Patrick Posted May 20, 2009 Report Posted May 20, 2009 Disclaimer: This WW game will not respect the kid-friendly rating. It should go to the Scarlett Pen, but in order to allow Honoured Guests to also take part it will take place in the Conservatory. Take part only at your own risk. Quote Lupine Asylum actually has nothing to do with wolves. Maybe a couple centuries back these four-legged hunters prowled the peninsula upon which the sixteenth century mansion was situated on, but the last wolf had long since left these lands and moved where humans did not disturb its existence. Lupine Peninsula wasn't really a peninsula, only at the lowest of tidal cycles did a narrow stretch of sand connect it to the mainland. The asylum had taken over an old mansion. Whoever had once lived there had long since been forgotten. The asylum contains the worst of the worse...rapists and murderers who had a good lawyer and managed to plead insanity, people truly insane. Multiple personalities, personality name it, this asylum has it. The guards are equally bad. Only the scum of the prison system was sent here, mostly as a punishment for real or imaginary mistakes. If needed the guards have used and will use force, maybe even lethal force to subdue a prisoner...or even one of their own. It is always easy to justify that this place makes someone go crazy... This WW game won't exactly be like the others. For one thing, in order to be able to explore the characters involved in a bit more depth and to compensate for the general slowness of the Pen as of late, phases shall be longer. Quite a bit longer. I'm thinking maybe having one week for night phases and two weeks for day phases. Roles will not be revealed when someone is killed or lynched. I might also spice up the roles, but exactly how is still under consideration. Since this WW deals with pretty bad people, as per the disclaimer at the top of this post, expect unpleasant mental images and unpleasant words (to put things mildly). Sign ups are open at least until the beginning of June. Feel free to pay one of the "residents", a guard, a visitor (they'll get stuck in the asylum...) or anything you can come up with that fits the setting.
Tanuchan Posted May 20, 2009 Report Posted May 20, 2009 Intrigued also... and in doubt whether I'll have the time to deal with this, but the 'slowness' of the game might help in that. I'll be also tentatively in, though that's mostly due to the theme and not really because lack of time I'll be back with a definitive answer (and a character if that's the case) after I see what people are planning to play.
Hjolnai Posted May 20, 2009 Report Posted May 20, 2009 I'm strongly considering entering. At present, I'm considering a character to use, too; seemingly harmless (and indeed has a strong conscience), until directly insulted, at which point he goes berserk and has a tendency to kill anyone in the vicinity, with the brain practically bypassed by sheer physical rage. Possibly a failed creation of unethical scientists (due to passive nature when not incited), and a few other ideas I'm still thinking about.
Savage Dragon Posted May 20, 2009 Report Posted May 20, 2009 This seems like a good way to shake things up a bit in the Werewolf World, i'm all for it. The longer phases should help to bring back some of the longer conversations between killings that were more common in the earlier games, i hope. well count me in, once i figure out my own particular brand of madness to add to the story
GLJordan Posted May 21, 2009 Report Posted May 21, 2009 this "honored guest" thinks he will pass. Never was a fan of the overly violent stuff.
Tanuchan Posted May 21, 2009 Report Posted May 21, 2009 Right... I'm definitely in, and blame a kitty for that... of course, that does mean Mynx is in too We will be playing both sides of one character with Multiple Personality Disorder, who is a guard at the Asylum. (Patrick, if this is not possible, just let us know and we'll work in other ways). Officer Bruce Anthony Daniels Officer Daniels has ended up as guard in Lupine Asylum because no one could figure out whether he was an exemplary officer or a very sneaky criminal. His record is almost perfect, however there were times he had been found in places where he shouldn't be, near a crime scene or an accidental death victim. From time to time a witness or other would be in doubt whether they had seen Officer Daniels engaging in suspicious activities, but at the end nothing would be proved. So, it was decided that it was for the best that Officer Daniels were to end up his service days at Lupine Asylum. The truth is that Officer Daniels has undetected Multiple Personality Disorder. Bruce is a lawful guard, strict on his obedience to the rulebook; he will not stray a fraction of an inch from what law says. He would be a truly good person, if he had not the weird feeling that there is something dark in the back of his mind; this is what makes him adhere to the rules, so that he cannot make mistakes. Anthony is a sadistic personality, who derives all his pleasure from inflicting pain and misery. Tony is actually aware of Bruce, and whenever he's not dominant he tries to wrestle control back or challenge Bruce's 'lawfulness'. Bruce, on the other hand, has no idea at all that Tony exists. Tony has also a vague feeling there is something a bit weird on the back of his mind, something that at times makes him be more careful; but usually he dismisses it as being just a 'smart feeling'. The Dark One is the true evil living in Bruce Anthony. He's an assassin, but a subtle and very dangerous one. He mostly rides when Tony is dominant, here and there whispering caution and nudging some attitudes and actions to better cover the murders. When Bruce is dominant, the Dark One is more vocal, constantly whispering murder into his mind. The Dark One is, thus, the only personality fully aware that there are three in the same body. Bruce will be played by me (Tanny) Tony will be played by Mynx the Dark One will be played by both of us, and is to be considered an NPC; if Patrick agrees, we'd like to have the possibility to keep playing him when one of us is wolfed or lynched
Patrick Posted May 21, 2009 Author Report Posted May 21, 2009 Tanny/Mynx...I love that character idea.
