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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Wheee, character!


Neriam Therzyn, son of Elwen Therzyn


Neriam is a quiet (hu)man whose presence is easily forgotten; something about him just makes it easy to ignore him if he's not talking. His wide, comfortable clothes usually hide a lot of stuff, which makes it seem as if he's travelling empty-handed.

And travelling is what he does ... a lot. He doesn't like staying in one settlement for very long and most settlements, especially the human ones, don't like having him around for very long. Whenever he feels he's outstayed his welcome in too many places he goes to stay with the elves for a while, whose culture and way of living he truly enjoys. Maybe that's one of the reasons why he's never had to leave any of their settlements very quickly.

Eventually, however, he always realizes that his place is not among elves and he starts travelling again.

His quick fingers and his ability to turn anything and everything into a defensive item or weapon have saved his life many times.


It's been exactly a year now since he arrived at Rivendel...


Mattias, (male) Elf


Considered young and reckless by the greater elven community Mattias spends far too much time out of the forests and off haring about the countryside. It is no suprise to any of the older elves that he has volunteered to join this quest however some of the older elves are hoping that he is not going to be unduly influenced by the negative influences that surround the ring. In his elders opinion he may be open to such influence because of the vast amounts of time he spends in the company of humans.


Garnorn, Human Ranger


Not a great deal is known about Garnorn, he is a ranger of slightly above average hight, dark hair, dark eyes, and light skin that has been darkened by the sun. He is known to survive in the great forests and plains around Rivendell, but his actual activities are unknown. He is rather secretive, only coming into town and to Rivendell to replenish what few supplies he cannot find or fashion himself.

Posted (edited)

Updated list of players:


Gryphon => Mattias, Elf (male)

Finnius => Filkiormous Magnanimous Berrison, hobbit from the Shire

Mynx => Jagkatha, Elf (female)

Akallabeth => Turin of Dol Amroth, human, Dúnadan

Giles => Baelestimah, Elf of Rivendel, servant of Arwen

Patrick => Seothen, son of Seoras, rohirrim

Venefyxatu => Neriam Therzyn, son of Elwen Therzyn, human

Panther =>Garnorn, human Ranger

Vahktang => Yeager Tickle-Bottom, hunter, hobbit from the Shire

MTUFoolish => Raus Tanathos, human

Ayshela => Linador, horse-master elf from Rivendell

Gyrfalcon => Frerin, dwarf from the Kingdom under the Mountain

Sinsor => Irvin Bartholomew Muskfoot, Hobbit of The Shire

Sweetcherrie => Stoomp, dwarf

Katzaniel => Rootmaker, ent(wife)

Phoenix => Megwyn, Ranger

Ozymandias => Jin, son of Jalen, dwarf



Please, those who haven't posted a character yet, try to do it as soon as possible :)

And if any you have set any background interaction with other players, I'd appreciate a PM about it.



Katz, can you confirm that you're an Entwife?

Vahk, I suppose you are a hobbit... since the name fits and you talk about the Shire... please, can you confirm it?

Ozy and Panther, would you mind PMing me more details about your characters?



I should be able to start with a free-RP phase on Wednesday, as planned. Sign up will be open until I send the roles, probably 48h after the game starts.

Edited by Tanuchan

enh, was hoping to have a bit more brain-free time to really plan a character, but since that's not the case... drat. umm. Looks like a pretty good mix already - not any obvious holes to fill in. hmm... Then, I guess...


Linador, elf of Rivendell. Would be considered the horse-master, or something akin, were he ever to stay put long enough. He has a very strong affinity for animals, making him a natural for taming and training horses and beasts of burden, which he does willingly enough. When not called upon for that, he's generally off looking for other types of animals to try working with. At this point in time, he's been in Rivendell longer than normal and is feeling the itch to get back out on the trails.


Ack, I haven't had the time to sit down and dig out my Lord of the Rings books... going to go find them now. *time passes*


Frerin - Dwarf of the Kingdom Under the Mountain


One of the many dwarves that came to the Kingdom Under the Mountain from the Iron Hills when Thorin Oakenshield called for aid in defending the treasures of his kingdom after the death of Smaug, Frerin stayed along with many of his companions to work the mines and forges of the reborn Kingdom Under the Mountain. Frerin has come south to Rivendell as a messenger from King Dáin II to let the Council know of rumors of the orc's growing power in the north.


Frerin is gruff and doesn't have much love for elves, though he is fairly tolerant of humans and hobbits given the trade from Esgaroth. He's an expert smith, something he's not likely to have much time doing while traveling, but is also a solid fighter, capable of more then holding his own with his waraxe and shield. He's normally attired in chainmail when traveling and carries his shield, marked with symbol of the Lonely Mountain on his back.


He's willing to travel with the ring-bearer to destroy the One Ring in the hopes that this blow to Sauron's power will also hurt the orcs that threaten his home.


Vahk, I suppose you are a hobbit... since the name fits and you talk about the Shire... please, can you confirm it?

Well, yes I am.

And proud of it, too.

Next person that starts the song 'short people' gets in the ankle.


Guest Phoenix

first of all, a thousand apologies for being so slack

no internet at home and work has been crazy.



Megwyn the Ranger


Mid-20s, fit, athletic. Megwyn has been working with her family as a ranger since she was old enough to hold a sword. Prefers close combat, sword & knifework, and has been fascinated by the double elven swords since she arrived.

