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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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The upgrade to version 2.2.0 is complete. However there may still be a few glitches that need sorting out. If you notice anything that is weird or wrong, let me or Katz know about it, or post in this thread.


Thank you all!!!


By the way, I can't say it bothers me but the fast reply box is in blue even on the tan skin which is vaguely odd.

  Gwaihir said:

Thank you all!!!


By the way, I can't say it bothers me but the fast reply box is in blue even on the tan skin which is vaguely odd.

The tan skin isn't visible to anyone except those with admin rights. Basically that means that we're still working on it. ;)


Right, so the last time the Portal was broken, Yui had to change the code in order to make it the default page again. I've tracked down the lines she changed, and they're very different in the new version. So I'm working on getting the Portal back, but it might take a while - it the meantime, go to www.themightypen.net?act=home if you want to see it.


Aaaand it's working.


Just a note: there seem to be two "Mighty Pen" links side by side under the Invision logo. One works and one does not. Until we can get rid of the bad one, use the one that works. ;) Or the other link just under those.


Looking nice 'n shiny in Firefox here! (Opera doesn't do everything, but that's normal :P)


One other bug I noticed : I currently have -2 New Messages :blink: It's fairly minor, but every bug reported is a new future stain on the wallpaper ;)


Oh, the new messages error, I have one..


as in it saiys I have a new message but I dont..





you guys are fantastic, sorting all this stuff out so fast.






WooHoo....Ya'll are FABULOUS. Looks fantastic in Firefox. Clean and pretty and shiny new!!!


I shall endeavor to keep my room tidy here at the Keep. And no, not by simply disappearing for long stretches of time, either.


Woot Woot!


Now to catch up on some reading!


Just over the chatbox on the left, you should see a drop-down box. Change it to "The Mighty Blue Pen" and you'll get the nice, soothing colours that apparently very few of us use. ;)

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