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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


Guest Phoenix

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Guest Phoenix

there are no edges

to my world today

morning blends to afternoon

back sinks in sheet-soaked bed


clouds flee

cross my patch of sky

a flutter of lids

hours follow

or minutes


time blends



everything an equidistant

unreachable distance

from everything else

sensations flutter

at the edges of days


floor swims boatlike

as i stand


grope my way

rolling sea-legged


double and retch

gnawing my insides

then sink back

sweat soaked

and let the edges blend


find my sky-patch

meld with the sky

the clouds

soar up

up and away

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Guest Phoenix

wrote this a while ago... apologies for the depressing tone of prety much everything i'm writing at the moment, but RL is a bitch.


finally getting a chance to collapse in a heap (& be surrounded by family) soon, so hopefully the tone will be changing.


i can see the edges now, anyway


prepare for a braindump sometime soonish :blink:




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Good poem, Pheonix. :-) I really like the wording of it, particularly in your uses of "edges" and in the image of everything being equidistant and unreachable. The sea ship styled images definitely gave off a sense of queasiness and unease, and the sky imagery seemed to relay a longing to escape. I felt that there were a few lines where nothing new was conveyed, such as "from everything else" in the fourth stanza, and these lines could be dropped if you wanted to give the poem a bit of refinement. For the most part, I thought it was good. :-)


Thanks for sharing this here, Pheonix, and sorry to hear that RL hasn't been treating you nicely. :-( Here's hoping that the rest and the presence of family will be just what you need to level the unsteady lifeboat.

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Guest Phoenix

*small smile*


thanks Wyvern. *hugs*


i'm immured in packing at the moment, but i'll have a play with it when i get to the US next week. it does need refinement, but if i left posting till i was completely happy with things, nothing would ever get posted :P

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