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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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This is technically from a series I've already begun writing, but I just wrote this segment of it for the purpose of recruiting into the forum. So, the ideas in it were preconceived, but I just wrote it after I registered. It may be really confusing, so if I have to write something else, I'll gladly do that. I may later be posting, in other sections of the forum, stuff that relates to this to make it make more sense. If anyone has a question about it, you can go ahead and ask.


A segment out of a A Series of The Void, Dark, Light, and Evil, probably the fourth and final book (no, I haven’t written the first three): The Evil. It is a series in progress, thus some of the names and concepts aren't definite.



“Ares, we must find her. My sister, she is in grave danger, and it is only now that it has dawned upon me that Hades and Zeus’ purpose is to kill her, not release her.” Ardent Satan paced his throne room anxiously. The red light of fire shone through the arched, stained-glass windows. The windows soared a hundred feet up to the dome of a ceiling; pictures of the most esteemed demons of Hell, those who had brought it into its former glory, were patterned into its colored facets. They used to be beautiful shining things, and now, hundreds of years after the decline of Satan’s power over the hell, they were unkempt and broken, bits of glass missing here and there. Ardent saw no need to repair them. “They made this Vincent superio open my box to free Pandora.”


“Can you be sure, Lord of the flames? It seems in order for this to be true, treachery must run deep in the halls of Light and Dark. It would seem that the entire Celestial world is falling to our evil ways,” Ares said, standing at the demigod’s right hand.


“Trust me Ares; though the Celestial world may not know it, their leaders conspire to kill their own creator. Our esteemed Galaxia unirio, hidden away in my sister, is their target. I don’t care much for Galaxia, though she made my parent race. All I want is to protect my sister. If Pandora were to come to any harm there would be a price to pay.” Ardent Satan looked intensely at the stone floor before him. The many dukes of hell used to sit in the stone chamber of hell’s throne room. Now they were all gone, either killed by rebels, or turned against the throne of hell. “Though it may pain you my god of war, your great father, Zeus magnifio and lord of light, is as much a traitor as I.”


“Ardent, son of Adam and Eve, I am entirely ready to accept that as truth. Ever since the great lightening master himself cast me and his other children to your depths, I have been ready to fight against him. I only ask how you wish me to do it. Is there any command, other then finding your sister, that you would like me to follow?” Ares stepped before his Lord, and held his red-skinned hands behind his back.


“What I ask of you may be difficult, descendant of Kronos. First, you must find Kadz laderio, the impetuous torturer, creator of the plain jumpers, and do what ever is necessary to stop him from finding my sister. To cripple the right hand of Hades, you may take those vampires that are still loyal to hell’s throne, and kill his beloved puppets, his mindless plain jumpers.”


Ares nodded, a look of amusement crossed his face for a moment. “I can sense that there is more you wish of me.”


“Yes, god of war, and this is what may weigh heaviest on your conscience, if there is one under that horned brow of yours.” Ardent Satan hunched over, and drew an ornately carved knife from his belt. “This knife was created by Hephaestus’ smoky void Djinn, in his great forges of Purgatory. He owed me a favor from long ago. Ares, you must take this knife to the archangel Gabriel Rift, who we all know as the former Apollo.” Ares raised his eyebrows curiously. “I realize that you used to work along side him, but he is no longer an ally. I think that he and Kadz, the assistants to Zeus and Hades magnifio, are the only others that know of the plot to kill my sister. Apollo has his gloried angels, just as Kadz had his wretched plain jumpers, but this shouldn’t be a problem. Apollo trusts you. Ares, bring this knife to him, and give it to him. Tell him it’s a gift.”


“I don’t understand. You don’t want me to kill the bow caster?” Ares said, taking the knife from Ardent Satan and studying its blade.


“No, giving him this knife will prove more fatal to the scheme to kill my sister. You see, if I wanted you to kill him, we wouldn’t have to turn to the fabled artificer. The knife you hold in your hand has many unique properties. It is bound to the life-force of the archangel, and when he wields it, its purpose will be revealed. After much deliberation with the future seeing witches, the Fates, I have determined that it shall be Gabriel Rift that kills my sister, and he shall do it with this blade. I have twisted fate, Ares, by having this knife created. When he raises it to slit her throat, it will turn on him, it will expose his treachery. Then, Ares, it will call you down to gut him then and there. I cannot explain why he must die this way, only the Fates know of such things, but it must be done, my war monger.”


“And you trust the fates?” Ares said, sliding the knife into his own belt.


“Other devils of this world have seen the same future in those dreams that they have. I am certain, Ares, that this is the way it must happen in order for me to save my sister. This is the only way I can make her trust me. I hear tell that her soul is in another human’s body, but on the celestial plain it will mean nothing. Look at me, I was once a human, first born of Adam, but Lucifer showed me the way to become immortal.”


“You may have forgotten something, Lord Satan; Apollo’s sister, Artemis.”


“Yes, that double gendered huntress, the archangel Michael Polis. She has chosen a female form again, I’m guessing.”


Ares nodded. “She and her brother have a very…close…relationship. I’ve heard that on occasion, they think the same thoughts, and feel the same things. I guess that happens with twins, though during the biblical years, Michael and Gabriel were never said to be twins.”


