Sweetcherrie Posted June 6, 2006 Report Posted June 6, 2006 As much as she had seen the pennites enjoy the carnival, Sweetcherrie did wonder how they would actually spend all that geld they had earned so far. Of course there was the bachelorette auction, she got butterflies in her stomach each time she tried to forget that, but there had to be some other way to spend the hard earned geld. She sat down in the sunshine, on what she hoped was grass (never too sure with the changing settings), and then felt something wriggle in her pocket. Fix climbed out of her pocket and sat down on her shoulder. He tilted his little head, and looked at her as if he was asking what was bugging her. Sweetcherrie extended her hand, and the golem stepped on it. It jumped up and down, got hold of her hair, and swung to sit on top of her head. She giggled, and the golem seemed to like this, because she could feel it sit down contently on her head. The she had it. She jumped up, and felt how the golem almost fell off her head. With both her hands she grabbed it, and with Fix in her hands she hurried off to get the necessary items. About an hour later her booth was ready. Fix carried a black pen over to her, and Sweetcherrie started writing. Quote Item Auction, but slightly different… I have asked, and was granted, the honor of organizing this carnival’s item auction. This time things will be slightly different though. Everybody can enter one or maximum two items of their own choice. These items all have to have something to do with traveling (teleport stones of a kind, running shoes, a carry along carriage, whatever you can think off). The item descriptions can be as long or short as you wish, and written in whatever style you wish. The items will be collected for three weeks in this thread, and I will make an auction book of them. After this I will take two days per item to auction them off. The geld that the items get sold for will go to the creator of the item. Finished writing, Sweetcherrie put down the sign and started working on the item she wanted to bring in to this auction. OOC: Items can be posted until 24th of June. This is slightly more than three weeks, but it’s after I finish everything with school, so I will have enough time to give the auction the attention it deserves
Katzaniel Posted June 6, 2006 Report Posted June 6, 2006 Um.. just a clarification, in that the normal "item auction" has sort of become this, and sort of become something else as well. We're planning to use the normal format of the item auction to auction off some locations... vacation spots, places to do your dates, et cetera. So you're being treated to three auctions this year.
Sweetcherrie Posted June 11, 2006 Author Report Posted June 11, 2006 (edited) Sweetcherrie looked on her watch and saw that she would almost be late for the bachelorette auction. She glanced down on the work she’d been doing so far and tilted her head. It wasn’t exactly what she had wanted to show as an example for what she would be auctioning off, but it would have to do. She planted the example drawing down and quickly scribbled a sign to go with it. Myasha Quote For this auction I’m offering one drawing of a character of your choice. This character will be drawn in some sort of way that has to do with travelling (wearing a travel cloak or on a horse for example), but I’m going to let that depend on my muse. The drawing of something like this will take some time, so don’t expect to win, and then have for me to have your drawing finished the next day, but I will do my very best for it. This done Sweetcherrie put the sign down, and hurried off to get changed. So much to do, and so little time to do it! (this drawing is not finished btw, but it shows nicely as to what sort of technique I will most likely be using ) Edited June 12, 2006 by Sweetcherrie
Gwaihir Posted June 12, 2006 Report Posted June 12, 2006 Gwaihir was shaking as he walked up to the podium. "Well, I don't know this will work and I'm really scared for my friend but I'm going to try it. Many of you have heard of the Wiggly Cabbages, a race of sentient plants. I suspect that a few of you have met them and I'm sure that many of you have seen me out in my garden. However, I doubt that any of you have ever gotten to form a close friendship with one. I have a Wiggly Cabbage volunteer, Chiroq, who wants to explore. It wants adventure. It wants you! However, Wiggly Cabbages are not mobile and do need care taking. They can telepathically communicate and if anyone bids for Chiroq, I will give you a translation spell so you can speak to him However, I'm really scared for my friend that someone will hurt him or just let him die of neglect. Chiroq is a wonderful friend and more bold than any WC I've ever seen. Please bid on him if you want some fun but be ready for new things. This is not a species we know and Chiroq is an unusual specimen. Almost anything could happen." OOC note: For more info about Wiggly Cabbages as a species see The Encyclopedia of Wiggly Cabbages. Still, I am auctioning off Chiroq as a unique character of his own and feel free to deviate from what I said there. If you bid on Chiroq and win then he's yours to alter and adapt as you will. This is not a species that's been studied by anyone but Gwaihir so feel free to discover new traits of Chiroq's etc.
