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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

A Mysterious Frog

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Wyvern came strolling into his office with an unusually large smile and a larger sack in his left claw. He placed it onto a side table allowing some of the geld filling it to spill out. He paused for a moment and stared at the geld and admired how it went well with the Golden statue of a frog wearing glasses and a moustache. He then chuckled to himself as he thought of how well his Almost Draconic Brand Self Heating Blankets sold. He then scanned the rest of the office noting all of the piles of old applications that need to be properly filed, scrolls casually draped over the furnature, and books laying on the ground either opened or sandwiched into another book to act as a bookmark. He did notice that his desk was surprisingly uncluttered, it only had a foot tall pile of applications.

"Hmm, Letsss sssee who thinksss they can get me to let them join The Pen." Wyvern half said to himself as he looked at the first page of the huge pile.

Dear Mr. Wyvern


I have taken the liberty of collecting all of my work thusfar and summit them so that they may be used to prove that I am more than qualified to be in this guild. As You read my works please note that I can write both story and poem with equal ease. Please Just sit back and enjoy the selections that I have brought for you today.


Frank McFrog


A loud thud and coinish sounding noises quickly got Wyvern's attention. He looked around but could see no one in his office. He gave a quick look at the sack of geld that was now laying on the floor and shrugged figuring that he place the sack too close to the edge of the side table. Shaking his head, Wyvern turned his attention back to the unusually large application summitied by McFrog. Turning the First page he came to the first story labeled "The Hunt" by Frank McFrog. After scanning it for a little bit he noticed that it was strangely familiar and even stopped where the Original stopped. Wyvern tore out the story and threw it to the side of the room. He looked down at the next story Labled "Duality" By McFrog after a very quick look at the first page came to the conclusion that this to was plagiarized. Now angered, Wyvern shoved the pile off his desk and started thinking of what cruel things he could do to this McFrog Character for wasting his time. Wyvern then noticed some writing in gold paint on his desk.


Thank you for taking your time and allowing me enough time to steal all of your geld.

Yours Truely



"WWWHHAAATTTT!!!!!!!" Wyvern shouted as he quickly stood up. He quickly noted that the sack of geld was no longer where it fell and the Golden Frog was also missing. Quickly he started for the door when a flash of gold caught his attention. He looked over and saw the golden frog pulling the sack of geld with all of his might only to inch his way across the floor toward the window



OOC: Its not much I am afraid but I hope that you like it :ph34r:

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Wyvern raises a claw in the air and turns towards McFrog, his scaly face a knot of rage and his jaw agape in a full frontal display of razor sharp teeth.


"Ssstop, THIEF!"


The reptilian Elder sprints to the window and grabs at the other end of his sack of geld, hooking it with one of his claws. A frantic cry twists its way down his tongue as he pulls and tears the sack with his claws. Geld spills out in every direction, pouring out of the window and into the inescapable pits of the Office mess. Wyvern grits his teeth and flings his claws back and forth, catching as much of the fleeting loot as he can. He grabs one particularly large shiny object and turns to examine its net value, only to find that he's caught Frank McFrog by the shoulder.


"You." Wyvern snarls and lifts the golden frog "statue" by his neck collar, looking him dead in the eyes. "Look at what you've done! Thossse funds were gonna go into the production of Almost Dragonic Brand Spontaneously Combustible Pillows™, so that consssumers would be able to buy heat for their Almost Dragonic Brand Self Heating Blankets™. And now my plans're ruined, you toad!"


Wyvern tears at the scales on his head with his available claw, then drags Frank McFrog to the Recruiter's Desk and forces him to face his application portfolio.


"And how DARE you attempt to pass off the storiesss of respectable pennites as your own." Wyvern points at the application documents and stares Frank McToad down so hard that his frog tongue loses its sticky-ness for a moment. "Plagiarisssm is an offense punishable by instant rejection and banning from the Pen, which is exactly what I'm gonna do. Disssgraceful! Just wait 'till I give Ozy a buzz."


Frank McFrog frantically attempts to hop away, but finds himself still caught in Wyvern's unrelenting grip. The overgrown lizard drags the shiny frog across the room until he reaches the Office's only serviceable crystal ball. He begins chanting the contact info for Ozymandias' Tower quarters, but stops mid-incantation as a diabolical thought enters his mind. The overgrown lizard clears his throat of a few ashes, then slowly turns his head towards Frank McFrog and sneers with a gentler look in his beady eyes.


"Y'know what, though? I'm not gonna ban or reject you, Mr. McFrog. I've had a sudden change of heart."


Frank McFrog lets his limbs hang in relief for a moment, then glances up at Wyvern with an inquisitive ribbit. The reptilian Elder continues dragging him through the Office, and stops when he reaches a tall door covered in cobwebs at the far end of the room.


"No no, banning and rejecting you would be far too light a punishment. Inssstead, I'm gonna auction you off as a television gameshow prop." Wyvern opens the tall door with a sneer, revealing the creepy darkness of his seldom-used Office closet. The bones of past applicants dot the moldy floor like Minta's skeleton confetti. Wyvern shoves Frank McFrog into the dungeon-like closet quarters, then slams the door behind him and locks it with a grin. "Have fun in there while you contemplate being sold. And welcome to the Pen, however short your visit may be."


Wyvern snickers to himself and takes out a blank sheet of paper from his Devil's Advocate folder, scribbling Frank McFrog's name on it and stamping it ACCEPTED. The overgrown lizard slides the ACCEPTED sheet under the closet door so that McFrog can observe it, ignoring the applicant's increasingly frequent ribbits.




OOC: An ACCEPTED application, Frank McFrog. Welcome to the Mighty Pen. :-) I look forward to reading more of your stuff, even if it is from the depths of the infamous Office closet... ;-)

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