by Tamaranis:



The beast had seemingly disappeared a few hours ago. Oblinich had been able to feel its presence up to this point, the essence of Ki'Ranas within it dwarfed anything he had ever encountered, he was beggining to think this a stronger manifestation than the black star, but then the beast had disappeared. Because he would have known where it was anywhere on Terra, it would seem the beast had made an excursion to another plane. Either that or it had inexplicably decided to loiter in the void.

Then he thought of another possibility, perhaps the beast could hide its nature from him. That would defy the rules that governed the universe, but perhaps even those rules had been defeated.


He was so pre-occupied that he walked into a similarly pre-occupied hobgoblin.


"umm... normally I'd warn a being about what's behind me, but since you're people are a scourge I'm not really sure wha... unf"


Oblinich stared in disbelief from the axe that had buried several inches into his shoulder before it got stuck, to the hobgoblin holding it.


"I can't believe you just did that!"


The hobgoblin didn't answer, but tried to pull the axe free. It was tremendously strong, but the axe now lacked the momentum that had pierced Oblinich's toughened flesh in the first place. Oblinich and the axe-blade rose together into the air as the result of the hobgoblin's efforts.


"You are unbelievably dead."




Gyrfalcon, Usagi, and Rondo heard a sound like thunder. A short distance away, in the direction of the sound, tongues of flame danced into the air above the trees as several of those trees collapsed.


Faintly could be heard a shout, muffled by distance, "And THAT's what happenes to people who try to chop the arms off everyone they meet."

Curious as to the thunderclap, sudden flames and all the yelling, the three travellers made their way over. Halfway there, Oblinich walked out of the trees, an eye wary for hobgoblins. Rondo hailed him.

"I take it that was you, yes?"


"Of course, who else could wield the power of a god so easily?"


"Hm, indeed... I believe it is no coincidence that we have crossed paths. Tell me, do you know of the beast that plagues these lands, and possibly others?"


"That big lizardy thing? Oh yea... damn thing wouldn't die. I'm off to make sure it does that now."


"Good, we share a similar goal... but we have to make a sidetrack first. Are you willing to come along?"


"I wouldn't see the harm. As long as that abomination pays for all it's done so far..."


"Don't worry about that, I'm sure it will, but that's not the first thing I'm worried about right now."


Gyrfalcon spoke up, "What I'm worried about is our enemy. This was a rather strange union- hobgoblins, displacer beasts and imps... there's a possibility that drow could be behind it, but even that seems unlikely. This attack was too uniform, too calculated."


This time it was Usagi who spoke, "You are right on that, but you must realise the nature of our beast. Although we don't know how long it has existed, through it's lifespan, short or long, it must have absorbed the power of many... I believe with that, it also gained intellect. Why it is sending simple minions like this after us, I do not know."


"Well, we should think on the road, we have no time to waste. On to the tower." said Rondo.


The group of three had now increased. Thankfully they had another attack angle, perhaps another key to unlocking the beast's weakness. It was all to unfold, with time...




Meanwhile, in the mind of Rondo...




That was all he could see. But he could feel. He could feel dust, rock, rubble. He could feel dank heat in the air, a pressing feeling from above. He heard a moan. A familiar voice, he was sure, but he could not place it.


"H-h-help mee..." a hoarse whisper.


Rondo dragged his aching body over to the sound of the voice. A young man was in front of him, he somehow knew. He still couldn't see.


"How injured are you?" Rondo asked.


"Badly... I don't think I have much time... please, you must remove me from this rubble. I must..." he started to hack and cough. Rondo could feel blood spray on to his face.


"Don't talk... I'll do what I can." Rondo felt around the rocks that pinned the man to the ground. He moved a few light ones out of the way, but couldn't manage to budge a larger one pinning the man's leg. "I'm sorry, this is all I can do, I have no strength left."


"ah...a..ah." more coughing, "Alright... this'll have to do. I need to ask you another favour." Rondo nodded, "Take out my sword... I would do so myself, but I am too weak."


"Alright." Rondo searched around and found the hilt of the man's sword. It was a rather large sword, two handed by his estimation. He used his reserves to slowly pull it out of it's sheath. A faint shimmer of light. He quickly turned his head to the man, but was too late.


"Good, now put it in my hands." Rondo did so, and the man reached inside his clothing, and pulled out a medallion-like object. "In a few minutes, take this, and don't let it go."


Rondo nodded and the man started chanting in a low voice, a mantra. Suddenly, there was a flash of light. Rondo saw the man for who he was: a young man, average proportions, short brown hair and blue eyes, similar to what he looked like in his youth, only shorter. He couldn't stand the light anymore, so Rondo put his arm in front of his eyes. When he moved his arm, he heard a faint tinkling sound. There was a dim light around the area. The man was nowhere to be seen. Rondo looked down, and saw the man's amulet. In the dim light he could see it was shaped like a crescent moon with the points up. It was crystaline of nature, sapphire if he was correct. He picked up, put it around his neck, then everything went black.




On the road, Rondo fingered a crystaline amulet shaped like a crescent moon, points up.






After three days of travelling, the party of Rondo, Usagi, Gyrfalcon and Oblinich had finally made it to Joat's tower. On the way they didn't run into anything much more powerful then the unusual force that brought Oblinich into the group. On the topic of Oblinich, he had explained to the group that he was working as an agent for a council of gods. He said his mission was to rid Terra of the beast; unfortunately, he had lost all contact with the council somehow. Rondo said he believed him, and said Oblinich seemed oddly familiar, although he couldn't place him. Gyrfalcon wasn't so sure, and Usagi was silent as ever.

"Well, we're here. Do you want to set up camp, or get to searching immediately?" asked Gyrfalcon


"Hmm... I don't see the harm in sparing an hour or two to rest before we get to work." He set his pack to the ground and sat down against a wall. "Usagi-San, do us a favour and scout the area, mm?"


Usagi nodded, then hopped off in a flash to check the area out.




Originaly posted by Gyrfalcon:



Gyrfalcon looked at Joat's tower and sighed. All these years with its master gone, and the guardian spells and the wards had kept it whole. Time spun on, but this tower had remained the same. Had it only been a few years ago that they had entered this tower to discover what had happened to Joat… and in doing so, launched themselves onto a quest that had ended with them saving Terra?

It had, hadn't it… and now, in a full circle, he had returned to this Tower… perhaps to save Terra once more.


Gyrfalcon sighed bitterly. For the Gods' sakes… can't I just go on a quest that just involves the fate of one town… a city maybe? Why is it always 'you must defeat Yarrgolath the Spawn of Doom, else all of Terra will be destroyed!' Would it be so bad to just have to deal with an orc raid or something? he thought, more then a little bitterly.


Truth be told, though he tried to hide it even from himself… this monster, that 'ate' the powers of creatures of might… scarred him a great deal. Gyrfalcon's own immortality was wrapped up in his demigod-hood… if that were to be ripped from him, he would die, most likely immediately. And like any sane sentient creature, Gyrfalcon didn't want to die.


Usagi walked by him, and looked at him strangely. "Are you all right? You've been staring at that tower for an hour now." Gyrfalcon shook himself, blinking in surprise.


"I… I have?" His voice was rough, his lips parched. He looked at the sun and realized that it had moved a hand's span through the sky since he checked it last. "I guess… I didn't notice, did I?" he laughed, voice rough "Seeing this place stirred up a lot of memories and thoughts, Usagi…"

Usagi nodded silently, and walked back to the makeshift camp. Gyrfalcon took one last look at the tower, then slowly walked back to the camp himself, brooding.

Originally posted by Tamaranis:




"And what would the gods be doing right now to stop the beast?" Rondo seemed to be taking advantage of the time consumed by Gyrfalcon's private musings to learn what he could about fighting the beast, or at least about their new ally.

"It's like I've already said, the longer I'm incarnated and solid, alive really, the more disjointed I become from them. They can still hear and see me, but I can't communicate with them."


