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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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  • 1 year later...
  Peredhil said:

A kid is the beginning portion of life. At 47, I'm still starting.


When I grow up, I want to be young at heart. :)

The Doctor thought you retired P !!!! You must be like Mork from Ork, and you must age backwards. Please tell the Doctor you didn't look like Johnathon Winters when you were a baby :)


Nanoo, Nanoo to you!


Heh. I'm retired from my first career. working on starting on my second.

I think I had more hair than Jon W. when I was a wee laddie, knee-high to a short sheep.

  cryptomancer said:



I can offer you my FaceBook, and Bebo ones too... as well as two windows live spaces.... does that make me more of a Kid?




On that note Maybe we should start a facebook group... It'll be ultra cool and will bring us closer together :)


Search for a display name of "Scout Nickoli", that should bring up an account with a display picture of some guy in a black shirt with lengthy hair. If you decide to add me, mention this site and your name here, cause I typically ignore/delete invites from people I don't know too well/at all.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Wyvern slowly steps through the Cabaret Room, his tail swatting people's ankles left and right as his snout remains pressed between the pages of a large tome that he browses through. The overgrown lizard's beady eyes flick from one face to another in the tome, occasionally pausing to bookmark pictures that show people wearing copious amounts of bling, considering the options for marketing all the while. The reptilian Elder pauses at the center of the Cabaret Room and peers over the top of the book to glance around at the innocent bystanders, careful to hide his devilish smile.


No myspace, but just to let my beloved pennites know, I did finally get dragged into Facebook. Here's a link that I think should work:




I'd love to add as many people from here as I can, so that when you folks choose to go on your unexpected hiatuses, at least I'll have *some* way to know how you're generally doing. Also, I am very much for the Pen Facebook Group idea, and will have to look into it if it hasn't already been made yet without me knowing!


Wyv out.

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