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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Friend of the guy in the hood


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Wyvern scurries into the Banquet Hall with a large notepad labeled "Blackmail Resources/Poetry Doodle Pad." The overgrown lizard seats himself on a chair adjacent to the spot where Norman is reciting his poetry. He licks his quill and nods to Norman's words, then begins scrawling several notations onto his sheet.


"Sssoooo tell me Norman, would this be a kind of 'Gut the Healfdead Kobold Jig' type orc dance, or more of a 'Panic Over Disturbing the Dragon Hords Disco' type orc dance?"



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Norman eyeballs the Lizardy thing that is questioning his poetic ability in a manner resembling a heckler.


He contemplates making friends 'orcish style'.


Norman's face lights up in a rather comical grin.


"Orcish dance of frinedship, it is guv, good of you to ask, It is the dance of friendship see, as it normanlly ends in a good introducing of people to eachother and some good lasting frinedships being made and all, if you take my meaning."


Norman pranced about,


"The once was a sorta almost dragon,

Who's schemes was as sound as a wagon

that only had one wheel

and missing boards in the spiel

and he seemed a few pints short of a flagon."


Norman stopped prancing and grinned at the Almost draconic elder.

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The chain gang shuffles to a rather ripe and unpreserved stop. One zombie's buttock gives way at the last jostle and falls to the floor--thwip. Once the canopic jars they clutch stop moving, some gelatinous and thready mass lifts itself a few inches over the lip of the jar and leans toward the orc.


"Hey. . .

hey. . .

hey. . .

yyyyyyyoooooooouuuuuuuuu," sing the leeches in barbershop quartet style (tenor),

"care-to-have-some-back-up-siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingers. . .?"

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