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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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10 geld for each round you survive. (Which means 10 just for participating).


May 15th-22nd: Post a poem. In whatever style you wish.

May 22nd-24th: PM me your vote of whom to eliminate. This person could be the person that you think wrote the worst poem... or it could be the person that poses a threat to you because you think they wrote the best poem. Or somewhere in between. Based on the number of votes and on the number of participants, some number of contestants will be told to go on.

May 24th-31st: Second round contestants post a second poem.

May 31st-June 2nd: Second round contestants vote again. Hopefully by this point we can be down to 3-5 people.

June 2nd-9th: 3rd round poems

June 9th-11th: 3rd round voting

June 11th: Winner or winners announced


If too many people play, or too few people vote, or there are too many ties or something, I may add a round.


Now, I have no idea how this will run. Most likely the best poet will not win. I think it may be fun, but just a warning: enter at your own risk, and don't be insulted if you're voted out early.


Sweet read the sign, and tilted her head. She always loved carnivals, but eliminated…it sounded so…grown uppers. But! She had never been scared away because of that before! And she wouldn’t darn let that happen now!


The little girl puffed out her chest, and walked over to Katzaniel.


“Count me in!”


Katzaniel looked down at the blond curly head, and smiled, “Aren’t you a bit little for elimination poetry?”


Sweet made herself even bigger, and stared straight back at Katzaniel, “No, I think I can do this, wanna hear what I’ve got?”


She wrinkled her nose in concentration and started her poem.


Yellow or white

Or blue or red

Choice’s harder


All the jawbreakers I’ve ever had!


Cherry or Apple

Or banana or peach

I want them all

Just one from each


I have to choose

Can’t have it all

But I really

Realy want

a multi-coloured





As she finished she blew a big bubble with the chewing gum she was chewing at that moment, “This one was red and cherry flavoured, yum.”

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