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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Posted (edited)

Updated list of players so far:



Finnius => Filkiormous Magnanimous Berrison, hobbit from the Shire

Mynx => Jagkatha, Elf (female)


Giles => Baelestimah, Elf of Rivendel







With 11 to 13 players, I'll be able to add the Ringbearer and the One Ring. A quick summary of how it will work:

  • The Ringbearer can, each night, choose whether he'll use the One Ring. The possible results if he decides to use it, rolled randomly, are: Seeing, Baning, Wolves discover the RB (1/3 chance for each);
  • If the RB is lynched, there will be a new RB. If the RB is wolfed, the wolves get the OR - but if a wolf is caught, then the OR goes back to villagers;
  • If the wolves get the OR and decide to use it, there's 50% chance of a Seeing;
  • Roles aren't revealed before the end of the game;
  • Game ends as per normal rules; RB/OR is just an extra special role.
Thanks to Azuran, Katz, Panther, and Mynx for discussing the concept of this extra role with me and helping with the ideas to make it (hopefully) work :) Edited by Tanuchan

As promised, here comes a character. :)


Seothen, son of Seoras

Age: 57

Height: 189 cm

Weight: 97 kg

Eyes: blue

Hair: blond, but graying at the edges.


Seothen is a rohirrim rider, who served under Thengel, Théoden's father. He is starting to get old, but would not admit it. He is ready to follow the call of arms, should his king ever call upon him, but since that is never happening, he is reduced to telling stories at night to the youngsters about the times when he was still a great warrior.



OOC: I'll be away from Friday to Monday, so if the game starts during the weekend I'll probably miss the first phase.


I'm in but i'm having trouble choosing a character. my inner non-conformist is having trouble choosing between just 4 basic races (ie human, elf, dwarf, hobbit). will set up charatcer once i have thought of something original and unique, or find an idea i can steal with no one knowing....


i'm in, spread a bit thin to have created character yet but will post ASAP. Tanny knows I'm in for minor surgery tomorrow, but for the rest of you - if i don't get a character up by tomorrow noon it'll go up over the weekend.

Posted (edited)
  MeThinksUFoolish said:

I'm in but i'm having trouble choosing a character. my inner non-conformist is having trouble choosing between just 4 basic races (ie human, elf, dwarf, hobbit). will set up charatcer once i have thought of something original and unique, or find an idea i can steal with no one knowing....

Actually.. you have also Ents... and orcs... I said any of the races that actually appear in the book, living in Middle Earth ;)


Patrick: Game will most probably start on Wednesday - a week from now :)


Updated list of players so far:



Finnius => Filkiormous Magnanimous Berrison, hobbit from the Shire

Mynx => Jagkatha, Elf (female)


Giles => Baelestimah, Elf of Rivendel

Patrick => Seothen, son of Seoras, rohirrim






Edited by Tanuchan

Yay! A pleasure to have you playing, Gyr!! *hug*



Sinsor, welcome to the Pen and to the WW games :). There is no problem at all in posting your character later. If you have any problems/doubts, please feel free to post here or PM me. We hope you enjoy the RP and the game!



Updated list of players so far:



Finnius => Filkiormous Magnanimous Berrison, hobbit from the Shire

Mynx => Jagkatha, Elf (female)


Giles => Baelestimah, Elf of Rivendel

Patrick => Seothen, son of Seoras, rohirrim








Posted (edited)

Hmm...this is so not my theme..but so many good players signing up...




Gah! Why not :P


Character will come later, but he'll be a dwarf most likely...if this is no problem :)


Edit: Character


Stoomp is only 87 years, and in his condition it’s even the question if he will live to a 150. The dwarf is namely born with a few brain cells missing, or well, maybe even more than a few, and smiles a lot (grinning sheepishly mainly), but don’t get him upset. He hates being upset, and when he does get upset he’s quite dangerous as well. With the power of about fifteen oxen’s he’s been know to use small trees as his club when he gets ‘upset’.


However, Stoomp like to be around people and for reasons unknown he is especially fond of Filkiormous Magnanimous Berrison who he calls ‘Kormoose’ (since he can’t pronounce Mr Berrisons’s real name, and neither can I :P). When he sees his Kormoose his tiny blue beeds of eyes light up, and like a baby elephant he thunders off. Oh, did I forget to mention he is small but *loves* eating? Well, he does…this is one dwarf you don’t want to have sitting on top of you.

Edited by Sweetcherrie

Hey, is anyone an Ent yet? I haven't thought of a character yet, but I suppose I ought to post here anyway telling y'all what I told Tanny, ie that I'm in.


Yeager Tickle-Bottom


There is a frontier of the shire, and the Bottom family & the Tickle family have always been on it.

Protectors. Scouts. And Rivals.

It was decided that a united front would be better and a marriage was arranged.

Yeager was the third product of it.

Since he had no big responsibilities, he was neither the heir, nor the spare, he took up with the folk who hunted.

Game is very important (and tasty), and he learned to throw rocks, and sling with an incredible accuracy.

His hunting has taken him far and wide, even away from the shire.

Someday he may become a ranger.

