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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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The day's experiments hadn't been too stressful. Pig had had to run around in that weird wheel again for a few minutes before the Professor dumped him into various liquids and sprayed tickling gases all over him. Once Hassium's attention was diverted elsewhere, Pig had been able to return to his home, a cosy little hole he had made himself. His tired gaze wondered over his possessions, which really did not number much. Bits of carrot saved for times of need, a shiny button he had once found, and then of course his most prized possessions, his posters.


Pig's reading skills still weren't top notch, so most of the posters weren't understandable for him, but they did look so cool! The first one to catch his attention that evening was the one he dreamt most about.


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It was his own home. Somewhere where that researcher could not interfere. It was his. Pig's!


Several of the other posters had various, barely legible scribblings underneath them.


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Some French pig gave me this, but it sure looks cool.


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Is it a pig? Is it a plane? No, it's Spider-Pig!


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HS sure has a lot of progress to make with this…


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Wolgang Amadeus Pig – the great pigposer

Weeks of collecting those posters had been definitely worth it.


Pig wished he could sneak in a few more minutes on Professor Hassium's computer. He had found such a great article on the interwhatever the last time he had managed to take a peek.


Meeeeeeep! A hand was coming inside of his little home! Was this another experiment?


He rummaged through the little cage, finally finding the guinea pig's nest. He made a mental note to clean the cage after this last run of experiments, and groped around the nest for its owner. His fingers brushed downy fur that trembled, and he caught it gently.


Professor Hassium kept his fingers away from the little guinea pig's teeth, and examined him thoroughly. He took some special care with the belly, making sure there were no coloring in there. The guinea pig squirmed, almost as if he were ticklish.


"Well, now let's see how you react to this..." He scribbled some notes on a notebook.



Test subject #5


The youngest guinea pig seems to not be presenting any behavior change; apparently not delusional, nor epileptic, differently from Test Subjects #1 and 6. Test solutions #78AR and #90RB seem compatible on this one. No radioactivity detected. No developing of extraneous coloration. Normal appetite.


To note: this subject anchors his nest pretty fastidiously to the floor of the cage, to the point that a simple shaking won't dislodge it. It also seems to hide its entrance better and better each time I need to find him. At some point, I need to cleanup the cage thoroughly and see how he reacts to it.


Test Solutions: applying solution #4TY9 after an interval of 45 minutes of last two solutions. Expecting some reaction in up to 24 hours.

He picked the guinea pig by the scruff of his neck, and quickly dumped him into a greenish solution. The little animal squirmed and gasped, and was dumped into it twice more before being put under a warm infrared light. Hassium scribbled more notes, nodded in a satisfied way, and smiled.


"There there... you don't have to make such a dejected face, you like baths. And you aren't even green..." Interesting, he seems to have strong resistance to dying substances. Third time he has come out of a colored solution without even a hint of coloring on his fur. It might be interesting to make a DNA study on him...


Almost gently, Hassium dropped Guinea Pig into his little cage again, and then started cleaning the lab. It had been his last experiment of the day.

  • 2 weeks later...

Slightly shivering and very disgusted Pig rolled up in one corner of his cage. Another disgusting looking, smelling and tasting substance. Yuck! How more times would he have to suffer through experiments like this? One day, one of those days when Hassium was careless in locking his cage, he would escape. Away from this life, away from all of these tests and disgusting liquids.


Pig dreamed of liberty every day. All he could find out about it had been whispered by those few guinea pigs in Hassium's labs who had come from the outside or furtively found on the internet by Pig when once he had managed to sneak in five minutes. But freedom seemed so good. Vast plains of grass, where you could run around as much as you wanted to. And most important of all: no experiments! It was almost an hour of daydreaming later that Pig succumbed to real dreams. He was sure that in the morning he would be awoken by a hand reaching into his cage yet again.

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He wondered at the little guinea pig that squeaked between his fingers; it was the dye-resistant one, and both squeak and twitching of whiskers reminded him of a very annoyed pet. He took a minute to examine his test subject, this time with an eye on fleeting facial expressions.


"I must be getting hungry, " Hassium muttered to himself. "Looking for facial expressions on a guinea pig?!"


He shook his head, and released the guinea pig in the cage his assistants called "guinea pig spa". As the little rodent started to run in the wheel, Professor Hassium set a timer then turned to the cage that had been occupied by the now exercising guinea pig.


Carefully, the researcher put on some procedure gloves and started the clean-up. He would usually tell his assistants to do it, but from time to time he liked to see if there was any change in the guinea pigs' behavior; and according to his ideas, the way they built their nests was a good way to check it.


He probed the nest with careful fingers, and started taking out all nesting material. He made neat piles as he took them, and lastly he put the cage into the "Sterilize" cabinet. Then, with a pair of tweezers, he started sorting them out.



Test Subject #5


Cage cleanup results:

All material neatly interwoven, sometimes making it very hard to separate. Nest clearly anchored to the cage floor with what seems strands of silk, probably taken from ropes left near the cage. Surprisingly, there was a lot of paper strips among the material, and also crumpled paper. Curious behavior for a guinea pig; must determine if it rebuilds the nest in the same fashion.

The Professor frowned as he examined the pile of small crumpled papers. He smoothed one of them, and looked at something rather familiar.


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A little bit intrigued, he smoothed yet another of them.


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He distractedly uncrumpled still another one, clearly puzzled by the neatly clipped-out article. He wasn't quite sure he had read it before.



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"Ha!" he finally exclaimed, hitting his palm to the desk. "Those buggers...! I will have to have a talk with them again!"



Personal notes:


Tell my assistants to quit their jokes, at least those using our Test Subjects. Leaving crumpled pieces of guinea-pig-related pictures in their nests is not something I approve of, as it could be an eventual interference on behavioral observation.


