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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Psychotic's Song

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The Psychotic’s Song


A wandering warrior, dusty and tired,

With holes in her cloak and her shoes,

That's what I'll become, standing here all alone,

It's a path that I'd rather not choose.

The tower is silent, it's empty and sad,

My twin has gone out on her own,

So I stand here so quiet, so devoid of all cheer,

As still and unmoving as stone.

I will travel the land and fight as before,

The Psychotic will remain my name,

I may have no home, but no home will have me,

Until one is worthy again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wyvern hums the melody of The Psychotic's Song to himself as he twists the last leg of the wooden merch booth into place, pausing in his whistling at the "remain" of the tenth line before managing to continue on with the catchy tune. The overgrown lizard pushes the stand a tiny bit to the right so that it rests just adjacent to the doorway of Kikuyu's room, then dusts off his claws and stands back to observe the booth with a grin. Satisfied with his minimal effort, Wyvern darts behind the merch stand and grabs a handful of products. He tosses them into the air with a piercing jolt of maniacal laughter.


"Joat paraphernnnaaaalllllliiiiia!" Wyvern waves a flimsy cardboard doll with the word 'Joat' written on it in the air. "Get yer (Almost Dragonic Brand Bootleg) Joat paraphernnnaaaaallllllliiiiia(™)! Mini-Joat cut outs, 10 geld! 'I <3 Joat' wristbands, 10 geld! Immitation Joat masks, 10 geld! Immitiation Joat immitation handbooks, 10 geld! Oatbran with a 'J' scrawled in front of it, 10 geld! No psssychotic should live without this fine line of reasonably priced products!"



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