Katzaniel Posted May 25, 2009 Report Posted May 25, 2009 I'd love to be in. I don't know if I'll keep up even the slow schedule that you're suggesting, but I'll try.
Lord Panther Posted May 27, 2009 Report Posted May 27, 2009 Hmmm, sounds interesting... now to think up a character...
Venefyxatu Posted May 29, 2009 Report Posted May 29, 2009 CALL FOR CHARACTER : if somebody wants to play Barbara, feel free to develop her personality further. I've been purposely vague :-) William Johnson is one of the many accountants of a large corporation, one of the very few whose numbers are always correct down to the last decimal. He's a rather scrawny man with thinning hair and round glasses who always wears simple, unassuming suits. Apart from his wife Barbara (at least before she was sent to Lupine Asylum) he didn't have much contact with anyone. His only social contact was on a purely professional level with his colleagues, who considered him quite normal. In a way, he is : as long as he's sorting numbers into columns everything makes sense to him. He deals with the periods in between (going home, eating, sleeping, ...) by running through the numbers again and again in his mind. William and Barbara's marriage amazed quite a few people : she was a flamboyant marketing girl, he a dry-as-cork accountant. Yet when they're together, something seems to click for both of them : William doesn't need his numbers that much to remain focussed and Barbara finds it a lot easier not to go into a violent rage over a trivial detail. He was in the asylum to visit his wife and bring her a gift when <insert cataclysmic event that causes it to become totally isolated> happened. Since he has completely, totally and utterly failed to grasp the concept of "fiction" (and his only contact with it was reading a short story about a prisoner escaping through means of an iron file hidden inside a large sausage), this is the gift he brought for his wife. She accepted it the same way she dealt with everything he's ever done : with mild, even slightly amused, patience. Barbara was sentenced to life in prison after a particularly violent and messy triple murder case. However, there are still rumours that it was either her husband or the two of them together who actually committed the murders and that, for some reason known only to them, they agreed to make it look as if she did it. She was rather quickly transferred to Lupine Asylum when the guards discovered some of her strange daytime rituals, involving ... <TBD>
Patrick Posted June 1, 2009 Author Report Posted June 1, 2009 Sign-up shall be open for a couple more days, to allow those who expressed interest the time to come up with a character.
Patrick Posted June 1, 2009 Author Report Posted June 1, 2009 To answer a question I received via PM: the timeframe of the game shall be around the beginning of the 20th century.
Hjolnai Posted June 2, 2009 Report Posted June 2, 2009 As my initial character concept was fairly nonspecific, I will now give a better description of my character. Lokriad is a veritable giant who always gives the impression of being enclosed in a space too small. This is accentuated by the fact that he tends to walk hunched over, with his head bent down nearly to the level of his shoulders, and a book is held firmly in his vision. Should anyone be impolite enough to physically disrupt his vision of the book, he has a strong tendency to take a thin dagger from just inside the cover and leave the unfortunate disruptor bleeding on the ground; the important rule which other people failed to follow (and thus leading to Lokriad being in this asylum) is not to touch the book or wave hands in front of it (lest they be cut off). If this is avoided, Lokriad is relatively harmless and can hold an intelligent conversation on a variety of issues, and indeed has an uncanny tendency to know almost all available information on any topic you care to discuss. This does tend to shorten conversations, however; it is difficult to converse with someone who is so well informed. Partially due to this and the ever-present book, Lokriad is a very distant personality, and it is rare for him to take an obvious interest in anything else. This distance has only grown wider in the asylum. It should also be noted that Lokriad's book covers never seem to change, but the few foolhardy enough to watch over his shoulder have never seen the same page twice; in fact, a recent eavesdropper (who lost three fingers) noted the page number 1 162 483 (Note: 2/3 of all the minutes in 40 years is 1 401 600). Despite this, Lokriad does not appear to be beyond middle age; in fact, he seems not far over 30. To the few who bother to consider all this information in the asylum (watching potential enemies is an essential survival strategy for some of the less-mad inhabitants), this is something of an unsolved mystery. Lokriad also seems unconcerned with weather, always wearing warm clothes even in midsummer and ignoring the rain apart from in preservation of his book. More possible detail may be developed with the game, but that is uncertain.