Rondo pressed, "You've been their agent for a long time, what might they be doing at this time? Why haven't any of them made personal appearances."


"Various reasons they haven't personally intervened. Some of the gods, like Sun, can't incarnate here because the force of their presence would destroy Terra. Others have nearly boundless strength but have difficulty manifesting it on this plane. Some simply don't wish to, immortal life is something not easily thrown away, and they're afraid to lose it. As for what they're doing right now? Arguing probably."


Rondo responded with a "hmm"


Oblinich continued, "its not as if they just sit around when things like this happen, I'm a form of divine intervention... but this is beyond me as nothing ever has been."


"And you're absolutely certain that you, the gods answer to the destruction being wrought, can do nothing to harm this monster?" Oblinich almost seemed to wince with that question.


"I didn't exactly hit it with everything I have, I hit it as hard as I could without killing myself is more accurate. I've got a diverse selection of ways to kill monsters, and I tried a few of my strongest methods..." Oblinich let out a depressed sigh, "I had to retreat before I could actually try everything," that was something hard to admit, "but I don't have much hope anything I can do is very harmful to the beast, especially considering it's probably gotten stronger since I fought with it."


"And why didn't you strike with enough force to destroy yourself as well? the death of a single body for one already familiar with the afterlife is a small sacrifice to save all of Terra!" It seemed Rondo was somewhat frustrated by what he say as extreme cowardice in the agent of the gods.


Rondo's accusation had hit too close to home, it was too similar to oblinich's self fears and doubts, "Don't accuse me of cowardice," He spoke almost quietly, not threatening, but almost, "It takes tremendous effort from the gods to incarnate me, and I'm here for the single purpose of stopping the beast. I'm exactly what I seem, I don't think you can say the same."


"And just what do you mean by that?" Rondo was obviously unafraid.


"You tell us you're seeking some artefact that can stop the beast, and that's all. Why don't you tell us what it is, what it does, what you know about the beast that makes it vunerable to this artefact, you don't even tell us who you really are. I invite you to share some knowledge." Oblinich started to say something else, but stoppped. Picking on old men, this wasn't like him. He was very unused to fear, and he realised it was making him behave in an even more abbrasive manner than usual.


"Okay then, I'll share this," Rondo seemed unaffected by the verbal assult, which was just as well. "I can tell you're lying when you say you're just what you seem. You're hiding something."


"Alright then," Oblinich regained calm, "I guess it doesn't really matter if you know. I know exactly what the gods are doing right now. I can't hear them, but you're right, I have been around them long enough to know anyway."


Oblinich held out his hand and a pebble a little smaller than the end of his thumb floated into his palm. Then he turned his hand and dropped it. It struck the grass at his feet without even raising a tiny puff of dust. "Imagine if you could alter ordinary matter so that the force of that impact would, from here, be enough to destroy Joat's castle, wards and all, a hundred times over. The gods can do this, but its not possible on such a small scale. With the impact amplified as I have described, they are preparing to strike Terra, twice, but not with any pebble. The 'stones' they use will be so large that Terra itself will seem the pebble. Its not the end of the world, its the end of everything remotely near this world. Energies will be sent hurtling through the void at speeds I can't imagine, and they will remain potent enough to destroy worlds for thousands of years. This is the strategy the gods designed far before I was their agent. Because I'm a little more descrete than all that, its now 'Plan B', but I failed, so now its time for Plan B."


OOC: Its fully of horrendous typos, I'm sure, but its late, and that's too long to proof-read.


Natural diasasters are often considered 'acts of god' and the destruction mentioned in this post is based on a theory I read a couple years ago about the 'ultimate natural diasaster' which involves space stuff incase any readers haven't guessed.

Rondo contemplated all that Oblinich had to say for a moment, then spoke: "Alright then everyone, it seems as if this going to be a race against time. If we can't defeat this beast soon, the Gods are going to destroy Terra."

"What!?" Gyrfalcon's eyes went wide.


"To save it." Oblinich mutterred.


"That's ridiculous! How... wh-" he took a breath, "When?"


Oblinich shook his head. "I don't know. I haven't been able to communicate with them for a while now. Although, if I know them, it'll be just as we are about to lose, or even when we're about to win."


"Just great..." Gyrfalcon didn't like the sound of that at all. He wondered how quickly this was going to get worse, if it was possible.


"Regardless, it won't matter, " said Rondo, "It won't matter if it already knows how to travel through the planes. There's no way the gods would destroy ALL the Terras, is there?"


"I don't know." he added almost inaudibly, "I'm sorry."


"So that's the new situation. Now, we move. We have to find that portal. Let's get searching."


The party set foot into Joat's Tower, wary of remaining spells and wards, and perhaps any wandering creatures that could have made a new home. Luckily, their search was danger-free, except for maybe large amounts of dust. Eventually Rondo came to a familiar room. The most important detail was a dust-covered mirror at the far end of the room. It was at least six feet tall and three feet wide. It was set in a gilded frame that connected to stand that allowed it to rotate vertically. Rondo cautiously walked up to it, placing his palm on the old glass. Nothing. He wiped away the dust. He was forgetting something.


"A key."


Rondo turned around. Oblinich was standing in the doorway.


"All portals need a key of some sort. A physical object or a source of energy. It could be a spell, a magickal signature or psychic force. This one seems to need a certain amount of energy 'poured in' to it."


"Can you perform such a task?"




Oblinich concentrated for a moment and placed his palm on the mirror. Nothing happenned at first. But then the surface rippled once. Then it rippled again. And again. And again until it was constantly rippling, virtually erasing all reflections it held. Rondo whistled, and Gyrfalcon, followed by Usagi entered the room. Rondo nodded, and stepped through, followed by Oblinich, then Gyrfalcon, and lastly Usagi.


Things were a lot different from the way Rondo remembered them.




On the godly plane, in a laboratory, life is being created. Starting from bones fortified with arcane metals, moving to pure muscle. The creator decided to skip on internal organs, those were useless anyways. He could make his being live without breathing. "Next... hmm... ah, skin... humanoid will do. How about a nice tanned look. Yes, that'll do. Hair? Let's make it long and black. Real pretty. What am I forgetting? Oh, the eyes... grey will do, I suppose. Now, the fun part." The body is fueled with amounts of energy, far beyond that of a human or even elven archmage. Beyond even might titans, matching close to a god itself. "Oh, you're a good one, yes you are. Oh, dear me, clothes would be nice." A pair of dark leather pants appeared on the man's legs, along with some heavy metal boots and a simple blue chain mesh top, sleeveless. "You can make your own weapon. Here, have a brain." There is a popping sound and the man's eyes open. They have a look of intelligence. "Good, you're done. You can call me your daddy. If you want... I created you, so close enough. You'll probably need a name, if you want."


"Who am I?"


"You? You're our new agent, plan A-2. We don't want to blow up Terra RIGHT away, see... Oblinich is kind of disappointing to some of us... he tries, but this new challenge doesn't seem to be up to him."


"Hmm... ah, yes, now I remember. Thanks for the memory, pops. A name? Keryth will do. For now. When do I start?"


~Back on an alternate Terra~


As Rondo stepped through the portal he was quite surprised to find that the desert that once stood in this place was no more. All that was left was broken stone and broken earth. One thing that remained the same was the blistering wind though. That was annoying.


"How do you take the sand out of a desert?" Rondo asked out loud.


"A big earthquake perhaps?" Oblinich replied.


"A really big earthquake. Really big. I don't like that. I don't like anything that can do that. Well, no time to waste staring at this... let's get a move on. Be wary for sand-worms. They could still be kicking around here."


"...not like they're hard to see or anything..." mutterred Gyrfalcon.


The place that Rondo was seeking was closer than to be expected. Not to mention, a lot easier to find. After about half a day's walking, the four travellers came upon a stone tower sticking out of the ground at an awkward angle.


"Ah, the temple of the winds... so that's where it was... quickly, inside!"


