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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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He finds every bit of positive things in a person, even when they feel utterly worthless.


And makes me blush as no one else... but I'm not sure if this is a real good thing ;)


And (although this has been mentioned before) he will be blushing on reading this thread again :)


He's mine.

He comes up with the mostest evil things to say to stupid people, but in a nice way.

He's mine.

He's my second adopted daddie.

He's mine.

He looks for the good in people... well... unless they hurt someone important to him. Then they dont deserve that.

He's mine.

He listens to people even when they're bawling and hard to understand.

He's mine.

He understands even my hyper rambeling.

He's mine.


He's mine.



Big P is so cool he's an ice lolly - and I don't know what that is in American! :D


An' what's more - P is the sixteenth letter of the alphabet. Sixteen is how many arms he has to ensure there are enough hugs to go around. Around is where he is if anyone needs him. Need is what he subdues in favour of satisfying others' Others are the ones he believes in. In is short for inclusive which he is. Is is third person singular of the verb to be. Be is the beginning of beautiful, beloved, benchmark and... beer! :D


In summary - Elrond - you da elf!


Much love, C/S/T :)


Always around, loooking for the need

that hides behind the words and the smiles:

hugs and huggles, knowing that Touch

helps to heal and soothes the pain.

Listening and nodding,

understanding the shadows,

lends his shoulders to soak the tears

(Blessed water-proof Peredhil!)

Hunts for darkness with zealous resolution

chases away the cause for pain.






Is it possible to die of embarassment? Thank you all very much, but y'all leave out the so-many flaws I have! (I guess I conceal them all succesfully or something.)


Goodness in Most People

Flaws of Peredhil

Flaws of Peredhil

In fact, given the equation



Total Sum of Peredhil = Flaws of Peredhil + Utter Awesomeness of Peredhil,

mathematicians have found that using



Total Sum of Peredhil = Utter Awesomeness of Peredhil

does not change the result until at least the 198th decimal place.




Master P is also cool because he does not push his advice on anyone, but is willing to give it when asked, and he knows absolutely everything about everything. Or nearly. :D


Wow, how did I miss this?


Things I Like About Pered:


1. He's Pered.

2. He's got my favorite borrowable character, lets me borrow it, and doesn't mind (too much) when I have him do something a bit out of character.

3. Did I mention he's Pered?

4. Despite very definite views, he manages to not offend people, even to the point of making them feel better about themselves while disagreeing with them.

5. From the Rabbits, one of the coolest things ever when we were about to go to war. Pered called it "Positive Reinforcement."

6. He sainted me back on the old AMUBBs for really amateur haikus. I have yet to get better, but retain the semi-sainthood.

7. As has been mentioned before, he's a great ally in AM/TR.

8. I won't mention the politeness, but I do appreciate it.

9. He's got one of the best senses of humor *evar.* Even to the point of horrid puns, which I'm a fan of.

10. He's a friend, first and foremost, to anyone who needs one. And that's the best thing I can say about anyone.


There's so many things to say, but I'll leave it personal and just say

"Thanks Peredhil for being who you are. I love you a LOT!"


The Facts:


Peredhil is a PC.

PCs may take flaws, but only in exchange for Bonus Feats. (See Unearthed Arcana)

Peredhil has flaws.


Therefore, Peredhil has Bonus Feats.


I'm not sure, but I'm thinking his bonus feats were "Empower Awesomeness" and "Maximize Awesomeness" Because they're prereqs for the epic "Intensify Awesomeness" which is awesomely awesome.


And that's why Peredhil is Supremely Awesomely Intensely Amazingly Awesomely Awesome.


Did I miss anything?


(Apologies to those out there who don't play D&D)


Tsk, tsk, tsk......what are you people trying to do, inflate P's head?


What we need is more criticism about Peredhil :woot: Say bad things about him....go ahead.....BAD things.....


For instance....the Doctor has been unable to positively confirm this, but the Doctor believes Peredhil has ungodly foot odor....and he may snore.....and the Doctor suspects he may not really like small furry animals.....unless they are sauteed in butter......


.....what else.....hmmmm.......

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

Master P is so uberly awesomely trustworthy (and gives such uberly awesome backrubs) that not only is it in fact quite possible to fall asleep standing up whilst having your back rubbed, it's quite safe to do so!



And, in running across this, I decided to point out...That while he MAY be polite...He is quite brutally honest.(Good thing)

And he agrees with me on the fact that people ask too many stupid questions that they know they don't want the answer to. And usually, they get offended when you give them said answer they don't want.

He's ALWAYS willing to help. Always tries to understand, even if he doesn't at first. Is uber cute and sweet and loveable.

And he's mine, too.


And by the way...I guess I'll humor Doctor Evil...Bad thing...Bad thing...Bad thing...

Wayyyy too polite.

Too many hugs that are not given directly from him to me.



Mrs. Peredhil sneaks into his account and posts...



hi everybody! yes its me, hey I really do know Peredhil most likely better than anyone on the planet! And its true America, he really is very polite in a manipulative way and that's because he knows how to get what he wants. Really now, I have been with him for over 24 years and he is the most unique person I have ever met or hope to meet. I love him very much and I have to write that, all in all, he has been there for me all 24 years. I feel that my life is much richer because of him. I have shared him with you and now I would like monetary pay back for that. :P Thanks, Mrs. P(Kerry)


(Tzimfemme parades through the area, halts, looks around, and walks back into the thread.)


I still dread threads like these, but by the gods, if Peredhil hasn't earned a thead of purest praise, who has? It's only one of many monuments to him, and all raised from human warmth, a reflection of the warmth he gave--and never asked to be paid, so what else can we do but raise a monument? A poem, perhaps. A story. A work of website art. The author interacting with the warmth, creation. A tray of lasagna in a foil pan which won't need to be soaked and scrubbed, for when words fail.


You may know Peredhil better than most, but it seems you see what you want to see.



There are two kinds of light - the glow that illumines, and the glare that obscures. ~James Thurber

The following quote describes Peredhil better than I ever could.



Light gives of itself freely, filling all available space. It does not seek anything in return; it asks not whether you are friend or foe. It gives of itself and is not thereby diminished. ~Michael Strassfeld




Regel lights a single candle and hands it to Mrs P. (Kerry).


"That candle is for you."



Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. ~Chinese Proverb


Most things have been said. But since it's Peredhil we're talking about, he deserves what I have to say as well, even if others have said it many times before.


If he has the time, he's always around to listen to anything you may have to tell him.


He's always willing to comment and tell you the truth about something.


He's always tehre when you need him for advice, even if you have to PM him to do it and not in Real time.


I'll be very surprised if he has made even 1 single enemy in his life.


And I think both you and your wife, Pered, are lucky to have eachother. You two probably make a great pair. :)


Hehe. pulls out sledge hammer and sharp needle.

I believe this pedestal and his head have grown out of proportion quite a bit.

As the first person to post on this invision web site, and knowing Peredhil, I can agree he is nice yeah.

So is a strong breeze until it get to such a large proportion it is a hurricane wiping out what is in its path, leaving behind a nice yet changed landscape.

So do we all like to be changed?

I for one am living matter and have no need of constant influence from the outside. Yet, what will happen to those that need him to stop. Their change has started and they need to regain balance on their own two feet before continuing forward, but his breaking wind is too strong and keeps pushing them.


And that is nuff.


Oh yeah. He does have smelly feet. And Doctor Evil *is* right - he snores.

p.s. he coerces individuals....




Finally, someone who knows the reality of me. :P


I will point out that, when I think about it, I am very manipulative. Love is one of the most powerful forms of manipulation there is, and I do love a number of people.

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