Posted (edited)

Túrin of Dol Amroth, man of Gondor


Sent by his lord, Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth, one of the rulers of the princedoms of Gondor, he departed for Imladris on a quest to find out what the wise would advise to the Prince of Gondor in these troubled times. He went first by sea to Lond Daer, from whence he traveled by horse to the village of Bree. From there he followed the East-West Road until it came to the Last Homely House, Rivendell, and found that a meeting seemed to have already been arranged, though none of those who had come realized it.


Some of the men of Dol Amroth are still true Dúnedain and are only descended from the line of Elros, the mortal brother of Elrond. Túrin is one of these men. True to his lineage, he is grey eyed with dark hair, and is tall. As a knight of his Prince, he is trained in the use of most weapons, though he only carries his sword. His chain armor is silver, covered by a sea-green cloak, and he wears a light leather and metal helm.


As is expected of a knight, he is honest, and will protect the weak if it is in his power to do so.


(EDIT: added info, making sure that it is understood that Túrin is from Gondor with the Dúnedain linage, much like a resident of the U.S. may have German lineage)

Edited by Akallabeth
Posted (edited)
  Katzaniel said:

Hey, is anyone an Ent yet? I haven't thought of a character yet, but I suppose I ought to post here anyway telling y'all what I told Tanny, ie that I'm in.

No Ents yet, Katz - would you like to play one? :)




Updated list of players:



Finnius => Filkiormous Magnanimous Berrison, hobbit from the Shire

Mynx => Jagkatha, Elf (female)

Akallabeth => Turin of Dol Amroth

Giles => Baelestimah, Elf of Rivendel

Patrick => Seothen, son of Seoras, rohirrim



Vahktang => Yeager Tickle-Bottom, hunter, hobbit from the Shire




Sinsor => Irvin Bartholomew Muskfoot, Hobbit of The Shire (to be posted)

Sweetcherrie => Stoomp, dwarf

Katzaniel => Rootmaker, ent



*grins at the wonderful number of players*

This will be *fun* to play (and to mod!) - and signup is still open :)


Just as reference... 17 players will guarantee a 3rd wolf, 21 a second Seer.



Edit: character's info

Edited by Tanuchan
Posted (edited)

Yes, yes I think I will.


"The name's Rootmaker, ma'am, at your service. We'll carry this ring of yours, we will, for we recognize that the whole of the world is at danger here."


Rootmaker resembles a short, bulky sort of tree. She was actually sent out only as a messenger to inform the elves that an entmoot was underway and that something bad seemed to be happening. When she arrived here she discovered that the danger was worse than the ents knew, and so she decided she'd be more useful by staying and offering aid. It's the most hasty thing she's ever done, but then again, as she'll often lament, the world is changing. An elf was sent to inform the entmoot of the new information, but Rootmaker knew that if she went herself, she'd be dragged into the discussion and no one would be sent in time.


Note that this is now changed in that Rootmaker is now male, in accordance with there not really being any Entwives anymore...

Edited by Katzaniel
Just as reference... 17 players will guarantee a 3rd wolf, 21 a second Seer.

you've had games with a second seer?


Posted (edited)


Irvin Bartholomew Muskfoot - Hobbit of The Shire


Hobbit of average height, around 40 years old

Inventor and salesman

Come to Rivendell by cart to promote(and sell) his latest product 'The Portable Writing Kit'

Spends most of his time working on his notes for future inventions


He plans to give a presentation of his latest product at a banquet later on(probably in the RP thread).

Edited by Sinsor
Posted (edited)
  Vahktang said:

Just as reference... 17 players will guarantee a 3rd wolf, 21 a second Seer.

you've had games with a second seer?



Yup... do you remember at Kenzer, the one Gnarlitch modded with the stuffed animals? With Mossfoot playing? We had 21 players in there - 3 wolves, a baner and two Seers :).

Edited by Tanuchan

Alright, no putting it off any further, my character will be


Raus Thanatos

-human, brown hair with blues eyes (like me)

-skilled with a knife, but only when applied to wood, a carpenter (like me)

-never killed anyone, never hit anyone...except maybe once (like me)

-tall, athletic, and in search of his wife (not like me)


his search for his wife, back-story to come later when I’ve thought of it, have led him to Rivendale for he has heard rumors of elves who could view the world and those who lived in it


unfortunately he went to the wrong elves, so he's on with the expedition, at least until he finds those he seeks, be they elves or someone else who can help...


Hey Tanny I'm posting here on behalf of Phoenix.

She is psyched about the game and wants to play but has no internet at the moment so won't be able to post a character until Monday.

Consider this a placeholder for her?

  Mynx said:

Hey Tanny I'm posting here on behalf of Phoenix.

She is psyched about the game and wants to play but has no internet at the moment so won't be able to post a character until Monday.

Consider this a placeholder for her?


Sure :)



Updated list of players:



Finnius => Filkiormous Magnanimous Berrison, hobbit from the Shire

Mynx => Jagkatha, Elf (female)

Akallabeth => Turin of Dol Amroth

Giles => Baelestimah, Elf of Rivendel

Patrick => Seothen, son of Seoras, rohirrim



Vahktang => Yeager Tickle-Bottom, hunter, hobbit from the Shire

MTUFoolish => Raus Tanathos, human



Sinsor => Irvin Bartholomew Muskfoot, Hobbit of The Shire (to be posted)

Sweetcherrie => Stoomp, dwarf

Katzaniel => Rootmaker, ent


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