Wyvern Posted June 19, 2006 Report Posted June 19, 2006 Wyvern narrowly avoids tredding on Chiroq as he barges up to the Item Auction podium, almost wacking Fix with his tail as he positions himself at the oval base of the heather-embellished stand. The lizard strikes an excited grin and lifts his claws in a Nixon victory pose, ignoring the boos that ring out from the audience seated in the fold-out chairs below. "Thank you." Wyvern claps his claws together and continues grinning towards the crowds. "Pleassse, continue booing... for after I show you this item, it'll be as if you just saw an awe-inspiring specter. Behold!" Wyvern reaches down and lifts what appears to be an ordinary-looking cylindrical stick. The stick measures at about four feet in height and a third of a foot in width, and has a smooth barkless surface that flows with the natural patterns of fine wood. Wyvern raises the stick and turns it in his claws for a moment, then pauses as he notices some people abandoning their seats. "Hey, when I said ssspecter, I didn't mean 'run away!' Hear me out!" Wyvern holds the stick above the crouds with a triumphant claw. "This is no ordinary piece of wood. It's the one, the only... Mahogany Travel Log!" Crickets chirp throughout the Item Auction area as the present audience stares at Wyvern in silence. The reptilian Elder leans on a flower patch with a not-so-cool swagger, then snaps a claw. "A bit of background history for thisss unique tree descendent. The Mahogany Travel Log was originally conceived and created by Woody the Office Door in his very short period of courting Rune. Woody's intentions in creating the artifact are best left undisclosed at this auction *ahem,* but needless to say, he wanted to have Rune's children some day *AHEM.* When Woody discovered that Rune would not give in to his courtship, he decided to hide the Mahogany Travel Log due to its embarassing significance to his love life. The Log remained shrunk and hidden as one of the legs of my Office desk until recently, when I noticed that the wood was of far too fine a quality to be anything that I would have invested in. Using a saw, a paperclip, a rubber band, and two Racouolette recordings, I managed to remove this leg from my desk and replace it with a perfectly stable Almost Dragonic Brand Jumbo Twig. And now, while Melba performs Office clean up, I have brought the Mahogany Travel Log for you to bid on!" Wyvern jumps up and down and lets out a little squeal of excitement, then turns the Travel Log horizontally so the audience can see it at a different angle. "'But what does it do?' you ask." Wyvern strikes a toothy grin and twirls the stick for a moment. "Well, the Mahogany Travel Log is imbued with a few unique properties, courtesy of Woody's faith. When used as a walking stick, the Travel Log will prevent any possibility of tripping. The Log does not prevent the possibility of being knocked over by someone or something, but it does kill the chance of accidentally tripping on something when used for walking. The Mahogany Travel Log also puts its bearer in lesser favor with the mighty God Mahogoni Closhet, ruler over many closets and doors. The lesser nature of the bond does not allow for closet summoning or wood command, but the great God Mahogoni Closhet may grant you minor favors when you least suspect it. Perfect for when you lock yourself out of your room." Wyvern tilts the stick vertically and taps it twice on the Auction stand to show people that it's a sturdy piece of wood. "And there'sss more! It's rumored that, while the Mahogany Travel Log makes an excellent walking stick, its true power can only be revealed when it is used as a peg leg. If you happen to have lost a walking limb, the Travel Log will take a perfect fit in its place, and will be able to deliver a powerful kick once it exists as the leg of its bearer. The marketing practically speaksssss for itself folks: saw off one of your legs and put it up for bid as a collectors item in the Auction, then use the money you earn from it to buy yourself this mighty peg leg! Limited time only!" Wyvern holds the Mahogany Travel Log up with both claws. "And did I mention that the Mahogany Travel Log makes an exceptional witch's broomstick? Give this baby a 58 gram hay engine and a little magic booster, and she'll soar through the sky faster than you can say 'Wicked.' You'll be the envy of your witch colleagues with this lil' broomstick speed machine." Wyvern strikes a wide grin and places the Mahogany Travel Log up on the Auction block. "Wanna get yer picture drawn? If so, this is one cool-looking stick to possse with. The Travel Log can also be a fine way of playing fetch with adventurous Wiggly Cabbages. Do I hear 20 geld? 30 geld?!" ;-)
