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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Multiple works: 4


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(So yeah, I was upset when writing this. Comments still appreciated.)




Bringing pain

Try to be honest

And go nowhere fast

Tears is all it will bring

Doubt floods the mind

Perhaps it will end

Not possible

Give in




These are the lyrics to some songs I've written. As per the instructions, I'm putting it all in one post.



I want to come home to see you,

But you don’t even care I’m alive.


I’ve tried so hard

I just can’t forget you;

You won’t leave me alone.

Somehow I’d see

You’re face wheree’er I go;

You’re always there.

Taunting me.


I want to come home and see you,

But you don’t even care I’m alive.

I have to come home to see you,

How do I say that you're the one?


I want to forget

Your eyes, your touch,

The pain.

Why does it hurt

So much to say no?

You’re taunting me.


I can’t come home and see you,

Because you don’t care I’m alive.

I won’t come home to see you,

I know you are not for me.

I have to believe.




Here I stand,

I am all alone

In a crowded room.

Looking round (I see)

People lost (alone)

In a crowded room.


Everywhere I go,

Everyone I see,

Is another face

Another place

In my mind.

In a crowded room.


I try so hard (not to)

Feel the pain (but you)

Hurt me anyways.

People walk around

Trying hard to find

The place where they belong


Tell me where to go

Tell me what to say

To get out of here

Out of this crowded room.


I’m out of here.

Finally out of there.

No more sorrow’s stares

Cares have all gone,

But still…


Everywhere I go,

Everyone I see,

Is another face

Another place

In my mind.

In a crowded room.




Talk spins

Chatter encircles

Driving me insane!

I see the faces

They appear so happy

Why don’t they admit

Their inner pain?


Lying, deceiving

Hating, fighting

Begging, Pleading

Screaming, Crying

Bleeding, Dying!


Try to wake up

From the inner fantasy

Shake me out

Of my inner nightmare

All I feel is



Passion dies

Hope fades

Love dissolves

Terror reigns.

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Emotional pain and alienation definitely seem to be at the forefront of these poems... rest assured that many people at the Pen share similar problems and worries. I'm sure that I speak for several folks here when I say that I sympathize with the themes of these pieces. :-) The third one was my personal favorite of the bunch, as the sense of loneliness amongst people in crowds is something I've experienced as well. The rhythm definitely gave it a sense of song, and I'm sure a musical accompaniment would only make it better.


Welcome to the Pen, Faith in Night. :-) I hope that you find many a kindred spirit here.

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