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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Just some of what I've written in the past few months. I've become more interested in poetry more recently. Any comments or critisisms are appreciated.


The World's Colors

Often I ponder on the colors of the world

Differing from eye to eye

Some see them dull, some vibrantly

What are the shades of the sky?

Purple, pink, or ocean blue

Those who see the same are very few

When no one sees the world the same

No single color can be true

The same applies to all our thoughts

Of the sound of silence or the shapes of clouds

The ability to choose a choice

Is something everyone’s allowed



Is it Love?


If you’re leaving notes

at their door

Is it love?

If you can’t think


Is it love?

If they are in

your dreams

Is it love?

When life isn’t

what it seems

is it love?

When you’re hiding right outside their window

Watching their silent sleep, and you know

It isn’t right

Is it love?

Or is it something more?

Something that you can’t ignore

Is real

If you’re afraid

This note is not for you


So lover, don’t fear

There’s nothing I won’t do

For love

Because I know it is love

You pass me by

with a smile

Is it love?

You sit across

the room

Is it love?

You ignore me when

I look at you

Is it love?

A silent love

must be a true love

You must love me like I know you do

The wanting and the lust

It's there for you too

It must be

It must be love

If you don’t love me

This note is not for you





To play in the Garden of Eden,

and shoot of Cupid’s bow

are things that we can’t do.

They say these things aren’t true.

If we insist, they will say no,

despite our constant pleading.

“To believe in myth

is to have a child’s mind,

a child’s hopes and dreams,”

or so it has been deemed.

If you try to, you will find

nothing’s more false than this.



Love Past


The happiest of endings

Still accompanied with tearings and rendings

Of a forlorn, once-loved heart

We are placed too far apart

Walls of distance will snip our threads

Days of past will flee our heads

Promises of together times

Waiting for telephone chimes

We may say that we are trying

Memories of each other dying

Walls of distance between our beds

Our love long passed will flee our heads



The World is...


A turncoat

easily turned against us

so fast, we’re snapped back

No chance

quick death


In a studded coat

half clipped buckles

he’s tall

callused knuckles

don’t stare

makes you scared

A long drag

dragged back by a

smokey slipstream

silent brain cells scream

Cancer’s coming

A long barred jail

can’t leave

whisper and a wispy wail

pull away

trapped again

Don’t take the right road

the left ain’t always wrong

its way may be hard

its way is always long

A changed mind

can’t easily change back

when White ain’t White

Black is still Black

Very cold

so wear a coat

be a personality bold

be young in body

but old in soul

An ending story

can't and don't sleep sound

hear with your sight

see with your sound

turn back around

We’re still on solid ground


Dark Dreams

Heavy steps through forest, feet crunching on unseen earth. Blurry seemingly familiar trees pass by, reminiscences of false memories composed of garbled thoughts. Not one doubt of false-reality, though the reality is untrue. No way to leave, forced into the possible future, but probable past. Many voices, thought but unheard, their meaning is there but the meaning can’t be deciphered. They hide in thick shadows of imagined mists, their forms are hidden behind a veil of shut eyes. Once eyes try to open and see the images flicker to nothing, but as they remain closed they still cannot see. Frightened feelings of something there, but not seen, again, but felt. Oh so scared, the feeling is there, run and hide with unreal feet, dash through ghostly trees to a hiding place. No way to hide from a feeling, only from a touch, standing behind the wall cannot hide one from its omnipotent sight how could one run from something in one’s mind, something that is not there. So what to do, run to them, the hidden voice-like faces in the mists of shadow. No way to run now, the hunting thought is upon, no way to get to there, they just seem to be further away. Each false-step throws the stepper back, stepper to the stalker, the imaginative hunter waiting with haunting jaws. The end of this mystic state seems near as the hunter gets closer, the gaping jaws of fragment memory, so scared. All these things are placed in place with memory step, all brought together by past events, and thought up thoughts. How will this end we never know, the stepper with irritation must see its stalker, so opens the eyes that cannot see in this false reality. So open the eyelids and all thoughts wisp to none, the images of frightened past fade to nothing. It resembled opening a book, yet as it opens it closes, and as one attempts to see one cannot. As all fades into unflawed truth, real, all thoughts of what has happened fades as well. Straggling grasps reach out for what was once there, all that is known is that the end had never come, the truth had not been proven. This fleeting sheet of patched together memories has haunted this thinker’s thoughts many a time. This thought has plagued this dreamer’s dreams many a night. The dreamer wonders of future to come, the possible link of this patchwork dream with the steady flow which brings men to their graves. Would this frightening venom upon the mind amount to anything coherent, or repeat its tortures into thought for all eternity.



Such wicked havoc, I have found

Resembles wicker baskets round and round

The weaving forms plague sight and sound

On the mind the pictures pound

All trapped within its frightful lair

The unheard screams fly through unreal air

Trapped away from those who care

So sad, the cage of a nightmare


Why must these horrible memories repeat?

In false skip-steps across the mind

Why must the death thoughts repeat?

A broken record stuck in time


Such horrors yes repeat, repeat

So sick these thoughts, of so sick gore

Plagued flesh upon the floor

These images repeat the more

So sad, so sad are death and war

With death unreal, it is not real

Is unreal ever real, I feel

The mind does never know what is real

What is real, and not unreal?


Why must these horrible memories repeat?

In false skip-steps across the mind

Why must the death thoughts repeat?

A broken record stuck in time

Edited by srsizzy
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A nice series of poems, srsizzy. :-) You touch upon quite a few interesting images and subjects throughout them. My personal favorites of this bunch are "The World's Colors" and "The World is..." The former struck me as an excellent take on differing perceptions of the world through the uses of color, while the latter avoided common cliched metaphors for the world and painted a wide variety of intriguing bleak images (though the use of "ain't" didn't fit with the tone of the piece for me, for some reason). The free association of "Dark Dreams" was also an interesting glance into your thought processes, and I like how you tackled the subject of haunting memories in "Nightmares." "Is it Love?" was probably my least favorite poem in this series, as I felt that the concept of love was spread a bit thin through the numerous contexts... though the lines "When you’re hiding right outside their window/ Watching their silent sleep, and you know/ It isn’t right" intrigued me and hinted at something more.


I'm normally not a big fan of poems that deal with very broad subjects, but I found these poems well done for the most part. :-) They struck me as well-structured and thought-provoking, and I look forward to seeing more of your stuff. Thanks for sharing these.

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Wyv, in accordence to what you said about "Is it Love?", I actually put it in my school literary magazine for Valentines day, and the purpose was to hint at the fact that the guy was sort of stalking her, and she didn't really even know him. It was kind of supposed to be creepy, and it was anonymous so the point of "this note is not for you" was a hint that the note was something left on the ground, and not really to a specific person, but to any person who thought it was for them.


Besides clearing up that, thanks for the comments. It's much appreciated. Most of this has been shown to my school, but as anonymous, so I don't really get a lot of comments or anything.

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