Tanuchan Posted December 22, 2008 Report Posted December 22, 2008 Santa looked around, smiling in a satisfied way: everything seemed to be going well and on schedule at the factory. Elves were busily either assembling or packaging gifts, and he could see here and there his assistants checking that each present had the adequate tag to be delivered to the right boy or girl. There were others sorting the letters that he would read and then cross-check with the Good Behavior department. And, at the House, Mrs Santa was busy preparing an adequate lunch to keep her husband's good shape (and weight). Nodding his approval, Santa left to check on the reindeers stables, and on his way he also checked weather forecast for Christmas Eve. All around him, the hustle and bustle of workers and helpers definitely announced the arrival of the festive night: Christmas was at the door. ~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Game's on! Free RP phase for around 48h, see OOC thread for more details
Mynx Posted December 23, 2008 Report Posted December 23, 2008 "Deck the halls in gay apparel," Daffyd sang to himself as he pranced and jingled his way back to the stables. The reindeer has just spent an hour having a glitter touch-up before he decided to have bells tied to the prongs of his antlers. After all, Christmas was approaching fast and clearly the only reason Santa hadn't picked Daffyd to be a part of the sleigh crew was because Daffyd had yet to look his most fabulous... "Helloooo my pretties!" Daffyd exclaimed as he burst into the stables, turning a deaf ear to the grumbles and complaints. "How are we all this merry merry season?" Failing to get the desired response, Daffyd sniffed and tossed his rack, before deciding to go and find the goooooorgeous Rudolph... "Ta-ta for now my lovies!" Daffyd pranced back out into the snow, in search of his current soulmate...
Venefyxatu Posted December 23, 2008 Report Posted December 23, 2008 Click Jingle bells, jingle bells ... jingle bzzt, crackle, krrzzzzzttttt Oh man ... another year without the jingle. When are they finally going to fix that part of me? Rudydur the strand of Christmas lights sighed unhappily as it realized that it wouldn't be able to cheer up the place with some music. It was far too optimistic to remain sad for long, though, so instead it just decided to flicker its lights extra hard this year, with some special colours. Red, red, green, Red red green, Red, green, blue and pink. Yellow, white and back to red, Red, green, blue and pink! That was better...
Mithrandin Posted December 23, 2008 Report Posted December 23, 2008 Joaquim strolled down the hall with yet another pile of mail adressed to Mr. Santa. On his way back he noticed the fiercely blinking lights. "Man, this has to be broken, no way lights are to blink like this, it surely will get short cutted soon, better turn them off" Click And so he did!
Venefyxatu Posted December 24, 2008 Report Posted December 24, 2008 (edited) Joaquim hadn't turned his back yet when the lights blinked on again, this time red only. "-- ..- .-. -.. . .-. . .-. -.-.-- "* After that, they went back to blinking various colours at a slightly more sedate pace. * Murderer! OOC: Voting for Joaquim / Mith. Whattayamean the game hasn't begun yet? Edited December 28, 2008 by Venefyxatu
GLJordan Posted December 24, 2008 Report Posted December 24, 2008 Snow Miser danced around outside singing away making sure eveything was nice, chilly an snow covered.
Mithrandin Posted December 24, 2008 Report Posted December 24, 2008 Joaquim closed the door not noticing the blink of the lights as he was in a hurry to deal with all the mails still unhandled. As he steped outside the door, he heard the singing in the distance, and hurried back to his post office, chilled, covered in snow and cursing Snow Miser.
Tanuchan Posted December 26, 2008 Author Report Posted December 26, 2008 Mutter, low at first then becoming louder and louder, interrupted Santa's breakfast. He frowned, and looked quizzically at Mrs Santa. Before they could say anything, an Elf Helper burst through the door, panting. "Mr Santa, Mr Santa... it's a disaster, we don't know how it happened... we don't know..." After he calmed down his helper, Santa heard the news: one of the hardest workers at the factory, Octopy, had been found hanging from the ceiling lights by three feet. His other five were all mangled, knotted into each other, and the poor creature was in a state of shock. Mrs Santa rushed out to take care of the poor octopus-Elf, while Santa himself grabbed some tools and went to the factory. Once there, he examined everything in the crime scene thoroughly, and twice more, before sighing. "I don't know what happened either, this will need more investigation. However, I do not exclude the possibility of Mr Grinch having prepared some surprises for us once again. So please, be double careful, and let's see that we do not fall behind our schedule!!" ~~~~~~ OOC: Game's on! It's Day Phase and you have around 48h to try to find Grinch's agent. Check the OOC thread for details please.
