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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Our Passionate Hatred and Love


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I hate you I hate you I hate you

you push me and pull me

and push me away

I hate when you tell me to go and to stay


You need me you pluck me

You bleed me you fuck me

You cast me aside and away

You tell me to leave you

to come and receive you

I’m told to believe that

you love me okay

You sound so clichéd


Our love is the greatest, the strongest, the latest

the longest, delicious, supreme and ambitious

tremendous, progressive, extreme and impressive




fictitious and dead


I need you I love you I feed you I heed you

I frequently shove you away

I hate you and wait with you

go out and date with you

mate with you

Why won’t I leave you just leave you alone

I stay with my own yes for reasons unknown


You need your alone-time

and I need my moan-time

I need to have time to climb out of the drain

But why do you ask me to come to you, help you

then task me quite simply to fuck off again?

I’m weary I’m weary it’s dreary

to love you

I love you

despite all the strain and the pain

despite all the strain and the pain I do love you

I love you although I complain

No pain is no pain and no gain


Our love is alive with the tremor of being

I’m constantly fleeing and growing and seeing

the changes in us that are showing

It’s knowing

just when I should stay with you

when I should go

these little things I need to know


Our love is not dead it is flowing and fighting

it’s kicking and biting

dividing, uniting

each day is

exciting to know that I’m with you and that is

igniting our passionate hatred and love

our passionate hatred and love

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very good poem, Isa. :-) The lines had a real rhythmic momentum to them that drove across the conflicting emotions of the piece. I thought that the first four stanzas of the poem did this particularly well, and also liked how the last two stanzas seemed to unwind into shorter lines as they wrapped the piece to a close. I really liked the way that conflicting emotions were placed side by side, often in the same rhythmic line, as it really showed the struggle that the narrator faces. Two of my personal favorite parts of this poem were the way that the third stanza is followed by the more succinctly negative fourth, and the parallel of dividing and uniting in the last stanza.


In terms of possible ways to improve this piece, the fifth and sixth stanzas struck me as the weaker links of the poem. They didn't feel as strong rhythmically, and at times the phrasing felt a bit forced to me (the use of "moan-time," in particular, didn't feel like it belonged with the vocabulary of the rest of the piece). I think the reason these stanzas didn't strike me like the others is because of their uses of repetition... The repetition in the first few stanza's is very well done, but I somehow didn't feel that the sixth stanza's uses of repetition ("I'm weary I'm weary," "to love you/I love you," "despite all the strain and the pain/despite all the strain and the pain I love you," "No pain is no pain") added as much to the piece.


Anyway, this is a wonderfully structured and well-arranged poem Isa. :) I enjoyed reading it, thank you for sharing it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's pretty fluid, and rhymes quite well. I really dislike the beginning though...which knocks it off balance since I think the beginning and end should summarize (and yes it does, but...) powerfully the poem's theme or message. "I hate you I hate you...etc." sounds like a child having a tantrum. As if one of those angsty teen poems about cutting and depression because they aren't understood or were cheated on is going to come about...but it just seems like that because the rest of the poem is pretty steady and very cool in its progression.


Some of the rhymes could be cut off because they seem a little more juvenile or silly compared to some of the many greats ones in here like, "

I hate you and wait with you

go out and date with you

mate with you"

Mate with you? Yes, were animals, but being how deep this poem is, that kind of sounds funny. As does the date part, which doesn't need to be pointed out because its obvious from what is said...and copulation was already spoken about. It's like you are repeating yourself just in different rhyme; some times less is more. I think it could be cut out.


Other than that, I think it's a neat poem that depicts your emotion perfectly. It sounds like it could be a song! You are very well-versed. Great piece.

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