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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Roman Rustic


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I can't do precise movements

I've tried and I've failed.

The pen won't move smoothly

my hand's looking ailed.

There are more lines than letters

on the pages before me

and all of them wonky

uneven and poorly.


I've tried scoring the page

to at least maintain size

but the ink fills the lines

and it doesn't disguise

all the pen strokes that simply

refuse to line up -

and I'm forced to stop now

for my hand's given up.



I shall return!

Edited by Canid
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Cute poem Canid. :-) I've never attempted to master a form of calligraphy, but I imagine that it'd be a difficult task and appreciate the humility of this poem. The one line in it that felt a bit off to me was the eighth line, "uneven and poorly," as the adverb "poorly" isn't modifying a verb there and feels out of place for that reason. You might consider finding an adjective that rhymes with "me" to take its place, or simply reworking both lines of that rhyme scheme into something different.


Anyway, best of luck in your pursuit of Roman Rustic (a very nice title for the poem, by the way). Here's hoping that the pen strokes will start lining up with practice. :-)

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