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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Well I have been in a wierd place today, so this is one of my more surreal peices that I have not done in a while.




The jester laughed

over the cup that crashed

a splash


Watched from behind

the eyes of the mask

standing witness, judge

and jury.


There was a gasp

filled the room

right up through to the dome

where the sky was painted

a flesh and bone fresco


Questions pulled like

teeth grown infected

out of every presented



While the maiden wept

within the corner

a blood spotted handkerchief.


The child born unwanted

within the ally

cried for the forgotten

but they danced on the graves

of those who never came home.


So wove the tale

the jester did

for the profit of a pair

of watching eyes


decked all in silver

and gold


The jester laughed

over the cup that crashed

a splash

Implies loss and a certain disregard for it.



Watched from behind

the eyes of the mask

standing witness, judge

and jury.

The wearing of the mask seems to imply a different opinion than that which was outwardly expressed. Similar things can be said for the separation of judge and jury. Typically these days judge and jury are seen as one entity and representative of the court as a whole. Here different verdicts may be rendered depending on the observer.



There was a gasp

filled the room

right up through to the dome

where the sky was painted

a flesh and bone fresco

Surprise verdict. Oh the humanity.



Questions pulled like

teeth grown infected

out of every presented


The reverse position of questions and answers indicates a searching for something that is desperately trying to remain hidden.



While the maiden wept

within the corner

a blood spotted handkerchief.

A more clear indication of loss. It's personal and permanent. Suggestive of the loss of a son, daughter, mother, father, husband...(Although typically the use of maiden would exclude the son/daughter/husband options.)



The child born unwanted

within the ally

cried for the forgotten

but they danced on the graves

of those who never came home.

Suggestive of abortions and putting children up for adoption. The jester re-emerges here in the form of dancing children upon graves. This brings us back to the masks of stanza two and a suggestion of separate opinions depending on what is acceptable and what is felt.



So wove the tale

the jester did

for the profit of a pair

of watching eyes

Interesting, the jester is still there but the masks are gone.



decked all in silver

and gold

And possibly back again. Silver and gold could be seen as something that obscures vision, something that distracts, something that keeps focus on something other than what's important. Possibly indicating that the jester can't reveal it's true nature. It's either not ready or society isn't ready. Perhaps both.


Wow this was rahter fascinating as well as quite impressive, I think this is the first time I have seen one of my surrieal oddities anylyzied before, and you did a good job with it.


The jester is something of a regular playeer for me, he has made several apperances in a lot of my older poems, I just have not written anything quite like this in a while, have to be in the right mood to do so.



And possibly back again. Silver and gold could be seen as something that obscures vision, something that distracts, something that keeps focus on something other than what's important. Possibly indicating that the jester can't reveal it's true nature. It's either not ready or society isn't ready. Perhaps both.

I really like that, becasue honestly I am not sure where that last image came from, it just embeded itself in my mind so I figured I would just right it down but I really could not think of anywhere else to take it, but to just leave it as is.



Questions pulled like

teeth grown infected

out of every presented


I had a sort of inqusition image in my mind with this one, and the fact that often times an answer can lead to even further questions.


teeth grown infected

This also suggests to me corruption in the system or process. A divergence from its intended purpose, direction, or methodology.



Wow this was rahter fascinating as well as quite impressive, I think this is the first time I have seen one of my surrieal oddities anylyzied before, and you did a good job with it.

Honestly if I managed to get some good insight then it means you presented your imagery and poetic symbology in such a way and with enough skill as to allow me to do so. Which is sayin' sumtin. Cus I's just a big ol' troll...wit da club!


Honestly if I managed to get some good insight then it means you presented your imagery and poetic symbology in such a way and with enough skill as to allow me to do so. Which is sayin' sumtin. Cus I's just a big ol' troll...wit da club!

Well thank you for that.


Very good poem, Silver Wind. :-) The imagery and language of the piece definitely held my attention, with the "flesh and bone fresco" of the sky and the pair of watching eyes as the jester's profit standing out in particular. My favorite part of the poem was definitely the fourth stanza, though, as the simile of pulling teeth had a tone that complimented the concept of pulling more questions from answers perfectly. I was uncertain why you framed the poem with the jester, but after reading your explanations to Yog and learning that he's a reoccuring character, his presence makes more sense.


Anyway, you should never feel ashamed of posting weird of surreal pieces here... those can often make the best poems. I would much rather read something strange and alien to me than something that I've read a million times before! Thanks for sharing this here. :-)

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