Everyone else looked at each other and shrugged, following Rondo around to an opening on one side. They slid down the edge of the tower and landed in a tilted room. Luckily, the angle was shallow enough to maintain balance easily. Rondo kicked open a door and jumped through. On the other side was a flat hallway leading in one direction. The travellers followed Rondo through yet again. He came to a 'T' Intersection, thought for a second then went left. After turning down a few more corridors, the party finally came to a door. Rondo knocked twice then slowly opened the heavy thing. He pushed it open to find a quivering white mass. He approached what seemed to be a very old man. He was wearing what looked like a priest's uniform, although dirty. Aside from that, all the man had was a scraggy white beard, and patches of dirty white hair on top of his head.


"Fortha, what happenned!?"


"FiredeathfiredeathquakingshakingBOOM!!HaHAhAa... HEEEEEEEEEELP!!! CRASh! It hurts! It bleeds!"


"Fortha, where is it?!"


"Hiding, hiding, hidinghidinghidinghiding... HIDING!"


"Where IS IT, Fortha?!" Rondo was losing his patience.


"IT's safe... reeeeeeal safe... no one will find it... no one no one NO ONE!!"


"Damnit. Damnit! Useless! He's completely useless... after all this time. Usagi-San, spare him. He's been through enough, we won't get anything from him."


"As you will." Usagi, with a look of pity in his eyes walked over to the gibbering old man. He grabbed one shoulder with his right hand, and slit his throat with a kunai in the other. The old man didn't even notice.


"Great, just great... so now what? What's your big plan now, old man?"


"I don't know. I just don't know."


Usagi can only shake his head. He looks to his travelling companion, and decides to speak up for once.

"Excuse me for speaking out of place but Rondo, you've got to pull yourself together. We've been on this road for a long time, and I'm not ready to get off. If I'm staying on, so are you. We are going to find a way to beat this thing, or die trying. At least there is more honour in the latter choice."


Honourable indeed. Gyrfalcon thought. He didn't like the sound of that speech at all, however true it was.


"You're right. We've gone too far to give up now. Fortha must have found something before he snapped. Let's search this place for some clues."


The party split up and searched the hidden temple. They looked everywhere, cupboards drawers, beds... between cracks in the walls, under rugs.... everywhere they could gain access to. They found nothing. Apparently Fortha didn't keep a journal, so they were out of luck. However, they did find something.


As the group met up again, they noticed a slightly odd difference in a wall in front of them. Rondo ran his hand along the bricks, and noticed a very fine split in them.


"There's a door here, but I don't see any way to open it. Usagi-San?"


"On it." Usagi let out a loud 'Hiiyaa!' and jumped at the door, katanas a metallic blur. He sliced and sliced, producing many sparks, but no results.


Oblinich shook his head. "Can't you guys read the thing?" Oblinich walked up to the door, placing his palm on the brick wall. Some glowing glyphs appeared. Oblinich mutterred some foreign language, nodded and kneeled down for a moment. He nodded again and pushed one of the bricks with his finger. It slid into the wall, and the door slid upwards. "Simple."


Rondo took a step inwards. He was on a white marble bridge that expanded into darkness. "I know what this is. He backed out. The door remained open. "This is The Pathway. It goes from temple to temple, all over Terra. Only priests can go in unaccompanied, as it is filled with many dark beings. It's also used to train Paladins, Clerics and other warriors of the temple. We shouldn't go in here without a priest, and since none of us happens to be a priest, we should stay out."


"True enough," said Gyrfalcon, "But let's also remember that we probably won't be able to get out the way we came in, either."


A familiar voice came from behind them. "It seems like I'll have to take you through The Pathway then."


The party turns around to see a familiar face. Gyrfalcon speaks first:


"Stick? But I thought... Rondo said..."


And then Oblinich, "Maybe, but something's different about you..."


Rondo and Usagi remain silent. The man speaks up, "No, I am not the one you knew as BigPointyStick. I have lived on this Terra my life. However, Fortha told me much of him, at least, what he knew. The difference between him and I, is that I did not receive the BigPointyStick; that of which there is only one."


"So that means..." started Oblinich.


"...so that means Stick is a unique being. There are many unique beings over the multiverses, and Stick is one. Anyways, I should properly introduce myself. My name is Dierden Samshae. I have lived a simple life. As I came of age, Fortha summoned me to this temple, to train me in the ways of the priest. I had lived a devoted life as a youth, so I eagerly took on the opportunity, and the duty. Here and there Fortha would speak of dangerous tides turning on the Terras, and that much preparation would be needed. He tried to fight the beast himself, but he didn't have anywhere near enough power. Whatever happenned to the beast before it got here, it learned a lot of cruelty. It has ravaged this land, as it has ravaged Fortha's soul. I am sad to say I am a coward. I could not bear to face the beast, so I fled. I also could not bear to face Fortha in his changed state, so I hid here. When you all arrived, I followed you around, not sure what to do. I saw what you did to... no, for Fortha, and I thank you. I know your intentions, and I plan to help you as much as I can."


Rondo spoke now. "It is... interesting... to meet you Dierden, but I must ask you this- do you know the location of the BPS?"


"The feeling is mutual. And no, I am sorry, I do not know. Fortha knew, but he kept that information safe in his mind. However, I have one solution. On the Pathway, we MAY be able to reach Fortha's tortured soul, if it has not already ascended to another plane. Perhaps he can give us a clue or two."


Rondo began to speak, "Agreed, it seems-"


Gyrfalcon interrupted, "May? Perhaps? I do not like the sounds of this, not in the least. Is there not one sure thing we can find out?"


It was Usagi's turn to speak, "Unfortunately, Half-elf, it is all we have to go on. We don't even know how to beat this thing right now, so this will have to do."


Gyrfalcon shook his head. Like he said, he didn't like this at all.


"The rabbit-man is right." said Dierden, "We must do what we can... I will not lie, I am afraid to the centre of my very being, but I will help you as much as possible. I don't know how much that is, but I'll give my all. When you are all ready, I shall take you in."

  • 2 months later...

Dierden led the party through the doorway. Inside was a wide marble pathway that seemed to float on nothingness. There was a short rail that ran along other side. The marble was a light grey, whereas the rail was made up of some unknown white material. Everyone walked along the pathway for a short amount of time, without incident. It was eerily quiet. After about an hour of walking the path split up three ways. The first path kept going straight for a short distance then ended in a door. The second was to the left, on a fourty-five degree angle to the first; it immediately went upwards with a small set of stairs that also ended in a door. The third and final path was to the right at the same angle; instead of going up a set of stairs, this one went down. The party came to a stop in front of the three pathways.


"So now we face our first challenge." explained Dierden, "We must pick a doorway. Behind each we will be transported to an area where we will be presented with a puzzle, of sorts. If we can not solve it, we will not make it through. Oh yes, and in some cases, it may just be a room full of undead. Choose carefully."



Originally Posted by Gyrfalcon:



*Gyrfalcon carefully considers the three doorways, putting aside his irritation at Usagi for the moment.*

"Well... the one that goes up probably doesn't lead to undead, while the one that goes down would be more natural for the undead, who live in the earth when they can. However... I think we should go straight ahead. If the path proves wrong, we can always try another one." Gyrfalcon said.


Gyrfalcon looked first at Rondo, then at Usagi, then finally looked directly at Oblinich, who happened to hold the deciding vote in this matter. Gyrfalcon suspected that Oblinich could ignore what the rest of the party wished and forge ahead on his own... and they would follow, because they needed his power.


Gyrfalcon *really* disliked needing someone else that much- it grated with the independence that he cherished so much. However, he knew that if it was neccessary to defeat the beast, he could put aside his independence for a time.


He just didn't have to like it.

Dierden, satisfied that Gyrfalcon's choice would be enough for the party, strode forward, making his way to the door in the middle. He opened it up, then stepped aside.

"This path is all yours to take, I will follow behind and bear witness, for I have passed before. It is my duty to remain silent, as your will is tested. Enter, when you are ready."


