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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


Guest Phoenix

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Guest Phoenix

*disappears under mountain of words*


i've just realised i've done a lot of writing lately


most of it isn't very good, and will never be seen - except maybe in a completely revised form after it stops being so personal and painful, which i guess is what these are. still personal and still painful, some of them, but hopefully not as scattered as they first came out


i need to get them out there, and theres too many to post individually, and i dont know if i could deal with criticism for some of them yet. i know they're not very good, but i need to get them out so they stop bouncing around in my head


and after i've finished picking away at and posting these, this will probably become my dumping ground


feel free to comment, however you like


it'll be interesting to see if any of it resonates with anyone except me



i don't know if they'll be an issue with these being here, but if there is, then please let me know

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Guest Phoenix

Hold me closer than your breath

Hold me tighter unto death


Wrap me in your warm embrace

Feel your skin against my face


Pull me closer as I drop

Breathe as one until we stop


Breathe me in as I breathe you

Let one form between us two


I never want to let you go

You seem to feel the same way, so


Hold me tighter than your skin

Breathe with me, and let me in

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Guest Phoenix




my fists hit the wall

it bends

won't break

knuckles burst seams

painting the room with their spit


again. again

fury not spent

the universe confined

to this space, this place

this act of demolition


a break appears

more of me curls against its edges

skin joining the liquid

caught in edges that tear

i'll leave it there


my head holds me back

i view the destruction

wood, bone, skin,

hold my hands behind my back

knuckles whole

walls one piece


too scared to break through the barriers

afraid that once opened

the floodgates will loose

liquid stain all, irretrievable

i have worked so hard to build


walk away

find another vent for my anger

frustrated at my weakness


my skin stays

would around with splinters

and festers there

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Guest Phoenix



there are no saviours now

eternity stretches beyond my reach

i hold myself up, aching

for a white horse to sweep

this sorry form of flesh and blood away


none comes

there are no flowers on this barren plain

pain stretches in all directions

beckoning with hungry arms

lose yourself in me, it calls...


i hold to life, reluctant now

when once i ran to oblivion

if pain is your all, then all is pain

numbness filters everything

and everything is filtered through numbness.


too scared to run

to scared to stay, and scarred

i am alone in this desert

there is no out, no hope, no surcease

there are no saviours now





i almost feel this should have a separate posting

it took a lot of me in writing

but it belongs with these others, so i'll let it stay

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Guest Phoenix



i cry my heart open to the night sky yawning above my head

all else is silence, the world sleeps deep in its grave tonight

face painted sorrows dance their way across the curtains of my mind

my black blank face echoes the night sky, eyes burn starbright


i am alone in my madness i, here between the living and the light

my hold on world things falters, follow my mind in flight

the world is black and white between a million shades of grey

details no one sees spring forward as the seventh world rolls in


gape wider to the forcefield entry driving through your mind

the sound streams out, silhouette-shaded among the stars

fingers beckon me onwards as i surge beacon bright

open spiralling outwards along my backstream


body trails forgotten, grasping after with urgent warning

i push onwards, key hunting among the viscous debris

all pales in comparison to the visions that visit thus

mindflight catapults me onwards into the void


my humble home of flesh and blood cannot compete with

these burnt casings of spirit molded flesh

gasp for breath as my mind separates string-held

unconsciousness finally beckons as the world begins to meld




yeah well...

*scratches head uncomfortably*

thats what insomnia does for you

who needs drugs?

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Guest Phoenix

stare at the ceiling

all bemused

a spider webs its way across the white


mind floats circles

lines confused

reminiscing bumblebee in flight


solitude happy

quite content

to while away the hours until i move


company hinders

this event

there is always something more to prove


thougths flow unbroken

slightly bent

the world twines its way around my head


vibrations linger

heaven sent

an echo of the words you said

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Guest Phoenix



once again i hunt for heartache

tread the same steps, blinkered

to the well worn path ahead


hopeful, yet knowing hope is hopeless

holding to moments as all i am worth

wrapping my insubstantial ego in words


echo hollowly in my head now.

blinkers off. there was never hope

and i wonder if hope was ever meant


for one such as i. life lessons

strew my path. purposeless it seems

as lesson follows lesson with no end in sight.


i mock my self pity with words on a page

exulting in the beauty of hindsight.

point out mistakes that glare with stupidity,


as useless as the actions that led to this.