Wears her hair in double braids, (to keep it out of her face) pants and a loose shirt. Has always been a wanderer, if only to get away from all the jokes about a girl in pants…

Made her way into Rivendell about half a year ago just to see what it was like, met Jaqkatha, and stayed.

After all, she is the prettiest…

Posted (edited)

Game thread is up - sorry for the delay... I'm having trouble managing several commitments, so I'll ask for your patience in the next few days if I can't post as strictly within the deadlines as I usually do.


Sign up is open until first "kill" (when I'll be sending the roles) - which will happen right before the Council of Elrond. For now, you have roughly 48 hours to enjoy yourselves at Rivendell, at the party given the night before the Council.


The first post of the game thread gives all instructions for the game, since it's easier to locate than posts spread throughout the OOC thread. If you have any questions, please post here or PM me. If necessary, I'll edit any clarifications in the game intro post.



Late edit: Just adding a map... as I've done later for each setting :)


Rivendell, from The Atlas of Tolkien's Middle Earth

Posted Image

Edited by Tanuchan
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Heh...Sorry Sweet but...you ruined my dress!


I figure there must be a half dozen elves who are familiar with Jagkatha's short fuse so any of you other elves feel free to be one of those restraining me.



Sorry, I'll try really hard to post tonight or tomorrow.. haven't read the game thread yet so I hope this isn't moot (no pun intended) but yeah, I forgot about the Entwives thing. Er.. should I just be male? I can't remember specifically, they had all left or something, right? Maybe we'll just switch that around. Okay, I'll play a regular (male) Ent.

  Katzaniel said:

Sorry, I'll try really hard to post tonight or tomorrow.. haven't read the game thread yet so I hope this isn't moot (no pun intended) but yeah, I forgot about the Entwives thing. Er.. should I just be male? I can't remember specifically, they had all left or something, right? Maybe we'll just switch that around. Okay, I'll play a regular (male) Ent.

Katz, feel free to play an Entwife :) I see no problem at all - I think we could even have Treebeard being really surprised to see you in Fangorn (supposing you get there). So, consider that... and just post here again if you really want to play a male Ent.


And post when you can - I may extend this first free RP phase for a bit, since we have lots of players and it's too near the weekend. Anyway, I'll give enough time so that most of you can post at least once during this phase, to start setting the mood and interactions! So far, I love the way it's developing... :)


Nah, I don't want to start anything that would be hard to explain. And I'm perfectly capable of playing a male (or at least I think I am :D).


(Well, as Tam says... at least to the same degree that I'm capable of playing a tree.)


One dreads to think.

I have this horrid feeling that he would make it, for the simple fact that my dress is most likely silk and you do not dump water on silk.


*sits back to see what will happen*


Just to drop a note - I'm extending the free RP phase for at least the next 24 hours, roughly. That's because 1- I'm loving the RP so far; 2- there are players who haven't been able to post yet (and I've received a couple requests for a possible extension); and 3- I've been quite busy and I'm too tired to think of a post tonight :P


So, enjoy the RP! :)

Sign up is still possible, by the way...

  Vahktang said:


Vahk, I suppose you are a hobbit... since the name fits and you talk about the Shire... please, can you confirm it?

Well, yes I am.

And proud of it, too.

Next person that starts the song 'short people' gets in the ankle.





/stands atop a stepstool, microphone in hand


"Short people got no reason to live..."


/sings, while dramatically flourishing his beard


I'm waiting for a couple posters who asked me for a little bit more time, but I should be able to send the roles and go into "game mode" soon.




My changing-phase-post will be dealing with the Council of Elrond. So, if you want to have your character say something specific in my post, please PM it to me. By the end of my post the Fellowship will be formed and you'll be in the transition from Rivendell to the trip South.




Not sure how y'all are going to respond to a hulking tree entering the hall, so I didn't even try. Rootmaker is going in, though. (And short for a tree... not quite so tall as Treebeard was. Maybe just under 3/4 the height. Which is... help me out here... how tall?)


Oh, and


If the wolves choose to use the One Ring, they get a Seeing (target is chosen) but it has 50% chance of not giving any useful information.

Does this mean they can choose to use the ring instead of, or in addition to, the nightly killing?

Does this mean they can choose to use the ring instead of, or in addition to, the nightly killing?

In addition to.

It balances out with the 66% chance of the Ringbearer getting either seeing/baning when villagers have the OR.


Mm... "just" 3/4 of Treebeards' height, heh?.... interesting... small tree... just a sapling, riiiight...



  Katzaniel said:

Oh, and


If the wolves choose to use the One Ring, they get a Seeing (target is chosen) but it has 50% chance of not giving any useful information.

Does this mean they can choose to use the ring instead of, or in addition to, the nightly killing?


Katz is asking questions about the wolves!!!


very suspicous <_<


*laughs* nice way to spread suspicion before the roles have even been assigned! nicely done! LOL


If it would help, I could also ask questions about the Innocents...


Tanny, was Treebeard extra tall then? I can't remember this so well.. in fact I'm regretting choosing an Ent because they'll be way easier to screw up (as I already did in forgetting about the Entwives) but it's too late now.


I don't suppose you can reference me to some (relatively) quick reading on them? Perhaps the book and chapter when we first meet Treebeard?

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