Slightly surprised by the strange speech from Dierden, the party makes its way through the door. There is a quick flash of light, and the group seems to be what is an endless grassy plain. There are scant clouds in the sky, and the sun is shining brightly. Dierden's voice suddenly resonates throughout the air.


"The first test of will is to face your fear. If you can not overcome your fears, you will never accomplish your goals. Go, face forward, and stand triumphant."



~Through Rondo's eyes~


The field is suddenly ablaze. Corpses are strewn all about, and Rondo is on the ground, bleeding, within a breath of his life. Suddenly, the beast appears in front of his face.


"Ssso, you have failed. The world is mine. It figures, you are nothing more than a weak old man."


That last bit hurt more than anything. Rondo hated his old body, and wanted nothing more than to be out of it.


Dierden's voice pierces his mind softly.


"Be brave..."


Rondo grits his teeth, standing on his feet.


"What are you going to do old man? You are no more than a weakling! Hahahaha!"


"I am NOT weak!"


"Be brave..."


The beast laughed some more, and Rondo summoned up all the courage and strength he had inside him. "I said, I AM NOT WEAK!!!" he shouted bestially, pushing at the beast. White light poured from his hands, slamming into the unnatural creature. It was sent flying straight across the field. To Rondo's dismay, it walked back. He screamed, and the beast was sent farther back again with another bar of light. This was repeated a few times until Rondo found he could not create the mysterious light anymore. Once again, Dierden's voice appeared in his mind.


"Stand triumphant..."


"What are you going to do now, old man?" the beast's hot breath poured down his face like some sort of putrid mist.


"What am I going to do?" Rondo balled his hands into the fists. "I'm going to rid the planet of your ugly face, that's what I'm going to do!!" Rondo pulled back and punched the thing straight in the jaw. It flew even farther back than before, and suddenly the fires and corpses alike disappeared. This time, Dierden spoke from directly behind him.


"Good job, you have overcome your fears, the first trial is over, for you. What you have seen is for you alone to know, but never forget it. The path is now opened further."


Rondo nodded, quivering a bit. Dierden was right about it being a test of wills. He couldn't even imagine what was to be next. He looked around to see that Usagi-San had also overcome his test, although Gyrfalcon and Oblinich were still facing theirs. He hoped they were doing ok.



Originally posted by Gyrfalcon:



Through Gyrfalcon's Eyes~

It is a darkened great hall. The torchs gutter low, but Gyrfalcon moves through it confidently, somehow able to see in the shadows as clearly as if they were the brightness of midday. Suddenly, there is movement. Gyrfalcon comes on guard, and relaxes as he sees it is a servent, unarmed and cowering in the shadows.




The servant is dead, ripped and torn, hacked to pieces, long after he had died of the first wound. What had happened? Gyrfalcon looks down, to see his blood-red katana, his blood-splattered mail. His katana- Atrarnex, not his newer blade. Atrernex...


Remember... a voice calls softly in his mind, through his mounting horror.


Without his will, Gyrfalcon continues down the corridor. Another servent, and he breaks into a charge. the man tries to run, but is overtaken. This time, Gyrfalcon watches each thrust, each hacking motion with the sword, wielded by his body, but he is trapped inside his mind, looking out, feeling the sensations, the maniacal grin on his... no, the body's face. Controlled by something else.


Again, and again, the monster murders the defenseless, the old, the crippled, the weak... the innocent.


Remember... who you are... what you are... the voice remembers.


Gyrfalcon struggled to focus...


I am... Gyrfalcon. Gyrfalcon No'Dessu...

I am a Ranger... I protect the weak, the helpless... and this...


this is Exophek. This is my fear.


Suddenly, Gyrfalcon is standing in the shadows, watching a duplicate of himself sprout wings and horns. The duplicate looks up, and Gyrfalcon looks into Exophek's eyes.


"Why, my dear, *dear* half-elf... why... you are *crying*." Exophek said, laughing sibilantly.


Gyrfalcon reached up and felt the tears running down his face, looked around at the blood-spattered corpses around the two, and raised his sword, Redemptio. Redemption.


"Exophek." it is the merest whisper of air from Gyrfalcon's lips as he starts forward, blood singing in his ears.


"Exophek!" Louder, as Exophek comes to meet him, handling Atrarnex easily.


"DIE!" They roar, and attack each other. Each move, its counter, each counter its reveral, and each reversal its own. They are surrounded in a glittering web of bladework, the edges coming close but never touching skin for more then the briefest second before the turn, the counter, the parry. Blood dots their flesh from the nicks, but neither feels nor acknowledges the pain.


But Exophek was not tiring, and Gyrfalcon blinked the sweat out of his eyes, and gritted his teeth. He *would* win!


Remember... who you are... the voice comes once more.


And behind it, a rush of voices.


"My lord, you saved us!" "Thank you..." "We are *alive* because of you, stranger" "How can we ever repay you?" they say, and on and on. The voice of each person he had helped in his long life, rushing over, past, through Exophek and Gyrfalcon.


Gyrfalcon lowered Redemptio, his blade. Exophek paused and hissed "Ready to die, fool?"


Gyrfalcon merely smiled.


"My fear was that I would become like you, demon, or that I would bear your taint on my soul. I know now that I do not. Come, let us end this farce." He replyed quietly.


Exophek screamed in rage, and put his blade through Gyrfalcon's heart, cutting downward to disembowel him in the same motion. The blade came free of Gyrfalcon's flesh... unbloodied, the flesh whole. Exophek stared in horror, but before he could say anything, he faded away.


The innocents were alive once more, smiling, thanking Gyrfalcon. He realized he recognized them, had saved them or helped them or had merely known them during their lives.


The door at the end of the hall opened, and Gyrfalcon stepped through. Finally, he was at peace with himself.


Excellent work. Your first trial is ended. What you have seen is for only you to know, but you will never forget. Your path leads onward... The voice said, before fading away completely.


Gyrfalcon stepped into the room, and Rondo looked up at him, and smiled. "Took you long enough!" the old man said. Usagi just shook his head at the half-elf's delay.


Gyrfalcon smiled. "I had to remember something important." was all he said as he took his spot next to Rondo to wait for their final member, Oblinich.

Originally posted by Tamaranis:



~Through Oblinich's eyes~

It was night, but lightning lit the battleground almost as if it were day. Sometimes the bolts struck with precision, under the influence of any of thousands of warriors. More often they struck randomly, symptoms of the chaos being unleashed. The thunder made communication impossible.


An entire race of humans had learned to be one with the universe, not to simply be at peace, but to fight using the world around them, as if the elements were their limbs. The army of that race's greatest empire was failing.


Dark creatures, creatures that used powers none could understand had finally been pushed back to this, their final stronghold. But now that the humans made their final offensive the monsters were winning.


The Earth shook with the force of some monumentous blast. Oblinich lost his footing on the already torn and uneven ground. Small bits of dirt rained down on him. By the time he regained his footing the eerie lighting was being dimmed by a thick cloud of dust. Oblinich began coughing as the dust worked its way into his lungs.


This had already happened.


Something monstrous charged from behind. It gave a war cry, but such a noise as even monstrous lungs could produce was equivelant to silence. Oblinich remembered it being there, but couldn't seem to react differently than he had the first time. Blades were thrust at him, Oblinich didn't see them soon enough to avoid them, and had dropped his own sword long ago.


Flames lept from Oblinich's hands to consume the thing before it reached him, but they couldn't seem to touch it. He'd known they couldn't but used the flames anyway. Not steel, but some other metal pierced his flesh, then the ground below the monster swallowed it.


The wounds were mortal, but Oblinich's lungs hurt more than his cuts. He already knew it was poison and not dust that clouded his vision, but he also seemed to realize it only now. In an action he already knew to be futile Oblinich attempted to push the poison away and generate a bubble of clean air. He partially suceeded, but was already dying of both the poison and his wounds.


