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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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It's a beautiful untapped resource, an as-yet unplumbed source of creativity...this new country I've found. The stories of the people, of the creatures, of the vibrant relationships and strange new cultures...and new spins on old cultures which have been twisted into this new reality. But I haven't got a name for it, this new land I've found. I need a name.

It's an island, lost somewhere deep in the magic of time and sea, hidden by salt mists and strange enchantments...but it's not just an island. It was once a peninsula, connected by a Veil at one end of the land, a Veil deep in a forest which the simple country folk call, appropriately, the Deep Green.

The Deep green stretches to the Razor of Arvinaah, which are a rock formation that shoot straight up, hundreds of feet, and protect the Forest from the magical winds and sands of the EverBreath.

The other side of the Razor is the border of the Plains of Starfire, and inside this canyon the Everbreath rages. The Everbreath is a magical sandstorm, with winds that never cease, and circle the canyon, blowing one direction on one side, and the opposite direction on the other side, leaving a small area of stillness in the center. The Breath is not harmful to living creatures, but it allows the spirits of the Dead whose artifacts are placed within it, to stay there, and be visible to, and communicate with the living freely. It is also the home of the Spirit Sentinels, or Air Dragons. They serve as guardiens and caretakers, hosts you might say, for the spirits of the dead who stay there, (and will occasinally impart thier wisdom on the living as well, if they are appropriately asked).

On the side of the Canyon (which is called the Canyon of Arvinaah), there is a giant petrified plant, which looks like a thistle crossed with a vine. In the stony vines and buds of this plant, the 'Mother Thisstle', live tiny, golden-skinned elves, whose full adult size and hight are about four feet tall, by our standards. They have a standing bargain with the Spirit sentinels, for an ancient favor to the Queen of the Air Dragons. (they saved her life from a band of Sterling Bandits, who I'll tell you about later). In return, she and her daughters and grand and great- grand daughters have extended the hospitality of thier Breath to the Spirits of the dead elves, thus allowing them to stay with, guide, comfort, etc, thier living loved ones as long as they want, as long as the living Elves build each Ancient One(which is what they call their dead) a shrine on one of the many ropy-looking petrified vine bridges which stretch across the canyon. Some families own a whole Bridge, and have it spotted with the tiny shrines; some rent space on other's Bridges, and have to pay monthly for the privilege of speaking to thier Dead...

At one end of this canyon, stands the Needle of the Gods. It's a rock formation, smooth as polished marble, and a thousand feet tall. The very tip of it stands at the top edge of the

winds (the Breath), which circles the tiny peak completely before turning back on itself and pouring back into the canyon. A small hole in the top of the peak give it its name, Needle, and beneath it, a small patch of sand hosts a strange, soltary old man who rents out gliders to tourists wishing to ride the winds to the top of the peak...for legend has it, that each who enter the Needle will be guided to thier own special treasure...

The sand flattens out to grass, high grass with short trees, and among the trees live the scientists of Crackpott Village. The host the annual Crackpott Science Gala, which is a contest for the people of the village only! And they will not sell or share the secrets of their inventions...And somehow they believe their inventions are the best in the world...

Their country borders the beach, which runs around the entire island. The village is on one side of it, which is horseshoe-shaped.

On the OTHER side of the canyon, the Plains of Starfire reach up and up, almost into space. The air is thin and here grow the Aire Bamboo...and here salk the Sabre-Toothed Girante, which look like a cross between a tiger, a giraffe, and an elephant. (feet and legs, elephant--head, tiger--body and neck, giraffe).

The bamboo waves in a constant breeze, which is never felt by the creatures who live and work and travel down below.

a road lads through the Plains, from the town of Thisstle to the great central colony of Wyndi City. Before it reaches Wyndi City it passes though Mysti Village, which is the shopping district of the City, where all of the inhabitants of this great Land come to trade, sell, and buy whatever it is they need. Anything and everything is sold and traded here, most of it by and to the inhabitants of the Wyndi City.

The Village and City are situated directly over the River of Aaindop, which means 'blood of the ancient ones'. This river flows into the Lake Myst, which is totally covered by the iron roads and buildings of the City...all its waste flows into the lake, because somehow(no-one can explain why), anything that touches its waters becomes purified instantly. The braver residents of the city dive in the sewer holes, and swim to the depths of the Lake looking for fortune...the fish that live in the Lake are worth a lot of coin as pets, materials, food, or even clothing at the Village.

At the edge of the City, a great wall is built up to protect the people from falling, for here the River rushes over the many steps of the Staircase of the Gods(like Needle, only it's stairs). Huge, stone, stairsteps over which the river flows in a giant waterfall until the last 50 or so feet, and then it plunges into the horse-shoe shaped bay. Beneath the waterfall lies a deep, dark patch of water which noone dares to travel...for something evil rests there, and all who venture there wash up, dead, on the shores of the Crackpotts...

On the other side of the City, the land slopes away to the right, down into the dreaded Valley of Sorrows. Here the Black Forest grows, and it is where the good land and evil spirit meet. Here many evil creatures roam, and reach out to try and drag the rest of this good land in.

On the far side of this valley lies the evil Mount Soeol. Here lies an evil so dense and dark, that it cannot even be called a spirit--only an evil. At the top of this mount lies the Brotel of Shabaniel...which is a paradise-appearing trap for all things good and pure. All who are tempted and enter it, are trapped forever in its hold, and become gradually more and more evil until there is nothing good left in them. Here there are the impurities of every shade, shape, type, and kind that can be imagined...from the small and petty to the incomprehensibly evil, each represented by a different person or creature....

and on the far side of Mount Soeol, lies the White Sands, which are simply pure, clean, dead beaches where nothing lives--or can live. The white sands are deadly to everything it touches, living or spirit.

This is my Neverland, which I have discovered in my dreams; it waits for my call and hovers in my mind, resting gently until I becon it near. THere is still so much there, for me to explore...

But I have not yet found a name for this place.

Anyone have a good idea what it could be?

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