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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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Turning to Pilocanci, George looks deeply regretful, and wonders how to properly express this. "I'm so sorry, great Pilocanci, it's just that the excitement of seeing someone new quite took me over! Of course I'd never mistake a great canine such as yourself as anything other than male. I simply wasn't paying attention. Next time I shall be a bit more diligent before proclaiming the gender of anyone I meet."


OOC: Sorry about that. I need to read profiles, apparently. I almost responded calling you a great bird, actually, because of your avatar but your profile set me straight.


IC: Hoping that Pilocanci would forgive her, and feeling that it had been singularly rude on her part considering her name, to presume the gender of someone else simply based upon theirs, she glanced over at the smiling almost dragon draped across her comfy chairs and tried not to sigh.


Anna turned a smile her way, and George quickly ducked it, heading out the door. "Be right back, I'm going to go see if I can't find Ted, since Wyvern recommended it."


Leaning back against the door with a deep sigh, she relaxed, only to cry out when someone pushed upon the door behind her, sending her toppling to the floor!


"Oh, there you are," Anna said, all smiles. "I'll try and bargain Wyvern down to something a bit more reasonable while you're gone. If you would pick up some music equipment while you're out? Obviously Ted will need something to dance to!" With that Anna disappeared and the door closed with George still on the floor.


"Next thing you know she'll want a dj as well," George grumbled, then froze when the door swung open again.


"Oh and if you could make sure to get a turntable and enquire after djs, too? That's a doll," and with that she was gone once more.


Deciding not to chance her luck, George got to her feet and quickly started the journey to find Ted and bring him back, along with her list of supplies.


Feeling like she was on a treasure hunt of some kind, she stuck her head into one room and then another, before deciding just to leave him a message.


Unfortunately she still had no clue where to find the music system, and without the comfy chairs--which seemed to have certain magic properties--she was uncertain about her abilities of obtaining them. "Now then, how did I manage to get the comfy chairs? Maybe that will give me a clue," she thought as she wandered through the Pen's halls aimlessly.

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A figure dressed in red from his cloven hooves to his pointy horns entered. He peered around the room through a black domino mask and flashed a fiery sneer that illuminated every corner. Placing a wooden window-frame near the entryway, he expertly installed fresh glass, puttying it in place with his pitchfork. He treated the room to another sneer and left.




The new glasswork disintegrated in a cascade of glittering shards as a brick skidded to a halt against the opposite wall. A pretty good brick. One that might be worth a few geld.


"Wondered where I left that," Wyvern muttered. He pocketed the masonry, but not before first removing a sheet of glossy paper that turned out to be one of his own fliers:


Get Rich Now! Be the proud proprieter of your own franchise! Market the revolutionary new line of Almost-Draconic Water-Powered Fish!


"Geldfissssh," Wyvern said happily. Then he frowned. Some miscreant had scribbled on the back of his advert. The note read:


We have Ted. Neener-neener-NEEner!




"This could be sssseriousss," Wyvern hissed, frowning at the page. "No, wait, with a little tape, the flyer can be reusssed." The large reptile settled back on the chairs and closed his eyes.





OOC: DnT is in the 323rd level of hell, that one known as "internetlessnessness", for the foreseeable future (i.e. ten days, perhaps two weeks).

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OOC: Thanks Pilocanci :)


DnT--Oh man! I've been there! Say hello to Tom, Bob and Niles for me!


IC: George loiters outside the door, having walked the keep at least twice, without a hint of such equipment to be found. She is certain the Penizens have it stashed away somewhere, for special occassions such as these, but so far everyone she's asked has simply looked at her blankly. She feels as if she's speaking a foreign language... Or perhaps as if she's in a foreign country that's very familiar...


"Psst!" Blinking she looks around. "Psst! Down here!" There at her feet is one of the tiniest creatures she's ever seen! Could it be a gremlin? Or perhaps some form of fairy? Maybe even the lowest class of demon--an imp? From its appearance the small being could have claimed any of the three, and though George really wanted to ask, the next words out of its mouth brought her up short.


"I heard you're looking for music equipment. What are you willing to trade?" The creature says, its eyes shifting nervously, watching for any observers.


"I-- Well, I don't really have much gold--"


"That's fine, we don't deal in gold much ourselves, but I'm sure you must have something of interest..." It glanced up at her coyly, almost as if it was certain she would understand, but she had not a clue.


"I own naught but what I wear," she said, then patted down her pockets but only found lint.


"Now that will do for a start," the creature said, moving with incredible speed to snatch the lint she'd pulled out of her pocket. "Is there more?"


Emptying her pockets and then belly button of all lint, she looked hopefully at the small creature, but it shook its head sadly. "No, lint is quite... useful to us, but not enough for a music system and turn table of this quality."


"I see," she murmured, and glanced towards the door. It hit her then what the creature wanted. "You want a DaunaDeluxe ComfyChair!" she exclaimed, and somehow with this knowledge a very small one appeared.


"Now, I've never made one that wasn't for myself... " she began to caution it, but already the creature was jumping up and down on the cushion. Smiling, she decided that most likely the chair was harmless, and if it wasn't then it would find out the hard way no matter what she said.


"Ah, the music equipment?" she asked and the creature smiled up at her with very pointy teeth.


"Oh, it's already in the room. We set it up for you when we heard about the party. Unfortunately Wyvern is hard to get anything out of except ideas that would cost us gold, and Anna... well she's his apprentice, you know. Pilocanci always growls at us if we get anywhere near him, and the other person in the room was oddly silent. We're wondering if he's actually alive or not..."


"Ah, Rubber Chicken. Yes, he's out cold, I'm afraid, but quite alive." Suddenly George can hear a loud bass beat coming from the room, pulsing through the door, practically begging anyone within hearing to dance.


"Alright! Sounds like they finally put on some good music!" The creature says and opens up a small door within the door, passing into the room.


After a moment it runs back out and pushes the DaunaDeluxe ComfyChairSE in before it. "Wouldn't want to lose it after just getting it!" The gremlin/fairy/imp says.


Opening the door, the bass beat hits her full force, and she holds onto the door to keep from falling. The creature has moved out of the way by the time she regains her balance, and she notices that the edges of the room are now filled with dozens of the beings.


"Thingsss are finally looking up," Wyvern says happily. "And the chairsss are ssstill two-hundred geld."


Deciding that she would wear him down eventually, George thought for a minute, then asked him to dance.


"And leave thessse chairsss empty ssso you can grab them? Never!" he said, but as everyone began getting up and joining the fray, she couldn't help but notice that he watched them enviously.


OOC: Eep! Afraid I was a little wordy there. You'd think I was writing a short story!

Edited by dauna
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