It was only dimly Oblinich could see his objective, a temple, the last place his enemy still dwelt. It was attacked again and again by the human soldiers, but the influence of the elements always seemed to fail before they reached its walls. Worse yet inhuman silhouettes that could not be touched by the power of the humans stood at the entrance to the structure, killing with a power that seemed formless malice and hatred. If the temple could be reached by a human's literal physical body was unknown, hundreds had been struck down trying to reach it. Now no one tried to reach it any longer. In the chaos humans just tried to keep living for the next few minutes. In most instances they were failing.


Oblinich suddenly remembered something his mind was shying away from. He was about to make a decision. He had strength none knew of. He seemed tremendously strong to others, but no one had any idea of the truth. The apparent limits of Oblinich's strength were the points where he suddenly felt extreme unease and even pain at the thought of exerting more power.


Oblinich howled at his own mind not to think about this now, but it could not be stopped. Now, he decided, was the time to go beyond those limits, to strike with every ounce of his strength, whatever the results might be. One part of Oblinich screamed that this was madness, the other concluded that he was dying anyway, so it didn't make a difference.


The temple shattered. It fell in on itself then exploded outwards. Oblinich's soul was torn from his body with equal violence.


Human celebration was short lived. For the second time Oblinich watched in helpless terror as the dread pheonix rose from the temple's ashes. Oblinich tried to strike again, to attack the pheonix but he couldn't. He couldn't even try to attack it. He was dead and had no influence on the material world.


This was in truth not a symbol of rebirth, it was a mockery of a real pheonix. It was a symbol of hatred. The fires that wrapped this creature had surely originated in hells deepest pits. It slew all it beheld, human or otherwise. By no craft could it be harmed.


Time passed and a helpless wraith that had once been a human soldier watched as moster he had unleashed killed his world.




Things changed. Oblinich was solid again, in the powerful body he'd become accustomed to. The body that could withstand far more manipulation of the universe around it.


With this body Oblinich fought against the beast. Their battleground was formless and gray, the place of this struggle did not matter.


Strangly Oblinich's attacks had effect. Though he could not seem to gain the upper hand he was inflicting injury on the god-slaying monster.


The battle continued for several minutes, and Oblinich realized that he was not strong enough to overpower the beast and live. But even this body had limits, his strength went beyond it, he might be able to destroy this monster and die, and death was nothing.


"Even if this were reality, and you were not a weakling, you could not destroy me." The beast stated, its voice ringing with authority.


Suddenly Oblinich was not only fighting a monster, he was also standing dying on a battle field staring at a temple that would not be destroyed. The gray landscape took shape. It was every place Oblinich had seen on his home before he was killed. It expanded further, it was now also all of Terra that Oblinich had seen, as well as the wasteland he had just journeyed across. Then it was every place on every world he had every been sent to as an emissary of the gods.


Oblinich could not seem to act. If he struck now he could destroy a monster that threatened all existance, but if it was like the temple, something worse would arise from its destruction. Oblinich could not fathom the consequences of releasing something worse than this beast.


The Beast advanced slowly, too powerful to be destroyed by anything Oblinich could survive, but still weak enough to achieve mutual destruction.


"You've been given the power beyond the dreams of mortals, and yet you are afraid to use it." The beast taunted.


"The gods were fools to choose you as their weapon, they've fortified your body, but your will is so weak as to make you useless."


"Even if I sacrifice myself, it won't be enough, it won't kill you, it would be pointless," Oblinich responded weakly.


The beast stood directly infront of Oblinich now, in the form of a dark warrior.


"That's not the issue here," The Beast now spoke as if it were lecturing a particularly slow pupil. It reached out, and Oblinich felt his strength increase. His body's ability to withstand his power remained constant, but his power, the strength of his being, was multiplied tenfold.


"That's impossible!" Oblinich shouted


"Hypothetical situation," The Beast answered.


The Beast drew back his blade, aiming at Oblinich's heart. Oblinich had gone white with fear, not of the sword, but of the decision he was facing.


It occured to Oblinich then that there was in effect nothing worse than the Beast. The power to destroy the universe a dozen times over was no different from the power to destroy it once.


This time there really is nothing to lose Oblinich lashed out.


Suprisingly there was no catastrophy. The landscape returned to its gray formlessness. The Beast was no longer present. Oblinich was still alive.


Excellent, you've conquered your fear, as have your companions. The first trial is over


The gray landscape changed once more, into a strange labyrinth Inhabited by Gyrfalcon, Deirde, Rondo, and Usagi.


OOC: If it wasn't clear: Oblinich's fear was to repeat the mistake he made that ended his world.

OOC: Well, have to cut it short here, more to add later


Dierden, nods, satisfied as Gyrfalcon and finally, Oblinich come out of their hypnosis-like states.

"Good, you have all completed the first trial. The door is now fully opened for you all to pass through." as he says this, a marble archway appears in the plains, revealing The Pathway, as it was when they entered. In fact, Rondo couldn't help but notice that it was EXACTLY the same as when they first entered. "Let us venture forth, and to pick the next way."



Originally posted by Tamaranis:



"I think it would be refreshing to fight against something we can defeat," Oblinich said, "Since it looks like we have to try each door and Gyrfalcon thinks the undead will be in the lower one I'd like to head there."

The trial had been diffucult and humbling, and Oblinich suspected something worse still awaited at the upper door. Blasting undead would help him get his thoughts in order for whatever test was at the top.

Dierden nods at Oblinich's suggestion.

"Indeed you are both correct. Prepare yourself, for now your strength will be tested. Fear not, have confidence in yourself, and survive what lies ahead." Dierden takes the opportunity to open the door, and the party walks through. Immediately they find themselves in what seems to be a foggy graveyard of sorts. It looks old and unkempt, with broken tombstones, long grass and withered trees. A half moon shines through the cloudy night sky. No sooner than the time it takes for everyone to adjust to the darkness when they are surrounded by the sounds of earth being ripped open all around them. This sound is followed by skeletal hands shooting up from the ground. Various living corpses pull them selves up from their graves, some still brandishing old rusty weapons, others bearing nothing but rotting fists. There is flapping overhead and a swarm of bats buzzes the party. Everyone ducks low as the bats flap in one spot for a moment, then form into vampires.


"Now," Dierden spoke, "We fight!" Without waiting he draws his mace and unleashes a bolt of light at one of the vampires. Rondo takes out his staff and moves back to back with the cleric. Usagi nods to his master as he draws his katanas and lunges at a trio of skeletons. He lets out a resounding 'kiai!' as he slices a skeletons spine clean off, kicks the second in the rib cage. The skeleton flies into the third, knocking them both down.




OOC: So that's the whole story up to date... Hopefully we can get this going again once I initiate the Tamaranis Plan... mwuhahahaha...

  • 4 months later...
Guest Tamaranis

OOC: The Tamaranis plan may have been a little slow in achieving results, but it worked, evidently.


IC: Oblinich gave a dismissive snort. That a hastily summoned bunch of undead shoud oppose him was ridiculous. Skeletons indeed. He raised a hand and prepared to reduce the to powder.


Thin, petulant flames snaked from his fingertips towards the advancing trio skeletons, dying before they'd covered half the distance.


"I hate this place so much." Oblinich muttered darkly just before he was beset by the skeletons.


Unlike Gyrfalcon, Usagi, and Rhondo, Oblinich carried with him no weapon. Lacking his powers, which normally elminated the need for a sword, he was somewhat at a loss as for what to do.


The fact that he was fortified against physical attack saved Oblinich, as the rusted weapons of the skeletons struck him several times. Finally he adopted a combat strategy. Seizing the Rib-cage of one of the skeletons he lept towards one of the tombstones with all his might. Having no flesh, the skeleton was rather light, and was carried along. Oblinich swung the skeleton towards the stone just as he hit. Fragments of the skeleton's brittle spine broke off and sailed through the air. Oblinich swung the skeleton again, the bone was weakened from the first impact and this time the set of ribs he was holding onto came away. The Skeleton fell but didn't cease animation.