Sweetcherrie Posted June 19, 2006 Author Report Posted June 19, 2006 Stoomp had finally let go of huggling Gryphon and the nice and soft feathers, and now he wandered around on the carnival. The dwarf was feeling a bit lost because, although there were many people to hug, he started to feel slightly bored. He strolled towards the Item Auction and looked with interest at the items already on display. He listened to Wyvern presenting his item, and looked at Chiroq. In whispering tone he asked the wiggly cabbage if the big lizard really was everywhere or that he just seemed to be, but then his mouth dropped open as he listened to the explanation of the Elder. He had to have that stick! But how would he get the money? When he dropped into this world he didn’t bring much, only Teddy, some left over candies, and ooooh! Maybe he did have something! He reached with his chubby arm into his bag pack and hoped that Frerin hadn’t taken it out when he had helped him pack. He felt around with his fingers along the lining and cheered and cringed at the same time when something bit in his fingers. Stoomp pulled back his hand, and looked at his fingertips. Funnily enough his fingertips were watching back at him, where two little eyes had bitten themselves sturdily in his flesh. He closed his eyes, and the eyes on his fingers opened their eyelids, showing him what they were looking at. With a grin he hugged his hand and opened his eyes again, seeing how the eyes on his fingertips closed, making sure that he would not see with both pair of eyes at the same time and with that getting him entirely confused. He stormed forward, hugged Gwaihir on the way, and arrived at the podium. He stared up at Wyvern, and fixed his eyes on the Mahogany Travel Log for a moment and then looked back at the almost dragon. “Uhm…can I sjow ‘em somezing?” He patiently waited for Wyvern to step down and then stepped up on to the stage. He raised the hand with his eyes high above his head, and closed his own eyes. “Erm…I wanna sell Eyes in Neck, special for aventulers! And weely they only urt once, and only an ickle!” He stepped down, assuming that everybody had understood that what he really sold were a second pair of eyes; a pair that would settle on the body part of their choice, and would look for them when they would close their own eyes.
Mynx Posted June 20, 2006 Report Posted June 20, 2006 Mynx's voice carried across the carnival as she made her way to the item auction, her words unheard but the tone clearly signifiying annoyance. The fact that (when she came into anyone's view) she appeared to be arguing with no one only made the situation all the more intriguing. Especially as a disembodied voice could be heard in retaliation. "This place is a disgace young lady, do you know that?" A male voice with a crisp british accent seemed to float out of the feline's robe. "How can it be? I emptied it out years ago," the feline muttered in response. The voice sniffed. "That's exactly what I mean, lass. DUST! Everywhere! You haven't bothered to clean this place since you emptied it out!" "Well what stopped you from doing a little spring cleaning?" "That, my dear lady, is far too beneath my skills for me to even consider. Besides...that would require me going out into that ghastly world you inhabit." "Firstly," Mynx growled, "I'm not a lady. Secondly, you've been griping to me for years that you've had nothing to do. And thirdly, you technically inhabit this world as well." The voice sniffed again, clearly unimpressed with the argument. "I was asking you for some real work, young lady. Not for some petty cleaning job that would clearly be a demotion of my skills. I thought you hired me to keep order, to keep inventory, to advise you on what you needed! You never travel anymore," the voice added a reproachful tone to its statement. Mynx sighed. "I never hired you Bob. I found you. And I know I don't travel anymore which is why I'm