GLJordan Posted December 27, 2008 Report Posted December 27, 2008 Snowmiser had been making snowangles in the courtyards when he noticed all the excitement. he followed everybody to the crime. He couldn't help looking from the death to the funny blinking lights and back again. It couldn't be could it? Venefyxatu - strand of Christmas lights around the window
Mynx Posted December 27, 2008 Report Posted December 27, 2008 "What's going on darlings?" Daffyd flounced into the center of the room and looked around, before he noticed the mangled form of Octopy. The reindeer let out a shriek worthy of any self respecting drama queen and cantered out of the room to seek solace in his mirror. "But who could have done such a horrible thing, my lovie?" Daffyd murmured to his reflection. "Unless...could it have been that horrible postman who'd tried to murder the pretty pretty blinky lights?" OOC: Joaquim / Mithrandin
Venefyxatu Posted December 28, 2008 Report Posted December 28, 2008 When Rudydur woke up and saw what had happened to poor Octopy it blinked on its lights much dimmer than usually. It didn't put on a cheerful display of changing colours this time, just a sad, dark red shine moving sideways. - .... . --. .-. .. -. -.-. .... ... - .. -. -.- ... * * The Grinch stinks OOC: Voting for Patrick/Grumpy, because drunken elves don't mix well with tangly elves.
Mithrandin Posted December 28, 2008 Report Posted December 28, 2008 Busy as he was, Joaquim had had no time to leave the post office that morning until he noticed through the window the blinking lights had become dimmer and only red. This puzzled him and he decided to check what was going on. As he was reaching the door he heard Quote a shriek worthy of any self respecting drama queen and shrugged, as he reached for the door a second time he was almost ran over by a glittering reindeer. He would never get used to that... such a strange kind of reindeer. After turning off the red blinking lights, he then strolled to Santa's office to know what was going on. OOC: vote for Mynx - Daffyd the Glitter Reindeer
Venefyxatu Posted December 28, 2008 Report Posted December 28, 2008 Just as soon as it was turned off, Rudydur turned itself back on again, this time a brighter, more angry-looking red. "-- ..- .-. -.. . .-. . .-. -.-.-- "* After getting this message out, it started blinking more slowly again, dimming its lights a bit out of respect for Octopy. *Murderer! OOC: Breaking the tie and changing votes to the murdering postman, Mith/Joaquim
Mithrandin Posted December 28, 2008 Report Posted December 28, 2008 Joaquim was puzzled with what Santa told him, there was something going on, but still there was work to do and he was the man to do it. Heading back to his office, before steping outside, he pulle the blinking lights out of the plug. These lights are starting to freak me out OOC: vote change for Venefyxatu - strand of Christmas lights around the window
Venefyxatu Posted December 28, 2008 Report Posted December 28, 2008 Unplugged, there was nothing Rudydur could do anymore other than ... well ... nothing.
Tanuchan Posted December 28, 2008 Author Report Posted December 28, 2008 Mrs Santa came in with a broom, efficiently sweeping all dust into a big bright pink bag. As her broom got entangled on a loose wire, she took it in her hands to look at it more closely, frowning. "But what is this now? Dear Santa uses to have all kinds of bits and pieces around, but a piece of wire here?!" She yanked at it and Rudydur screamed silently, closing virtual eyes and praying the wall wouldn't let it go... "Oh... but these are the Christmas lights! Who could have unplugged it?" She took a duster from the pocket of her apron and dusted Rudydur thoroughly, then plugged it back. "There, now let's see if you work..." Meanwhile, there were increasing murmurs and whispers among all the workers and helpers, all of them wondering who could be Grinch's agent and starting to point fingers at the grumpiest of them -- after all, grumpiness fit Grinch better than Santa. Santa did not approve of that kind of talk, and sighed as he saw that he would have to do something about it. Noticing that one of the targets was his postman, he discreetly pulled Joaquim aside next time he saw him. "Joaquim! Listen, I need someone who can deal efficiently with letters sent to the wrong Pole and that need to be redirected here to the North. I think you can do it for me!" Joaquim blinked, not sure what Santa meant. Later that day, as he boarded the next sleigh headed to the South Pole, Joaquim still wondered whether the reassignment was a sign of his good standing with Santa or the other way around... ~~~~ OOC: dice decreed that Mithrandin/Joaquim was the victim of the whisperings. It's Night Phase, Specials please send me your targets in the next 24 hours! Details in the OOC thread.
Tanuchan Posted December 29, 2008 Author Report Posted December 29, 2008 Work seemed to go smoothly enough, if one considered the time of the year. Assembling elves were assembling, packaging elves were packing (with the occasional grumbling due to odd-shaped gifts), reindeers were prancing in the fields between their physical conditioning sessions, Christmas trees were being cut according to carefully planned schedule, and Christmas lights everywhere were blinking happily, sometimes to the sound of music. Santa smiled, and proceeded to read the letters. Some of them he put aside for closer inspections, others he just sent to the Factory. All the while, he thought about Joaquim and how he was faring, but soon he received a big mail bag from the South Pole and nodded in satisfaction -- all seemed well and on schedule this year. He spared some minutes to think about the Grinch and his constant threats, and decided that maybe a Christmas Gift would make him happier. Still thinking about it, he sat down on his desk and started drawing something that could fit Grinch's spirit. On the background, he heard some splintering sounds, and some breaking sounds, and a few yelps and grunts. Arching his eyebrows he waited, but as nothing else came along, he just shrugged -- there have always been small accidents, and the Cleaning Elves would take care of that. ~~~~~~ OOC: there was no kill last night. It's Day Phase, you have around 48 hours to try and find Grinch's agent -- good luck!! More at the OOC thread.