nothing will change until i do,

but each change takes me along the same path,


through the same mistakes,

to the same place,

the same face,


watching with mocking eyes,

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Guest Phoenix

i hunt myself

in the avenues of your skin

lonely streets at night

the glint off the sun as it sets


follow paths set down

by some great instinct

fingers trail patterns

'cross the length and breadth of you


you tremble beneath my fingers

uncertainly afraid

i soothe you best i can

vibrating in rhythm to you


uncertain myself, but certain

that this and now is always ours

and will be as long

as memory can retrieve it




at some stage i named this 'save me'

it no longer fits, quite

but i think it resonates

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Guest Phoenix

the world is aslant

and my preconceptions

well moulded

slide of the edge

like so many lemmings

happy to release

their hold on this world

my head tilts to catch the gleam


of sunlight, sparkling

off the way things were

then straightens

with the earths rotation

bringing around with it freshness

new life

the world turns

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Guest Phoenix

There is no Spoon



i hoard dream-spoons.

gather them in clinking clusters,

run them through my fingers like silver rain.

the light glints off the walls, off them

making rainbows for my mind to chase.


my real spoons are rusty.

rarities, that must be hoarded in truth.

spent carefully, if at all

to buy necessities

occasional luxuries

a breath of fresh air to fill my mind.


like real money, they disappear

before you're aware of spending anything.

you'd think i'd be better at saving now.

but i have it in me always

to reach beyond my reach.

stretch limits, in the hope

that some day one by one

dream spoons will become reality.


possibly not in such abundance.

probably not.

my mind works well in this at least.


but more than i have now.

more today than yesterday.

tomorrow than today.


spoons do not grow on trees, after all...




oh randomness

how i love thee


this came out of a weblink i was sent

it might explain a few things....


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Guest Phoenix

The minutes call my soul to sleep,

soft slumber of the hidden deep.

The secrets locked within my soul,

hold keys to doors outside control.


The hand you hold in warm embrace

would, lingering, caress your face,

but fears the repercussions thus

entangled in our hidden trust.


A private moment, viewed by none,

lest all should at once be undone.

This moment curled inside my soul

forever now is mine to hold.


Unlike this hand. Its soft retreat,

in tune to my hearts silent beat,

leaves trails across my landscapes’ peace.

Your welcome here shall never cease.

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Guest Phoenix



i have been stuck

to the ground with a pin.

my eight legs wave wildly,

and my body twists through

insane contortions

in my struggle to free myself.

strangely, pain is minimal

or at least, quite far away -


i think the effects of the camphor

have yet to wear off -


All i can think of

is the inaneness of my current position.

spreadeagled on the floor.

dignity has fled.

i lug my pin and board

to the door,

dragging them on hands and knees,

and escape back into my hole

to curl for a while

away from prying eyes.

later, i will work the steel from my flesh.

make my limbs, joints, lights,

supple and firm once more;

but for now i lie

in the position that i fell

and wave my pride like a flag in the dark.

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Guest Phoenix

I would not wish for you to be

anything opposite

from that which you are.



Playing at emotions

that flit across your face

like mist

and belie the lie beneath.


I’ll take what I can get,

count myself lucky


All unknowing

of the poisons which base

all potions created with my life.


the toxins seep through


I cannot

expect for you to last a lifetime.


I will wait 'til the mask breaks.

gold peels to dross

before your eyes.

I do not need your sympathies.


for fact

it is your imperfections which attract.

a darkness echoing my own


and hidden, still, from view.

none knows another completely,



do not appear for all.

count yourself lucky.



do not mistake my Envy for Covetousness

there is room in my black heart for all the seven sins

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Guest Phoenix




i watch her

wrap her fingers around the keys

as if they were something

precious, as if they were

the baby's fingers that grasp her breast


ask her

what are you doing?

she defers

attentions back to others


i would not be interested


maybe not

maybe she is right


but i

at least

would have tried

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Guest Phoenix

strange how my heart bends

around words you would have said

strange how my fingers curl

lie here limp as if I’m dead

strange how your eyes twist

miss this body by your feet

strange how you run on

disappear far up the street


strange how this body halts

hates intrusions on this space

strange how my eyes track

emotions running ‘cross your face

strange how this music soothes

and underscores this bizarre day

strange how I can close my eyes

look to the hills and fly away

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Guest Phoenix

lose yourself in the moment for a minute

then cry


Desire and Despair forever linked

they never die


Dream your dreams' destruction

as Delirium laughs


Destiny waits for you always

at the end of the path


Death laughs open-armed

and kindly smiles


The Endless dream on

as eternity dies



<3 Neil Gaiman

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Thank you for sharing these poems here, Pheonix. :-) I definitely felt a lot of pain and frustration reading through them, as well as some hints of anger... I hope that writing these feelings out was a self-theraputic process, and that you've been doing a little better since. There were several passages that stood out and resonated with me, particularly "there is always something more to prove" in the sixth poem and "I mock my self pity with words on a page" in the seventh. The final stanza of the twelfth poem was also a very powerful twist on a familiar image, and "wave my pride like a flag in the dark" was an excellent way to end it. Rough drafts or not, there is certainly some quality stuff in here.


Thanks again for sharing, Pheonix. :-) I hope these comments are the sort of thing you were searching for.

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