taking the hole to the auction to see if anyone else has use for it." "My name is not Bob, good lady. It is Robert Percivel Jordan Millerson the Twenty Seventh. And you know you don't need to protect my feelings and lie to me about some false auction. I know when I'm not wanted. It's clear you're just going to throw me over a cliff or something equally horrible and unkind. I remember back when I..." The voice continued to drone on about its personal history, leaving Mynx to only grind her teeth and continue on her way to the item auction. Finally reaching her destination, Mynx sighed and reached into her robe, pulling out a small circle of black cloth, from which the voice echoed out of. Holding it up, Mynx unfolded it a few times until the circle was about 4 feet in diameter, before she folded it back down to a paw sized scrap. "This is a portable hole. Inside it contains a room that measures 25 feet cubed, enough for you to store whatever you might need or come across during your travels. It's compact, easy to carry, and cuts down drastically on travel bulk." "Well I say," the voice interrupted the feline again, "you were actually telling the truth for once! I do say young lady you certainly have changed your stripes..." Mynx sighed and carried on. "It also comes with its own personal...secretary. Bob here is an agoraphobic Bogey who is obsessive compulsive enough that he will keep track and order of absoultely anything you place inside and will also provide his own advice on what he thinks should be included." Ignoring the indignant squawk that came from within the hole upon hearing the character description, Mynx tossed the hole back into the recesses of her robe and stalked off, massaging her temple as she felt a headache stir...
Sweetcherrie Posted June 23, 2006 Author Report Posted June 23, 2006 (not enough time to post IC at the moment, but after the weekend I will close this and move it into next phase )
Gyrfalcon Posted June 23, 2006 Report Posted June 23, 2006 Gyrfalcon smiles and steps up to the podium as Mynx wanders away from it and clears his throat. "My contributions to the item auction will be slightly different. I have two things I wish to put up on auction. One will be a signature, based around a travel theme or with travel-themed imagery. As with Sweet, this might take a little while to produce, but it should be of decent quality. The second will be a short story, probably somewhere between two to five pages detailing a short adventure for the person bidding on it." He bows and steps down from the podium, smiling.
Sweetcherrie Posted June 26, 2006 Author Report Posted June 26, 2006 (edited) Sweetcherrie had lost track of things a little, and decided that by now people would’ve had enough time to write up descriptions for the auction she was organizing. She decided that she would inventorize, and then have a look at Katz’s booth later. She’d heard others about it, and it definitely sounded interesting. She arrived at the booth, and listed the items. 1. Drawing of character, by Sweetcherrie She was well curious about who would be bidding on this, and was looking forward to getting her tablet out again. 2. Chiroq, the adventuring wiggly cabbage, by Gwaihir A giggle escaped as she thought of him, he was sooo cute, and he would be a great travel companion. 3. Mahogany Travel Log, by Wyvern The giggle turned into a grin as she thought of the possibility that a woman would become the new owner of this item. 4. Eyes in Neck, by Stoomp Frankly, she thought these were slightly creepy. Eyes that bit into your skin…she shuddered, and scribbled down the next item on her list. 5. Portable Hole with Bob the British secretary, by Mynx A private butler…would be great, and she just hoped that the hole would find a good owner. 