Venefyxatu Posted December 29, 2008 Report Posted December 29, 2008 Rudydur was blinking more happily now that everything seemed to be going well again. It was snugly plugged in to a power outlet, its arch-nemesis Joaquim wouldn't be around this Christmas to unplug it anymore and, well, everyone seemed to be doing a really great job. As an experiment, it made several of its lights blink two or three colours at the same time, resulting in special, never-before seen colours on strands of Christmas lights. OOC: No vote, since my arch-nemesis has been taken care of and, well, nobody tried to kill me
Mynx Posted December 30, 2008 Report Posted December 30, 2008 "Ding dong merlillly on high," Daffyd slurred as he staggered about in the snow. The lack of any kind of attack from the Grinch that night had installed hope in the reindeer, who had decided to celebrate with Egg Nog shooters. Not that Daffyd ever needed any excuse to celebrate. "Oooooh hel-LO tall sparkly and beautiful!" Daffyd came to an abrupt halt next to a particularly well polished and decorated lamp post. "What's a nice boy like you doing in a place like this?" Daffyd attempted to saunter up to the lamp post without staggering. The glitter reindeer was about to begin voicing his theories about whether or not Joaquim's accusation meant the end of the troubles (in Daffyd's mind, a most excellent pickup line), when the reindeer slipped on some ice and fell into the lamp post. His antlers tangled against the metal as Daffyd fought for balance, finally disentangling himself. "Ooooh, a FEISTY one! I like that..." OOC: Randomness calls for a vote for Patrick/Grumpy
Savage Dragon Posted December 30, 2008 Report Posted December 30, 2008 Thomas patrolled the corridors of the North Pole, ax over his shoulder, keeping an eye out for mischief and doing his best to stay awake. Since the attack on Octopy, Mr. Claus had asked him to keep an eye out for trouble. Since he knew the big man was so busy and he didn't have much to take care of anyway, pretty much everyone already had their Christmas tree by this time of the year, he happily agreed. Last night he had stayed up the whole night, pacing the halls and ready for action, but nothing had happened. It wasn't particularly surprising maybe, a large burly man carrying a big ax had a way of of deterring evil doers, but it had been very boring and since he'd only managed a quick 2 hour nap today he was still exhausted. Still he was glad he had been able to prevent any more problems for Mr. Claus. His only worry was that with so little sleep he might not be as lucky tonight. (OOC: Vote for Mynx/ Daffyd cause wolves like to vote first)
GLJordan Posted December 30, 2008 Report Posted December 30, 2008 Snowmiser stood out of the way quietly watching things. It seemed strange to sing and dance after the elf's death and his brother wasn't here to playfully fight with. He lent what help he could and watched and thought in the mean time. He was certian that the lights he had previous worried about wasn't the agent. He really didn't get a chill near them as he should and he knew chills. That left the grumpy elf, the axe wedling fellow and the werid reindeer as most likely suspects. His mind drifted back to last year (or was it the year before that?) and remembered as the cute little thing changed into a monstrous creature. He watched as the werid reindeer drunkily crashed into a lamp and seemed to enjoy doing so. He wondered would history repeat itself? Mynx - Daffyd the Glitter Reindeer
Venefyxatu Posted December 30, 2008 Report Posted December 30, 2008 Rudydur, being an object, didn't really need to sleep, although it did dim its lights at night to allow the living creatures some shut-eye. Being the good strands of christmas lights it was, it used this to keep an eye out for suspicious nightly activity. And what did it notice, but a large man strolling around with an axe in the dark? Talk about suspicious ... That day, whenever Thomas passed by the window, which wasn't very often, Rudydur's lights flashed bright yellow. OOC: Changing vote to Thomas / Savage Dragon, because, let's face it, axes at night are suspicious ...
Mithrandin Posted December 30, 2008 Report Posted December 30, 2008 Joquim had to make his way through a multitude of penguins at the South Pole post office front door. After cleaning up a little he decided it was ok to open and so he did. The crowd of penguins invaded the post office all talking at the same time and demanding about X-mas correspondence. It was long before Joaquim managed to get things back to normal but at least there were no blinking lights for several kilometers around. OOC: Joquim is very happy with his new post
Mynx Posted December 30, 2008 Report Posted December 30, 2008 "The silent type, aye?" Daffyd continued flirting with the lamp post, oblivious of the mutterings some were casting about him... OOC: Changing vote to Thomas / Savage Dragon in an attempt to save my glittery hide
Savage Dragon Posted December 30, 2008 Report Posted December 30, 2008 As Thomas walked by the string of lights called Rudydur, how it came to be known by that he had no idea, he noticed that yet again it had switched from its normal colorful array to a steady yellow blinking which bothered his tired eyes. He tried to just ignore it but it did annoy him, especially since he had taken special care to guard this area of the workshop after the commotion involving the set of lights and the postman. Still Thomas was used to prejudice against lumberjacks by now.
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