The other two skeletons had responded to the attack by this time. Oblinich found himself struggling to recall the martial arts he'd been taught so long ago as he tried to parry their attacks using the ribs he held in each hand while stomping on his original target in an effort to destory it. He was moderately sucessful, managing to break enough of the bones in his original target to stop it from moving, but receiving several nasty cuts.


"I am the weapon wielded by the gods themselves and you cannot stand before my power!" He screamed in rage. The skeletons were unthinking and thus unintimidated. Oblinich was summoning all the power he could, and flames danced around his hands, but didn't leap to destroy his foes as he was willing them to.


Resigning himself to physical combat Oblinich stepped to one side, temporarily evading the reach of one of the skeletons attacking him, and caught the weapon of the other between the two ribs of its fallen comrade. From there he kicked the knee of the skeleton who's weapon he had trapped. Because it lacked much of the original connective tissue the knee broke away. Oblinich lept into the air and as the skeleton fell to the ground he landed on its skull with both feet, driving downward as he did, crushing the skull and ceasing the animation.


The last of the three skeletons that had attacked him made a clumsy thrust, which Oblinich halfways avoided, receiving a shallow cut across the stomach. Calling on the extent of his power in this place he seized the lower spine of his opponent. He skeleton struck him several times about the shoulders, but he managed to 'roll' with the hits, and suffered only moderat injuries. After several moments of tremendous effort he cause the spine to ignight. Oblinich stepped back and focussed on defence as the flames eventually destroyed the skeleton.


"Even in the demi-plane with hardly any power you can't overcome the wea..." Oblinich's breath escaped wordlessly as the freezing magic of a lich washed over him.


"I hate the place..." He hissed as he charged towards the lich as fast as he chilled body would move.


OOC: Just a side note, this now marks one year we have been working on this story! (Well, perhaps not to the exact day, but to the month, regardless :P ) I'm glad to see we have been making a steady, albeit slow pace on this. Perhaps we can even finish this before next October, no? Only time will tell, I suppose ;)


OOC: 1 Year? Dang... Well, let's get it done before we get a 2-year Annerversery!


My appologies for the strageness towards the end, but I tend to weird out towards 1 AM. ;P




Gyrfalcon gritted his teeth and charged the vampires, katana held low. Just before he reached the undead, he reversed his grip and spun, his arm rising. His katana met resistance twice, its magically enhanced edge cutting cleanly through flesh and bone. The two beheaded vampires wavered for a moment, then crumpled, dead once more. Gyrfalcon nodded to himself, pleased that they were the weaker type of vampire- the truly powerful ones had to be killed, then staked in their coffin to truly die, and he didn’t think anyone had brought stakes with them.


To the side, several vampires were screaming and rolling on the ground in agonizing pain, having been hit with the cleric’s beam of holy light. The rest surged to the attack, hissing and trying to latch on to either the cleric or Gyrfalcon, hungry for blood.


They were met with the full force of Righteousness, which consisted of a mace to the face.


The full force of Homicidal Half-elven Hatred (tongue twister, isn’t it?) was fairly brutal as well.


The vampires quickly began to run away, a few deciding to try to kill the anthropomorphic rabbit. Usagi quickly dissuaded them, and the vampires broke and ran once more, a few having the presence of mind to turn into bats and fly away.


Before the various heroes could congratulate themselves, the second wave of enemies attacked- ghouls slavering for their warm flesh, and behind them, several powerful liches. One such lich blasted Oblinich with a cone of freezing cold, only to watch in amazement (or as much as a corpse can possess) as Oblinich emerged from the cone and staggered into a charge.

  • 1 month later...
Guest Tamaranis

The Big Pointy One posted,



As the ghouls and liches advanced, Usagi circled around in the off-chance he could get behind the liches and make a sneak attack. Rondo on the other hand used a more direct approach. He trodded over to a handful of ghouls who immediately tried to rend Rondo into a midnight snack. Unfortunately all they could grab was air as the surprisingly nimble old man spun like a top, his staff breaking what was left of the ghouls' bones. He did a good job of depriving them of the flesh they so desired. Usagi soon learned that the best tactic against the liches was that of Oblinich's- rushing in and neutralizing their freezing magic, if it was possible. The rabbit-man lunged in, katanas glinting in the moonlight. A blizzard of cold darts flew at Usagi, some connecting and leaving bitterly cold wounds, the rest meeting the finely crafted blades. He started in on a lich while Dierden blasted a pair of gouls with another beam or two of light. The priest prayed no one was tiring yet...

Tamaranis posted,


"You're not so tough now!" Every time the lich started rasping out a new spell Oblinich drove his fist into the generally area its mouth had once occupied with such force the spell was disrupted. The other hand held its remaining arm in place. Oblinich's hand received a few cuts from the Jagged pieces of broken bone and remaining teeth, but he was angry beyond caring.


By the time the lich finally stopped fighting back Oblinich had begun wondering if it were possible for him to end the stubborn animation.


For a moment it didn't seem that any moving corpses were threatening Oblinich, so he threw all his strength into rupturing the walls seperating this pocket dimension from its parent. Somewhere in the blackness there was an interesting light display as the eleven dimensional structure of the multiverse twisted under the strain. It did not break however.


After an assult of about six seconds Oblinich became exhausted and had to give up, realizing that even he wasn't strong enough to break the barrier with strength alone.


On the bright side it seemed that Usagi, in a tornado of steel and destruction, had destroyed the other liches and a batch of walking corpses of every variety had been dispatched. All told, Oblinich had done about three percent of the undead killing.


"Don't worry," Dierden called out to him, seeming to read his thoughts, "We're not done just yet."


Oblinich didn't see them at first, he was looking for more shambling mounds of dead flesh instead. Then he felt a wrongness, a sense that the natural way of things as declared by one of the gods, Thanatos to be specific, had been violated.


Hardly visible, they looked like wisps of smoke appearing from various sources. Many flowed from the assortment of graves, others rushed in from the horizon or descended from above. Some simply appeared from nowhere. When Oblinich looked closely at one his fears were confirmed. The smoky shape resolved itself into a humanoid figure. Of course the smoke didn't change in reality, but the spirit communicated with his mind on some basic level, causing it to appear to become humanoid.


Murming voices filled the air. It wasn't possible to single one out and decipher what it was saying but an overall feeling of negative emotion came from the collective sound. Sadness, fear, loss, pain, anger, among others. Most of all however, there was a sense of hatred and hunger.


Usagi and Rondo quickly realised their weapons were useless against the new mist-based enemy. They found themselves back to back, a circle of foes closing in on them like certain doom. Rondo shouted out, anger and resentment heavy on his voice.


"How do we kill these things priest? They are getting closer to drinking my blood, and that's a wine that's best to age for a few more years, if you don't mind me saying so!" Whatever the mist like creatures formed into, they clawed forwards, semitransparent fingers making jagged slices through the air.


Dierden swallowed a curse and made his way to the samurai and his master. The priest's mace was glowing a hot white while it was swinging through the air, driving the ravenous mist creatures back momentarily. "I'm not sure yet, but I'll do my best to see they keep from tearing you apart. I'm sorry."


Rondo didn't bother holding back his cursing. "You don't know? YOU DON'T KNOW!! I thought you said you've been here before. How can you-" Rondo was cut short as a misty claw slammed into a barrier of white light just a hand away from the aged warrior's face.


"I don't know how long that'll hold up, but at least for now you two will be safe. If you don't mind, I'm going to see how everyone else is holding up. If the barrier breaks..." Dierden placed his palms on Rondo and Usagi's weapons, all of which started glowing that white light. "This should do. I hope."


"Oh bloody hell." That was all Rondo could manage as Dierden passed through the barrier and went to see if Gyrfalcon or Oblinich needed any help.


Gyrfalcon stood panting in the middle of a ring of unmoving bodies, the remains of many of the ghouls and a lich that hadn’t run away fast enough. Caught up in catching his breath, his only warning came from Dierden.


“Half-elf, look out!”