6. Signature, by Gyrfalcon This was a pretty neat idea, your very own, personally designed signature. She had one, but there were plenty of people that seemed to work without one still, and there was nothing better than to sign your letters with a personal item. 7. Travel story, by Gyrfalcon Sweetcherrie smiled; she had always loved it when she was told stories where she was the main character. Somehow she would probably end up broke this carnival. With her elegant handwriting she put the last item on the list, and was just about to walk away again when Patrick came running over. “I have something as well still,” He said, puffing from running, “Would it be ok if I get it to you this evening?” Sweetcherrie smiled, “Sure, I’ll auction them off one by one anyways. I want to make sure that each item gets the attention it deserves.” She put the item on her list, and chuckled, “There you go. Hmm…Have you seen Stoomp anywhere by the way? He seems to have left his eyes without supervision.” Patrick shook his head, and Sweetcherrie sighed, “Well, as long as he’s not expecting me to pick them up, eww.” She quickly scribbled another sign down, and put the list next to it. “There we go,” she said to Patrick, “I think I have time for a cup of coffee before I auction off the first item, feel like a cup of coffee?” Quote Items: 1. Drawing of character, by Sweetcherrie 2. Chiroq, the adventuring wiggly cabbage, by Gwaihir 3. Mahogany Travel Log, by Wyvern 4. Eyes in Neck, by Stoomp 5. Portable Hole with Bob the British secretary, by Mynx 6. Signature, by Gyrfalcon 7. Travel story, by Gyrfalcon 8. Travel Cloak, by Patrick. Each of these items will get a separate thread, and then you will have three days to bid on them. I will try to write Sweetcherrie in as auction master as much as possible, but I do have a job Thank you to everybody who made the effort to write an Item description, they look great! Edited June 27, 2006 by Sweetcherrie
Patrick Posted June 27, 2006 Report Posted June 27, 2006 Patrick nodded gratefully as he accepted the welcomingly warm cup of liquid. Small droplets of water slowly trickled down his dark-green cloak. "Did you go for a swim?" Sweetcherrie asked, gazing at the cloak, which was wet despite the blazing sunshine which envelopped the towers of the Pen keep. "No," Patrick replied with a chuckle. "It was raining this morning and the cloak hasn't dried yet. You see," he started explaining as he undid the buckle which fastened the cloak together at his neck, "the outside of this cloak is made from a very thick material, which does not pass the water down to the lower layers, keeping whoever wears it dry." He presented the cloak to Sweetcherrie so that she might feel the material for herself. Patham took a long sip from his coffee before putting the cup down again, onto the edge of a hollow treestump. "But not only does this cloak protect from the rain and the cold, it has another very interesting ability. Should you ever sleep in this cloak, no creature would come and trouble you in your sleep, for it masks the scent you give off." Sweetcherrie nodded and wondered how the cloak was capable of that. She handed the cloak back towards Patrick "Oh, no need to give it back to me. It's the item I have come to auction off," Patrick said with a smile, taking another gulp from his daily dose of caffeine.
Sweetcherrie Posted July 6, 2006 Author Report Posted July 6, 2006 Item Auction #1 Item Auction #2 Item Auction #3 Item Auction #4 “The Travel Cloak by Patrick! Going once…going twice….sold to Inspector Clueless for 20 geld!” Sweetcherrie let the hammer go down, and it almost hit Chiroq on the head. The Wiggly Cabbage wiggled eepily and Sweetcherrie stumbled an apology. Then she pointed the hammer at Patrick. “Chiroq the travelling Wiggly Cabbage, going once….twice…sold for 75 geld to Patrick!” She let the hammer come down again, but made sure to stay clear from Chrioq nearly hitting Stoomp on his head. “Izze eyes now?” Sweetcherrie blinked, “Erm…let me do this first.” She raised her hammer again, “Travel Story by Gyrfalcon, for 50 geld….to me! Going once, going twice….sold!” “Nownownow?” Sweetcherrie chuckled softly, “Almost.” Turning to the Dreamer, she raised the hammer, “But when then?” Stoomp’s happy voice intervened, and he huggled Chiroq before Patrick could carry him away. “Shhh,” Sweetcherrie hushed, “Just after this.” She raised the hammer again, “My picture ….going once…” “Now?” Sweetcherrie ignored the dwarf, but couldn’t help grinning, “Going twice…sold for 100 geld to the Dreamer!” The hammer hit the auction stage, and with that the first round of auctions were over. She turned to Stoomp, and nodded with a grin at Stoomp, “Now.” OOC: Apologies for being a day late. first round is up. The items have been sold, and I congratulate the sellers and buyers with their deals
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