“I’m sure you’ll find a way to avoid her presence.” Ardent Satan closed his eyes, focusing on the web of knowledge that flowed between Celestials. He focused on the siblings, Gabriel Rift and Michael Polis. “If I am correct, her and her brother are not so close. It appears as though the gender changer is helping Vincent and his human slave, Jackson. What a strange twist of events. Perhaps you can use this to your advantage.”


“Yes, of course.” Ares thought for a moment, and finally asked the question that was itching in him. “And what of the creator? How shall we deal with the fact that Galaxia is still inside Pandora?”


“That decision shall be saved for a later occasion, Ares; but for now, complete these tasks, and return to me when you are finished. Time is of the essence. We cannot allow God Zeus or Phadz Hades get their hands on Pandora before Gabriel Rift has the knife, and Kadz is dead.” Ardent Satan rose from his throne, and set his darkened hand on the war god’s armored chest, penetrating through the ethereal substance to Ares’ red skin. “I know you will succeed.” He moved his hand up, and and pressed his thumb on demon’s forehead, making a symbol appear and glow bright yellow.


Ares simply nodded, and backed away down the steps of the throne room. Ardent Satan sat back in his throne, and watched as a pair of fiery wings burst forth from the war god’s back. Ares touched the symbol on his forehead, and flashed out of existence with a muffled bang.

Edited by srsizzy
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Wyvern dashes through the heather-heavy archway and into the tangled hill of weeds that currently represents his Office. He ducks through the hanging flowers of the chamber with minimal horn tangle (thanks to the plantlife's illusionary state), and races up to srsizzy to give him the best almost dragonic handshake he can muster. Srsizzy begins to lift himself from the comfort of the Office's pillow-leaf bush, only to collapse back into his seat as Wyvern snatches his application story with an evil grin.


"Nice to meet ya, sssorry for arriving a lil' late." Wyvern plucks a leftover curly onion cheesedoodle from the back of one of his horns and tosses it into his mouth. "Writing is important n'all, but oggling the 'finer assets' of Pen Bachelorettes will always be a priority. Did ya check the rack on that CheerMynx, eh? EH?!"


Srsizzy raises a brow as Wyvern lets out a long hiss, and steps aside as drool begins leaking from between the lizard's teeth. The applicant twists his nose at the puddle that begins to form at Wyvern's feet, then clears his throat with a cough.


"Well, I uhhh." Srsizzy presses his hands together. "No, not yet..."


"Would you snap out of it already?!"


Both Wyvern and srsizzy turn at the sound of the grainy voice, which echoes from the direction of the Office's flowery archway. The patches of purple flowers covering the entrance seem to rustle restlessly as the creaking voice continues.


"Just read over the application so you can go and get somebody to change the damn setting booth, Wyv." Woody the "flowery archway" lets out a sob. "It's been WAY over five days. Do you have any idea how embarassing this style is for me?!"


"Alright alright. Yeesh." Wyvern rolls his eyes and wipes a spot drool from his chin, then raises srsizzy's application story to his face and reads it over. The lizard pauses and frowns upon finishing it, then squints an eye and tilts his head to view srsizzy at a different angle.


"Hmmm, very interesting Mr. Srssssizzy. You wouldn't happen to be an emissary of Ardent Satan yourself, would you? Cusss if you are, I can totally explain that picture that's missing from the top of Satan's Sockdrawer."


"What are you talking about?" Srsizzy raises a brow as Wyvern hides one of his feet under the other. "It's just a segment from one of my stories."


"You sssure?" Wyvern eyes srsizzy suspiciously, then glances back at the story. "Well, it's certainly a well-thought out piece, though we all know that the "Light" element of the Series is gonna get squa-"


"Would you just accept the application already?!" Woody's voice booms louder than before, rife with splinters. "I'm going into full bloom here."


Wyvern makes a quick nod in Woody's direction, then stamps srsizzy's application story ACCEPTED. The lizard strikes a quick bow before darting back out of the Office, not wanting to miss Alaeha's Bachelorette showcase.




OOC: An ACCEPTED application poem, srsizzy. Welcome to the Mighty Pen! :) I look forward to reading more of the writing that you have planned, and also look forward to participating with you in community Pen events (feel free to indulge in some of the many Carnival Activities currently underway). I hope you find the Pen a friendly and welcoming community to share your writing with. Welcome, once again. ^_^

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OOC - Out Of Character - the "real person talking" part of a role play post.


Which is where the person behind the character says - congrats and welcome! =)


IC - In Character...


Ayshela pounced srsizzy and huggled him gleefully. "Welcome aboard!" she said, setting him back on his feet before Kaitlyn dragged her off to the Conservatory for her flying lessons.

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OOC:Congratz! Welcome to the Pen! ^.^


Fae took over the pouncing for Ayshela, who was currently being dragged off by...A six-year-old? Fae snuggled srsizzy a bit before sitting on his tummy and poking him right between his eyes. "Tee hee! Welcome welcome welcome to the Mighty Mighty Pen!"She giggled.

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