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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Precautionary Measures

Kishana Mornai

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Hand in my pocket

My fingers curl

Around two small pills

Put there Just In Case.


How are you feeling

How are you doing

Are you OK?


I open my wallet

A list of instructions

Numbers to call

Put there Just in Case.


How are you feeling

How are you doing

Are you OK?


A syllabus altered

Things crossed out

Different assignments

Put there Just In Case.

How are you feeling

How are you doing

Are you OK?

NO! Shutupandleave.

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very nice. only thing that throws me is the syllabus altered stanza. Seem an abrupt shift from the language thus far. Like, it's hard to conceive of someone carrying a syllabus in their pocket. Doesn't mean it can't happen even figuratively, but don't think "instructions" is a strong enough prep. for the launch into the realm of the syllabi. Also, I think you could have greater effect by omitting the last line and letting the poem hang on it's chorus/refrain.

Edited by reverie
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Nice poem, Kishana. :-) The repetition of the italicized "Are you O.K?" stanzas has an interesting effect, as it seems to give the words of concern a nagging undertone that frustrates the narrator by the end of the piece. The presence of the pills, instructions, and phone numbers are also very interesting to me, as they seem to suggest a certain reliance on the part of the narrator or an overprotectiveness on the part of the person asking the questions. Out of curiousity, is there a particular reason that you chose to capitalize the first letters of "Just In Case" at the ends of those stanzas?


I agree with reverie that the last line of the poem might not be having the effect that you currently desire with it, as the combined "Shutupandleave" statement almost gives the stanza a more comic feel to me than it does a dramatic feel. You might consider expanding this stanza with a more elaborate exploration of the frustration involved to improve upon this, or you could simply drop it as reverie suggested.


Anyway, thanks for sharing this here Kishana. :-) Welcome to the Mighty Pen.

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