Katzaniel Posted June 2, 2009 Report Posted June 2, 2009 I've been considering taking Barbara, but I've suddenly got a better idea. Since I only really come on here during lunch hours any more (evenings have gotten pretty full), and I don't feel fully confident that I'll have time to catch up *and* post when I do... I'll play Ms. Loretta Sorensen, of the famously short memory. (Heh... so I can post occasionally without reading back more than a few posts!) Most of you may know her, but she doesn't remember if she knows you. Or what she ate for breakfast. Or possibly the question you just asked her. Well, either that or she's a very good actor with some secret reason for pretending to be like this. So... I'll try to stay caught up, but hopefully if I play this right, you won't know whether I succeed or not. Loretta should act about the same either way.
Tanuchan Posted June 2, 2009 Report Posted June 2, 2009 rofl... brilliant, Katz!!! *hugs* Glad to see you in a WW again!!
Lord Panther Posted June 3, 2009 Report Posted June 3, 2009 Well, guess I should try to throw together a character.... Thomas: Thomas is a guard in the Lupine Asylum. By his own evaluation of himself, he is a good guard. He keeps the inmates in check with his baton and whatever other means he thinks might help him keep things in line. He also feels he is of sound mind, though some might disagree, with his ease of the use of force, and how he does sometimes to even appear to enjoy it. He's not quite sure how he ended up posted at the Asylum, after all, there was a brawl at the last prison he was posted, and it needed to be quelled somehow, right? How was it his fault that the inmate's skulls were so fragile? Despite not necessarily wanting to be at the Asylum, he is determined to do a good job, at least in his mind.
Patrick Posted June 6, 2009 Author Report Posted June 6, 2009 Game thread is open! Free rp phase is open. The game proper shall start in a week, signups are still accepted during that time. Roles shall probably be: 1 wolf, 1 baner, 1 seer and 1 special role. I need to work out a few more details about the special role, but following discussions with Tanny it seems definitely fun and chaotic. But in an asylum chaotic is good, right?
Tanuchan Posted June 6, 2009 Report Posted June 6, 2009 *looks around innocently and decides to duck for cover just in case...*
Katzaniel Posted June 9, 2009 Report Posted June 9, 2009 Let me know if anything in my description of the "dorm" goes against your vision of it. I might have made it too much - or too little - like a cell in a prison, but I can change that if need be.
Patrick Posted June 15, 2009 Author Report Posted June 15, 2009 Yes, I am late in sending roles out and kicking off the game proper. Will try to do so tonight.
Katzaniel Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 Oh, good. I've been away from my internet and hoping I wasn't missing things. I'll take 'em whenever they come. Can we get a player list in the first post at some point, too? Whenever you've got a moment. Thanks!
Patrick Posted June 22, 2009 Author Report Posted June 22, 2009 Player list: Mynx - Tony Tanuchan - Bruce Katzaniel - Ms. Loretta Sorensen Lord Panther - Thomas Venefyxatu - William Johnson Hjolnai - Lokriad Savage Dragon (?) - haven't heard from since originally signing up Roles are being sent out now. There is a 5 minute delay between being able to send PMs, so don't worry if you don't yet have yours Scratch that, I changed the settings. Everyone should now be the happy recipient of a WW role PM. If I messed up and someone didn't get a PM or got several, let me know.
Patrick Posted June 22, 2009 Author Report Posted June 22, 2009 Roles: There are four specials: Wolf Seer Baner Chaos The first three are pretty self-explanatory. The last isn't. Chaos abounds in an asylum and there is one who can exploit it. Either through hypnotism, or some other art, this person is able to inverse the thoughts of two people. The process is very draining and can only be used a limited number of times. In practice: Chaos can switch the roles of two people twice. Once he can switch the roles of two people who aren't him. And once he can switch roles with someone else, this someone then becomes Chaos and can use his special ability twice yet again. For simplifying things, Chaos's special ability happens after the other special abilities, but happens even if Chaos is already dead at the time. Baning causes Chaos's ability to not work. Chaos can choose not to use his ability during a nightphase. Chaos can also use his ability during a dayphase, the ability takes effect at the end of the dayphase. Chaos is omnipresent after all... I hope I managed to put all that into a coherent form. Roles aren't revealed upon death and the game ends when only two are left standing, disregarding whether the wolf is still alive or not at which time whoever is in charge of the asylum shall either call in the military to clean things up, or organise a mass escape. It is now dayphase for about two weeks. Vote changes are allowed, alliances are allowed, double-crossings are encouraged, just don't forget to CC me in PMs. Happy hunting and happy plotting. EDIT: edited information added in bold.
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