Finishing his notes, Professor Hassium picked a new, bigger cage. He carefully put in new nesting material, making a list of what materials and in which quantities. After adding food and water, he put the cage back to its usual place.


As he turned to pick the by now exhausted guinea pig, his eyes fell on the piles of material had taken from the old cage. He hesitated, then with a sigh he mixed all the piles and took a random handful of old material, throwing them in a corner of the new cage.


"Let's see if he has grown attached to the old material..." he muttered, also taking notes about "random pieces of old nest material with the purpose of reducing the stress of a new environment".


He carefully released the guinea pig into the new cage, and sat down at a distance to observe.

Edited by TheResearcher

Pig quickly took in his surroundings but, despite wanting to check almost immediately what had happened to his treasures, did only turn and face the Professor, who it seemed was observing him. After several minutes of what felt like a tense situation of the two of them staring at each other, the Professor stood up and set off to do other things.


Once he was sure that he was no longer observed Pig started rebuilding his nest. Frequently he went to take a sip of water and shot glances at the Professor busily scribbling something at his desk. Over half of Pig's treasures, his posters had been lost. Luckily he still had the two which were most dear to him, Sooty and Wolfgang Amadeus.


Putting them back up wasn't an easy things. It took Pig more than five minutes to unfold poor crumpled Sooty. He was just about to push it up on the wall, when glancing back he noticed that the Professor was watching him from outside of his cage. Pig began pushing the poster out of sight, moving quickly. When he looked up again, the Professor was leaving the lab. Little did Pig know that the devious Professor had left the surveillance camera directed at his cage.

  • 2 months later...

The Professor sat down at the surveillance control, and started checking on his Test Subject. Unfortunately for him, the camera was at a slightly wrong angle and so he could not see the whole of the cage. But what he could see made him frown and mutter.


He scribbled several notes quickly, sometimes missing the paper and writing on the desk, in his eagerness to not miss anything he could see.




Test Subject #5 Surveillance Results


Unheard-of behavior for a guinea pig. It certainly looks like cleaning up his nest. Seems to be nudging one of the pictures up the wall. Camera unable to show the interior of the nest. Seems to be unfolding the crumpled pictures.


Need to check in situ.


He stared at the camera for some minutes, unwilling to believe what he was seeing. The small guinea pig was carefully smoothing the newspaper cut-out of Sooty. And as he left the camera field, Hassium went back to the lab and silently opened the door.


Crouching at some distance from the cage, he peeked into the nest and could finally see what the camera did not show him: the guinea pig, his Test Subject #5, had two or three pictures up the walls and was in the process of pushing another one to their side.


He gasped in surprise, and the noise made the rodent turn with an alarmed squeaking. Two beaded eyes stared at him, and Professor Hassium could swear that there was more to them than the mindless fear of a laboratory animal.


"There there, little one..." he muttered, and putting on procedure gloves he opened the cage to pick up the guinea pig. "Let's take a better look at you, shall we?"


Noooooooooooo! he thought as he stared at the professor, trying to put on as evil an expression as he could. And then he was picked up again. What was this manic obsession that the man had with picking him up? Did he think that guinea pigs enjoyed being picked up and treated as test subjects?


His teeth came down on the professor's fingers holding him and bit hard. Of course he was only a guinea pig and the bite would leave no marks on Hassium's hands, but still it caused pain enough for the fingers to let Pig go.


He fell two inches to the table and immediately started running as fast as his legs could take him. He jumped from the table to the back of a chair, scampered down, jumped to the ground and ran between the Professor's legs and the door that had been left wide open.


"Freedom!" he shouted in his tiny voice as he ran along the corridor. No one heard him over the ruckus the professor was making as he knocked over a chair, trying to find Pig.


The Professor gave a most undignified yelp as he was bitten, and immediately crouched to try to get hold of the panicked, running guinea pig. But Pig was too fast for him, and he saw from the corner of his eye the rodent darting out of the lab.


Seems he made good use of the exercising wheel... He swallowed a very un-scientific curse, and unconsciously sucking his bitten fingers he ran after Pig.


His assistants looked very surprised seeing the Professor bumping on tables and crashing on chairs while running with eyes locked on the floor, but no one dared to ask anything. Only one of them said something -- a shouted "yes" when the Professor, running by him, asked whether all rabies vaccines were updated.

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Pig hid under a broom as Professor Hassium ran by, fervently searching for the little escaped rodent that Pig was. Free! He still couldn't believe that he was free. As the Professor stopped just a few feet away Pig hurried from his hiding place and rushed through among the researcher's legs, just as the man turned around to look back at where Pig had come from.


If only he knew how Pig was shaming him! A free Pig! He even made up a tune as he ran and hummed it softly.


now you'd better fear, because Pig is near

the researcher he shall shame, all in a Pig's name

not in one place but in a host, he shall be like a ghost

he is a free pig, and that's something he can dig

why am I rhyming thus...not something to discuss


Pig went through another door and found himself in another room, but this was a room like none he had ever soon. The floor was alternatingly black and white and stretched far away. White-clad men and women could be seen rushing about. Yet they weren't clad in the white lab coats that the Professor and his assistants had worn, these were different. And the smells...the smells were both absolutely delicious and horrendous. Smells of lovely plants mixed with that of meats that Pig could not recognize.


He did not recall this place. Of course he had never escaped from the lab before, but Louis, the french pig had tried escaping more than three times and had told the others all about the labyrinth outside of the lab door. But he had never mentioned anything like this. And then he had drowned in some purple liquid and never came back to them.


All this Pig's mind processed in less than ten seconds and then he was running on again, black white, black white, his feet rushing along the tiled floor.

Edited by Guinea Pig
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