Gyrfalcon instinctively whirled, and as he did so his katana chimed as it deflected the claws of one of the strange mist-monsters. It made a strange sound, a combination of a moan and growl and tried again. Gyrfalcon’s katana darted to the left and blocked the first swipe, then slashed through the creature’s body, meeting a faint resistance before picking off the right claws. The mist-monster howled in surprised pain. While the katana didn’t seem to do a lot of damage to the monster, it still harmed it, evidenced by the faint divot along what passed as its chest.


Gyrfalcon struck twice more, then stepped back as another mist-monster came up in front of the first. A third joined them and then a fourth, and it was all the half-elf could do to hold them back. The only thing that kept him alive was the fact that each mist-monster fought alone, as if the others did not exist. Because of this, their attacks continually interfered with each other’s, allowing Gyrfalcon to pick off multiple strikes with each parry. However, he was forced entirely into a defensive posture and was being steadily backed up, giving ground to escape with a whole skin. Gyrfalcon knew it was only a manner of time before he missed a parry or another mist-monster joined the four assaulting him, and then it would end.


Gyrfalcon gritted his teeth and steeled himself for death... only to find a furred hand clamp down on his shoulder and yank him backwards. The half-elf passed through a glowing white barrier that tingled and left him feeling a little refreshed. He left behind the four mist-monsters, who howled their rage and beat at the glowing barrier as if it were a solid wall.


Moments later, the mist-monsters fell back from one side of the wall with howls of pain as Dierden forced his way through with hard swings of his mace, Oblinich behind him, a painful looking welt marring his cheek. Gyrfalcon noted that Oblinich was shaking and his lips were slightly blue- proof that the touch of the mist-monsters was extremely cold.


“So, we’re all in here and the monsters are all out there. Any ideas on how to make them go away?” Gyrfalcon said as he regained his breath.

  • 5 weeks later...
Guest Tamaranis

Oblinich found a hazy humanoid shape racing towards him. It obviously had no substance or mass, but it somehow gave the impression of approaching with a terrible and deadly momentum. From experience Oblinich knew that the impression of momentum was not entirely illusion, but on the other occasions when he'd dealt with these things he'd had literally earthshaking power at his disposal.


Still, even without that earthshaking power he might be able to dispose of the thing. Oblinich set himself to receive the charge. Just before the spirit reached him it occured that this might have been a very bad idea. A man being charged by a worg and intending to kill it with a kitchen knife might have felt much the same way.


Oblinch thrust his arms into his attacker's approximate chest as it reached him. The collision seemed bone jarring, though really it was spirit jarring. Oblinich's body hardly moved in response to the attack, but he felt as if he were being violently shaken about and had a hard time keeping oriented.


Had any of his companions been watching him rather than focussing on their own battles they might have noticed his arms seeming to disappear a short distance after the elbow, or the blue colour creeping up what could be seen. Painfully, Oblinich attempted to correct the wrongness responsible for the evil spirit's existence. The spectre took a swipe at his face, leaving a fair cut on his cheek before throwing its head back and roaring in pain.


While Oblinich's attack seemed to be unpleasent for his opponent, it definately wasn't working. He'd had no idea how this was going to work without access to a normal universe, and he'd hoped for better. Untying one hundred feet of knotted cord submerged in ice water would have been easier. This was more like trying to untie cord submerged in ice alchohol. Finally, he lost all feeling in both his arms and the small amounts of energy he was channeling into the spectre's being tapered to nothing.


Just as the Spectre seemed about to recover and resume slashing, Dierden's mace collided forcefully with it. It seemed to revert to a whirling cloud of mist as it retreated, though it didn't go very far.


"Are you allright?" Dierden asked, looking slightly puzzled as he had witnessed the struggle between Oblinich and the spectre.


"I think so," Oblinich found that he couldn't move his fingers, and the cold had spread quite far up, nearly into his chest, but he did seem to be okay.


Swinging his mace, Dierden fought through to the protective shield he'd erected and moved inside with Oblinich. “So, we’re all in here and the monsters are all out there. Any ideas on how to make them go away?” Gyrfalcon asked, breathing hard from the exertion of fighting the spectres.


"A few," Oblinich said, "But most of them are based on us not being here to begin with." For a moment he paused, "Dierden, whatever god you follow, this isn't it plane of residence?" He asked.


"No," Dierden said, "This is just a training ground for priests," the malicious spirits seemed to redouble their efforts to breach the barrier, as if emphasizing, "its not a holy place."


"That means there's some way you can draw power from outside of whatever this," Oblinich's voice became enthusiastic as his theory was confirmed, "If we can figure a way for me to do the same, I think I can do something about this."

  • 3 weeks later...

Dierden had a rough idea about what Oblinich wanted to do, and knew what consequences it would have on this mini-plane of existence they currently occupied.


"No." the priest said, "I don't think drawing power from an outside source would be a good idea right now."


Oblinich looked frustrated. "But I could destroy them all if you'd just let me-"


"Yes, and you'd probably do the same to us in the process, I'm afraid. This place is meant for a priest's power. Although a small amount of magic can be used here, it wasn't meant to work that way, I'm afraid."


"Then what would you have us do?"


"Well, I guess we only have one option left, it's kind of risky, considering I'm not sure what happens when these mist-things touch you." Dierden mutterred a quick prayer, and his hands started to glow. "Everyone hold out their weapons, quick. I'll bless them and imbue them with holy energy."


Gyrfalcon almost tripped over himself then and there. "What? You're only doing that now? We could have-" he took a breath to calm himself. "Nevermind. Let's get rid of these whatever-they-ares and get out of here."


Dierden placed his hands on everyone's weapons of choice, one by one. Afterwards each started to share a glow similar to the one surrounding Dierden's hands. Usagi and Rondo simply looked at each other and grinned before they each jumped out of the barrier, screaming like idiots at the top of their lungs. Katanas and staff streaming the air with white light as they cut a hole into their undead enemies. Usagi displayed a masterpiece of bladework as he started sending the mists back to wherever it is they came from. Rondo seemed to limp along rather slowly, but his wrists kept his staff spinning in a white blur nearly unmatched by even the youngest staff master.


Dierden just stood there, arms crossed and nodding with a satisfied grin on his face. Everyone was going to make it through, and with flying colours.


Gyrfalcon slid through the barrier, and the mist-monsters closest to the half-elf, hands outstretched eagerly, waiting to grasp his warm flesh and take that warmth for themselves.


The mist-monsters did not know the significance of the soft white glow his blade gave off, nor the meaning of the slight curve of his lips. Gyrfalcon spun his katana almost negligently, trimming the hands from two of the mist creatures. Then he snapped his blade into a guard for a brief second, blocking another claw. The half-elf carefully watched the first two mist creatures reel back, stunned at the sudden loss of their ‘hands’.


Seeing that the holy enchantment was effective, and knowing that such enchantments usually had a limited duration, Gyrfalcon decided to make the most of it. The half-elf charged forward suddenly.


He attacked full out, catching the monsters by surprise as his sword spun full circles in his hands, the blade always finding mist-like flesh, cleaving the creatures in half as easily as the katana’s fine blade parted silk.


Minutes past, and as the glow faded from Gyrfalcon’s blade, he came to a halt, little curls of mist wafting up as the remains of the mist-creatures around him reverted to their base component and dissipated.

  • 1 month later...

As the last of the mist-creatures perished, the sun rose on the horizon, and the graveyard the party was currently in slowly dissipated. Everyone found themself back on The Pathway, in front of the same doors, exactly in the way they had left them. Dierden addressed the group yet again.


"Your courage and your strength have both been tested. Now it is time for your final test. Walk up the stairs, and face the final challenge, so you may venture forward, and on with your journey."


Rondo staggered forwards first, leaning heavily on his staff, and panting slightly. Usagi motioned to assist him, but the wily old man waved him off. The group slowly made their way up the steps and opened the door. Instantly, they found themselves in a gleaming white room. Dierden followed behind in silence. Like before, his voice echoed in the back of everyone's minds.


"The last test is a test of will. In this room, you will be taken to edge of your very being. Stay strong, and let nothing deter you from your task. Go forth, and become stronger at heart."




Rondo found himself in a warm room. It was a wooden house of some hort, logs burning lazily in the fire. The odd thing was, there was no door or windows. Just the walls, the floor and the fire. Rondo took a step towards the fire, and found a mirror was suddenly blocking his path. He looked into his reflection and was shocked. It was him as he used to be. Young, tall, not a care in the world. His reflection smiled at him, and beckoned him closer to the mirror. Rondo shook his head. How could this be happenning? It didn't make sense. A pair of young maidens appeared at his reflection's side, barely clothed, beckoning him closer to the mirror. He didn't know what to do, so he went with hit. Rondo stepped towards the mirror, reaching towards his young reflection, who did the same. The old man was pulled into the mirror and everything faded away except him and his reflection. The reflection pulled Rondo in close and whispered in his ear.


"You can be me again, you know. There's a way. Tap in to what you once had. Spend it all. You can be me again."


"But... what will happen to me? To the others."


"You can be me again, you know. When the time comes, do you think it will make a difference who you are? You can be me again."


"I want to be me again..."


"You can be me again, you know. Give up what you have now, you'll have to in the end, you know."


"What do you mean?"


"You can be me again, you know. It doesn't matter. You should have it figured out by now. You can be me, you know."


"Or... what?"


"Or... what?"


"I don't understand." Rondo and his reflection slumped to the ground. Tears welled in his eyes and he began to sob. "I want it all back. It isn't fair."


His reflection stood up, a disgusted look on it's face. "What is this? You, old man, crying? That is a thing for children!"


Rondo looked up through blurry eyes. It was a pathetic sight.


"You have what you need. You can be me, you know. You have what you need. You can be me." it almost seemed as if his reflection was arguing with itself.


Rondo slowly stood up. His reflection looked at him. "Well?"


"I want to be you."


Half of the reflection's face frowned, the other's curled into an almost evil-looking grin. Then, it split in half. Suddenly Rondo was looking at two reflections of himself, although both slightly different. The one that frowned put his hand on Rondo's shoulder. "You have what you need, you know." The other reflection pushed the reflection out of the way, and grasped both of Rondo's shoulders. "You can be me, you know." The first reflection tackled the one currently grasping Rondo's shoulders, sending them both to the ground. It punched it's double a few times, then stood up.


"You have what you need, you know. Just remember. Look within yourself."


The other reflection let out a strangled "You can be me, you know."


And it all dawned upon Rondo. He grasped the currently standing reflection and absorbed it into himself. Nothing changed, but he felt completely refreshed mentally. A million sparkling lights went off inside his mind and it was as if Rondo had suddenly gained something he had lost before. Then he turned his attention to the reflection lying on the ground.


"I don't need you anymore. I have what I need, you know."


The reflection screamed at Rondo, then shattered into countless glass shards which floated harmlessly across the void that they had all been occupying. Then, everything faded away yet again, including Rondo. He was in the room with the fire again. This time there was a door. Rondo stepped through and found himself face to face with a smiling Dierden.


"Your last test is completed, Rondo. Your will is strong, and you are ready to face the challenges ahead of you."


Rondo simply nodded, a grin playing at his withered face. He had what he needed, now, and he could hardly wait to unleash it upon his, no, the world's adversary. He looked to Usagi, who had apparently finished his test first. The rabbit warrior simply stared straight ahead, a blank look occupied his face. Rondo tried speaking to him, but no words escaped Usagi's lips. The old man shrugged, and assumed a cross-legged position on the ground as Gyrfalcon and Oblinich completed their tests.

  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)



OOC: I was just wondering if you guys were interested in still going on with this story... I realise it's been a *long* long time, but I was hoping we'd get to finish this some day. I mean, I can move it along, but I don't know... what do you guys say?


Moderator's Privilege so there's one less pure OOC: post. ^_^

Sure, I'm all for it. I was going to write a post, but I kept on getting busy, and then you left for a while, so it dropped in importance. I'll see what I can do within the next few days. :)




Edit: Alright, I really appreciate it ^.^ And for the umpteenth time I apologize about the whole disappearing act. Of course, don't rush yourself or anything ^.^

Edited by The Big Pointy One

Gyrfalcon stepped through the doorway into a sparsely furnished stone room. Along one wall, there was a broad desk covered with papers. Along the other, bookcases piled high with books, the volumes almost spilling off the shelves. Directly across from him, double doors opened up onto a balcony. The sky outside was violent, swirling ripples of red and orange and yellow, clouds caught in the dying grasp of the setting sun. Standing on the balcony, looking at the dying sky, stood a man.


As the man turned, Gyrfalcon recognized himself, as he had once been. The robes of an archmage, under which was the field plate of the Knight Marshal of New Muriska. But there was an addition to the breastplate, a strange jewel that reminded him of a sapphire, glinting with a strange, otherworldly light.


With a sardonic bow, the vision of who he once was spoke. "I had hoped who I will become would be... grander... then you."


Gyrfalcon smirked in response and bowed "I could say the same of you, my past."


The magi raised an eyebrow "I am an Archmage, I lead New Muriska's legions. The alliance I belong to is one of the most respected in the world. How could anything be grander?"


The ranger smiled in amusement. "I suppose in terms of physical accomplishments, it is indeed quite grand. But we never were concerned about spirituality back when, were we?"


The magi snorted. "Spirituality is for fanatics and fools, or for those with enough geld to bribe the gods into favor."


Gyrfalcon smiled sadly. "There are true gods who actually care about their world. Not on Terra, but on other worlds. You just haven't found them yet."


The magi slashed the air with his hand. "Bah, that is nothing. But you evade the point of this matter. Gyrfalcon No'Dessu, former King of New Muriska, I offer you everything you lost. Your powers, your fame, your kingdom. Touch the gem, and you will regain them."


Gyrfalcon shook his head. "No. That is the past, and what is done is done." He said resolutely.


"How do you know that your power won't be needed? How do you know that without the power of an Archmage, you and your friends are doomed? Except... you'll survive. You always have. But you'll have the weight of their deaths on you."


Gyrfalcon shook his head again stubbornly. "You're wrong, I-"


The magi cut him off. "Dead because you didn't have the courage to accept this responsibility."


The blow struck home, and Gyrfalcon hesitated. Was it his responsibility to accept the terrible burden of being an Archmage again? Would those powers held him and his companions?


Gyrfalcon took a deep breath and slowly released it before looking at the illusion before him.


"What has gone before cannot be brought back. The past cannot be rewritten. I am what I am now because of what I have sacrificed, in penance for what I have done. I cannot, and will not take what you offer me."


The magi's eyes narrowed. "You are a fool."


Gyrfalcon laughed. "No, I am not a fool. But you? You are but an illusion, designed to tempt me with what has been long resolved." His voice filled with scorn, Gyrfalcon spoke his last words to what he had been. "I am more then you ever will be, shadow."


The magi rippled for a second, then disappeared. In his place, a door stood open. Gyrfalcon walked through, and looked at Usagi and Rondo. "Well, it looks like Oblinich is the only one we'll have to wait on." the half-elf said calmly.


Dierden looked at Gyrfalcon as he joined the rest of the party. He could tell by the tone of his voice and the look on his face that his test had gone over quite well.


"Gyrfalcon, it is too bad you are a ranger, I think you may have made an excellent cleric. But alas, we all have our own paths to walk."


Gyrfalcon just smiled and chuckled lightly. Yes, if anyone was prepared for the upcoming path, it was Gyrfalcon No'Dessu. Although nobody knew it yet, Gyrfalcon would be the one put at the most risk, but he'd lose the least. Whereas Rondo had originally thought Gyrfalcon would be the key to defeating this Beast, this creature of destruction, he now realised that the powerful half-elf would be but a helping hand. The responsibility now fell on Rondo. Now was the time to conquer all his inner demons and move on. He owed a service to Terra, and he was fully ready to pay it out now. Having this knowledge didn't erase the fear completely, but it did curb it for the time being.

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